Gymnastics afterschool club

A wee reminder for those attending the gymnastics afterschool club tomorrow (Thursday) that you need to bring your PE kit or leotard and the completed skills sequence sheet. There is only 3 weeks until the schools competition so it is important that we can practice and perfect your sequence.

Many thanks

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 7 – 08.11.17

Good afternoon!

This week we have been very busy working on our Remembrance assembly. We have been learning our lines and song words for this. We are looking forward to doing this in front of the school.

We have been going around the school each day collecting money for poppies. The money that is collected will go to the British Legion – this is a charity which helps soldiers and veteran soldiers.

P7M have been on a novel called Friend or Foe. We have been learning how to answer questions using a quote to show evidence for our answer. This will help us when we go to High School.

In PE we have started fitness circuits. We hope that by the end of the block we are more fit and able to increase how many activities we can do in one minute.

On Wednesday we spent the morning at DCHS for our first P7 transition morning. We got to take part in a range of subjects such as English, maths, science and history. We enjoyed meeting the teachers who were all lovely! We also got to see around the school and meet some of the S6 pupils. We are looking forward to our next transition visit in 2018!

Written by P7M


Spelling and maths homework due Friday

P7M outdoor PE on Monday

P7C swimming at DCHS on Monday

P7M & P7C indoor PE on Wednesday

Continue to learn your words for assembly


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay & Miss Clark

Primary 1 Update 8.11.17

Hello All,

This week in Primary 1 we are beginning to get into full swing with our nativity practices and have given out some parts. If your child comes home with words, please can you help them practise saying these loudly and clearly. The children are also working hard to learn the songs for their performance.

In Maths this week we are continuing to work on addition and have begun to learn about 2d shapes and their properties. To help with the concept of addition children may enjoy the following game.

This week the children are focussing on imaginative writing and were excited to imagine what their toys do when children go to sleep – some great imaginations in Primary 1!!!

Our Toy Shop Role Play Areas are up and running and the children are really enjoying taking on the roles of customer and working at the checkout. We used their ideas to create the areas and so far have unicorns, teddies, cars and trains in them!

Thank you for your continuing support,

Primary 1 Teachers


Primary 2 update 8.11.17

This week we started our new topic – Emergency services.  During the topic we will be learning about the police, the fire service, the ambulance service and mountain rescue.  We are hoping to have some visitors from the Emergency services to help us with our learning.

We have started learning our songs for the Nativity and have put them on the blog for you to practise at home.  You will find the songs on the P3 blog.

Our PE days continue to be Monday (outside) and Tuesday (inside) so please could you send in PE kit for those days.

Thank you

Mrs Muir


P2/3 Nativity: Hey Ewe!

Rehearsals have started and this week we will be handing out various speaking parts to the children. Their words will be highlighted and we would appreciate all the support that you can give to help them to learn these for the show. Those that do not receive a speaking part will be involved in group dances or singing on the stage and we will be rehearsing these in school. Below we have attached the links to the songs we will be learning so feel free to have a wee sing along at home so that the children get used to the words and the tune!

Hustle Bustle

Something’s going on

A King is born

Gospel Angels

Hey Ewe!

Calypso Kings

How much further to Bethlehem?

If you have any problems accessing these do let us know!

Have a good song filled few weeks!

The P2 and P3 Teachers!

Swimming Gala Success

Four Carmondean pupils were successful in the relay event of the West Lothian Schools Swimming Gala recently. Chloe Merson, Lauren Anderson, Keira Anderson and Leila Buchan swam an excellent race to take the silver medal. A former Carmondean pupil also experienced individual success when Ashley Merson (now S2 at Deans CHS) took the individual silver for her class and event. A big ‘Well done!’ to all.

Primary 4 Update 5 November

Last week was another busy week for primary 4.

On Tuesday it was Halloween. We all wrote spooky stories in our writing lesson. The stories had a variety of scary adjectives in them, which frightened our friends and teachers.  Also on Tuesday, Karen from the Youth Choir of Scotland taught us some scary Halloween songs and rhythms.

On Wednesday morning we went to Craigswood Sports Centre for a handball festival. There were teams from four other Livingston schools. We were divided into teams and played 4 matches against them. A lot of fun was had by all.

