Primary 1 28.05.20

Bonjour Primary 1s,
We hope you are having a wonderful week and are managing to do your learning and also have time to relax.
Since a lot of us are enjoying lovely local walks outside, we thought we would create a scavenger hunt for you to do on one of your walks. Your task is to try and find as many items as you can on the list and then answer the questions. I managed to find 8 from the list on my walk yesterday. It is lots of fun!
Here is the scavenger hunt:
If you aren’t able to print it, why don’t you copy down the items in your jotter and then use that to tick them off if you see them?
Remember these activities on the blogs are just optional extras, only complete them if you can and would like to.
Thank you for all the hard work you are putting in. Enjoy your day!
Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun.

Primary 2 – 28 May 2020

Good Morning Primary 2,

How is everyone today? Hopefully you are all still happy and healthy – we would love to hear from you. Comment below to say hi!

It is set to be another sunny day and therefore let’s look at sun safety and how we can enjoy the sun in a safe way. There are several good things about the sun. It gives us vitamin D, it is good for our minds to learn and play outdoors, it keeps us warm and it helps plants grow. We do need to be very careful though. The sun’s UV rays can harm our skin. Have you ever been sunburnt before? If so you will know how painful it can be. You can be safe in the sun by wearing adequate clothing for example shorts and t-shirt and putting sun cream on any areas of skin that are not covered. A hat is also very important to protect the top of your head from the sun. Playing in the shade where possible is also a good idea and remember to drink lots to stop you getting dehydrated.

We have included an additional sun safety task for those of you who wish to do it. You will find a sun safety poster challenge attached. Can you design a poster that can be displayed at the beach to remind people to stay safe in the sun? Remember to use a title and attractive colours to make the reader want to look at your poster. Check out this short video to help give you ideas –

We hope you are all managing to complete some of the Learning Grid activities. Remember we are here to help – just comment below or message us through the Learning Journals system with any questions.

sun safety – 28.05.20

Have a lovely day everyone!

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Primary 3 27 5 20

Bonjour et bon Mercredi! We made it to Wednesday and that means today we have our Teams catch up chat! It was lovely to see and hear from so many of you last week and Mr Woodward was impressed he finally got the whiteboard working so you could all have a play about and write messages and attempt to play noughts and crosses against each other! Maybe a noughts and crosses tournament is in order? The chat will be at 10am, looking forward to seeing you all there!

For today’s Garden Week idea why not try creating your own version of a sensory path in your garden? (Depending on the weather, maybe if it rains it’s an indoor activity?) Outline a path in your garden if you can, then using whatever you have that you will be able to walk on barefoot set out your path. Have a go at walking along your sensory path and try to describe using a few adjectives how it feels in each section. Get other members of your family to try it too and see if they felt the same things you did!


Don’t Press the Button

Imagine yourself on a spaceship and there is a button that makes anything you can think of. What would you make using the button and what would you use it for? Describe the spaceship you are on, describe what the button looks like and describe what you make with your button. Make sure to have a beginning, middle and end to your story with 1 problem you need to solve using the thing you make with the button.

The Empty Palace

You are the son or daughter of a king and queen. One day you wake up and the whole palace is empty. How do you feel being in an empty palace? Your mission in your story is to investigate and track down everyone in the palace. How did they disappear, what happened to them and how do you get them back?

Sands of Akwa

You have landed on a strange planet looking for some special treasure. What does the planet look like, who is with you and what are you looking for? While looking for the treasure you meet some people who try to help you, and some people who want to stop you. Who are these different people? Your story should start when you land on the planet, you meet the different characters and our adventure should take you to your treasure.

Tom Thumb and the Football Team

Tom Thumb spends part of the story stuck indoors when all he wants to do is go outside. Think of an adventure you would like to have in your local area once you are allowed outside again and write about it. Where would you go, what would you do, who would you be with? How does it feel being stuck indoors and how does it feel to finally be allowed outside again?

