Primary 2 13.11.18

Primary 2 have been learning about the Police. They are learning that Police are here to help and protect our community. We are getting a visit from our Community Police officer next week. The children have got lots of questions to ask and can’t wait to see his uniform.

It is Children in Need on Friday 16th November. Children are being invited to dress down and wear something spotty. The donation for dress down is 50p. Primary 5 are also selling some of the Pudsey merchandise in school at the fruit tuck table.

In Maths the children have been putting their addition and subtraction skills to the test by answering mild, spicy, hot questions, playing games and working with a partner.

Can all children who have speaking parts in the Nativity please remember to practise their lines. Can all primary 2 children continue to practise “You canne shove your Granda aff his bike”

Homework is due in Thursday 15th November, please remember to complete activities in the children’s “share it” jotters.

Please remember P.E kits and water bottles this weeks.

Primary 4 7.11.18

Hello everyone

We’ve had a good week in Primary 4 so far. In writing we finished writing our fabulous Halloween stories and they are fantastic. They were filled with adjectives, exciting details and spooky characters! Well done boys and girls!

In reading the children have been working hard to read their books carefully looking for tricky words. They have then been beginning to use a dictionary to search for the definitions of these words in order to develop their understandings. This task has been challenging but the children have been working so hard and are developing their ability to use a dictionary quickly and effectively.

Tomorrow will be a very exciting day in Primary 4 as we host our “Viking Bake Off” event. Miss Millar and Mr Shanks will judge our creations! The children will make sweet oat cakes with honey and will get to taste their own handiwork! We can’t wait to see how they turn out 🙂

Christmas Fair letters have now been sent home along with raffle tickets. The Christmas Fair is on Friday 30th November from 6-8pm. You can buy tickets by returning the tear off slip to school or speaking to office staff.

Primary 7 are still selling Poppies 50p/£1 preferred donation. We are looking forward to attending the P7 Remembrance Assembly on Friday to learn more.

Reminders –
Spelling – due Friday
Maths (studyladder game) – due Friday
Reading pages – due next Monday
PE days – Indoor: Thursday Outdoor: Tuesday

Thank you for your support

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 2 6.11.18

Primary 2 have been working very hard over the past week.

In writing they managed to write a narrative piece of writing about their evening of trick or treating/Halloween disco. Children were independently constructing sentences, using some very good adjectives and beginning to put in connectives to extend their sentences. It sounds like everyone had a very fun and spooky Halloween.

In Maths last week we were learning how to add numbers beyond 20. Children were initially using number lines and have now moved on to using 100 squares. They are trying very hard to remember to count the “jumps” that they make while going up the number line/ 100 square. This week we are using this skill for subtraction. We are trying hard to remember that when we subtract we go back down the number line/100 square.

In our topic Emergency Services, the children have been learning about firefighters and fire engines. We are hoping for a visit from our local fire station shortly. We have also been learning about fire safety and what to do in the event of a fire- “STOP, DROP, ROLL”  “GET OUT, STAY OUT” “DIAL 999”

Homework was sent home yesterday. Please go ahead with the activities and record anything in their share it jotters. Their words for the Scottish song will come home today.

Primary 7 are still selling poppies- donation of £1

Primary 2 and 3 have started practising for the Nativity. Children have begun to learn the songs and parts in the Nativity will be handed out soon.

Please remember to bring in P.E kits and water bottles.

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 3 2.11.18

Primary three heard our nativity songs for the first time this week. The words are linked below and the music is here too. Please feel free to practise these in your spare time.

Behind the Stable Door

Bustling About

Dozy Donkey

Wake Up!

Grumpy Camels

Gifts of Love

Get Up!


We will also be handing out words for our Bonnie Wee Jeannie McColl song for St Andrews Day. This must be learned for homework over the next couple of weeks.


Primary 3 were introduced to the senses this week. We investigated things we liked to smell, touch, taste, see and hear. Next week we will focus on the sense of sight. We learned a little about the work of Louis Braille in creating the braille alphabet. We will explore this further next week.

We created some fantastic Firework Safety posters in writing this week so please ask us all about the safety rules. We now know what to do on bonfire night with sparklers, fireworks and bonfires.

Please if anyone has lost cardigans or jumpers in the past term, ask to see the pile in Miss Smith’s room. None of them have names, however they must belong to somebody. They will go up to lost property at the end of the week if they are not claimed.


Please bring a water bottle to school filled with water each day.

Please put names on every piece of clothing coming into school for easy identification.