We have now finished our Viking topic. This has proved to be a highly enjoyable topic. A lot of learning took place about Viking travel, weapons, homes and clothing. Our ‘real’ Viking visitors that came in October were a particular highlight. Our Viking homework is due on Monday. We can’t wait to see the fantastic models and pictures!

This week we will be beginning to learn about electricity. As part of this topic we intend to make a room of a house that includes a light switch. To make this we will need boxes, about the size of a shoe box. It would be great if the children bring these in.

Have a great week.

Ms Matheson and Miss Donaldson

Primary 7 3.11.17

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Primary 7 blog.

We have had a fun filled week in P7 this week. On Monday Michelle came to visit us from WLDAS (West Lothian Drug & Alcohol Service). She spoke to both classes about smoking. The children learned how many chemicals are in cigarettes (over 4000!) and they also discussed the impact that smoking can have on our bodies and also on other areas of our lives. However, the children are aware that it is very difficult to stop smoking. In order to experience what it might be like to give up smoking the children have all been asked to give up something that they do frequently and replace it with a healthy alternative. Some of the habits that the children have given up include sweets, playing the Xbox, watching TV and drinking fizzy juice. The children have replaced these habits with a variety of alternatives this week including eating more fruit and vegetables, playing with their siblings and going outside to play. Miss Clark is even giving up chocolate for the week (which is proving very difficult!) Well done Primary 7 for all of your hard work and dedication! We are really impressed at your ability to resist even when it’s difficult.

This week we also handed out speaking parts for our P7 Remembrance Assembly. The children have also been given song lyrics to learn for next week. Any support you could give your child in learning these would be greatly appreciated. The children have taken control of the assembly and have created a PowerPoint, quiz and art work. The children are also selling poppies around the school for a donation of 50p-£1. Thank you for all your hard work. Please note – this is a school only assembly.

The children have now been allocated their Enterprise groups after applying for one of five different jobs (manager, materials manager, finance expert, quality control and human resources). They have been working really well in their groups to decide on which product or game they would like to create for others to buy/play at the Christmas Fair on Friday 1st December. Each group then created a purchase list and calculated their required spending and projected profit. The children had to shop around on different websites to find the best deals. They then wrote to Miss Millar to ask for the required funds in order to begin to buy, make and sell their products and games. Thankfully we received word this week through letters to each group that Miss Millar is funding each groups project! Soon the children will have all of the products and materials they need in order to create their products and games.

Some reminders
Outdoor PE – Monday (As we are going outside each week can you please ensure that your child comes prepared with appropriate outdoor shoes to take part in all activities. They will also need a warm, waterproof jacket).
Indoor PE – Wednesday (Mrs Ferguson is working on gymnastics with the children and it is therefore vitally important that all children wear PE kit in order to take part in all activities).

Beginning next week (Monday 13th November) the children in Miss Clark’s class will be taking part in swimming lessons at DCHS for 4 weeks. It is very important that the children come prepared with a swimming kit, towel and full change of clothing (school uniform) each Monday. A letter will be sent home to remind children of this. Mrs Macaulay’s class will take part in swimming lessons later on in the year.

Thank you, as always, for your help and support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 6 3.11.17

This week the children were writing atmospheric poems. They tried to include repetition, adjectives, metaphors, similes and words to create an atmosphere! The end result was a collection of fantastic poems which the children read to each other. We were all very impressed with the hard work put in to writing these poems. Well done everyone!

Our journey around Europe has begun in earnest! Each pupil now has their own country to research with the main aim being to write a factual book on their chosen destination. We will be doing the majority of work for this in class but we would appreciate any information which could be gathered outside of school. If you have any books on European countries which you would be willing to let the class borrow it would be much appreciated. Indeed any text that you think maybe useful would be great, for example travel brochures which contain information on particular countries etc.

Newsletters were handed out this week, detailing the term ahead. As always it is going to be a busy one! We have a St. Andrews assembly to prepare for as well as our own class assembly in December. This will be a school only one with our visitor one taking place in the spring.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERYWEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families, and Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils’ games and activities they can do to practise.

Thank for your continued support.
Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Wylie, Mrs Tully and Mr Shanks

P2/1 3rd November 2017

We have had another busy week in P2/1 this week and have started our new topic ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark’. We have made owls using paper plates and mounted them on a night time background. We have also been looking at dark being and exciting time with firework displays happening. We have talked about how to stay safe around fireworks and made some lovely firework pictures-look out for some of these being displayed on the windows of the P2/1 classroom!