Stinky Street

In Stinky Street Franklin is trying to stop the sale of his house so he doesn’t have to move away from where he lives. Imagine that Franklin actually wanted to move. Where would he move to, what does his new house look like? What kinds of things are near his new house and who does he meet? Describe the excitement of moving to a new house and of meeting new people and exploring a new area.

Maths: Today we are looking at weight and converting weight from grams to kilograms. To change between grams and kilograms you have to remember that there are 1,000 grams (g) in 1 kilogram (kg). So 1,000g = 1kg, 2,000g = 2kg etc.

Converting g to kg and kg to g

Number Talks

2 x 45                                     5 x 30

4 x 45                                     10 x 30

2 x 40                                     3 x 15

2 x 5                                       10 x 15

8 x 45                                     15 x 33

Challenge Sum

384 x 52

Thanks for your continued support and hard work,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 2 27.5.20

Good morning Primary 2!

Happy Wednesday! I think today is going to be a hot one so get outside as much as you can. Remember to wear sun cream and hat. We need to protect ourselves!

Let’s start our day right with a little bit of exercise!

Joe Wicks:

Cosmic Kids yoga:

Complete an activity in your garden with a skipping rope/ a ball/ make races/ obstacle course etc.

Article 15- Freedom of Association

Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights. Once you complete an activity linked to the Article (These can be found on blog post dated 25.5.20) remember to post your pictures in Learning Journals.

Bird Feeder

As the days get longer you might find yourself in the garden enjoying the good weather. Why don’t you attract birds to your garden by making your very own bird feeder? You can follow the instructions below.

How to make a bird feeder

BBC Bitesize

BBC Bitesize always have super lessons online. Why don’t you get some of them a go:


Keep up the good work, you are all doing so well! Any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Stay safe and enjoy the weather,

Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

Primary 1 Home Learning – 27.05.20

Good Morning Primary 1!

I hope you are all well and are enjoying getting involved in some of the home learning activities this week.

This week UNICEF’s Rights Respecting School’s article of the week is Article 15 – Freedom of Association. Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights. What is needed for you to enjoy the right to get together and join up with other children? (For example clubs, organisations, safe places etc.)

Look at the following pictures: What is happening here? What rights are being shown here? Talk to an adult about all of your ideas!


Activity Time!

Choose one of the following activities to explore today to help you stay in touch with other children during these challenging times:

  1. Make a list of 5 children that you would like to get in contact with. Write them a letter or video call them this week to find out how their week has been.
  2. Think about a group or club you are part of. Create a poster or leaflet to encourage other people to join. Make sure to list all of the reasons why it is a good idea to join this group.
  3. Imagine you are meeting a new child for the first time – it could be in a club or in your class. Make a list of  questions you would like to find out to get to know them. What would you tell them about yourself?
  4. The word ‘association’ is interesting. You have perhaps heard of the Football Association (FA) or the Automobile Association (AA) Look up the meaning of ASSOCIATION and explain to somebody in your home what it means.
  5. Think of your favourite places to meet up with other young people. What makes for a place good for children/young people to get together?

We can’t wait to share some examples of your work on the school blog!

Thank you for continuing to share all of your hard work with us on the Learning Journals!

Primary 1 teachers

P3 26 5 20

It’s Tuesday, it’s mardi, it’s already nearly the middle of the week! We have been delighted with the hard work and creativity you have all been showing us across these last few months and we hope you have enjoyed doing everything as much as we have enjoyed seeing it.

For today’s Children’s Gardening Week activity, if you have the materials, create a a fairy house for your garden. You will need a plantpot, or just something you can paint and can stand on its own, and some paints. Once it’s done leave it in your garden and wait for the fairies to come!

Spelling: Phonics stories have been uploaded to teams.

Reading: Answer these true or false statements based on your reading books. If the statement is false write the correct statement underneath using full sentences. Make up 3 of your own when you are finished.

Don’t Press the Button

  1. There’s a lever on the ship that makes it go backwards and forwards.
  2. The Fabricator made Max a spacesuit.
  3. The spacesuits had 5 buttons.
  4. Tiger’s spacesuit had wings and Max’s had a holo-board.
  5. Ant made the room fill with basketballs.

