Primary 2 4.11.19

Primary 2 are well under way with their new topic: People Who Help Us! Last week we were learning about the role of a Police Officer and how they help and support the local community. This week we are learning about Paramedics. We are very excited about a Paramedic coming to visit our classes to talk to the children, and hopefully they will be able to bring an ambulance to school so the children can see what it is like inside. We are going to think of some very interesting questions to ask our paramedic too!

We have started learning some of the songs for our Nativity this year! Primary 2 will be partnering up with Primary 3 to put on quite a show! Parts, words and song words will be issued in the next couple of week so please look out for these.

New homework activities are being issued today. Thank you so much to all the boys and girls who managed to complete their homework activities and share them with the class. Some of the work and effort has been fantastic! There has been some activities been set on Education City for the children too. Usernames and Passwords were handed out at the beginning of the year.

Primary 7 are coming round with poppies this week for a small donation and Primary 5 will be selling Children in Need merchandise soon.

P.E days- Indoor Tuesday, Outdoor Thursday (Well done to the boys and girls who remember their kit regularly.)

Any questions, feel free to contact one of us,

Miss Rafferty, Miss Pringle and Mrs Oliver


Primary 5

The last week in October has been a busy time in P5. Look out for the class newsletter which tells you all about the exciting activities we have planned for this term.

On Monday the children wrote persuasive pieces of writing to convince Miss Millar to display their models for our visitors. The children were able to use persuasive words and phrases to put across their reasons. We are pleased to report that all children were able to persuade Miss Millar that their models should be displayed. Look out for these around the school.

On Wednesday P5 organised Children in Need fundraising activities for the whole school to take part in. They will sell the wristbands each morning for £1 or £1.50. On Friday 15th November they decided to hold a dress down day. The theme will be dress up as Pudsey or Blush, wear pyjamas, come as a superhero, wear yellow or wear spots. Some children ambitiously thought they could come wearing all the themes. Good Luck with that!

In science we have started our endangered animal topic. The children learned about which animals are in danger of becoming extinct. They will be choosing a Scottish endangered animal to research and create a fact file all about it. They will do some of this research at home.

In Spanish, we have learned to greet each other and have now started learning the days of the week.  Sábado and Domingo are definitely the best days!  Ask your child why. We also started sound editing in ICT using the Audacity sound editing programmme.  This was a very popular activity and everyone was engaged throughout.

In topic we have started our Money, Money, Money enterprise topic where the children will be working in groups to create items to sell at the Christmas Fair. Look out for more information about this coming home soon.



P5M -Outdoor PE- Monday.

P5G-Futsal (indoors) -Monday

PE with Mrs Ferguson-Thursday.

Spelling homework due every Friday.

Maths homework- P5M due Monday, P5G due Thursday


Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir


Primary 4 30.10.19

Hello everyone

We have had a fun, busy week in Primary 4. In numeracy we have been revising our knowledge of the 8 times table and we have introduced division by 8 facts. The children were able to notice the similarities between the times table facts and division facts. We will continue to consolidate this knowledge using a variety of strategies in class.

In writing, we have been continuing to write persuasive letters. This week the children wrote letters to their families at home (keep your eyes peeled for copies of these letters coming home in school bags!) The children’s job was to convince their families to allow them to watch their favourite movie at home. The children had great ideas on how to convince you!

In French Miss Carrigan and Mrs Muir have been teaching the children about weather. The children have revised different weather vocabulary. They have now begun to have a short conversation about the weather including information about the seasons. This was very tricky at first but the children worked very hard to pronounce the different vocabulary correctly. We will continue to work more on this in class.

Tomorrow we will be visiting Craigswood Sports Centre to take part in the local Cluster’s handball tournament. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit and can stay in their kit for the rest of the day. We are looking forward to watching the children further develop the skills that they have learned with Mrs Ferguson in PE lessons.

Homework is due in tomorrow. Please see the class newsletter that will be coming home shortly for more information about homework. Remember only starred activities need to be completed. Each child should now have a reading book. Please encourage your child to bring their reading book to school each day as we use these during reading lessons. Children also have the opportunity to read their reading pages with a partner, an adult or by themselves each day in class.

Reminders – Indoor PE: Thursday
Outdoor PE: Tuesday

Thank you for your continued support. Have a great week.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 6 News

What a busy week it has been!

