
Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 08.03.2021

Hope you are all happy and well. 😊 We are in the middle of Fair Trade Fortnight, this is Science Week and Sunday is Mother’s Day. Phew! What a busy week! Find below a few activities you might choose to do, associated with this.

 Fair Trade Fortnight

When we buy goods with the Fair Trade logo on it we know that the producer has been paid a fair amount of money to produce it. This means they can afford to pay their bills, buy enough food, clothes and any needed medicines for their families and ensure they can educate their children. Look in your kitchen cupboards and see what Fair Trade items you can find. You might find the logo on sugar, chocolate, cocoa, tea, coffee, ice cream and bananas. How many can you find? You’ve maybe had Fair Trade roses in your house.

Listen to the Fair Trade Mark Song.

Fair Trade Mark Song

  Bananas are well known Fair Trade Goods. They are easy to chop as they are soft. How many pieces are you able to chop one banana in to?

  You could maybe have a wee competition with your family.

In the game below you can make a peanut butter, banana and honey sandwich. You can find Fair Trade varieties of peanut butter (provided it is safe for you to eat it) and honey too.

Cookie Monsters Foodie Truck

 Banana Loaf

3 very ripe bananas

3 large free range eggs

100g soft light brown sugar

150ml sunflower or vegetable oil

275g white self raising flour

1 tsp ground mixed spice

1 tsp baking powder

  1. Preheat oven to 180 deg C/160 deg C Fan/Gas no 4 and grease and line a 900g/2lb loaf tin

  2. Peel the bananas and mash. Tip into a large mixing bowl and add the eggs, sugar and oil. Whisk to combine.

  3. Add the flour, spice and baking powder and whisk together until thoroughly combined. Pour into prepared tin. Bake for 40 minutes, or until cake is well risen and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.

  4. Cool in the tin for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack. Serve warm or cold in slices. Spread with butter if you like.

This Sunday is Mother’s Day but really it is a day to thank all those who help and look after us at home, not just mum’s. Help your mum, dad or carer around the house. Try doing the recycling, dusting, tidying up, hoovering, setting the table or washing the dishes. These are just a few ideas. You do not have to do them all! Just do your best to be a good helper.

 Amazing Bananas         

You will need:- bananas, lolly sticks, plastic knife, silicone paper and oven tray.

1.  Peel and cut bananas in half.

  1. Stick a lolly stick in to flat end of banana.

  2. Place the bananas on the tray with silicone paper and put into the freezer.

  3. Wait a few hours for the bananas to freeze.

  4. Take bananas out of freezer.

How did freezing effect the banana’s taste, texture and colour?

   If you want you can dip the lollies in chocolate or liquidise the frozen bananas to make healthy banana ‘ice cream’. Yum!

I hope you enjoy trying some of these activities.

Have Fun! Stay Safe!


Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 01.03.21

Hi there. Hope all is well with you. 😊 This week sees World Book Day fall on Thursday 4th March. Find below some activities to do if you wish.

‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’

Listen to the story, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. Try and do the actions and noises.

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’

Book Scavenger Hunt

For this task you will need a lot of books! Count how many books you can find in your house that have the following items in them. Will you be able to find them all?

   A castle

A frog

  A witch

   A bus

    A teddy bear

    A dog

    A pirate

  A train

   A king

      An elephant

   A farm

     A bike

     A tiger

A balloon

    A hug

Indoor Picnic

Plan a picnic to have indoors as it will probably be too cold to have outside. You could lay a rug on the floor. Make your favourite sandwiches , some fairy cakes or simply enjoy your favourite crisps, fruit and juice. Why not send some photographs of your picnic.


Build a Den

Use rugs, old sheets, cushions off the couch, dining room table and chairs or clothes horse to build a den. These are only suggestions. Read a book inside your den. It’s fun when using a torch to read.

I hope you enjoy trying some of these activities.

Have Fun! Stay Safe! 😎




Home learning tasks- week 7

Good morning Comets and happy Monday! 

We are officially in Spring and it has been super to see a little sunshine over the weekend

What better way to start the 1st day of a new month by practising our signs for the months of the year! 