The Empty Palace

  1. The kids found out Nok is a King.
  2. Nok’s parent’s had gone missing.
  3. Badlaw was the one who kidnapped Nok’s parents.
  4. Wooden legs and arms grew out of the Krool’s body.
  5. Arkon, The Small One, could help to get Nok’s parents back.

The Sands of Akwa

  1. When they arrived on Akwa the beach was full of animals.
  2. Livi was an Akwan warrior who met the group on the beach.
  3. The screaming Raptiss made the Akwans fly off into the air.
  4. The group split up with Tiger and Cat shrinking and running to the cliffs.
  5. The two Raptiss ended up teaming up together to chase the group.

Tom Thumb and the Football Team

  1. Tom was put into a cradle made up of cupcakes.
  2. Tom got stuck into the pudding and thrown out the house.
  3. Tom’s Mum gave him a bath inside of a thimble.
  4. Tom ended up making friends with King Arthur.
  5. King Arthur drove Tom back to his village to find his parents.

Stinky Street

  1. Franklin lives on a street with a brick wall on one end and it overlooks an ice cream shop.
  2. Chicken and Rhubarb pies are made on Thursdays.
  3. Mr Bragg wanted to buy Franklin’s house.
  4. Franklin wanted Mr Bragg to buy the house more than anything.
  5. Franklin’s Mum danced around with fairy lights on her head after Mrs Cox came to visit.

Maths – Subtraction

Please see Teams files instructional videos for an example of the ‘spicy’ and  ‘hot’ worksheet which involves decomposition (breaking down numbers and carrying them to different columns.)Please choose your challenge. If you do not feel confident with trying decomposition sums, stick with the ‘mild’ choice as we did not spend much time at all on this in class.




Spicy TO-O with help boxes

Hot – Extreme challenge

Hot TO-TO with help boxes 1

Here are your Number Talks for today:

2 x 7                                       2 x 16

4 x 7                                       10 x 16

3 x 7                                       10 x 14

7 x 7                                       2 x 14

14 x 16

Challenge Sum

374 x 62

Thank you for all your hard work and support,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 2 – 26 May 2020

Good Morning Primary 2,

How are you all today? It looks like it is set to be another beautiful day. On the whole we have been very lucky with the weather during lockdown. On Thursday’s blog we are going to explore sun safety as hopefully this good weather is set to continue throughout June and July.

You may not know but today is National Paper Airplane day! We hadn’t even realised there was such a day but thought it might be fun to include it in today’s post. Paper airplanes have fascinated children and adults alike around the globe for generations. The day is usually celebrated with contests in two basic flight categories: distance and time in air. We have included instructions on how to make a basic paper airplane. Your grown-ups may have a better way of making one so ask them! See if you can persuade your siblings or adults to make one too and take them outside to race! As stated above there are two options – the winner could be the one that travels the furthest or the one that stays in the air the longest. You decide! Take lots of photos as we would love to see them! You could name and decorate your airplane too.

This week’s article was on yesterday’s blog. It has been lovely to see some photos of you working on the articles at home. Mrs Gilmour is compiling all your photos as evidence to put forward to Unicef to that Carmondean can be re-awarded our Rights Respecting School status so keep them coming!

Remember your Learning Grids are there to support your literacy, numeracy and learning across the curriculum. Choose a few tasks to complete each day and let us know how you are doing. We are here to help so either comment below or message us through the Learning Journal system and we will reply as soon as possible.

Have a lovely day and have fun with those paper airplanes!

paper airplane 26.5.20

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty


Primary 1 26.5.20

Good morning Primary 1s!
How are you all? We hope that you are keeping well and are managing to have some fun as well as complete some work. The weather forecast is lovely for the whole week and so we hope that you are able to get outside each day to play and enjoy the sunshine. Today we would like you to continue working through the learning grids we posted yesterday.
We have also created a ‘word boost’ story for you to listen to today at some point. Maybe you could stop for ‘milk and story’ midway through the morning like we do in school? The story is called Grandad’s farm and is all about a girl called Jaz who visits her Grandad’s farm to help out.