It was lovely to see you all over the last couple of evenings to discuss your child’s progress and how they have settled into Primary 6.

This week we had some fabulous persuasive writing pieces about why New Lanark is a good place to live. The vocabulary choices have been superb and persuaded us all to pack our bags to live there! In Maths we have developed our knowledge of the properties of shape further by identifying the size of the angle within the shape as well as look for any parallel lines. The children then went on to describe their pencil sketches of the mill buildings in New Lanark using the vocabulary associated with this. In Science, we have been looking at forces and this week’s focus was Air Resistance and the children were challenged to design a parachute that would slow the journey of a boiled egg down and allow it to land safely on the ground. Our record breaker was a total of 1.6 seconds!!

We are still on a high from the success of our Cross Country runners form last week! The results for Carmondean were fantastic and it was lovely to see so many of our boys and girls running on the day. All that Couch to 5K training must be paying off along with the terrific teachings of Mrs Ferguson of course!

A few things to remember:

PE is on a Wednesday and a Thursday for both classes, please ensure your child brings their PE Kit and the correct footwear. We will continue to run outside on a Thursday for as long as the weather will allow us so it is important the children are appropriately dressed.

Homework expectations are that children use the ‘Look, say, cover, write and check method to write out their words 3 times in their jotter and follow with a paragraph of writing that includes these words. The children can challenge their writing by including a variety of openers as well as some complex connectives, all of which we have been using in writing.

Our Inventors showcase is running on the first Thursday back after half term from 1:30 to 2:30 so if you can make it come and see some of the creations. The planning and preparation is gong well and we are very excited to see the end result!

Have a super half term whatever you are doing! Hopefully there will be some Autumn sunshine for us all!

Mrs Smith, Mrs Jamieson and Ms Matheson

Primary 3 11.10.19

It was so lovely seeing the parents and carers of Primary 3 over the last two nights at Parents’ night. It was great to be able to show the progress the children have made already in this short space of time, and to have time to chat with you all.

We can’t believe it is the end of the first term already. We have completed so many challenges, experiments and pieces of work relating to our Weather topic and it is now time for us to say goodbye to SummerWinter. We had a lovely party and celebration for all of our hard work and it was well deserved! We will be sad to see her go.

This week, we completed our learning about cloud types. Ask us about some of the types of clouds we know about.

We have been learning the language of persuasion and have written our first piece of persuasive writing in the form of a letter. This will be our Writing focus until Christmas.

We are looking forward to starting a new topic, looking at our community and how there are groups and places to help people who are in need of help.

We Will continue talking about how we feel using our Blob Tree and will be creating our very own ‘Blob’ to position and demonstrate this.

Two of our pupils are leaving this week and going to a new school. We will miss you both and wish you all the best in your new adventures. Don’t forget us!

Please accept our apologies for homework due date being in the holidays. This was an oversight on my part.  It is fine to hand it in the first day back from holidays.

Homework will then resume as usual the following week.

We hope you all enjoy a restful and well earned break.

Happy holidays, looking forward to seeing you all when we return on Tuesday 22nd October.

Thank you again for all of your support,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.


Primary 6 7.10.19

Primary 6 have had another busy week.

In Science this week we have started a topic on forces.  We have looked at magnets and investigated which materials were magnetic.  We have also learned about gravity and air resistance.  We made parachutes to try to create air resistance.  We really enjoyed testing these to see which ones could stay in the air the longest and could successfully transport an egg to the ground safely.

We took part in the cross country event on Wednesday.  We sucessfully gained first place in the boys race and third place in the girls race.  Well done to everyone who took part.

In Maths we have been looking at place value.  We have been learning how to write hundredths in fractions, decimals and percentages.  We have also been learning about symmetry.  We have investigated how many lines of symmetry various 2D shapes have.

In writing we have stated writing in the persuasive genre.  This week we well be writing a persuasive report encouraging people to live in New Lanark.

On Friday our completed posters are due to be submitted for presentation to the class.  We have enjoyed listening to all the ideas so far.

Other homework this week includes spelling and completing reading books.


Parent’s evening is on Wednesday and Thursday this week and we are looking forward to discussing the progress we have made with our parents.

