Primary 1’s Home Learning

Hi Primary 1!

We hope you have had another fantastic day of home learning today and you are managing to complete some of the activities we have provided on our weekly grids. We would like to say a huge big well done to all of the boys and girls in Primary 1. We know how hard you have all been working and we love to see all of your excellent learning at home on the Learning Journals. We wanted to share some of the fantastic posts we’ve had this week so far:





Well done everyone! We can’t wait to see more examples of your work to celebrate next week.

Thanks for your continued support,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 – Home Learning 04.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

Did you know it was children’s gardening week last week? We would like to challenge you to look at some of the fun gardening activities on the National Children’s Gardening Week website. To get involved, just look at the ‘Things to Do section of their website:

Today we would like you to create your own pebble garden marker or insect. All you will need is a smooth garden pebble and some paint.


  1. Wash your rocks with water and let them dry. Think about what bugs/garden marker you would like to paint e.g.  ladybird, bee, vegetable etc
  2. When the rocks are dry, start painting your bugs.
  3. Let the paint dry and then paint a layer of gloss varnish on top
  4. Give your pebble to a friend (you can leave this at their door for them to put in their garden!)

For more information about this activity and downloadable sheets you can follow the links below:

Thank you for your continued support,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 3.6.20

Good morning Primary 1! Happy Wednesday.

We hope that you are all keeping safe and well and that you are enjoying completing the work set as well as having some time to play.
Are you managing to get outside for some exercise each day? If you get a chance we would love it if you could continue to log your exercise through this website:

Today we would like you to have a look at the next Article from the Rights Respecting Schools Award. Thank you to everyone who has completed these tasks so far and posted photos of their work on the Learning Journals. We are using these photos as evidence which we will put towards our re-accreditation attempt later in the year.
This week’s article is number 19: protection from violence, abuse and neglect. At the Primary 1 level we will be focusing on people who protect us and keep us safe in our everyday life. Why don’t you watch and sing the ‘Bounceback’ song to start thinking about ways to cope when things go wrong and about people who help us.

You are welcome to do any of the activities in the slide below, however, here are 2 that I think the Primary 1s would enjoy:
1. Can you create a poster showing some of the rules put in place to keep you safe? Your poster could display rules to stay safe in the garden, in the classroom, at the swimming pool, in a car etc. Choose 1 place and draw or write 3 or 4 rules that you try to keep.
2. There are many people all around us whose job is to keep you safe. Draw or write a list of some of these people in your jotter and talk to an adult about some of the things these people do to keep you safe.

We hope that you are getting on well with all the activities posted in the learning grids on Monday. If you have any questions about the activities or about your child’s learning then please get in touch.
Have a lovely day.
Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Miss Cunningham

Primary 1 2.6.20

Hello boys and girls!

We hope you are all well and are staying safe. Thank you for all the hard work you’ve been putting in at home, all the primary 1 teachers are so proud of you!

We are doing so well with our farming topic so far. Did you know a farmer puts a scarecrow in a field after he has planted seeds to frighten birds away? Why do you think a farmer doesn’t want birds in his fields? Have you ever seen a real scarecrow?

Miss Christy saw a scarecrow while she was on a cycle. Can you spot the scarecrow in the picture?

For our blog task today we would like you to make your own scarecrow out of materials you have in the house.

Here is one I made over the weekend:

I used the inside of a toilet roll, paper, ribbon, pens, glue and scissors. You might have a different idea and different materials to use at home which is great! If you can you might want to search the internet for some ideas with an adult. You could use lollipop sticks, paint, paper plates or cloth. It is completely up to you! You can choose how you make your own scarecrow.

If you want to do this task we hope you have fun with it!

Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun.