Please bring PE kit on allocated day:

P3S – Tuesday and Thursday

P3MS – Monday and Wednesday



Learn Bonnie Wee Jeannie McColl

Reading books – see diaries

Spelling – Look, cover, write and check words along the line and write one sentence for one of your words. (This will increase to 3 sentences after Christmas.)

Maths: Learn 2 x table, forwards and backwards.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Smith, Mrs Smith and Ms Matheson

Primary 5 2.11.18

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who visited us last week.  We really enjoyed showing you all of our models and chatting in the cafe.  A big thank you to all the parents for helping the children to complete their models at home; they were very impressive and the children are so proud of them.


This week we started our new Enterprise topic Money,money money.  In this topic we will be setting up our own company to make a product to be sold at the Christmas Fair.  This week we have decided on our teams and started thinking about our product and team name.


In Maths we have been working on multiplication.  It would be good if the children continued to practise their tables at home.

In Reading we have started new novels for guided reading, we also have a new novel for reading for enjoyment at home.

Homework will be handed out on Monday this week and will be due on Friday as follows

Handwriting of spelling words.

Maths times tables practice and area sheet.


Lots of children have forgotten PE kit this week, we would be grateful if you could remind children to bring PE kit in Thursday.


Thank you, have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Gilmour

Primary 4 1.11.18

Hello everyone

Primary 4 have had an extremely busy but very fun week! On Monday we were visited by some very important people – two vikings! They wore traditional Viking clothes and spoke to us in a language Vikings use called Norse. The children were able to learn some new words and were even beginning to understand instructions in Norse! The Vikings taught us all about special traditions, burials, clothes, food, weapons and even dancing! What a fantastic learning experience! Thank you Vikings 🙂

On Wednesday we attended a sports event at Craigswood Sports Centre with other Primary 4 children from our cluster. The children competed in the handball festival with great enthusiasm showing great skill and sportsmanship. Thank you to Mrs Ferguson for working with the children to improve their skills. Well done Primary 4!

This week in writing the children wrote a spooky story all about Halloween. They worked very hard to focus on our 3 core targets whilst writing – using full stops and capital letters, spelling all common words correctly and using a variety of connectives. We will finish these stories next week and we cannot wait to read the finished articles!

On Monday your child received a reading book home and a new homework sheet inside their spelling jotter. Each week your child will have pages to read in their new book. They will have a full week to read these pages (from Monday to the following Monday). Spelling homework will continue as before and maths homework will be given each week. This may be in the form of a worksheet but also could be a practical activity/Studyladder game. Thank you for all your support with homework.

Last Thursday’s Halloween disco was a huge success! It was terrific seeing all the children dressed up and having a fantastic time! Thank you to the PSA for organising such a well planned and fun event! And well done too to Zara and Sophie for winning the costume competition!

Reminders –
Spelling – due Friday
Maths worksheet – due Friday
Reading pages – By next Monday
PE days – Outdoor: Tuesday Indoor: Thursday

Primary 7 are selling poppies in the run up to Remembrance Day. If you wish your child to buy one then Primary 7 are asking for a donation of at least 50p but preferably £1. Thank you for your support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 2 30.10.18

Primary 2 loved the Halloween Party! All the costumes were fantastic!

Homework is due on Thursday, please remember to sign off any homework activities which were completed. We will share our work with our peers on Thursday morning. Remember to keep doing reading regularly.

We are learning to add mentally in maths this week. We are hoping to use the counting on strategy to help us add big numbers.

In writing we will be writing a story about our Halloween activities- treat or treat, sweeties, parties etc. We are hoping to use a variety of adjectives to help make our stories come to life.

We are kicking off our new topic with learning about Firefighters. We have been investigating the purpose of the firefighters uniform and helmet. Children have also been looking at and describing fire engines. We are hoping for a visit from our local firefighters soon.

Primary 7 are selling Poppies for Remembrance Day. They would appreciate a donation of £1.

P.E kits and water bottles!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 2 9.10.18

We are looking forward to seeing you all again this week at parents night. The children are excited to show you work in their jotters, finished work folders and the classroom walls.

Our topic is coming to a close. Our 1950’s classroom experience was brilliant and the children really came into character and played by the rules. This week we are going to be learning about transport and we will be finishing the week with a 1950/60s Disney classic!

Thank you and well done to all the children that completed the homework activities, some were fabulous! We will send new activities out after the October holiday. Children will keep their reading books until Thursday, these will be collected in and new ones issued out after the holidays too.

Can you encourage your children to keep saying and writing their numbers to 100. Also encourage them to read as much as possible (signs, newspapers, books, magazines etc)

We have Library Services coming to visit us on Thursday- they will be showing the children different artifacts from the 1950/60s which should be really exciting and interesting.