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Smith, Ms Mathieson



Primary 2 7.10.19

Primary 2 have been very busy learning about the story of Joseph. We listened to his story and had a discussion about what kind of man he was- children used words like; brave, smart, kind, hard working and helpful. We have made a very colourful display in our classroom showing off his fabulous coat that was gifted to him by his father. You will be able to see this on parents night.

We have library services coming in on Wednesday to talk to the children about life in the past. The librarian will be bringing lots of artifacts that the children will be able to handle and will be telling them lots of stories!

Primary 2 are still collecting shoe boxes for the Shoe box appeal. We have had a few handed in but if you are happy to help by making your own donation it would be much appreciated. As a stage we made up a box for a little girl, little boy and a woman.

Parents night is this Wednesday and Thursday evening so we are looking forward to seeing you and sharing your child’s work.

The children have been fantastic at bringing in P.E kits- our gym days are Tuesday and Thursday!

Today we are sharing our homework. The children will get to choose someone they would like to share their homework with. New homework will be issued on the Tuesday we get back after the October holiday.


Miss Rafferty, Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver

P4 update 30.9.19

This month has just flown by and we can’t believe it’s October tomorrow already!  We’ve been continuing learning about the Vikings including what they ate, where they lived and which gods they believed in. We hope you enjoyed us writing our secret messages in runes for our homework.

In maths we have finished our lessons about time but will practise what we have learned on a daily basis.  It would be great if you could continue to talk about the time with  your child at home, using both analogue and digital clocks. Our focus will now be on multiplication and building our confidence and speed with the 2,3,4 and 5 times tables as well as learning new tables. This week we are starting with the 8 times table.  We will be encouraging the children to practise their tables at home including counting up in 8s.

Over the next couple of months, we will be focusing on persuasive writing during our writing lessons. This should be lots of fun as the children create arguments to support their points of view.

In PE the children will be developing skills in handball in preparation for the P4 handball festival on 31st October. You will receive an EE2 form shortly for this event.

Some useful reminders:

  • Homework is due in this Thursday 3rd October.
  • Please label all clothes, especially jumpers, as we already have some which are unclaimed but don’t have names on them.
  • Please ensure your child has a bottle of water in class every day.

We are looking forward to seeing you during the parent evening.   Thanks for all your support.

Mrs Muir and Miss Clark.

Primary 5

P5 have been working on a variety of tasks this week.

In Topic each country group has presented their display to the class. They came up with some unusual facts to share with each other. Both Miss Morris and Mrs Gilmour are very impressed with the effort all the children put into this! You will have an opportunity to read these when you visit us on Parents’ night and on our open day in October.

In writing the children have started to investigate the persuasive genre. They are writing letters to persuade people to come to our open morning using persuasive language. Look out for these letters coming home soon.

On Wednesday both classes took part in a Multi-sport Festival at DCHS. This was a great success and the children enjoyed trying out a variety of sports and meeting new friends. They were able to learn new skills in basketball, football, hockey, team games and athletics. Well done everyone!

Over the past few weeks the children have been learning about patron saints in R&ME. This Thursday Miss Morris’ class learned about Scotland’s patron saint, Saint Andrew, whilst Mrs Gilmour’s class looked at Saint David, who is the patron saint of Wales. We have all really enjoyed learning about the different traditions each country in the UK has when celebrating these religious figures.


Outdoor PE- Monday.

Indoor PE-Thursday.

Starting Monday 30th September Mrs Gilmour’s class will have a block of Futsal. This will take place indoors and will replace outdoor PE. Miss Morris’ class will continue working outdoors on a Monday.


Landmark challenge- due Friday 27th September. Thank you to everyone who has handed this in so far! They are absolutely fantastic!

Numeracy –due Thursday 3rd October

Spelling- due every Friday. Please remember to do Look, Cover, Write, check and a sentence for each word.

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a good weekend

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

Primary 1

What a short week we had in Primary 1! We hope you all enjoyed the long, well deserved weekend. The children have been busy learning the correct formation of ‘p’ this week and have been looking at blending simple words. We focused on sorting ‘an’, ‘is’, and ‘and’ into the correct columns and practised writing these on whiteboards. It would be beneficial for the children if they keep on practising all the sounds they have learned so far at home too.