Primary 1 Home Learning – 01.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

What lovely weather we’ve been having! I hope you all had a great weekend with your family and that you all managed to get outside in the sunshine! We definitely are making the most of this fantastic weather. Miss Daun went out for two walks in the Pentlands and enjoyed walking along the Water of Leith. Miss Cunningham enjoyed spending some time in the sunshine and washed her car! Miss Christy went for a 45 mile cycle in the sunshine past lots of arable farms. What a huge achievement! Here are some pictures we captured over the weekend:


This week in literacy, we are looking at ‘oy’ sound, consolidating our understanding of what capital letters looks like and writing instructions for how to plant a seed. The comprehension questions related to our Oxford Owl reading books will be sent via the Learning Journal messages section as usual. Please find all of the literacy resources below:

Literacy Week 9

Common words dinosaur (1)

Planting a seed

Instruction template – planting a seed

This week in maths we are revisiting money to consolidate our understanding of what coins look like. We will also be thinking about finding the correct change when paying for an item with 10p. We are also continuing learning about fact families and Miss Christy has prepared a number talks video. Please find the resources below:



Number Talks week 9

We are also continuing our topic of farming and this week we are going to be focusing on arable farming. We have challenged you to draw your own arable farm map, label a flower and create your own poster detailing how to look after a plant. We would also like you to learn some new French words! All of the Interdisciplinary learning activities can be found below:

IDL 1.6.20



Arable Farming Mat

Thank you for all of your continued support. It has been a joy to see you working so hard at home and we are very proud of you all. We love to see what you are all up to on the learning journals so please continue to share your super work with us!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 29.5.20

Good morning Primary 1s! Happy Friday!

We hope that you have had a lovely week and that you have found time both to complete some school work and also to get out into the sunshine to play and exercise.

It is important to keep active so that our bodies remain fit and healthy. We know that lots of you are going outside and are enjoying long walks and cycles with your family. Sometimes it is also fun to exercise inside. We have found a few farming related dances and yoga workouts we would like you to try. Have a go at a few of them and let us know which is your favourite!

Happy Farm just dance

Old McDonald Just Dance

If animals could dance

Farm yoga

We hope that you are all keeping safe and and healthy. Thank you for all the hard work you are doing at home, you are making us very proud teachers. We miss you and keep up the great work.

The Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 28.05.20

Bonjour Primary 1s,
We hope you are having a wonderful week and are managing to do your learning and also have time to relax.
Since a lot of us are enjoying lovely local walks outside, we thought we would create a scavenger hunt for you to do on one of your walks. Your task is to try and find as many items as you can on the list and then answer the questions. I managed to find 8 from the list on my walk yesterday. It is lots of fun!
Here is the scavenger hunt:
If you aren’t able to print it, why don’t you copy down the items in your jotter and then use that to tick them off if you see them?
Remember these activities on the blogs are just optional extras, only complete them if you can and would like to.
Thank you for all the hard work you are putting in. Enjoy your day!
Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun.

Primary 1 Home Learning – 27.05.20

Good Morning Primary 1!

I hope you are all well and are enjoying getting involved in some of the home learning activities this week.

This week UNICEF’s Rights Respecting School’s article of the week is Article 15 – Freedom of Association. Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights. What is needed for you to enjoy the right to get together and join up with other children? (For example clubs, organisations, safe places etc.)

Look at the following pictures: What is happening here? What rights are being shown here? Talk to an adult about all of your ideas!


Activity Time!

Choose one of the following activities to explore today to help you stay in touch with other children during these challenging times:

  1. Make a list of 5 children that you would like to get in contact with. Write them a letter or video call them this week to find out how their week has been.
  2. Think about a group or club you are part of. Create a poster or leaflet to encourage other people to join. Make sure to list all of the reasons why it is a good idea to join this group.
  3. Imagine you are meeting a new child for the first time – it could be in a club or in your class. Make a list of  questions you would like to find out to get to know them. What would you tell them about yourself?
  4. The word ‘association’ is interesting. You have perhaps heard of the Football Association (FA) or the Automobile Association (AA) Look up the meaning of ASSOCIATION and explain to somebody in your home what it means.
  5. Think of your favourite places to meet up with other young people. What makes for a place good for children/young people to get together?

We can’t wait to share some examples of your work on the school blog!

Thank you for continuing to share all of your hard work with us on the Learning Journals!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 26.5.20

Good morning Primary 1s!
How are you all? We hope that you are keeping well and are managing to have some fun as well as complete some work. The weather forecast is lovely for the whole week and so we hope that you are able to get outside each day to play and enjoy the sunshine. Today we would like you to continue working through the learning grids we posted yesterday.
We have also created a ‘word boost’ story for you to listen to today at some point. Maybe you could stop for ‘milk and story’ midway through the morning like we do in school? The story is called Grandad’s farm and is all about a girl called Jaz who visits her Grandad’s farm to help out.