Reminders- book fair at parents evening, water bottles, P.E kits and reading books.

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 5 28.9.18

This week Primary 5 have been learning mapping skills.  We have been looking at keys and how to draw maps from a birds eye view.  We have started looking at maps of Great Britain to record key facts like mountains, rivers and captial cities.


In maths we have been looking at place value and numbers within 99 999.

In Language this week we have looked at character descriptions based on the Spiderwick Chronicles.  We have been looking at vocabulary, recording adjectives and have written our own character description of the Boggart for our writing display.

In PE we have started learning badminton skills.

Our homework this week is:

Spelling – Look,Cover, Write and Check and 2 other activities from the list.

Continue with Big Homework models.

Maths – Practise times tables.  You can  use

Continue reading novels.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies


Primary 2 26.9.18

Primary 2 have been getting into the swing of things with 1950 & 60’s music and dance. We have been learning the hand jive, mashed potato, swim and the twist! We had great fun busting our moves in the gym hall to all the classic 1950 & 60’s music. We also spent some time singing some classic nursery rhymes- “There’s a hole in my bucket” this was our favourite!

We have sent new homework activities home this week. Remember the children have two weeks to complete these. Reading, spelling and maths must be completed however the other tasks are optional. Children will receive house points for extra effort. All notes and activities should be recorded in their jotter so they can share them with their peers.

Reminders: P.E kit and water bottles. Also after school clubs have started and we have had a few of the P2’s sign up which is great! We hope you enjoy them.

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 4 20.9.18

Hello everyone

We have had a short but busy week so far in Primary 4! Yesterday we continued learning about Vikings. We learned about how long ships were constructed and the materials that Vikings used to make them. We also learned why it was important that they were so long and narrow. Ask your child if they can tell you why! 🙂 We then continued working on our Viking display by painting a long ship which the Vikings we painted will fit inside. We can’t wait to see this display come together 🙂

We have been revising the importance of using capital letters and full stops correctly. The children identified special words that we know that require a capital letter (proper nouns). Ask your child if they can tell you about any of these special words 🙂

We are beginning to learn about the festival of Harvest. We will be exploring how different countries celebrate Harvest and we will show our learning through creating and performing a Harvest Assembly on Friday 5th October. Please look out for any lines/song words in your child’s homework diary that they may need to learn for the assembly. Please note that this assembly is a school only assembly. There will be another opportunity later on in the year for you to attend your child’s assembly.

Last week we began working with NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) on music and singing. The children will have a 45 minute session each week until Christmas. This is a great opportunity for the children to learn more about tone, pitch, rhythm and much more!

Homework will resume again as normal next week.
Spelling & maths homework due for Friday.
Reading homework – 10 pages to be read each week and to be recorded on spelling sheet.
PE days – Outdoor PE: Tuesday
Indoor PE: Thursday

Thank you for your support.
Enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 2 19.9.18

A huge thank you to all the boys and girls who brought their “share it” jotters back to school on Thursday. It was great to see so many children completing our little exercises across the curriculum. We will be handing out new homework next Monday along with a new reading book. Children will be given 2 weeks to complete the activities again and will also be given the time to share their “share it” jotters with their peers in class.

This week is a short week but we are very busy! Primary 2 are going to be making biscuits, creating shopping lists, designing signs for our old stores and making items from the shops using plasticine.

In maths we are continuing to look at forward and backward numbers. We are also going to answer some questions from the textbook and write answers in our new maths jotters.

In health we are looking at the importance of our friendships and what makes a good friend. In RME we are learning all about Joseph and his technicolour dreamcoat.

Reminders: P.E kits, water bottles, reading books

Thanks, Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 1 Week beginning 19th September

We hope that you have all had a lovely restful, long weekend!

This week we will be having a focus on consolidating and assessing the work we have done so far in the first few weeks of Primary One. Throughout the year we will have regular weeks where we will revisit sounds, common words and number work that we have learned to ensure that the children have a firm grasp of what has been taught so far.

We will also be continuing our topic of Myself and My School.  Last week we had a focus on school lunches which led us onto a conversation about healthy and unhealthy foods.  This will be built on this week in class through a group tasting session of fruit and vegetables.  We are then planning to discuss our favourites, create graphs showing this and then we will write about something we liked and something we didn’t like.

The majority of you indicated that you would prefer to receive a hard copy of the fortnightly homework sheet so we have made the decision to give everyone a hard copy but also post the homework here on the blog for people who would like to access links for games/songs etc quickly and easily.   Please find the link to this below.  If you have any questions about homework please do not hesitate to get in touch.