In maths the children have been using cubes, rekenreks and 10 frames to count objects up to 6. They have been using number fans to help them identify numerals up to 10 and have been counting backwards and forwards to 20. They have been focusing on forming the number 6 correctly and have been using online games to help them with this.

The children have been learning how to keep themselves and their body healthy this week. In P.E. the children worked hard on their fitness and co-ordination and they continued to explore healthy foods through play. We focused on the importance of brushing our teeth and how this helps to protect our enamel and gums. The children also learned how to write instructions and sequenced the steps of brushing teeth into the correct order. They used their knowledge of letter sounds to help them write new words.

Homework will be handed out on Tuesday the 24th September and is expected to be returned on the 8th October. The children will be given a homework folder with a grid and resources to help them complete their homework. The tasks with stars must be completed and the others are optional. If you have any questions about the homework, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us after school or contact the school office.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Daun, Mrs Steel and Miss Christy

Primary 3 13.9.19

We have had quite a few letters from bossy Mrs Thunder this week, giving us our missions and tasks to help SummerWinter, our weather fairy. We had to learn about the water cycle and the scientific words. We then used our knowledge of the water cycle into a drama, where we became the water and had to think of movements to symbolise each stage. We had so much fun and filmed the whole thing to be used as a training video for SummerWinter.

Our next mission is to recreate a weather forecast in teams. We hope to do some green screen work with this and film it also. We can’t wait to see whether people have been watching the weather forecasts over the past few weeks to help with the language we should use. Hopefully there will be some information on this in our ‘Share It’ jotters.

We are impressing everyone with our number talks techniques and strategies for partitioning numbers and using it to add together numbers mentally. We need to practice subtraction, as this has proven a little more tricky.

Next week is a short week, however the children have asked to learn about rainbows and how they are created. We have some fun experiments planned to explain this.

Please remember we are on holiday Monday and Tuesday next week, and Share It jotters should be brought into school alongside reading books to be returned and replaced. New books will not be given out until old books are returned.

Thank you for your support have a great long weekend, we look forward to seeing you all when we return.

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.


Primary 4 13.9.19

Hello everyone

Primary 4 have been working very hard this week. We have been exploring the use of digital clocks and looking at how o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to are written on digital clocks. Next week we will be learning more about this and exploring am and pm. Please continue to ask your child about what they are learning at home.

Thank you for all the support that you have provided the children in completing their first piece of homework in Primary 4. Homework jotters were due in yesterday and the children will be sharing their homework with their peers and their teacher today in class. New homework will be handed out next Wednesday 18th and once again the children will have 2 weeks to complete the starred activities and any of the extra activities they wish to complete.

In writing this week the children were learning about writing in paragraphs. The children were able to identify where paragraphs should start and end and what the main idea of a paragraph is in a text. Next week the children will be writing about themselves using paragraphs. We can’t wait to see how they get on 🙂

Reminders –
Homework to be given out – Wednesday 18th
Homework due in – Thursday 3rd October
*Starred activities must be completed, the rest are optional*
Outdoor PE – Tuesday
Indoor PE – Thursday with Mrs Ferguson
Please note that we are on holiday next Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th Sept. We look forward to welcoming the children back next Wednesday 18th.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 5

Hello to all,

Another busy week in P5 where the children are becoming more knowledgeable about Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The children cut up maps and made jigsaws with them. They then located major cities using clues in a treasure hunt format. On Wednesday each group chose a country to research and they are creating a display with all the key facts about that country. They will become experts on their specific country and teach the rest of the class all about it!

We are continuing to read the Spiderwick Chronicles and the children particularly enjoyed acting out various parts of the story. Please continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

In outdoor PE the children are creating playground games. They taught another group their game and after improvement comments were given they made the necessary changes. All the children had fun learning these new games. We hope to teach these games to an infant class at a later date.


Outdoor PE- Monday. Kit-trackies/leggings, t-shirt, sweatshirt, trainers

Indoor PE-Thursday. Shorts, t-shirt, indoor shoes


Landmark challenge- due Friday 27th September

Numeracy (For Mrs Gilmour) –due Thursday 19th September

Spelling- due every Friday. Please remember to do Look, Cover, Write, check and a sentence for each word.


Thank you for your continued support.