Grandad’s Farm story and word boost

As you listen can you look out for the words:
– sowing
– mucking out
– coop
– free range
– cultivator
These are all farming related words and will deepen your understanding of farms and the life of a farmer. At the end of the PowerPoint I will explain what each of the words means but why don’t you have a think about if you have heard them before and have a guess at their meaning before listening.

When you open the link you will be taken to the Powerpoint, click on  view slideshow from the beginning and after a few seconds I will start reading the story. We suggest that you listen to the story twice, once to get an understanding of what happens and to hear the ‘word boost’ words and their definitions, and a second time when you can try to spot the words as they are read.

Have a lovely day boys and girls and we can’t wait to see some pictures on the Learning Journals later of all the fun things you have got up to.
Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Miss Cunningham

Primary 1 25.5.20

Good morning everyone!

We hope you enjoyed your weekend and are excited about the week ahead. All 3 primary 1 teachers enjoyed their weekends. Miss Cunningham and Miss Christy were busy in the kitchen. Miss Christy made delicious cookies and Miss Cunningham made sweet potato and carrot and coconut soup. Miss Daun went on a beautiful walk along the canal.


For maths this week we have some more learning on time and number. There is a chilli challenge again so we hope you have fun choosing your own challenge. Here are the maths resources:

maths week 8

Missing number addition

Addition and Subtraction chilli challenge


For literacy we are learning a new sound and three new common words. There is also a chilli challenge for the blending activity again. Here are the literacy resources:

Literacy 25.5.20

Chilli challenge blending

For learning across the curriculum we have some learning on farming, religion, health and P.E. Here are the learning across the curriculum resources:



Animal movements (1)

We hope you all have a marvellous Monday! Any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun.

Primary 1 Home Learning – 22.05.20

Good morning Primary 1! Happy Friday!

We hope you’ve had another successful week of learning from home and managed to complete some of the activities on the home learning grids. If there are any activities left that you would like to finish off this morning then that would be an excellent idea. If you are looking for another extra challenge then we would like to suggest a fun phonics hunt.

First of all, practise singing your alphabet song so you can remember all of the letters in the alphabet and the correct order.

Can you count how many letters are in the alphabet? That’s how many objects you are going to need to find! We would like you to find one object in your house that starts with each letter of the alphabet. For example for ‘a’ you might find an apple, for ‘b’ you might find a ball, for ‘c’ you might find a cone etc. Can you write down each letter of the alphabet and place it next to the correct object? If there are any letters you can’t find you could draw a picture of something that begins with that sound. See if put the objects and letter cards into the correct order and then take a picture for the learning journals. We would love to share some of the best examples of your work!

Thank you again for your continued support. We hope that you all have a fantastic weekend and find lots of time for playing, relaxing and helping out at home.

We hope to see you all again soon,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1’s wonderful work

We have been so impressed by the wonderful work Primary 1 have been doing this week (can you notice the alliteration?). Here are some of the highlights…

Lots of you have also enjoyed getting out in the sunshine both for exercise and to help in the garden.

Thank you for all the pictures you continue to send in. We love seeing your smiling faces and are so proud of the work you are managing at home.

Keep it up!

The Primary 1 teachers


Primary 1 21.5.20

Good morning Primary 1.
How are you all? The Primary 1 teachers are still missing you lots and wish we could be back in school together. It is great to see all the photos you are sharing of the work being done at home. You are making us very proud teachers! Keep up the great work and please continue to post your photos on the Learning Journals.
Ms Fox has created some learning activities you might want to try to help develop your art skills while you are at home. She is missing working with you and wants you to continue to practise drawing different objects and things you see in your everyday life. Here are some of the suggestions she gives:
1. On your daily walk you could pick up a leaf, flower or interesting object to draw when you return from your walk, or draw these items from your garden or from your window.

