Primary 1 w.b. 29.1.18

Primary 1 have been having another busy week. We are enjoying our Dinosaur topic so far. The children are playing well in the dinosaur areas in the classroom pretending to be paleontologists searching for dinosaur bones. This week we have also acted out different dinosaurs in drama and made a sound map of a dinosaur land. Today we will be investigating dinosaur footprints.
In phonics, we have come to the end of our single letter sounds. The children are growing in confidence reading and writing short words. We will continue to practise this in the coming weeks before moving onto reading diagraphs (sh, ch, th etc). Thank you for all your help supporting your children with this learning at home.
This week you will have noticed that your child brought a non-fiction book home with them. Please read this book with you child and talk about how a non-fiction book is different from fiction. We will be doing work on this in class in the coming weeks.
In maths we are learning how to take away from numbers up to 5 and how to tell the time on analogue clocks. Thank you for practising at home.
– Please send your child to school with a named water bottle. This should only contain water.
– Homework folders should come to school every day so that we can read throughout the week.
Thank you
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

Primary 4 Week beg 29.1.18

In Primary 4 this week we have been continuing to learn about our Scotland topic. We have recieved a letter from Euan MacDonald who is looking for our help to find out more about Kelpies. We have also been learning about some of the major cities in Scotland and where they are on the map.
The classes have been using co-ordinates and grid references to find different locations on maps and make our own maps. The children will also be learning about Scottish traditions and symbols such as the thistle and tartan. They will be beginning to study Charles Rennie MacIntosh and how his designs and artwork are created.

The children have also been revising and learning their times tables. We will be continuing to develop our knowledge of the times tables and how to recall facts quickly. If you could help your child to practise their times tables at home that would be greatly appreciated.

The children have recieved new spelling sheets this week as we will be focusing on the different ways of making the ‘igh’ sound and when we should use them.


It is Shoe Share week at school. The pupil council are collecting any old shoes you may have that you do not use anymore so that they can donate them to Clarks and Unicef.

P.E days are a Monday and Wednesday for P4M and Tuesday and Wednesday for P4D

Please make sure all clothes are labelled with your child’s name

Please provide a water bottle

Any spelling and reading homework will be due on Friday.

Thank you for reading,
The Primary 4 teachers

Primary 2/3 30.1.18

Primary 2/3 would like to say a huge well done to Zara Walker and Oliver Wheelans!! They both did a fantastic job reciting their Scottish poem in front of the whole school. Well done!!

Primary 2/3 have been learning about Roman numerals. They managed to use the Roman numerals to count confidently up to 10 and also use them to crack codes. This week we are learning about Roman towns and villas.

In science, we have been continuing our lessons in the Polar Explorer programme. Yesterday we were learning about the Arctic food chain and how important it is in keeping some of our beautiful arctic animals alive! We even learned about a little fish called a copepod!

In health last week the boys and girls were learning about our feelings when we have good days and bad days. The children were able to describe these days and how it made them feel. We also learned that if we are having a bad day we can always turn it round to a good day by changing our thought process! Primary 2/3 are hoping for lots of good days to come!

Primary 3 have started learning their 2x tables and are hoping to move onto their 10x next week- keep practising P3!

Primary 2 are working hard in subtraction, using concrete materials and number lines. The children are also been working out missing subtrahends which can be tricky but they are doing really well. Keep up the hard work P2!

Reminder- P.E is on a Monday and Wednesday

Homework- Spelling, Reading, Maths

Thanks, Miss Rafferty

Primary 3 News

This week we are looking at multiplication and we are focusing on the 2x table. Your child has been asked to design a poster at home showing groups of 2 in different ways. They can either take photos or draw the different groups and use language such as:

3 groups of 2=6

3 lots of 2 = 6


3 multiplied by 2=6

They can use items from their bedroom such as lego, puzzle pieces, figures etc.

This is due on Friday for display.

Phonics and reading have also been set as normal.

Congratulations to Joshua, Katie, Arthur and Eva who got through to our Scottish Poetry Assembly on Friday. All performed their poems brilliantly and our overall winners were Joshua and Arthur.