Have a good weekend

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

Primary 5

Hello Everyone,

We have had a busy week in P5. It was lovely to meet lots of you at Meet the Teacher on Wednesday. Hopefully you were able to see some of the work the children have completed so far.

We have been working on our display for the small hall all about achievement. The children were able to identify some of their personal achievements which they wrote about and drew a picture of. They also drew round their hands and used a variety of patterns to decorate them.

We started our Great Britain topic by looking at maps and labeling the different countries. Look out for exciting homework about landmarks coming home next week.

The children have started French (bonjour) and Spanish (hola) lessons this week. If anyone has any expertise in these areas and would like to come in and share their knowledge with the children please contact at school.

We have started reading our class novel, ‘The Spiderwick Chronicles’. We are aware that the movie is being shown on the television at the moment so we would appreciate it if the children do not watch it as we are hoping to watch it altogether at the end of term.


  • Outdoor PE- Monday. Kit-trackies/joggers, trainers, warm sweatshirt
  • Indoor PE- Thursday. Kit- shorts, t-shirt, indoor shoes


  • Spelling homework- given out on a Monday due in by Friday.
  • Children to continue learning Times Tables and number bonds
  • Children to read a variety of genres at home eg. newspaper, magazines, novels, non-fiction books.

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mrs Muir and Mr Shanks

Primary 2 26.08.19

Welcome to Primary 2! We had a great two and a half days last week hearing all about the children’s summer holidays and we have loved getting to know our new class.

We hope lots of you will be able to attend our Meet the Teacher on Wednesday 28th August 4:30-5:30. We will issue our news letter and you will get a chance to wander round your child’s new classroom.

Our topic this term will focus on life in the past. We will be learning about how lives have changed in our homes, on transport, clothing, music, jobs and lifestyles. The children seem very excited to investigate how lives have changed!

Reading books will be issued on Tuesday 27th and we will encourage you to read with your child regularly. Homework (similar to last year’s format) will be issued next week- all activities will be clearly explained.

P.E for both classes will be on a Tuesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor) We will be changing into P.E kits for both P.E sessions so please remember to bring a P.E kit and water bottle on those days.

Primary 2 are also lucky enough to have Ms Fox teaching us some important art skills on a Wednesday.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. We look forward to welcoming you all on Wednesday.

Miss Rafferty, Miss Pringle & Mrs Oliver


Primary 4 7.6.19

Hello everyone

What an amazing week it has been in Primary 4. Yesterday Primary 4 and 5 performed the show “Rock Bottom” to the rest of the school and to say that they did an amazing job is an understatement! So many teachers and pupils have spoken to myself, Miss Donaldson and the P5 teachers about how phenomenal the performance was and we are very proud teachers. We can’t wait for families and friends to see the final performances on Thursday 13th June at 1:30pm and 6:30pm. The children have now received letters home about how to purchase tickets for these events. Thank you for all your support throughout the term, the show wouldn’t be possible without you.

This week was also very exciting as 3 butterflies entered the world in our classrooms! The butterflies drank the juice of oranges and strawberries while they grew stronger and then on Tuesday we released them out of their net and into the wild! The children have loved watching the caterpillars grow and develop into beautiful butterflies and have learned so much about mini beasts through watching this transformation in action.

Our monthly homework challenge has now been completed and it was very successful. We loved seeing the different types of homework that the children wanted to share with us and the rest of the class and we feel that it has been a valuable experience for all. There will be no more homework handed out in Primary 4. However, if your child has not finished their reading book then this should be completed at home and the book returned to school upon completion before the end of term. Thank you, as always, for supporting your child with their homework.

The Carmondean Summer Fair is tomorrow from 11am-1pm and will take place in both school halls due to the weather forecast. Entrance to the school will be via the fire exit next to the large hall. Tickets can be purchased at the event. We are sure this will be a very fun event.

Thank you for all your help and support.
Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 30.5.19

Hello everyone

We have had a very busy week in Primary 4 so far. In P4C our learning of minibeasts continued with the story of “The Cautious Caterpillar”. This caterpillar was afraid to change into a butterfly because he loved being a caterpillar so much. However he was brave, made the transformation and was so pleased that he did. We discussed how we could apply that to our own lives and discussed times that we had been brave and tried something new and how this was important. All of the children are about to “transform” into Primary 5 children and some decided to write down information about themselves to share with their future P5 teacher. We will continue to discuss this and learn more about the life cycles of minibeasts through our topic.