Here are some interesting objects I have found on my walks:

2. Do a drawing of your back garden or of your house from the outside, or a drawing of your favourite room in the house.
3. Draw a member of your family.
4. Draw a pet, or an animal or bird that you see on your daily walk. You could always ask your parents or guardians to take a photograph for you to make it easier
5. Create a poster of the things that you think about when you think of ‘Summer’. This could include the word ‘Summer’ in bubble writing so that you can decorate inside the letters. You may wish to include a picture of the sun, flowers growing, leaves on the trees, cold drinks or salads, your favourite summer outfit, the games that you like to play in summertime (tennis, badminton, pass the ball, running, etc). Your poster should be ablaze with summery colours and drawings.
The most important thing here is that you are practicing your drawing skills no matter what you draw and most of all, that you have fun!!
We will share any photos of your drawings with Ms Fox. I know she will love seeing your super work!
Keep working hard and as always please get in contact if you have any questions.
Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Miss Cunningham

Primary 1 20.5.20

Happy Mercredi everyone!

We hope you are well and are enjoying the activities on the grids that were given out yesterday. We can’t wait to see what you share with us on your learning journals. Remember do what you can and also fit in time for play, relaxing and helping out around the house.

The Rights Respecting School article for this week is focusing on Article 28 – the right to education. Every child has the right to an education. Primary education must be free and different forms of secondary education must be available to every child. Discipline in schools must respect children’s dignity and their rights. Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this.

Give yourself one minute to think of as many reasons as you can why education is important for children and young people. You can think about how it helps you! What does it help you with? What might it mean for your future?

Here are some activities you can try:

  • Imagine you have been asked to create your ideal lesson timetable for a day or a week at home or in school. Plan it out and decide what you would include and what you would leave out. Make sure it will provide children with a really good quality education!
  • What do you think makes a good teacher? This video might give you some ideas! Draw an outline of your ideal teacher and surround it with words that describe what that teacher is like.
  • Teachers and learners go together! So now think about what makes a good learner? Imagine you are talking to a younger brother, sister or friend who is about to start school. Describe to them how to be a really good learner! Invent a cartoon character to represent this good learner.

I like the idea of drawing and writing down what makes a good teacher and a good learner. If you have time to do this activity we would love to see your ideas on your learning journals.

Thank you for continuing to share your work with us!

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun

Primary 1 Home Learning 19.05.20

Good morning Primary 1!

We hope you had a lovely long weekend and enjoyed getting some fresh air. The Primary 1 teachers have been very busy. Miss Cunningham went out for some walks and spotted a few ducks and Miss Daun went out for a cycle to the reservoir. Miss Christy went for a walk in the Pentlands with her dog and she spotted some of the zebras from Edinburgh Zoo on her walk up Corstorphine hill! Here are some pictures of what we were up to:


We are all missing you all very much and it has been lovely to see how well you are all getting on at home. We are all proud of how hard you are working and thank you again for all of your lovely feedback on the Learning Journals.

This week in literacy we are having a consolidation week. This means that we will be revisiting some of the sounds we have learned already to make sure they are fully understood. We will be looking at the ee, oo and ck sounds this week and you will find the blending activity attached below. For reading we decided to create a little non-fiction book for you about farming. The comprehension questions will be attached in the messages section of the Learning Journals. Here are the literacy resources:


blending (1)

lifeonthefarm2 (1)

This week in maths we will be focusing on learning half past on a digital clock. Miss Christy has also created a fun video for you to learn all about odd and even numbers. Please find the maths resources for this week below:

Maths home learning grid 19.5.20 (2)

Half past digital clock worksheet

We are also beginning a new topic of interdisciplinary learning. We are going to start looking at farming (the different types of farms, the job of a farmer, products we get from farm animals and crops, and how farms in Scotland are different from farms in other countries etc). Please find the interdisciplinary home learning grid below:

IDL Week 7 (2)

Thank you again for continuing to share all of your hard work with us! It brings a huge big smile to our faces when we get to see your work at home!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 15.5.20

Good Morning Primary 1s!
I hope that you are all keeping well. I have some very exciting news. This morning I came into my kitchen to make my breakfast and there was a trail of glitter and a brown letter sitting in the middle of the floor. Can you guess who the letter is from? I’ll attach a picture of it to the blog and you can read it and find out what it says…

Have a lovely weekend and remember that Monday is a holiday so there will be no new work posted until Tuesday.
The Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 – Home Learning 14.05.20

Good morning Primary 1,

Happy Jeudi! I hope you are all having lots of fun learning from home and that you manage to get outside today for a walk in the sunshine.