In Maths this week we have all been looking at addition. The P2s have been adding groups that are screened or hidden and the P1s have been combining sets of objects.

In Phonics the P1s have been consolidating sounds that they have learned so far and focusing on blending the sounds to make CVC and CCVC words- we are doing really well with this! The P2s sound this week was -ue and the children have been enjoying thinking of new words to add to our lists and also finding -ue words in their reading books and around the classroom.

Next week we will begin rehearsals for our Nativity performances so be prepared for the children to come home singing some catchy songs!

Thank you for your continued support
Mrs Steel

Primary 3

The frost has started already! So a quick reminder to make sure your child is coming to school wrapped up warm in suitable footwear and clothing. Please, please, please make sure all hats, gloves and scarves are labelled clearly with your child’s name as it is very easy to misplace these items. Also please make sure your child has appropriate clothing for outdoor PE. Tracksuit bottoms and jumpers rather than shorts and t shirts.

We have handed out our new phonic focus for the week, lots of different sounds for your child to learn as well as some recommended common words too.

Last week the children enjoyed their Halloween party, the costumes were fantastic and a lot of fun was had!


Don’t forget on Friday this week we will be having our ‘Weather Party’ to celebrate the end of our topic. The children can bring in their party clothes and we will be providing some snacks and drinks along with a weather film.

Have a good week and if you’re out and about tonight, ‘Happy Trick or Treating’!

Miss Smith, Mrs Smith & Miss Brown

Primary 1 30/10/17

Welcome back after the October holiday. We hope you all had a lovely break. This term our interdisciplinary topic will be ‘toys’. The children enjoyed bringing in their favourite toy last week and were all able to talk about it in front of the class and write about what they like to play with their toy in our writing lesson. This week we will be setting up our toy shop in the classroom role play area. So far we have made unicorns and this week we will make some teddy bears. This topic will teach the children about money, materials and forces.
In maths we are learning to add 2 sets of objects together. The children have made lots of progress recognising numbers and counting out sets which is aiding them as they move onto addition strategies.
We have also started learning the nativity songs in class this week. We will be practising these songs regularly in class and will give out speaking parts in the next week or so.
PE is on a Monday. Please ensure your child comes prepared with a PE kit.
Homework folders should be returned to school every day so that we can read with your child throughout the week and write in homework diaries when necessary.

F.L.A.G. European Project Recognised for Quality

Our Erasmus+ Project, For Learners Around the Globe (F.L.A.G.), has been awarded the European Quality Label, the highest award given by eTwinning, the organisation who monitors all projects. This is how we got the news:

Congratulations! Your school has been awarded the European Quality Label for the excellence of  the work in the eTwinning project “For Learners Around the Globe/FLAG”. This means that your work, the work of your students and your school have been recognised at the highest European level.

As a result you will receive a certificate which you can attach to your website(s) and  display in a prominent position in your school. Also, your project will be displayed in a special area on the European Portal at

Once again congratulations on this unique achievement and I hope that we may meet at one of the eTwinning events during the year.

With my best regards,
eTwinning Team

Congratulations to everyone at Carmondean PS who contributed to this outstanding success.

Primary 6 27.10.17

We hope everyone enjoyed their October holiday and the stormy weather did not disrupt too many plans.

The children have been working hard this week. In writing they wrote all about their October holiday and what they had been doing. The skills we focused on were correct spelling, starting each sentence with a different word and including adjectives. The children then peer assessed their partner’s story and provided feedback.

We have completed our Topic on the Industrial Revolution and have started Europe. The children will be creating non-fiction books on a European country in the coming weeks. We are excited to learn lots of new facts about our European neighbours.

In Reading we have finished our novel and the children shared a range of emotions about how the story ended. Lots of great discussion took place. Next week the children will be writing a book review about the novel.

After school clubs have started this week. Thank you to all children who have signed up already. There are still spaces in many of the clubs so please ask for an application form if your child is interested in joining a club.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERY WEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of a worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families and Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils’ games and activities they can do to practise.

Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Wylie, Mrs Tully and Mr Shanks

Primary 7 – 27.10.17

Good Morning All

This week we have been very busy.On Tuesday morning P7M had Miss Lindsay to talk to us  about Didbook. We talked about how we’re going to use it in high school.

