Tag Archives: Expressive Arts

Museum Trip

Primary 4/5 visited The Shetland Museum on Wednesday 5th June to learn more about Shetland in World War Two.

Lots of changes were taking place in Shetland during that time and it was interesting to learn about how people lived and adapted to these changes.

We looked at World War Two exhibits, learning about the Home Guard, The Shetland Bus operation, stories about men who were fighting in other countries and how soldiers created their own entertainment here in Shetland to boost morale.

We learned that materials were rationed and it was common for children to make their own toys out of things they could find around the house.  We made our own peg dolls!  What a creative bunch in P4/5!

Spooky Houses

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Our spooky house paintings are complete and we are so proud of them!  Everyone listened carefully to the instructions and put in 100% effort.  Fantastic!

Last week we focused on creating a spooky beginning to a story, linked to our paintings.  We talked about how to draw the reader in and how to use different punctuation to add suspense and excitement.  We then spent time reading each other’s work and editing what we had written, looking for capital letters and correct punctuation.  We also had to check that it made sense.

Here is a sneak preview of some story beginnings…

One cold, dark night I found a haunted house. It was dark so I couldn’t see much but I could see enough to make me shiver. A tree fell making me jump but I kept on going, intrigued by it’s spooky silhouette. Lightning struck and in the flash of light, I saw a cloak swish past the window, but it was too late to turn back now. As I opened the door I heard an evil cackle, was it a witch? Or a ghost? My heart skipped a beat as I walked into the unknown.


One night, I was walking through a dark, gloomy forest. I noticed a haunting house. It was old and dusty and the garden was covered in fungus and parasites! As I walked to the door I heard some spooky sounds. the noises continued. I tried to ignore it and moved on. Inside things were even worse!  The furniture was broken and the hallways were putrid. I went into the basement and the lights started to flicker.


One dark and stormy night I found myself in a giant corn maze.  I could smell the horrible smell of still lifeless decaying bodies of animals and even humans. After what felt like hours of walking, I found the way out. Then I had found a house. I thought “Finally! I found somewhere to sleep!”

Week 3

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Week 3 was another busy one with lots of opportunity to work with others and be creative.

We played a variety of word building games and revised some common high frequency words.  These words are used regularly in our writing, so we will work hard to learn them in many different ways.

Thank you for sending in resources to help with our Rainforest in  a Box project.  We started building them this week and it has been lovely to see so many creative ideas being shared amongst the class.  We plan to have them ready to show parents towards the end of term.

In Maths this week we have been looking at Place Value and how to construct larger numbers.  The class had fun using the Place Value blocks to build models and then work out the value of each model.  It was great to hear the children sharing their thinking and supporting each other to understand.  We will be moving on to comparing numbers and ordering them too.   I’m sure everyone will be keen to challenge themselves with even larger numbers!

We love to hear about any achievements outside of school and this week enjoyed hearing about one P4’s success at a recent athletics competition.  Well done!


Research Projects

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This afternoon we got the chance to share our learning with each other and the P6/7 class.  For the past few weeks, P4/5/6 have been busy researching and learning new things about Shetland in the past.

Each pupil got the chance to choose an area of local history that interested them and they could decide how they wanted to present their information.  Everyone was encouraged to think creatively about the different ways information can be shared.

In our classroom, we displayed posters, leaflets,  models, and stop motion animations.

Pupils chose to find out about The Braer disaster, Jarshoff, Shipwrecks, Historical landmarks in Shetland, World War 2 in Shetland, The Quendale Mill, Sumburgh Lighthouse, The Shetland Bus, Sumburgh Airport,  Mousa Broch and Whaling.

We also got the chance to see what P6/7 had chosen to research.  It was a lovely afternoon of sharing and learning new things.   How lovely it was to hear so many wonderful compliments being given by everyone!

Da Trowie Sang

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Over the past few weeks, the upper stages pupils have been supporting Mrs Inkster in her Music classes when she teaches the younger pupils.  She has been so grateful for their help and we’re sure that all the children, both young and old, have gained from this experience.  To tie in with our local history topic, we have been learning ‘Da Trowie Sang’ which is sung in Shetland Dialect.  Some of our pupils have taken to this so well, Mrs Inkster asked them to perform it for the Orca class today.  They did an amazing job!


Preparing for SMUHA! 🤞

The two snow closure days have stopped us doing some of our planned activities for our Viking themed SMUHA week.  However, we managed to prepare torches and helmets on Monday and got our photo taken with our school galley today, before we burn it tomorrow.  🤞

There was a production line going for torch making!
The Draatsis with the galley that’s been waiting to be burned since 2020!
And a silly one!

Just in time for SMUHA, the Children’s Parliament mascot, Max, arrived in the post!  We have to show him around our school and community so it’s perfect timing to bring him along tomorrow!

Our Investigators with Max in the snow!
Alec made him his own helmet for tomorrow!

In the afternoon, we made Viking heads using clay.  The class practised on Monday using plasticine and explored how to add to the base to make it look 3D and used the different clay tools to add texture and detail.  This really helped them create Vikings with lots of character!

All engrossed and busy! 😌
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Monday 30th January

Our class had fun exploring the human body with the visitors from The Glasgow Science Centre today.  In the morning we were given the chance to play with different interactive exhibits relating to different parts of the body.

The girls were looking to see if they could spot when this patient needed an x-ray.
These boys learned about the different organs in our bodies and where they are.
Putting the brain back together wasn’t very easy!
Can you see which parts of their bodies were the hottest?
All the images are in the correct order! Well done!
This memory game was very competitive! We had to remember the correct sequence of flashing lights and try to repeat it.

Later on we took part in a Disgusting Digestion interactive show.

It was great fun and we learned about the journey of food throughout our bodies.

We learned how long our intestines are…up to 7 or 8 metres long!
What is going on here? Can you have a guess based on their facial expressions?

Somehow, we also managed to squeeze in a session with a local musician today!  We were treated to some dialect singing and fiddle playing by Claire White.  She planned a busy session looking at some interesting local stories and how she managed to turn these into songs for people to remember.

Then we split into groups to write our own stories and eventually turn these into songs.  Some groups chose their own local stories to develop.  These included the St Ninian’s Isle treasure, The Queen opening our school in 1969 and the Braer Disaster.  It was a lot to do in the short space of time, so we didn’t quite manage to finish this today.   Next term we are looking at local history, so we will save what we have achieved for now and build on these again at a later date.   I look forward to seeing what we can produce!

Well done Draatsis!

1 Star (5 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

Please save us from the bottom of your bags!

The recent snowy day closures have meant less time to work on our concert and Christmas crafts this past week.  However, please look out for these gorgeous Christmas cards coming home next week and rescue them from the bottom of bags!

We talked about how lino cut paintings are created and then designed a simple picture that we could draw into polystyrene before using ink and rollers to create our prints.  We hope they help spread some Christmas joy!  🎄

Which one of these gorgeous cards will you be receiving?
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Class Prize!

We had our class prize today!  When our peg jar was approaching the finish line, we all voted for what we would like as our prize.  There was no clear winning idea, so we have enjoyed laptop time and crafts.  It has been a lovely, relaxed afternoon full of creativity and fun!


I wonder what everyone will vote for next time…?

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