Travel to Tokyo. The Tokyo 2020 Games may not be happening this year but you can still get active, stay connected and win prizes with Travel to Tokyo, Team GB and ParalympicsGB’s official, free programme for children aged 5-11 and their families. This week your challenge is to post 4 different activities. If you would like to get involved, just follow the link:

There are lots of other fun resources on Get Set if you feel like getting active, creative or designing something new. Here are some great examples of some of the design challenges you can take part in:


  • Design a Mascot for ParalympicsGB – take part in the Mascot Challenge for the chance to have your design displayed at the Paralympic Games!
  • Wearable colours design challenge – design a wearable product to show support for Team GB and ParalympicsGB!
  • Olympic and Paralympic Values – trace the Values written in Chinese characters and create your own Beijing 2008 inspired art!
  • Winter kit – research and design a piece of kit for an athlete at the Olympic Winter Games.

If you would like some more information, follow the link to the Primary Home Learning page:

Thank you for all of the lovely feedback we received on the learning journals on our personalised videos! We really appreciate all of your support at this time,

We hope to see you all soon!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 Home Learning – 13.05.20

Good morning Primary 1!

We hope you are all having a lovely time at home and are continuing to enjoy all of this beautiful sunshine. We hope you have all managed to access the 3 weekly learning grids and are enjoying exploring some of the activities on there. Make sure you are still leaving lots of time for relaxing, playing and helping out at home too.

We would be grateful if you could all take the time to complete West Lothian Council’s School Meal survey 2019-2020 : . The survey is very short and won’t take much time to complete!

The Rights Respecting School article of the week is focusing on Article 14 – Freedom of thought, belief and religion. Have a conversation about times your views have been listened to and your choices respected. Can you name all of the places you feel welcome? Now it’s time to choose from one of the RRS suggested activities for this week:

  • Thoughts and beliefs are usually really important to people. Write down some things you believe in strongly. Share these with your family or discuss them with your friends.
  • Food choices are really important to some people. Find out about the food rules of veganism or a specific religion. If you have the ingredients at home, why don’t you have a go at making a dish with your family? Watch this video from the BBC and its humorous exploration of food and religion
  • List as many religions as you can think of. Do you know what symbols are linked with these religions? Have a go at drawing them if you can.
  • Why do you think religious buildings are important? Think of and draw a building that is important to you or make a sculpture of one of these buildings using things you can find around the house (old cereal boxes, empty toilet roll etc.). This could be a religious building like a church or a temple, or even a school or a library. Write a sentence or two about why this building is important to you.

If you would like some further information about these activities then you can download this week’s pack by following this link:

Previous sets (Article 24, Article 12 and Article 7 are still available if you would prefer to choose one of these activities instead!). We would love to see some examples of your work on the Learning Journals! Thank you for continuing to share your work with us!

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 1 12.5.20

Good morning Primary 1s

Today is Mardi. Can you say that? Have a look outside the window and see if you can describe the weather in French. Here are some helpful phrases:

Quel temps fait-il?  (What is the weather like?)

Il fait beau (It is nice)

Il fait froid (it is cold)

Il fait gris (it is grey)

Il fait chaud (it is hot)

Il pleut (it’s raining)

Il neige (it’s snowing)

If you want a reminder of how to say some of these words and some alternative phrases, this video will help

There are a lot more phrases in this video than we would normally teach, but it is helpful to listen to French being spoken to understand pronunciation. Have a go repeating the French phrases and don’t worry if you can’t remember them all!

Today, if you have time, we would like you to have a look at this video

It is a super music lesson where you will learn to create different rhythms. The teachers had a go and found it really tricky! Hopefully you can do better than us!

We hope that you have a lovely day. Please remember that although school work is important, it is more important that you are keeping happy and safe.

Thank you for all your continued support.

The Primary 1 teachers

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