Grandad’s Farm story and word boost

As you listen can you look out for the words:
– sowing
– mucking out
– coop
– free range
– cultivator
These are all farming related words and will deepen your understanding of farms and the life of a farmer. At the end of the PowerPoint I will explain what each of the words means but why don’t you have a think about if you have heard them before and have a guess at their meaning before listening.

When you open the link you will be taken to the Powerpoint, click on  view slideshow from the beginning and after a few seconds I will start reading the story. We suggest that you listen to the story twice, once to get an understanding of what happens and to hear the ‘word boost’ words and their definitions, and a second time when you can try to spot the words as they are read.

Have a lovely day boys and girls and we can’t wait to see some pictures on the Learning Journals later of all the fun things you have got up to.
Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Miss Cunningham

P3 25 5 20

Hello Primary 3! We hope you’ve had a lovely and well rested time over the weekend and you managed to make the most of it. Thank you so much for all the work you’ve sent us, for all the messages and interactions we’ve had from you, it has been wonderful to see how hard you’ve been working so thank you!

Please see here for the new Home Learning Grid:


This should see you up until the Summer Holidays, should we need it to last this long. The grid includes things you would have been learning in class had we still been there. We will continue to post daily Numeracy, Literacy, RRS and extra tasks, however, the activities on the grid can be done in jotters, on paper, or as you see fit. Please complete what you can of it and do what fits with your schedule and family life. There is no expectation that every single activity is completed or indeed that the ones completed are shared with us. We are happy to see your work should you wish to record it for us and send it. Please remember we are always on hand to help out if you need any reassurance or have any questions.  Thank you P3! We hope you enjoy the activities.

Rights Respecting Schools Article of the week: Article 15 Freedom of Association with a focus on setting up or joining groups.

  • During these times it can be difficult to stay in touch with other young people and groups that we are part of. Make a list of 5 children that you would like to get in contact with. Write them a letter or video call them this week to find out how their week has been.
  • Think about a group or club you are part of. Create a poster or leaflet to encourage other people to join. Make sure to list all of the reasons why it is a good idea to join this group.
  • The word ‘association’ is interesting. You have perhaps heard of the Football Association (FA) or the Automobile Association (AA) Look up the meaning of ASSOCIATION and explain to somebody in your home what it means.
  • How does the following short clip relate to article 15. Can we learn anything from it? Article 15

This week is National Children’s Gardening week which means, should the weather be good, there is plenty of things for you to do outside or inside to get into nature and gardening! Some of the ideas mean having seeds to plant but there are plenty that you can do without having access to seeds too, including colouring and some recipes you could try out! This website has many ideas for things to try and we will be highlighting one of our favourite ideas each day:

For today why not try making stone garden markers so that when you can grow your own plants you can leave your marker where different plants are?

And some problem solving for this morning:

Reading: Read the second half of your book if you haven’t done so already. A reminder of the books you should be reading:

Level 6 – Don’t Press the Button

Level 7 (Blue Group) – The Empty Palace

Level 8 – The Sands of Akwa

Level 10 (Red Group) – Tom Thumb and the Football Team

Level 11 (Yellow Group) – Stinky Street

Spelling Words

Spelling Words Week Beginning 25th May 2020

And your Number Talks for today:

2 x 36                                     3 x 15

4 x 10                                     10 x 15

4 x 6                                       13 x 10

4 x 36                                     13 x 5

13 x 15

Challenge Sum

632 x 54

We hope you continue to work with the same levels of effort and enthusiasm and thank you for all you have been doing, we’re very proud of all of you!

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 2 25.5.20

Good morning Primary 2!

Happy Monday! We hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Let’s start our day right with a little bit of exercise!

Joe Wicks:

Cosmic Kids yoga:

Just dance:

Brain Gym:


Article 15- Freedom of Association

Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.