-Children will now be changing for PE on a Monday. It would be helpful, if possible if children could come with kit on underneath uniform.  Please name all clothes.

-Our P1 Open Afternoon/Morning will take place next Thursday 27th (pm) and Friday 28th (am).  We would love to see as many parents as possible come and find out a little bit more about what and how your child is learning in P1 this year.

-Reading books will be changed on a Tuesday-we would ask that children bring their Reading books and Reading Records every day.

homework 19.9.18

We thank you for your continued support,

Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver, Miss Christy and Mrs Steel

Primary 4 13.9.18

Hello everyone

We hope you’re having a lovely week. We’ve had a busy week in Primary 4.

This week the children created their own Viking character. The children drew their Viking and used descriptive language to describe his/her physical appearance and personality. We then wrote about an adventure that our Viking went on focusing on a problem our Viking encounters and resolving the problem at the end of our story. Soon we will do some drama work related to our Viking characters, acting as if we actually are our character!

In Health we have been learning about the value of honesty. The children discussed why it is important to be honest and how not telling the truth can sometimes cause a lot more trouble. The children then displayed their knowledge which will now form part of a classroom display.

In maths the children have been learning about 2D shapes and patterns. The children are able to identify different 2D shapes and discuss their properties confidently. They will now use their knowledge of pattern and shape to create symmetrical Viking shields. We’re sure they will look fantastic!

There will be no homework next week due to the long September weekend. Spelling/maths homework will resume as normal on Monday 24th September.

PE days are Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor). Please ensure that your child has appropriate kit on these days.
Badgers spelling sound: -ture
Foxes spelling sound: -mb

We hope you have a lovely long weekend. We look forward to welcoming the children back to school next Wednesday 🙂

Miss Donaldson & Miss Clark

Primary 2 11.9.18

Primary 2 have been learning about what home life was like in the past. We have compared household items that were used many years ago and what we use now. The children decided that life is much easier! Keep speaking to your children about many significant changes in life style to help them have a better understanding.

In Numeracy we have been writing and recognising numbers up to 100. Children have been using 100 squares, SEAL games and teacher led activities to become more familiar with these numbers and where they fall in the number line. In Maths we were naming a number of 2D shapes and this week we are going to be learning all about their properties.

We did some fantastic pieces of character writing last week about a Teddy Bear. The children tried to use a variety of adjectives to describe their bear which was found in an old fashioned Toy Store. This week we are going to describe the setting for our story and continue our focus on sentence structure and the use of adjectives.

We hope you are enjoying our new ORT books and managing to do lots of reading at home. Our phonic sounds this week are: ph and wh.

Homework is due on Thursday please (not reading books). We will allocate some time in class for the children to share their homework activities with a friend. New homework will be issued after the September break. We hope the new style of homework in P2 is working for you all.

Reminders: Water bottles, P.E kits and after school club letters.


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 2 4.9.19

Welcome to Primary 2! We hope all the boys and girls are beginning to settle into their new classrooms. It was lovely to meet some of you at the meet the teacher last Wednesday.  We will update the blog weekly with information about P2.

Yesterday we sent home our first piece of homework. The children are being given two weeks to complete the activities in their Share It Jotter. Reading needs to be completed regularly and we will change these books on a Monday (children must bring in current reading book before they are issued with a new one). After two weeks the children will be encouraged to share their homework activities with the class.

Our new topic is Grandparents. We are going to be learning about all of the activities, toys, food, music, dance, dress and technology from the 1950s-70s. Please encourage your children to speak to elderly family members or friends to get an insight about what life was like and how it has changed.

We are learning forward and backward number sequences up to 100 in Numeracy. The children are using 100 squares to help them with this and we are using songs to help remember all of our numbers, especially before and after numbers. We are also going to be learning the proporties of 2D shapes.

During reading the children will be completing reading tasks linked to their ORT reading book and will be encouraged to read aloud in class and involve themselves in the group discussions. Our main focus in writing this term is visualisation and understanding how to construct a sentence correctly. We will also be looking into the importance of adjectives and simple connectives during writing lessons.

Specialists: Both classes are receiving Art from Mrs Fox and Music from Mr Shanks. P.E will be taught by class teachers this term.

Primary 2 are allowed to bring in one small toy to play with during Free Time Friday, however we must stress that the children are responsible for looking after their own toy. If your child does not have a toy with them then they may choose a toy/game from the classroom to play with.

Reminder: Could all children please bring in a water bottle to have in the class. This is often drank during milk and story time or after P.E, break and lunch.