We have been working extremely hard on the “Rock Bottom” Primary 4/5 show this week. Our dress rehearsal in front of the whole school and staff is next Thursday 6th June. You should have received costume letters home detailing what your child needs to bring in to wear during the performances. Almost all children should provide a plain but brightly coloured t-shirt and leggings/trousers that we are allowed to cut into zig zags at the bottom for a prehistoric feel! Please let us know if there are any problems with providing parts of your child’s costume and we will work hard to solve any problems. Thank you for your support with this. The final show performances to friends and families are on Thursday 13th June 2019 with a performance at 1:30pm and another at 6:30pm. All children are expected to attend both performances. If your child cannot attend for any reason then please let us know as soon as possible. Tickets will go on sale for this event soon.

This week Primary 4 were involved in the whole school spring clean litter pick. Our area was the perfect playground area and the left hand side and back fence on the field. We found lots of litter and we were happy that we could help Mrs Muir and her Eco Warriors along with the rest of the school to help make our playground beautiful. Well done Primary 4! Even the rain didn’t dampen our spirits! See some photos of us working hard below! 🙂

We were visited today by Mr Canning, the chanter/pipes tutor that visits the school weekly. All children were treated to him playing the chanter and the pipes for us! Today children will receive letters home to ask whether they would be interested in chanter/brass tuition beginning in Primary 5. Please fill in these forms and return them to school if your child is interested in taking part in a trial lesson next week.

Reminders –
PE days – Tuesday and Thursday
Homework (reading, spelling activity and one other activity due on Fridays)

Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend when it comes.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 2 27.5.19

Primary 2 have been set the task to research a famous pirate. Children have been asked to create a poster to display all their facts they have discovered and their pirate pictures. There will be no other homework tasks set for the remaining weeks however we do encourage you to keep on reading with your child as they will be getting a new reading book weekly. The pirate homework is due Monday 10th June.

Today is the Spring clean! Primary 2 have the task of clearing up the outer playground- we will be tackling this area in the afternoon so fingers crossed the weather clears up.

P2M have been enjoying Futsal sessions recently and the children are really being put through their paces. P2R will get a chance in the up coming weeks.

Primary 2 have been learning lots about Pirates and Island life through may different aspects of the curriculum. We have even had letters from our Pirates telling the children all sorts of interesting facts. We are hoping to go on a pirate hunt up Dechmont in the up coming weeks- weather permitting. We will be in touch again about this to confirm dates.

Please remember P.E kits (Tuesday and Thursday), water bottles and indoor shoes.

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 4 17.5.19

Hello everyone

This week has been an exciting one in Primary 4. We are really enjoying watching our caterpillars grow and grow. They are so much bigger than they were last week and we hope that by the time we are back to school on Tuesday that they will each be in their chrysalis! See the photo below to see how much they have grown.

In maths we have been continuing to develop our knowledge of fractions. We have been using whiteboards, pens and coloured counters to help us to find fractions of amounts (such as 1/4 of 24). The children have worked very hard with this and most are now also able to find 2/5 or 7/9 of a number too! Well done P4!

Show rehearsals are continuing and our dress rehearsal in front of the school is in 3 weeks time. If your child has a script at home and still has words to learn can you please encourage them to have their words fully learned by Tuesday. We really appreciate all the support you are providing your child with at home.

Our first homework share today was a huge success! Many children were able to share fantastic pieces of homework and tell us all about what they have been doing at home this week. This learning experience would not be possible without your help so thank you so much for working with the children on this at home. We look forward to homework share again next Friday!

PE days – Tuesday and Thursday
Homework share – Friday
Reading pages – Read pages before Friday 24th

Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely long weekend and we look forward to welcoming back the children on Tuesday 21st May.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 2

Primary 2 have been using the computers in class to practise logging on and off, using the internet to find out about Pirates and checking on the school blog.

Hello Primary 2!! Its Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir here. If you say the secret word to us which is “Treasure” then you can have 20 house points!! This means you have managed to find our P2 post on the school blog.

Homework was handed out yesterday with new reading books. This is due back in 23rd May.

P.E is Tuesday and Thursday for both classes.

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