We had a visit from the NSPCC and how we should say NO to abuse.We also made our own fortune tellers so we can remember how to look after our selves.

On Wednesday in PE with Mrs Ferguson we had Gymnastics and we were doing leap frog and we had a leap of fun.

We have started our enterprise topic. We completed a job application form for our preferred role (this included manager, materials manager, finance expert, human resources and quality control). We also came up with our groups’ names and ideas of the product or game that we’re going to sell.

Yesterday night was a blast. We had a lot of fun at the Halloween disco. We had a DJ who was AWESOME. We had sweets galore and we had a raffle.

Thank you for reading – Declan and Khaled


Monday – Visit from tobacco education

Monday – Outdoor PE

Wednesday – Indoor PE

Friday – Spelling and maths homework due


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay & Miss Clark

Primary 2/3 26.10.17

Primary 2/3 have a new topic called Our Community. We are going to be learning about who works in our community, who helps us and what we can do to keep our community safe and tidy.

Primary 2/3 have P.E on a Monday and Tuesday. Please remember to bring in a P.E kit.


Primary 2 have: Reading, Maths, Time your Climb and common words

Primary 3 have: Spelling, two sentences, common words and maths

All homework is due on Friday please.

Tomorrow we are planning to do some spooky writing using lots of picture plans and interesting adjectives. Our stories should be great!

I am looking forward to seeing all the boys and girls at the Halloween Disco tonight!

Primary 1 Update 25.10.17

Hello All,

It’s great to see everyone back safe and well-rested after the holidays, ready for a busy new term.

This week in Maths we have been learning to combine sets of objects and are continuing to practise forward and backward number sequences with higher numbers.

We are continuing to learn new sounds and working hard to blend these together to read words.

The children were very excited to hear our new topic for this term is all about Toys. They enjoyed sharing their favourite toy with their class and have been mind mapping ideas for their own Toy Shop role play area.

This week is also our School Halloween Disco – Thursday 26th October – we look forward to seeing lots of you there.

Nativity season will soon be upon us and we are beginning to learn  songs and actions. If your child is given a speaking part please can you help practise the words at home.

Thank you for your continuing support,

P1 Teachers



Primary 3 24.10.17

Hello all!

We hope you had a lovely half term break and feel fully rested for the busy term ahead! We have started the week as we mean to go on with our phonic focus and our common words selection. You will notice that the children will have slightly more words to learn using make and break strategies or look, say, cover, write and check. We have also included four common words to practice each week in whichever way you choose. This can be done verbally, in the car, in the supermarket or it can be done using colour on scrap paper in rainbow writing, or opposite handed. The more repetition the children experience the more they will remember when they write in class.

Reading will also be set individually, this will either be stuck in the front of the diary or in the relevant week indicating which pages or chapters to focus on.

PE remains the same with P3S on a Tuesday and Thursday and P3A on a Tuesday and Wednesday.

Our Halloween Disco will be taking place this Thursday at 5pm and the children are already excited about dressing up for this.

We will also be busy planning and rehearsing our P2/3 Nativity and more details of this will follow, don’t want to mention ‘Xmas’ just yet!!!!

It was lovely to see those of you that could attend parent’s evening before half term and as always, our door is open if you have any queries or concerns.

Have a great week!

Mrs Smith, Miss Smith and Miss Brown

Primary 6 13.10.17

Entrepreneurial juices were flowing this week at our Invention Showcase! The event was a great success due to the hard work of Primary Six. We had many original product ideas, which demonstrated ingenuity, creativity and problem solving skills.

Equally impressive was the quality of the presentations given by the pupils and their enthusiasm for the event has to be admired. Well done Primary Six! Thank you to all our visitors, we are sure you will agree that we have some future Dragons’ Den candidates.

We have completed our first Parents Evening sessions of the year and would like to thank you all for your continued support.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practice their spelling words daily.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERY WEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families and Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils’ games and activities they can do to practice.

We wish everyone a happy October holiday,
Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Wylie, Mrs Tully and Mr Shanks

Primary 6 Inventors’ Showcase

Primary 6 children had the opportunity to show off their work to their parents, friends and some visitors from other classes yesterday and today at a display of learning about their Interdisciplinary Learning Topic, ‘The Industrial Revolution. There were many ingenious inventions on show and the children incorporated many other curricular areas into their presentations and ‘pitches’. A big ‘Well Done’ to everyone.

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