Tag Archives: Creativity

Preparing for SMUHA! 🤞

The two snow closure days have stopped us doing some of our planned activities for our Viking themed SMUHA week.  However, we managed to prepare torches and helmets on Monday and got our photo taken with our school galley today, before we burn it tomorrow.  🤞

There was a production line going for torch making!
The Draatsis with the galley that’s been waiting to be burned since 2020!
And a silly one!

Just in time for SMUHA, the Children’s Parliament mascot, Max, arrived in the post!  We have to show him around our school and community so it’s perfect timing to bring him along tomorrow!

Our Investigators with Max in the snow!
Alec made him his own helmet for tomorrow!

In the afternoon, we made Viking heads using clay.  The class practised on Monday using plasticine and explored how to add to the base to make it look 3D and used the different clay tools to add texture and detail.  This really helped them create Vikings with lots of character!

All engrossed and busy! 😌
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Chuck Close Portraits

It’s taken us a while but sometimes you can’t rush a good job!  The children have all created beautiful self portraits in the style of a famous artist  that we found out about.  They were shown his work and we talked about how we could recreate it.  The children were given the choice of working with larger squares or smaller squares in true Chuck Close style.  We talked about drawing 2D shapes within each small square or taking the opportunity to make each small picture more personal to them and some chose to do a mixture.  We talked about the use of shading to make certain parts of their picture stand out and used black pen to make each portrait more visible than the shapes and squares.  When the pictures were complete, we looked at the colours used and they picked backing colours to help display them to their best advantage!  They will be displayed in our ICT Suite so please look out for them when you next visit.

Below are three examples from our P6 pupils.

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Dance in Class P.E.

Over the past week, we have been putting together a class dance with an African feel!  It was a beautiful day so we took our rehearsals outside and managed to run through all the steps as a class.  They’ve picked it up really quickly.  In the afternoon Fearne’s Mum, Mercyline, met us in the multi court to show us some moves that would be typical in the Sengenya dance and then she helped us add some of these movements into the group sequences that the children created.  They had some lovely, creative ideas!  We’ll record these dances tomorrow and hope to share our work at the end of term.  A big thank you to Mercyline for giving up her time for us. 😊

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