Don’t forget about the Big Homework! We can’t wait to see the castle designs after half term on the 14th February.

Next week is our Parent Consultations and you can book these online. We look forward to seeing you all and discussing your child’s progress.

We will also be looking at safety on the internet next Tuesday, talking about the right ways to use the internet and to be aware of any warning signs when using it.

Have a good week!

Mrs Smith & Mr Gordon

P2/1 Poetry Competition

Well done to the winners of the class competition in P2/1 who took part in our annual Poetry Competition for Burns’ Day.  They were so confident getting up in front of the whole school to say their poem.  We were all so proud of them. Also well done to all the other boys and girls who got up in front of the class to perform their poem….Mrs Steel had a very hard job picking the winners!



Well Done from Mrs Steel!! 🙂




Primary 6 26.1.18

“And there’s a hand, my trusty fere”….We have had a braw week celebrating the life and works of Rabbie Burns. Most pupils were willing to try some haggis at our Burns supper and we enjoyed some dramatic renditions of Burns poetry. We ended our celebrations with a rousing rendition of Auld Lang Syne. Well done to all the pupils who put themselves forward for our school Scottish poetry competition!

Please remember to look out for fractions, decimals and percentages in everyday life .

Auditions have now been completed for our school show and parts will be announced very soon.

Our class novel has reached a very moving point this week, we have been discussing extreme happiness and sadness and thinking of ways in which we can describe how this feels. Our pupils are now coming up with interesting alternatives to using the words happy or sad.


PE – outdoor Kit – Wednesdays –

Indoor Kit 6Wy – Tuesdays 6Wo – Mondays

Homework – Reading homework due on Tuesday, spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERYWEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families, Number Bonds. We have shown the pupil’s games and activities they can do to practise.

Thank for your continued support.

Mr . Woodward, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 1 Update 25.1.18

Hello All,

We’ve had a very busy week in Primary 1. We have been practising our Scottish poems and songs and learning all about Robert Burns and how people celebrate Burns Day. We really enjoyed trying some Scottish foods including haggis and oatcakes and especially liked the shortbread! We listened to Auld Lang Syne, some Red Hot Chilli Pipers bagpipe music and some poetry recitals.

Also this week , as part of our Dinosaur topic,  we have been learning about the role of Paleontologist. We will be excavating dinosaur bones in our role play area and solving the puzzles to create the skeleton of a T Rex and Brachiosaurus! We also had a turn at using tools to excavate some fossils (chocolate chips from chocolate chip cookies!)

This week in Maths, we are continuing with the concepts of subtraction and telling the time.

In Writing, we wrote letters to Professor Rex telling him how we are looking after the egg that he delivered and asking him lots of questions. We decided it would take too long to send so we sent the letter by email as a class. We are excited to see his reply. We will keep you updated!

Thank you for your continuing support,

Primary 1 Teachers.

Primary 7 25.1.18

Hello everyone!

This week we have been to the Risk Factory there was lots of different stages it was amazing. We’d love to tell you more but we don’t want to spoil it for next year’s P7s!
We had auditions for the Burns Assembly. Daisy, Imane, Ammad and Robyn have been selected to represent P7 – well done!

6 members of Primary 7 went up to the local Morrison’s with Mr Shanks and Mrs Harding to ask people how they feel about alcohol in our community as part of our health topic.

In PE we have been working towards the Sports Hall athletics competition where 30 primary 7s are going to compete in 4 events.

In science we have been planning a polar expedition just like Craig our polar explorer. We have been working using a budget and planning what equipment, clothing and food we would need to take on a Polar Expedition.

Kaydi, Ellie, Mason, Tyler, Natasha & Nicole P7C

PE days – Monday and Tuesday
Literacy Circles homework due on Wednesdays
Spelling and maths homework due on Fridays
My Life so Far first draft due on Friday 9th March
WW2 Booklets (see big homework sheet) due Friday 16th March

P5 25.1.18

This week Primary 5 have been learning about life the the 17th century as part of our Scottish Wars of Independence topic.  We have started reading a non fiction book and have used the information we have read to write facts about Living in a castle and the country.  We made clay castles which will be decorated next week.