This week we will be Effective Contributors as we work on our tasks for World Book Day.  For our home learning this week we will be looking at different books and of course a new Giglets story. You can find the home learning tasks HERE.

I have included a delicious recipe for a Gruffalo cake (we are HUGE fans of the Gruffalo in class.) 

It has been so lovely to see you all on our VScene calls and I look forward to it again this week. 

Take care and stay safe.

We are missing you all! 

Miss Robertson and the Comet ladies x 


Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 22.02.21

Hi everyone. Hope all is well with you and your families. Find below some activities to do should you wish. Some of them are LGBTQ related. 🌈

Read the story ‘I am Jazz’ if you choose to. It is the story of a boy who would rather be a girl and do what are thought of as girls things.

I am Jazz

We are all very different. Draw or list some of the things that you like. Compare them with the likes of another member of your family. Are they the same…….or different?

You might have a favourite animal, school subject, TV programme, colour, sport, food, game or type of weather. These are just a few ideas.

 Play the game Shape Monsters.

Shape Monsters

Try and find things around your house with the shape of a….





How many can you find of each shape?

Paint can feel cold and slippery on your hands but is fun to touch with your hands to create pictures. Paint the colours of the rainbow on your hands to make LGBTQ rainbow  handprints. Make a handprint of everyone in your family if you can.


Friday is Purple Friday. Why not make a purple octopus picture or ice some biscuits with purple icing.

Make your own musical shaker using an empty plastic bottle, coleslaw tub or two yogurt pots stuck together. Fill your shaker with lentils, dried peas, broth mix, pasta, rice or small stones then shake. Do they sound like the maracas at school?

Here is a music game to play.

Monster Music

I hope you enjoy trying some of these activities.

Have Fun! Stay Safe! 😎


Home learning tasks-week 6

Good morning Comets and families,

How are we all? We are missing you in school and can’t wait till we can be together again.

Last week during our VScene calls we practised signing the colours of the rainbow. February is LGTB month and this Friday is ‘Purple Friday’.  We have been working hard on activities in class.  At home you can try and make this beautiful rainbow.

The resources you need for this art activity are-

  • Some cotton balls
  • Piece of paper
  • Different coloured paint (colours from the rainbow)

Using the cotton balls make different coloured arches. Remember you will need a new cotton ball for each colour. After each colour you can practise the signs.

Other home learning tasks for the week can be found HERE.

We do not have a Giglets book assigned for this week. However, if you would like one added to your account you can email me. I can add something I think you would enjoy. This week I will be doing our weekly check-ins on Wednesday. I am looking forward to speaking to you all.

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Robertson x


Pine Room Fairy Tales 🏰👸🤴

Well Hello Pinettes  – How are you all?

We are all starting a new theme this week at school ‘FairyTales’. And in the Pine Room we have chosen ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ – so over the next couple of weeks it would be good if you could all watch this  – please let us know if you cannot get access to this film.

So many of our activities will be based around this theme – the Pine Ladies are really looking forward to this!!!

Literacy 📚

You may have a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs book at home, it is a lovely read, or you can watch it on line, here are a few different versions.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (2)

We have also added the book to the giglets library if you would like to read it there.

Singing, Signing and Dancing  🎶🤝

Below are some happy links – listen to Snow White singing her beautiful song.

Some day my Prince will come 

Image result for Snow White - Someday My Prince Will Come - Cover by Evynne Hollens

Let’s practise our signing with the singing hands.

There was a Princess long ago👸

Image result for singing hands there was a princess long ago

Sing-a-long with Pinkfong while counting those cheeky dwarfs!!!

Snow White Princess Song

Image result for snow white Pink pong


Well there are 7 Dwarfs which we will learn all about this term, and at the end you can pick your favourite. But in numeracy we are going to start with the number 1 and work our way up – now lets find things in our homes that we have only one of? What did you find?

Counting with Rodd Number 1

The Number 1

 Arts and Crafts 🎨

Lets make a mirror – The Pinterested Parent has a lovely idea, but you can come up with your own, send us a photo of you looking into your mirror – just like the Queen!!