Here are some activities for you to try:

  • Working with somebody at home, or by yourself, see if you can come up with a catchy phrase to remind people that all children have this particular right. Pass on your phrase to at least 5 people you know.
  • Make a list of all of the organisations and groups that you belong to. Can you group them in different ways? Are they school groups? Clubs? Religious groups? Sport or special interest groups?
  • Think of the story ‘Cinderella’ How was her right to associate with others restricted? How would this have made her feel? Can you think of any other characters from books or stories that could not easily enjoy Article 15?
  • Watch this short video. What can you learn from this? How does it link to Article 15?

Remember to post pictures on the Learning Journals which we can use as evidence for our award.

Oxford Owl- remember to keep accessing online books through Oxford owl. Choose a book appropriate to your age and stage. You could use one of them to complete your book review from your learning grid. If you need help at choosing a level please ask your teacher.

Username: Miss Rafferty

Password: Carmondeanp2

Elmer Day

Did anyone celebrate Elmer day at the weekend? If so remember to post your pictures of any of the activities you did on Learning Journals.

Learning Grids

Here are copies of the Learning Grids for Literacy/Numeracy and Learning across the Curriculum.

P2 Across the curric 25.5.20

Rex and Mufasa beginning 25.5.20

Woody Pumba Buzz Simba Week Beginning 25.5.20

time duration day out

Here is the Powerpoint needed for learning about Digital Time Duration:

Any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Stay safe,

Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

Primary 1 25.5.20

Good morning everyone!

We hope you enjoyed your weekend and are excited about the week ahead. All 3 primary 1 teachers enjoyed their weekends. Miss Cunningham and Miss Christy were busy in the kitchen. Miss Christy made delicious cookies and Miss Cunningham made sweet potato and carrot and coconut soup. Miss Daun went on a beautiful walk along the canal.


For maths this week we have some more learning on time and number. There is a chilli challenge again so we hope you have fun choosing your own challenge. Here are the maths resources:

maths week 8

Missing number addition

Addition and Subtraction chilli challenge


For literacy we are learning a new sound and three new common words. There is also a chilli challenge for the blending activity again. Here are the literacy resources:

Literacy 25.5.20

Chilli challenge blending

For learning across the curriculum we have some learning on farming, religion, health and P.E. Here are the learning across the curriculum resources:



Animal movements (1)

We hope you all have a marvellous Monday! Any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun.

Primary 1 Home Learning – 22.05.20

Good morning Primary 1! Happy Friday!

We hope you’ve had another successful week of learning from home and managed to complete some of the activities on the home learning grids. If there are any activities left that you would like to finish off this morning then that would be an excellent idea. If you are looking for another extra challenge then we would like to suggest a fun phonics hunt.

First of all, practise singing your alphabet song so you can remember all of the letters in the alphabet and the correct order.

Can you count how many letters are in the alphabet? That’s how many objects you are going to need to find! We would like you to find one object in your house that starts with each letter of the alphabet. For example for ‘a’ you might find an apple, for ‘b’ you might find a ball, for ‘c’ you might find a cone etc. Can you write down each letter of the alphabet and place it next to the correct object? If there are any letters you can’t find you could draw a picture of something that begins with that sound. See if put the objects and letter cards into the correct order and then take a picture for the learning journals. We would love to share some of the best examples of your work!

Thank you again for your continued support. We hope that you all have a fantastic weekend and find lots of time for playing, relaxing and helping out at home.

We hope to see you all again soon,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 2 – 22 May 2020

Good Morning Primary 2,

It is Friday! We all love a Friday at school as this means FREE TIME FRIDAY! Have you been earning all your minutes this week?! If so, remember to take at least 30 minutes of time to play with something of your choice (with your parents’ permission of course!).

The weather has been lovely this week and you have all been very busy. You will see a small selection of some of the photos uploaded to the Learning Journals below. We absolutely love seeing your photos so please keep them coming.

On a Friday in class we also go over our spelling words and do a short, informal test. Ask your grown up to read out your spelling words and see if you can remember how to spell them correctly. Can they make up a sentence containing a few of your spelling words for you to write too? Remember your capital letters, finger spaces and full stop.

Tomorrow (Saturday 23rd May) is National Elmer Day. We have read some of the Elmer stories in class before. Elmer makes the world a much brighter place. So for this year’s Elmer Day we are encouraged to spread the positivity of Elmer.

