Writing in the Draatsi class

Mrs Henderson and I have been given the chance to take part in an Improving Writing Course run by CYPIC – The Children’s and Young People Improvement Collaborative.  We gathered views on writing from the class at the start of the project and used a piece of written work to help us assess where our writers need most support initially.  We aim to write three times a week and our focus just now is on improving our understanding and use of punctuation.   The class write for just a short 15-20 minute slot before having time to edit and improve their work.  The pupils also help each other in this process too.  😊  Their writing jotters are filling up fast with a variety of writing topics across the curriculum!  Most recently, we have linked our writing to work going on throughout the class and school.  Some examples are…

  • Write your top tips to cope with bullying during Anti-bullying Week
  • How do you use AI in your daily life?
  • Describe the ‘den’ in our class novel
  • Persuade Santa to put you back on the good list OR employ you as his elf for this Christmas season OR keep his beard…don’t shave it off!

We contine to share the success of the class with the pupils and they are keen to see the progress they are making.  We hope to reach our target set in the new year before moving on to the next element of ‘Tools for Writing’ to be improved.

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We have one JRSO pupil within our P4/5/6 class, who has been working with the other P6 pupils in Mrs Scanlan’s class next door, to help promote road safety in our school.  These pupils worked so hard to compile and deliver a special assembly following Road Safety Week.  They also invited the older classes to create a road scene picture which highlighted some of the road safety dangers they addressed in their assembly.  These pictures are displayed in the main foyer.  Time has also been spent with some of the younger P2 pupils playing a board game that reinforces road safety.  The JRSO pupils also plan to visit the ELC pupils to share ‘Ziggy’ stories in the future.  Well done to all the JRSOs!

Our JRSOs for this year!
Playing along with some of our P2 pupils in the Explore & Learn Room.
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Class Prize!

We had our class prize today!  When our peg jar was approaching the finish line, we all voted for what we would like as our prize.  There was no clear winning idea, so we have enjoyed laptop time and crafts.  It has been a lovely, relaxed afternoon full of creativity and fun!


I wonder what everyone will vote for next time…?

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Lest we forget…

Yesterday, the Draatsi class watched a video all about ‘The Poppy Story’ and they took notes as they watched to help them recall details for their writing today, on Remembrance Day.  Note taking is a really tricky skill but they all persevered and tried hard to just write down the main points!  Please see the photographs below of some of the completed pieces of writing.  Perhaps you’ll learn something about how the poppy became a symbol of remembrance.

We also spent time looking at John McCrae’s poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ which was written as he looked out over the poppy fields in Ypres, Belgium.  We took his very famous poem and blacked out some of the words to create a new piece of writing by choosing words we felt were important.  It was amazing how many different versions were created using this technique!  Some are still to be completed but please see some of the finished examples below.

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Sugar Crystals

This week we have been exploring saturated sugar solutions to see if we can make some sugar crystals.

We can already see crystals forming in the jars and hope that some will form on the string dipped inside too!

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Class Prize Today!

It was a perfect afternoon for our class prize!  On this wet and windy day, everyone was warm and snug wearing their pjs – including Mrs Henderson!

It was great to  see all of the much loved cuddly toys coming into school this morning.  They were the perfect companions for our film this afternoon!

After a vote, it was narrowed down to 2 films.  We decided to make use of both the classroom and the ICT room so that both films could be played at the same time.  This allowed for the children to have more choice over what they watched. Both groups were so engaged in the films shown and it was so lovely to celebrate the wonderful first term we have had together!  We all enjoyed a little snack whilst watching the film too!

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I wonder…

Today we  got into groups to decide on our focus for our own dissolving investigations.  We spoke about making it a fair test, ensuring that we only change one thing so that we can see if that change had an impact.

One thing that every group chose to keep the same in their investigation was to use the same amount of water in each jar.   We had to make sure we measured it very carefully.

Some groups were keen to  find out what would happen if we mixed soluble substances and insoluble substances together in the water.  Most found that the flour just made the water cloudy so it was difficult to see if the salt or sugar dissolved.

Others wanted to find out if the water temperature would have an affect on the speed at which the substance dissolved.  One group tried to dissolve sugar in cold, warm and hot water.

I wonder if you can guess which jar contained the hot water…?

A couple of groups were keen to see if they could separate sugar and salt from the water once it had dissolved and how long this would take.   We won’t know the results of these investigations yet, but will keep you posted!

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Our science focus this week has been investigating substances that will dissolve in water.  We had 4 substances to test – sugar, flour, salt and sand.

First, we made our predictions, then it was time to test!  We set up a fair test using the same amount of water for each jar, the same amount of each substance and we stirred each jar the same number of times.

We made some interesting discoveries and are already thinking about what we want to change about the investigation next week.

Some pupils want to see if the water temperature will affect how quickly a substance will dissolve.  Others want to try adding different amounts of water and some spoke about stirring the water for longer.

We are excited to test out our ideas next week!

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