Science and the Outdoors 🧪🍁

Outdoor Bingo

Using an empty egg box – we love recycling things in the Pine Room – glue a list of things  you might find out on your walk on the flat side, examples below. And then when you find them pop them in the compartments where the eggs would have been. Make one for everyone on the walk and when you find everything BINGO!!!

Smooth Stone Feather Acorn Small Stick Clover Berry
Smooth Leaf Rough Stone Daisy Pine

Rough Leaf Buttercup

Friday the 26th is Purple Day this date marks the final date of LGBT+ History Month, usually this is a day we celebrate together in school. So we thought you could all listen to this story – we liked this one in class!!

The World needs more Purple People

Image result for the world needs more purple people

Well Pinettes have a lovely week – enjoy the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Story.

Take Care

The Pine Ladies




Pine Lockdown Week 6 – The World made a Rainbow 🌈

Well Hello Pinettes! How are you all?

Well again –  what about this weather???

This is LGBT+ Awareness Month and if you have driven or walked past the  school you will have seen the LGBT+ Flag proudly displayed.

Image result for lgbt flag

So this week’s blog is all about our differences and our similiarites

Literacy, Nature, Art and Craft. 


Below is a suggestion for a couple of books, some we have read before,  but they all have a silimar theme that we are all different in some ways, the same in others but we are all unique.

The Flamingo that didn’t want to be Pink🦩

What about making yourself a Flamingo – the only rule is  it cannot just be PINK!! Maryland Zoo has a Caribbean Flamingo called ‘Bumper’ you can learn all about him, find out what he eats and how tall he is, and even watch him and his friends on the live web cam. Maryland Zoo 

Next the Rainbow Fish, in this link it is read by Ernest Borgnine (he has been in a lot of Movies!) The Rainbow Fish

What about making a colourful sparkly fish, I will send you all some instructions. What about going onto the internet and seeing if you can find any real rainbow fish.

Last year in class we read Tango makes 3 we really enjoyed this story, so thought you would like to hear it again. This is a lovely story all about two boy penguins called Roy and Silo, then baby Tango comes along. You can look up loads of information on penguins.

All about Penguins 🐧

Image result for tango makes 3

One last story The World made a Rainbow 🌈  

In the first Lockdown we all made Rainbows for our windows, think about making another one like the little girl in this story. What about a sensory Rainbow with different materials for each colour? ArtBar has some really great ideas!

Singing and Signing


Lets practice signing all the different colours

Singing Hands Colour

Colours of the Rainbow 🌈 

Rainbow Colour Song 🌈

Numeracy 🔢

What about a colour hunt?

  • How many Red things can you find in the kitchen?
  • How many Yellow things can you find in the fridge?
  • How many Pink things can you find in the bathroom?
  • How many Green things can you find in the garden?
  • How many Purple things can you find in the living room?
  • How many Orange things can you find on your walk?
  • How many Blue things can you find in your cupboard?

Which colour did you find the least of and which the most?

Now don’t forget it is Valentines Day on Sunday, so what about making a card for someone special – cards are always nicer when they are hand made.

Image result for valentine

And Friday is Chinese New Year – Year of Ox!  Red Ted Art 🐂 has loads of crafty ideas for you to try, you could make a dragon or an Ox.

BBC Facts about Chinese New Year

Remember to check out the sensory sessions below if you haven’t already done so.

Five Sensory Sessions

Well have a lovely week Pinettes!!

Image result for rainbow

Love the Pine Ladies




Stars Home Learning Challenge W/C 08.02.21

Hope all is well with you and your families. 😀  Find below some activities to do so if you wish. Friday 12th February is the Chinese New Year. 2021 will be the year of the ox. The ‘Chinese Zodiac Story’, sometimes called ‘The Great Race’, tells the story of how the Chinese calendar follows a 12 year cycle, each year named after a different animal.

The Chinese Zodiac Story

Below are two video’s showing preparing for and celebrating Chinese New Year.

Preparing for Chinese New Year

Celebrating Chinese New Year

Dragon Dance

One of the colourful activities to watch is the dragon dance.