How you can get involved:

  • Get creative and play with colour – make a rainbow, a jungle collage or a milk bottle Elmer.
  • Share Elmer stories and colourful pictures to spread some happiness.
  • Wear your brightest colours on 23rd May to celebrate Elmer Day.
  • Share your photos on social media with #ElmerDay

Find more information and resources at:

You can also listen to David McKee, the author, read Elmer at

We hope you have a lovely weekend and we will re-post next week’s Learning Grids for you on Monday morning. Remember to take lots of time to rest and have fun!

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Primary 3 Friday 22nd May 2020

Good morning happy campers! How did we all sleep last night? I am sure you all slept better than you would have, had we actually been staying over at Lowport as per the original residential, but I also know you would have been exhausted after yesterday’s activities following the new alternate Lowport ‘camp’ experience anyway!

Did anyone have a disco in their house? We would love to hear about it if you did!

Remember to strip your bed today and tidy your room. There will be a room inspection so everything should be back in its rightful place!

Today would have been a lovely sunny day and a trip to Beecraigs Country Park to do some activities with the ranger. Why don’t you try to:

  • Make a home for a woodland creature of your choice. Try to make it from natural materials and test it to see whether you have made it waterproof.
  • Play some natural naughts and crosses and ask someone to play it with you. Make it out of natural materials.
  • Go a nature walk. Note down any signs of animals you see along the way. Look for tracks, holes and clues that show they are around.
  • We wouldn’t do this at Beecraigs, but how about having a little campfire with your family. Tell stories and toast marshmallows (If you have any).

Work for today should you wish to be staying at school:

Mental Maths – try to time yourself to see if you can beat your score:







Answers will be posted later in the day.

Topic Challenge: This week we are looking at cars and all things motoring! your challenge is to create a timeline of cars from the first car ever to the first car in space and everything in between! Obviously it is a huge topic so only choose a few cars to include in your timeline unless you want to try and get them all in! The Challenge will also be in the Topic folders in Teams.

Critical Skills Challenge Motor Cars

Well done everyone for taking part in an exhausting few days at camp! Remember to share your experiences and we will speak to you again next week.

Have a great weekend!

Mr Woodward and Miss Smith

Solihull Resource Now Available to Scottish Parents/Carers for Free

We are delighted to share the news that the Scottish Government has announced, that all families in Scotland will have free access to the full Solihull Online resource for parents and carers. This initiative is being delivered in partnership with NES. Solihull Online is a universal resource for parents and carers from the antenatal period to 19 years. It offers a series of modules containing interactive activities, quizzes and video clips. The online resource focusses on developing nurturing and supportive relationships between children and their carers. It aims to help parents understand their child’s behaviour in the context of their child’s development and the parent-child relationship.

The following courses are available free for parents/carers in Scotland

·         Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby

·         Understanding your baby

·         Understanding your child

·         Understanding your teenager’s brain

To access these courses for free, families need to use the access code TARTAN.

Primary 1’s wonderful work

We have been so impressed by the wonderful work Primary 1 have been doing this week (can you notice the alliteration?). Here are some of the highlights…

Lots of you have also enjoyed getting out in the sunshine both for exercise and to help in the garden.

Thank you for all the pictures you continue to send in. We love seeing your smiling faces and are so proud of the work you are managing at home.

Keep it up!

The Primary 1 teachers


Primary 3 Thursday 21st May

Bonjour! Aujourd’hui, c’est Jeudi vingt et un Mai,

Today would have been our first day doing our P3 residential!

Because of this, we thought it would be fun to have a look at some of the places we would have been, as well as some of the activities we would have done over the next 2 days.

If you were set to be on the residential, today we would have been paying a visit to Linlithgow Palace, St Michael’s Parish Church and the Linlithgow Canal Centre, all of which are full of interesting facts and history. A tourist video and Pdf of information are included below.

