Tag Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Friday’s Inspirational Quote

This week, teachers have been allowed back into school to clear work off walls and sort classrooms to make ready for August.  It felt very strange to be back for the first time since 13th of March!  We’ve all been through a lot since then, having to learn and work from home and get used to new routines and new ways of working.  I was struck by our last classroom quote that was chosen and written up by Lois way back it March.  It seems even more apt now.

Friday’s Inspirational Quote

On our Teams page, we regularly post up our, “How are you feeling?” Poll.  We notice that the responses given vary each time we do it.  As we’ve said before, each day is different.  How we feel each day and how we respond to what’s going on around us changes too.  It’s important to recognise that there are hard days…bad days…but within each day, perhaps just before settling down at night, try to think of one or two positives from your day.  They will be there…some days you just have to look harder.  🙂

Friday’s Inspirational Quote

It’s our day off today and I almost forgot our Friday quote!  Better late than never!  In these strange times, we can feel many different emotions, some of them unsettling and hard to cope with … but we can still feel thankful and grateful at the same time.  Look out for our family task next week that asks you to focus on what we’re thankful for.

Friday’s Inspirational Quote

Tuesday the 12th marked the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale and was also International Nurses Day.  Today’s Inspirational quote comes from Florence Nightingale who is famous for her work during the Crimean War, for raising standards for nursing, changing the way nurses were perceived and in her help educating those in the profession.   A truly inspirational lady, both then and now.