All posts by Sheena Stewart

Professional Development

Early Years CPD Catalogue 2018/2019 (CPD course catalogue for early years training 2018/2019)

Scottish Social Services Council

National Occupational Standards Navigator (list of core units and optional units for SVQs 2,3 and 4  Social Services Children and Young People (SSCYP) plus case studies)

Integrated Children’s Services Training


Early Years Service CPD Record

Scottish ELCC Workforce Review 2015

Working in Childcare Recruitment Poster

Stages of Early Arithmetical Leaning training (SEAL)


Building the Ambition

Building the Ambition (National Practice Guidance)

BTA Young Child Experiences BTA Young Child Environment BTA Young Child Staff

BTA Toddlers Environment BTA Toddlers Experiences BTA Toddlers Staff

BTA Environment Babies BTA Experiences Babies BTA Staff Babies

Building the Ambition Support Materials – training materials linked to sections 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 of Building the Ambition Section 2 What do we know from policy and research? GIRFEC Section 3 What makes the difference for children and families? The image of the child Section 6 Early Learning and Childcare: what do children need? The question of developmental stages:

Building the Ambition Presentation September 2014

Developmental stages

Quality Matters

Image of the Child Sharing

Family Learning and Engagement

Education Scotland – Engaging Parents and Families – A toolkit for Practitioners

Parents as Partners in their Children’s Learning Toolkit

Parent and Family Support Strategy 2017 2020

Family Engagement – Hamish Fraser EYC

Healthy Starts for Families – Jan Chapple

Healthy Starts for Families – Tracy Thornton

Psychology of Parenting Project – Kirsten Coull

Engaging Families – Nancy Magrath

A&B Family Pathway – Kintyre

FP Champions Attachment – Tina Hendry

EYC Conference Programme

Family Learning Guidance

Numeracy across Learning

Creating a numeracy rich environment

A child’s numeracy experience is enriched by the people and the physical environment around him/her.  A numeracy rich environment emphasises the importance of using materials and interactions which facilitiate numeracy and mathematical opportunities.  This Toolkit has been develooped for use within the Early Years however has many different ideas for staff to engage with throughout their establishment:

EY Maths Numeracy Outdoors SS

Numeracy across Learning

Please use this link to download the Argyll and Bute Council guidance on Numeracy Across Learning for the secondary schools.  It works accross all of the Experiences and Outcomes, exemplifying Level 2, 3 and 4 examples for Numeracy in different subject areas:

GUIDANCE on Numeracy Across Learning vs 3

Have a look at these posters for Numeracy across Learning – a bright, colourful and very useful resource:


This resource supports staff to develop knowledge and understanding about progression and standards in numeracy across the curriculum in the early years.  It helps to ensure that numeracy is at an appropriate level for learners, promotes challenge and cross curricular links and illustrates how staff can make connections in their planning through exploring clear and relevant links across the curriculum.  In particular this may be a model for further developments in learning and teaching across interdisciplinary areas of the curriculum such as STEM.

This link will take you to an exemplar for a Numeracy audit that can be used across departments when you begin to plan as a school for Numeracy across Learning.  Please feel free to download and change to suit your own setting.  This audit has been set up for use at Third Level:

 Numeracy across learning audit for third level

In addition, we have created an example of a Third Level tracker example for teachers to use, as well as an example of a pupil log which again can be changed to suit your own purposes.  There is also an example of a holistic assesment from the Geography Department at Oban High School, which includes numeracy outcomes.

Tracking document for Numeracy across Learning    S1 pupil log book exemplar    S1 mapping holistic task

Below are links to a variety of websites that can support staff when planning for Numeracy across Learning:

Argyll and Bute School Staff Receive a Professional Development Award

PDA Whole Group + Admin + RR - FinalOn the 21st June 2016, 22 Classroom and Additional Support Needs Assistants received certificates for the SQA Professional Development Award (PDA) in Education Support Assistance in a ceremony held in the Loch Fyne Hotel, Inveraray.

Roslyn Redpath, Principal Educational Psychologist, presented the certificates on behalf of Argyll and Bute Council and congratulated the candidates on their hard work and commitment.
Continue reading Argyll and Bute School Staff Receive a Professional Development Award

Outdoor learning training opportunities 2015-16

Dear colleagues

At Grounds for Learning we offer many in-service outdoor learning courses for teachers, all developed by Scottish teachers and Universities, and proven to have positive impact on learners. Our feedback is overwhelmingly positive, with more than a few teachers suggesting it is the ‘best course in (12) years of teaching’ and more.

I am accredited by GTCS, and teachers completing the long term courses will be recommended for Professional Recognition. These courses all support CfE, Learning for Sustainability and GTCS professional standards, which require every teacher to be leading outdoor learning on a regular and progressive basis. Continue reading Outdoor learning training opportunities 2015-16

‘Raising the Bar In Core Physical Education in Argyll and Bute’

Early Years and Primary Practitioners….. you are invited to ‘Raising the Bar In Core Physical Education in Argyll and Bute’ on Saturday 21st September in Inveraray Primary School, 9.30am for 10.00am till 3.30pm.
The day will include finding out about the ‘Significant Aspects of Core PE’ and practical workshops in Better Movers, Better Thinkers (BMT), Athletics, ‘ Let’s Move’, Athletics, PE in the Outdoors, ICT in PE. Continue reading ‘Raising the Bar In Core Physical Education in Argyll and Bute’

Children make a splash with outdoor play investment.

Aileen McLean, Senior Education Manager for Early Stages, Edinburgh, talks about the importance of outdoor play and how a number of nurseries and early years centres are benefiting from an investment in outdoor water features. When they launched their Early Years Strategy two years ago, she was delighted that they stated a commitment to play as one of our four aims. Since then, young children have benefited from fantastic opportunities to learn outdoors. Read more HERE