Category Archives: Curriculum

Gaelic Learners Education Opportunities for (GLPS)

A & B logoThere are spaces available on this year’s GLPS course.

The training programme is held at Stirling Court Hotel and is centrally funded.
Those who have undertaken the GLPS training in the past are full of praise for the tools and confidence it has given them to deliver Gaelic Language Learning in their settings. The closing date for the participants to put their name forward via their Headteacher is Friday 9th September 2016

Curriculum Design Days resources: Day 3, 4 and 5

See below to download materials from the recent Curriculum Design Days held during 2014/15.

Day 3 resources:

A Paterson pres Design Day 3
D McAllister pres Design Day 3
QI 5.1 illustration

Day 4 resources:

D McAllister pres Design Day 4
G Dickie Assessment_Moderation
Education Scotland website materials

Day 5 resources:

D McAllister pres Day 5
Port Ellen IDL presentation
Alison Drever documents:
Alison Drever change and impact presentation
Primary Resource Round-up and e-bulletin info and links
Inspection advice note grids and card sort activities:
5 9 primary and ey only overview grid updated 07.04.15
5.1 primary and ey only overview grid updated 07.04.15
2015 CARDS National expectations for 5.1 card sort activity UPDATED
2015 CARDS National expectations for 5.9 primary only
Primary toolkit question grids pdfs:
Curriculum Rationale questions grid
Interdisiplinary Learning questions grid
Monitoring and Tracking questions grid
Personalisation and Choice questions grid
Progression questions grid
Self-evaluation questions grid
Toolkt all questions grid
Small and large cards of toolkit questions:
IDL questions large
Monitoring and tracking questions large
personalisation and choice questions large
Progression questions large
Self evaluation questions large
IDL question cards
Monitoring and tracking question cards
Personalisation and choice question cards
Progression question cards
Self evaluation question cards
Wider Achievement Accreditation certificates:
Award All – Back
Award All – Front
Wider Achievement Accreditation for each year group:
Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P1 June 2014 – Copy
Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P2 June 2014 – Copy – Copy
Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P3 June 2014 – Copy – Copy
Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P4 June 2014 – Copy – Copy
Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P5 June 2014 – Copy – Copy
Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P6 June 2014 – Copy – Copy
Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P7 June 2014
Wider Achievement Accreditation general:
Kindness and Caring Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P7 June 2014
Leadership and Learning Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P7 June 2014
LfS Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P7 June 2014 – Copy
St Michael’s primary – Tracking Pupils Wider Achievement
Staying Healthy, Staying Safe Wider Achievement Accreditation Scheme P7 June 2014

Curriculum Design Days resources: Day 1 and 2

See below to download materials from the recent Curriculum Design Days held during 2013/14

Day One resources:

Agenda Day 1

Day 1 letter

Curriculum presentation power point

Curriculum provision taxonomy summary

Curriculum provision taxonomy detail

Curriculum Jigsaw template

Curriculum Evaluation example

Curriculum Evaluation A

Curriculum Evaluation B

Day Two resources:

Agenda Day 2

Day 2 letter

A curriculum plan or statement

Design Principals:

Design Principles Resource

The Four Capacities:

Four Capacities Audit

The Four Contexts:

Four Contexts Resource (updated)

Working docs:

Audit – Curriculum areas and subjects

Audit – Ethos and life of the school 1

Audit – Ethos and life of the school 2

Audit – Interdisciplinary learning

Audit – Opportunities for personal achievement 1

Audit – Opportunities for Personal Achievement 2

NEW!! Opportunities for Personal Achievement 3

Vision, Values and Aims:

VVA presentation

Schools’ plans:


Curriculum Statement: Kilcreggan Primary

Curriculum map Kilcreggan

Kilmartin map

Rhunahaorine map


UHI and Local Authority Partnership to facilitate Masters-level learning

UHI, together with Highland Council, Shetland Islands Council, Orkney Islands Council, Comhairle nan Eilean, Moray Council and Argyll and Bute Council was successful in applying for funds to facilitate Masters-level learning for teachers.
The programme will commence on Monday 8 September. Included below are the selection criterion. Please note that as this is Master-level learning applicants should hold an Honours Degree. Our aim is to complete the selection process before the start of the summer break so that successful individuals have sufficient time to do a bit of background reading over the holiday period.
Further information on the programme can be found HERE
If you would like to be considered for this opportunity please submit an application outlining the planned focus for your work and how it will support Argyll and Bute Education Priorities and the priorities of the establishment in which you teach. You must also include confirmation from your Headteacher that they support your submission and that it will be a priority in your school improvement plan.
This information should be submitted to no later than 3pm on Friday 6 June.
selection criteria:-
1. Two applications from a school will be favourably considered where the two applicants plan to cooperate with each other and to use relevant techniques such as a) peer mentoring and b) peer observation of each other’s classrooms;
2. Applications will only be considered by UHI if the applicant has been endorsed and supported by, relevant local authority personnel;
3. Applicants must demonstrate awareness of local authority educational priorities and development plan objectives;
4. Applicants must be endorsed by their head teacher;
5. Applicants must demonstrate that the planned focus of work is embedded within current school development priorities;
6. Applicants must be fully registered teachers;
7. Applicants must be class contact teachers;
8. Applicants will be expected to contribute to INSET at school and authority level in relation to areas of research;
9. Applicants will be required to participate in probationer training.

Tigtag – the award-winning online science resource for primary schools

Education Scotland is delighted to announce that schools can access Tigtag – the award-winning online science resource for primary schools – free of charge through Glow. We have agreed a 12 month national education licence with Twig World which allows Scottish schools to have unlimited access to this great resource. There is no need to ask for a free trial or subscribe to the site if you are already a glow user.

To access Tigtag
Option 1
Click on You will see a box labelled Glow User.
Put in your glow user name and password and start using this fabulous resource.

Option 2
Enter a search for Tigtag and click on
Click on the Tigtag image in the top right hand corner and you will be taken to the Tigtag home page.
Click on Log in with Glow and input your user name and password to start using the resource.

You can use Tigtag straight away to enhance and support your science learning and teaching.
For further details visit:

Moving Forward with Global Citizenship: 2 part funded CLPL for all teachers

The Global Learning Programme Scotland is a national project funded by UK government which supports schools to embed Global Citizenship into their learning and teaching across the curriculum. ‘Moving forward with Global Citizenship’ is a full day training opportunity for teachers at all levels. It will bring together all the strands of Global Citizenship including Rights as a core part of Learning for Sustainability. It offers a professional reflection element which will support teachers’ GTCS professional update.
Part 1 of the course is over a full day on May 27 2014. Following this there is an expectation that staff attending will take forward some ideas generated at the training. There will be a recall day in October 2014 for staff to share their experiences and develop their learning further.
Click ‘Moving forward with Global Citizenship ‘ funded course ArgylelButePLfor full details

CPD for Teachers of SQA Media

CPD sessions for Teaching National 3/4/5 Media

Sat 10 May 2014, 1000-1600 (1030 start)
Premier Inn Edinburgh City Haymarket, 1 Morrison Link, Haymarket, Edinburgh EH3 8DN
Fee: £50 (including digital resources, lunch and refreshments – please indicate any dietary requirements)
Target Audience: Prospective and current teachers/lecturers of SQA National Media
Aims: The course will
1. Outline the theoretical and pedagogical background to teaching the media at National level
2. Relate teaching and learning to internal assessment requirements of National 3, 4 and 5 Media
3. Relate teaching and learning to external assessment requirements of National 5 Media.
Teaching Higher Media (introduction) Continue reading CPD for Teachers of SQA Media

Moving Forward with Global Citizenship: 2 part funded CLPL for all teachers

The Global Learning Programme Scotland is a national project funded by UK government which supports schools to embed Global Citizenship into their learning and teaching across the curriculum. ‘Moving forward with Global Citizenship’ is a full day training opportunity for teachers at all levels. It will bring together all the strands of Global Citizenship including Rights as a core part of Learning for Sustainability. It offers a professional reflection element which will support teachers’ GTCS professional update.
Part 1 of the course is over a full day in May 2014. Following this there is an expectation that staff attending will take forward some ideas generated at the training. There will be a recall day in October 2014 for staff to share their experiences and develop their learning further. Continue reading Moving Forward with Global Citizenship: 2 part funded CLPL for all teachers