Linlithgow Palace  investigating-linlithgow-palace

In the original overnight residential, you would have had to carry your bags and cases up to your rooms, so why not carry your suitcases up and down your stairs a few times. Also, in the original overnight residential, you had a bed to make – next time your bedding is washed, put your own covers back on for practice!

We also would have had a play in the park and fed the ducks, so have a play in your back garden if you have one, or go on a walk with your family. As we walked around the lock, we would have completed a ‘treasure hunt’, so why not make up a treasure hunt for someone in your family. Or even better, get someone in your family to make one up for you!

At night time today, we would have had a talent show and disco. Why not get dressed up in your party clothes, put the music on, turn the lights down and have a house disco. Break it up with some entertainment and show your family some of your best talents!

Remember to go to bed early – you are exhausted with having had such an exciting day. No talking after lights out and you sleep soundly until about 7am! (This is not how it usually goes! :))

If you are skipping the residential, here’s some school work instead:

Why not check out this web page from the Scottish Opera. I know so many of you are natural born performers and you love to sing, dance and perform. This company are putting together a virtual opera and they are teaching you the songs, dances and acting parts as the weeks go along. The final performance will take place from people’s homes all over the country. If you want to take part in this too, you can. If not, you can just enjoy learning the songs, and storyline of this opera.

Word Boost answers:

Cat’s Ahoy – Miss Smith’s Class:

Verbs: clamp If you clamp something you hold it tightly in place, steer When you steer something you make it go the way you want it to go, quiver If something quivers it shakes with small movements, abandon if you abandon something you leave it behind forever.

Adjectives: silent No sound is made at all, solemn If someone is solemn they are very serious and not happy or funny.

Dougal’s Deep Sea Diary – Mr Woodward’s Class:

Nouns: directions Instructions that tell you where to go or what to do, souvenir something you buy or keep to help you remember a holiday, place or event.

Verbs: drift To move slowly without trying, glisten If something glistens it usually shines because it is wet or oily.

Adjectives: rickety Something weak and shaky and likely to fall apart, glum You are a bit sad or disappointed.


Rewrite these sentences changing the underlined word to a different adjective. These tasks will also be posted in Teams.

Don’t Press the Buttons

  1. “I know what we can do!” said Nok.
  2. It was a huge room on the bottom deck of the ship.
  3. Max spotted a strange machine.
  4. Max was scanned by rays of bright light.
  5. “Cool! said Ant.

The Empty Palace

  1. In front of them was a magnificent building with tall glass windows.
  2. He ran towards a door at the front of the building.
  3. It was very quiet.
  4. He picked up a thin, metal object that was on one of the thrones.
  5. Suddenly there was a loud.

The Sands of Akwa

  1. He breathed in the warm, salty air.
  2. They looked around but the beach was empty.
  3. Silently, four strange creatures stepped out from behind the rocks.
  4. They were tall, with spotted skin and eyes the colour of the sea.
  5. Just then a huge shadow was cast over the beach.

Tom Thumb and the Football Team

  1. She tucked Tom into an eggshell cradle and she was happy.
  2. If you’ll stop spoiling those currants you can see how I make a nice pudding for your father’s dinner.
  3. That water was hot.
  4. “Bless us all!” she said. The pudding’s alive! Help!”
  5. That somebody was a hungry tinker passing by.

Stinky Street

  1. He loved living on Stanley Street. Everyone was friendly.
  2. His house was warm and friendly and it had just been painted, worse luck.
  3. “So am I,” Franklin grumbled.
  4. “Something smells horrible and I don’t know what it is,” she said.
  5. “Ugh, what’s that disgusting smell?” he asked.

Numeracy: In today’s Numeracy we will be looking at subtracting using chimney sums. There will be an instructional video posted to Teams to show you how to do them if you are unsure, please ask if you can’t get the video via Teams.


Subtraction Mild


Subtraction Hot


Subtraction Spicy

Number Talks

3 x 26                      4 x 25

6 x 26                      6 x 25

9 x 26                      6 x 325

Challenge Sum

693 x 42

Great work everyone! Remember, these activities will be here for you and are going nowhere so just do what you can!

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.

