On Monday 16th April we started our next science investigation -Grow. We are looking at how growing conditions across the UK affect how well plants grow. We prepared and measured spring onions and will be recording their growth over 2 weeks. At the end of the two weeks we will calculate the growth rate and upload data onto the University website.
Yesterday we looked at all the data that we had measured and collected and made a graph on the board to see what the range of foot flexibility was in our class. In the past our ancestors were tree dwelling and would have had a foot flexibility of less than 0.5, similar to most primates today. Our feet were all between 0.75 and 0.95, showing that our feet have evolved and adapted to our environments.
In our numeracy lesson today we finished recording all the information for our Terrific Scientific investigation. We had to take very accurate measurements in mms, use decimals, use a calculator to make calculations and use problem solving strategies and active maths to find our results. It wasn’t easy, but we learnt a lot.
On Thursday we started our next Terrific Scientific investigation
We all know our feet are important. But does where we live and the terrain we walk on affect our foot flexibility? That’s what we’re going to be discovering in this investigation!
We’ll develop our investigative skills and gather evidence through doing things and taking note of what happens.
The evidence we collect will be sent to the University of Kent so they can use it in their scientific research.
The measuring was quite challenging, but we have almost finished and then our results will be on the interactive map.
We are learning about the variety of life. Today Mr Rose worked with us and we thought about how animal groups are classified. We did an activity where we had to sort different shapes with a variety of colours.
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