Category Archives: Whole School

School Badge


Today at assembly the four finalists of our school badge competition were announced. Badge designs were shared with staff and children. Pupils have now been asked to vote on their preferred design that will become our new school badge as we move to our new learning campus. Thank you to all pupils who took time to design badges for the competition and well done to our four finalists.

Lainey Ireland Primary 7

Tamzin Jolly Primary 7

Jessica Bowden Primary 5

Nolan Thompson Primary 4

The winning design will be announced in due course.

Eco Schools Fifth Green Flag!

Dalbeattie Primary is delighted to have been awarded its fifth green flag as part of the two year Eco Schools Scotland renewal scheme. The school eco group has been working closely with teacher Mrs Dyson, over the last two years , on topics such as litter, energy and school grounds. The school received a letter congratulating the pupils on their outstanding work; work on calculating the school’s carbon footprint and links with local community groups and organisations, such as Galloway Fisheries and Fairtrade, were specifically highlighted.  The school is looking forward to continuing its eco work as it moves to  a new school site In October 2017 when we will finally have  a flag pole to display our fifth flag! We will also be able to compare the carbon foot print of the new building with the old one and investigate ways to encourage wildlife habitats as well as growing more of our own produce in new raised beds! Our photo shows current Schools Eco Committee together with the two committees of the previous two years  who worked so hard towards the fifth flag.


Digital Images

Dumfries and Galloway Council have updated their Digital Image Policy in 2016.They have also updated the Consent for Digital Photography form. This needs to be signed for each pupil. A copy of the policy and a consent form have been sent home today with each child.  Please sign and return to school as this form replaces any previous versions.

Thank you for your assistance.

Eco Success

We are delighted to share the news with you that Dalbeattie Primary School has successfully renewed its Eco-Schools Green Flag Award status. We were notified of this during the Christmas holidays. Please see below the letter received from Eco Schools. Thank you to all those who have been involved in supporting the school in achieving this success.


Christmas 2016 Hall Decorations

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Well that was our last Christmas in this school…. We thought you might like to see our hall decorations (photographed kindly by Mrs Blackwood.) They were fantastic this year and we are very grateful to the staff and pupils who put so much effort into making our hall look so special for its last Christmas as a Primary School. We haven’t decided yet about what we will do with all the beautiful nativity pictures so watch this space….

Christmas Service

Dalbeattie Primary School attended Church today for their end of term Christmas Service. The theme of the service was crackers. Each cracker contained an item that symbolised an aspect of the Christmas Story. Throughout the service there were readings and poems shared by P7 pupils. All children were a credit to themselves and the school. The church was filled with their wonderful singing. Thank you to Dalbeattie and Kirgunzeon Parish Church following allowing us to hold our service in church today and thank you to parents, family and friends who were able to join us for the service.


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Book Fair Competition Winners

We recently held a Scholastics Book Fair as part of our Christmas Fayre. As well as organising, coordinating and running the book fair, Mrs Aitchison from our school office ran a colouring and book cover designing competition for any pupils who wanted to enter. The winning pictures were selected and each winner was awarded a £5 book voucher to spend on a product from the fair. Well done to all the winners featured below. Thank you to Mrs Aitchison for organising the book fair and competition.

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