Primary 2 – 21.5.20

Good morning Primary 2,

We hope you are enjoying this lovely weather.   Some super work on the Learning Journals already this week. If we were in school just now we would definitely be looking for ways to take our learning outside! This week we are learning about time durations. You could draw a clock face on the ground and use sticks for the hands – try moving them forward and back to find the time 1 or 2 hours before and after a given time. Maybe you could even make a human clock and you could use your legs and arms for the hands!!

Here are some other creative outdoor challenges you might enjoy:

-Make a collage using sticks, leaves, stones, pine cones etc. We would love to see any of your creations.


Design and build a board game. You can create your own board game or recreate one you already know e.g. snakes and ladders. Create some clear instructions for players of your game and try it out! Here is an example:

Thursday would normally be PE time with Mrs Ferguson. Here are some fun PE activities to try:

Animal movements (1)

We know that many of you love your Music time with Mr Shanks and thought you might find this online activity fun- you can choose Song Maker and create your own song, changing the tempo ( how fast or slow) and the instruments.  You can also record it!

Let us know how you are getting on and please just ask if you require further resources or advice to support learning.

Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty


Primary 1 21.5.20

Good morning Primary 1.
How are you all? The Primary 1 teachers are still missing you lots and wish we could be back in school together. It is great to see all the photos you are sharing of the work being done at home. You are making us very proud teachers! Keep up the great work and please continue to post your photos on the Learning Journals.
Ms Fox has created some learning activities you might want to try to help develop your art skills while you are at home. She is missing working with you and wants you to continue to practise drawing different objects and things you see in your everyday life. Here are some of the suggestions she gives:
1. On your daily walk you could pick up a leaf, flower or interesting object to draw when you return from your walk, or draw these items from your garden or from your window.

Here are some interesting objects I have found on my walks:

2. Do a drawing of your back garden or of your house from the outside, or a drawing of your favourite room in the house.
3. Draw a member of your family.
4. Draw a pet, or an animal or bird that you see on your daily walk. You could always ask your parents or guardians to take a photograph for you to make it easier
5. Create a poster of the things that you think about when you think of ‘Summer’. This could include the word ‘Summer’ in bubble writing so that you can decorate inside the letters. You may wish to include a picture of the sun, flowers growing, leaves on the trees, cold drinks or salads, your favourite summer outfit, the games that you like to play in summertime (tennis, badminton, pass the ball, running, etc). Your poster should be ablaze with summery colours and drawings.
The most important thing here is that you are practicing your drawing skills no matter what you draw and most of all, that you have fun!!
We will share any photos of your drawings with Ms Fox. I know she will love seeing your super work!
Keep working hard and as always please get in contact if you have any questions.
Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Miss Cunningham

Primary 1 20.5.20

Happy Mercredi everyone!

We hope you are well and are enjoying the activities on the grids that were given out yesterday. We can’t wait to see what you share with us on your learning journals. Remember do what you can and also fit in time for play, relaxing and helping out around the house.

The Rights Respecting School article for this week is focusing on Article 28 – the right to education. Every child has the right to an education. Primary education must be free and different forms of secondary education must be available to every child. Discipline in schools must respect children’s dignity and their rights. Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this.

Give yourself one minute to think of as many reasons as you can why education is important for children and young people. You can think about how it helps you! What does it help you with? What might it mean for your future?

Here are some activities you can try:

  • Imagine you have been asked to create your ideal lesson timetable for a day or a week at home or in school. Plan it out and decide what you would include and what you would leave out. Make sure it will provide children with a really good quality education!
  • What do you think makes a good teacher? This video might give you some ideas! Draw an outline of your ideal teacher and surround it with words that describe what that teacher is like.
  • Teachers and learners go together! So now think about what makes a good learner? Imagine you are talking to a younger brother, sister or friend who is about to start school. Describe to them how to be a really good learner! Invent a cartoon character to represent this good learner.

I like the idea of drawing and writing down what makes a good teacher and a good learner. If you have time to do this activity we would love to see your ideas on your learning journals.

Thank you for continuing to share your work with us!

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun

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