We have also learned about the life of King Alexander III and the problems with succession after his death.  We have started writing a news interview with Queen Yolande to record the main facts of the story so far.


In Science we have been studying the effects of climate change on the Polar ice caps as part of the Polar explorer project.  We have learned about the effects of gases on the ozone layer and investigated the change in the size of a glacier over several years.  We have also looked at the effects of carbon on our oceans.  We really enjoyed using PH paper to test liquids and learned about the effects carbon is having on our oceans.


This week we have been learning Scots poems to participate in the Burns competition.  The children have worked very hard to learn their poems and the standard when reciting them has been very impressive.


Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson and Miss Farren

P2M Burns Day update 25.1.2018

Happy Burns Day!  We’ve been celebrating today by designing our own tartan and tasting haggis and oatcakes.  Lots of the children had never tasted haggis before but they were very good at trying it and many of them loved it!

Well done to all of the children who recited their poems confidently in front of the class.  Congratulations to Ellie and Mya who will be performing their poems in front of the school at our Burns Day assembly tomorrow. We know it takes a lot of work to learn the poems and that the children couldn’t do this without your help at home so thank you!

Mrs Muir


Book Bug Questionnaire for P1 Parents

We hope you are enjoying the Book Bug Resources presented to your child at our gifting event. The Scottish Book Trust is looking for some feedback to inform future Book Bug gifts and events, so would appreciate if as many P1 parents could complete their questionnaire online. There is a prize for one lucky parent of a bundle of books for their child. The link to the questionnaire is here:

Book Bug Questionnaire

Thank you in advance for your support.

Primary 4 Week beg 22.1.18

In Primary 4 this week we have been learning our Scottish poems for our Burns assembly. The children have had the poems home to practise and have also been learning them in the classroom.

This has come at a perfect time as we have just started our Scotland topic. This will be our topic for the whole term and we are excited to learn all about Scotland and its traditions.

Last week was our Polar explorer week and we enjoyed taking part in various science experiments and challenges such as making glaciers, dissolving shells and making boats for a voyage.

In spelling we have been focusing on strategies for spelling tricky words. We have been learning about mnemonics (becauseBig Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants), words within a word and syllabification. We are using these strategies as the words the children have been learning cannot always be sounded out.


Please bring a water bottle

Outdoor PE on Tuesday

Indoor PE on Wednesday (with Mrs Ferguson)

Scottish Poem due for Thursday


Thank you,

The Primary 4 teachers

P2/1 23rd January 2018

This week P2/1 have been having great fun making boats and creating our own underwater exploring machines. We have been using our imaginations to design a vehicle that would take us to the bottom of the ocean to find out about what lives there.  We also extended this to our writing and wrote underwater adventures-we all have great imaginations in P2/1!

In Maths the P1 children have been working very hard with subtraction facts to 10 using concrete materials and are becoming really confident with this.  The P2 children have been working with subtraction to 20 and are now moving on to missing number subtraction facts.

Well done to everyone who has been learning their poem for Burn’s Day-we will begin hearing them tomorrow so keep going!


Tuesday- New Reading book

Wednesday- Burn’s Poem to perform in class

Thursday- Gym

Friday- Burn’s Competition

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Steel

Primary 2/3 23.1.18

Primary 2/3 have been working very hard learning their Scottish Poems. The boys and girls have been practising in class and at home. Today the children are going to perform in front of their class and then two of our boys and girls will be invited to say their poem to the whole school. We wish them all the best of luck! On Thursday we will be learning about Robert Burns, singing Scottish songs and tasting some traditional Scottish food. I hope you all like Haggis!!

In our topic this week we have been looking and learning about the Roman soldier. We have discussed what they wear and why. The children have also learned what the Roman words are for shield, sandals and helmet. We are also going to be learning about Roman Numerals this week too.