If there are any more questions please feel free to get in touch,

Thanks, Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 5 31.08.18

Welcome back to our new term.  Primary 5 have settled in well and are beginning to understand the routines of their new stage. Last week Miss Carrigan joined P5J and will be working with us until after Christmas.

This week we had a visit from an author called David MacPhail.  He was very inspiring and helped us with some tips for writing.

This week we have started our new Health topic called Bad Times Don’t Last.  We will be learning about resilience and how to cope when things go wrong.  We have also started our topic Great Britain and this week we have used an Atlas to look at a map and identified the countries of Great Britain.

This term in reading we are studying a whole class novel called the Spiderwick Chronicles.  We will also be given reading books for enjoyment which will be handed out at the end of next week for homework.

In Maths we have been learning to identify different angles.

Homework will begin next Friday.  The children will be given Reading, Spelling and Maths.  This should be completed and returned by the following Thursday.

Our PE days this term are Monday for outdoor PE and Thursday for indoor PE.  This term we are doing playground games outdoor therefore PE kit is optional on this day, however we would be grateful if children were equipped with appropriate shoes and jackets for that day.  The children are also taking part in the weekly mile on Friday mornings so appropriate footwear is needed for then too.

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies


Primary 4 30.8.18

Hello everyone

It was lovely to meet so many of you last night at our Meet the Teacher event. Thank you for coming 🙂

Your child should now have been given a newsletter which contains all of the important dates and information for this term. Our PE days will be Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor with Mrs Ferguson). Please ensure your child is prepared appropriately for PE on both these days especially Tuesday when we will be outside as the weather begins to get colder.

Your child will shortly come home with a letter in their bags containing their class charter. The children have agreed that they will respect their rights and the rights of others this year and we would appreciate if you could read this over with your child, sign the tear off slip and return to the school. Thank you for your support with this.

This week we have started looking at our new reading books “Ottoline and the Yellow Cat” (P4C) and “The Legend of Spud Murphy” (P4D). These books will not come home and instead the children will read them as a class and complete activities on their book in school. Please continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home. Anytime they finish reading a book please let us know by writing in their homework diary. This book will then be added to our class reading tree. More information about this can be found in the P4 newsletter.

Next week we will hand out spelling and maths homework on Monday. Both pieces of homework will be due in on Friday. Please do not hesitate to speak to us if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 1 29.8.18

Primary 1 are settling in well to school. They are becoming more familiar with school routines are are enjoying exploring our classrooms and playing with the resources.
In phonics the children have been learning the sounds a and t. We have learnt songs to help us remember each sound and are practising forming each letter correctly. Please continue to practise these sounds at home and encourage your child to identify words with each sound at the beginning. We will also be learning some common words later this week. More details will follow in the homework tasks next week.
In maths we are having a focus on number formations. We have taught correct formation of 0,1 and 2 so far this week. We are also looking at ordering numbers and counting out amounts up to 10.
P.E. is going to be on Mondays. For the first few weeks we will not be changing the children for these lessons to maximise the amount of time we can spend in the hall. We hope to begin changing for P.E. after the September break and will let you know on this blog if that changes.
Homework will be issued from next week. Homework will go out on Mondays, with children being given 2 weeks to complete the tasks. Reading books will be given out on Mondays but will be changed every week. Please ensure your child brings their reading book to school every day so that we can read in class. To begin with reading books will be wordless. This is to familiarise the children with the reading process and to teach comprehension skills (e.g. prediction, empathising with the character and summarising).
Please ensure that your child comes to school with a named water bottle each day. These bottles should only contain water.
Please name all clothes worn in school.

Thank you for all your support
The primary 1 teachers

Primary 3 News 18.6.18

Thank you to all of you for coming to see us on Friday, last week. The children were very excited to show off their work and share their dream jobs with you.

We have a busy week ahead of us starting with our Beach Trip tomorrow. Please can you make sure the children have applied sun cream before they get dressed in the morning. They can then wear their swimming things under their shorts along with plenty of layers such as a t shirt, fleece/jumper and a waterproof jacket. They must also bring footwear for paddling in such as flip flops or croc style shoes as well as a spare plastic bag containing extra pants, socks, t shirt and shorts or trousers. They must also bring a towel, snack, water bottle and packed lunch unless provided by the school and a bucket and spade all labelled with names.

On Wednesday we will be having our annual Sports Day. Children will need to bring in their PE kits with their house colour T shirt. If they do not have that particular colour then a bib will be provided. Again, please ensure your child has a water bottle.

Reading and phonics as normal although this will be our last week of homework.

Have a good week!

Mrs Smith & Mr Gordon

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