Dragon Dance

Create Your Own Dragon

Make your own handprint Chinese New Year dragon. You will need:- paper, pen, glue stick, sellotape, two sticks and scissors.

Dragon Craft

Seeing Red

Red is a lucky colour in China. How many red things can you find in your living room.? How many can you find in your kitchen?

Chinese Dragon Game

Find below a Chinese Dragon Game for you to try.

Chinese Dragon Game

Noodle Handling.

Handle a tray of cooked noodles with your fingers. Try to lift noodles using chopsticks. If this is too difficult, use kitchen tongs. Try cutting noodles with scissors.

Paper Lanterns

Make paper lanterns to hang in your house. You can decorate them any way you like. Maybe use stickers or glitter.

Chinese Lantern Craft

I hope you have good fun doing some of these activities.

Have Fun! Stay Safe! 😀


Home learning – week beg 8th Feb

Hi everyone, I hope you are all well. This month is LGBT month, and we would have been reading a book all about different families.  This book is called “The Family Book” by Todd Parr. Click the link to hear the story being read on YouTube.

The Family Book


Rainbow hop

Let’s continue the rainbow theme. Make giant letters in different colours and place them on the floor. You could start with (s a t p i n), someone at home can help, then they can shout out a letter and you have to run and jump onto the correct letter. You could even do it with the letters of your name and then find each letter in the correct order to spell your name.


Shapes are all around us and we had been exploring different shapes in the classroom. Look around the house and see what shapes you can find. You can also play this Shape game .In the game you need to feed the monsters the correct shapes.

Health and Wellbeing

Make a pizza

Make your own pizza at home. Try using a wrap, pitta bread or pizza base. Spread the sauce over the base, then add your toppings – there are lots of things you could add to your pizza. Why not have a go and create an LGBT rainbow pizza. Is your pizza round or square? Did you enjoy your pizza?

Chinese New Year

This week is also Chinese New Year. You could try different Chinese foods at home such as noodles, prawn crackers and prawn toast. Email me and let me know what you liked.

This year is the year of the Ox.  I was born in the year of the Goat. Use this website to find out which animal you are and more information about Chinese New Year.

You could make a colourful lantern by folding a piece of paper in half making some slits not quite to the end of the paper, decorate then twist into a cylinder shape and secure with glue or staples and add a strip of paper to the top to create a handle. You could place a battery-operated tea light in the bottom and see the light shine through.


Sungazers Home Learning Week 5

Hello, hope everyone is doing well! We are all really missing you and hope that it is not long now until we are all back together again.  Here are some activities for you to try at home and enjoy.


Numeracy – Number Pairs

You Will Need: A4 paper, scissors and a pen

  1. Fold a piece of A4 paper or card three times to give you eight equal rectangles.
  2. Cut out the rectangles.
  3. Write pairs of numbers on the rectangles. Can choose higher numbers if you wish.
  4.  Mix the rectangles up and turn them over to face down, so you can’t see the numbers.
  5. Take turns to turn over two of the rectangles. If you get two that match, you get to keep them.
  6. Play until all the numbers are gone.
  7. (Make more rectangles to add to the game for a challenge for next time if suitable).

Literacy – Chinese New Year Story

On Friday, it will Chinese New Year.  Click on the link to hear the story all about it.   We have previously read the story of The Great Race in class.  Each year a different animal is celebrated.  Can you find the year you were born?  What animal is associated with your birth year? This year it is the year of the Ox.

See the source image

Health and Wellbeing – Dressing Games

Image result for clothes clipart

  1. Lay out three items of clothing for two people, eg socks, trousers and sweatshirt.
  2. Ask child to stand in front of items of clothing.
  3. Who can dress the quickest?
  4. On your marks, get set, race!

Expressive Arts – Chinese New Year 2021 Song for Kids 

Image result for chinese new year clipart

Have a listen to this song about the Chinese New Year.  Enjoy!


Expressive Arts – Chinese Cupcake Cases Dragon

Click on this link to see how to make a Chinese Dragon out of paper cases.

We would love to see photos of all your activities! Have fun!

Team Sungazers 🙂

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