Reminder- P.E is on a Monday and Wednesday so please can you send the children in with P.E kits. Also could they come to school with a water bottle.

Homework: Spelling, Reading, Poems/Scottish Song and Maths.


Miss Rafferty


I am delighted with the effort our chosen gymnasts have been putting in to get ready for the gymnastics showcase next week. Just a reminder that there will be a practice for all on Thursday lunchtime in the big hall so please make sure you have your PE kit with you and you are ready with your routine. If you have any questions then please come and see me when I am back in school on Wednesday. We have such talented gymnasts that I’ll bet they are finding it hard to select their favourite 6 or 8 skills. Could the Rhythmic and partner sequence gymnasts also come at playtime on Wednesday.

Many thanks

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 6 19.1.18

The sound of deep Scottish brogues can be heard throughout the Primary 6 classrooms as we prepare for our Scottish School Assembly. Each pupil has chosen a Scottish poem to learn and two pupils from each class will be put forward to the school competition. Primary 6 are also planning to have a Burns Supper next Thursday , 25th January. Haggis will be available for those who would like to try it and pupils are welcome to wear tartan. Pupils should come to school in uniform and will be given the opportunity to change into any tartan items before the supper.
Mrs Wylie’s math class are working on fractions, decimals and percentages at the moment. It would be great if the pupils could note where we use the above in everyday life.

Show auditions have begun in earnest and Mr Platt is very pleased with the number of pupils who have put themselves forward. We are sure it will be a rocking success!

All pupils have been given their Literacy Circle booklets home to be used with their novels. Tasks have been assigned and each pupil should note this in their booklets. We had a new addition to primary 6 this week ….. We now have a cat! The children can explain!

We had a visit from a Polar explorer on Monday who discussed his expeditions, demonstrated some survival techniques and allowed the pupils to sample some expedition food ….Yum!! We have used this topic as a stimulus for our science lessons this week.

PE – outdoor Kit – Wednesdays
Indoor Kit 6Wy – Tuesdays
P6W – Mondays
Homework – Reading homework due on Tuesday , spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays .
Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERY WEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families , Number Bonds . We have shown the pupil’s games and activities they can do to practise.

Thank you for your continued support.
Mr . Woodward, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 2 update

We’ve had a very exciting week as on Monday the school had a visit from a real explorer!  Craig the explorer told us all about his expeditions to the South and North poles and some of the children got to try on the clothes he wears and sample some of the food he eats.  We’ve been very inspired by his visit and have carried out lots of science experiments during the week.  The children loved making their own boats from plasticine  and trying to work out the best design to ensure their boats floated.  Yesterday, working in pairs, the children researched and designed an underwater exploration vehicle.  It has been great fun!


Just a reminder to ask your child to try and read the words in the blue word book.  Every week we will stick in new words and it would be great if you could sign the book to say they have been practised.  Thank you for your help with this.

On Tuesday next week the children will recite their Scottish poem in class.  We’ve been practising these in school and I know that you have been practising them at home – thank you.


Outdoor PE is on a Monday and indoor PE is on a Wednesday.  Please could you make sure your child has PE kit for those days (they can leave it in school if you prefer and take it home at the end of the week).

Also please can you make sure your child has indoor shoes for school.


Thanks so much for your support.

Mrs Muir


Primary2/3 18.1.18

Primary 2/3 have been completing Polar Explorer experiments. We had to make boats out of plasticine and figure out how we could make them float. There was lots of problem solving. Our second experiment was investigating symmetry and balance. We had to make sure that we did not have uneven weight on our cargo ships. Today we are going to be doing some design and technology about grabbers which are used the the bottom of the ocean.


Primary 2/3 topic this term is The Romans. If you have any resources at home to help support our topic we would love to have them brought into school. We are going to be learning lots about Roman life, Roman Soldiers and Roman battles.

Primary 2/3 have P. E on a Monday (Outside) and Wednesday (inside). Please remember your P.E kit.

All boys and girls have a Scottish Poem to learn off by heart for our competition on Tuesday 23rd January.

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