Final Children’s Parliament and AI Online Call

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This week saw our final online call with the Children’s Parliament,  Alan Turing Institute and our fellow pupils at Oakwood, Doune and St Mary’s.   It was a very positive call where achievements were recognised and celebrated.  The Investigators had to think about what they had got better at by being an Investigator, what surprised them about their time as an Investigator and what they were most proud of.  They then had to be creative, showing their thoughts in drawing form.  (See Self Portraits below)

Sharing our ideas and thoughts during the meeting this week.

Self Portraits-1

Self Portraits-2

Self Portraits-3

The Investigators for 22/23 are now in discussions as to how they can support the new Investigators for the next school year.  We are currently thinking about who this could be and how we can involve past, present and incoming pupils in our AI work in the future.  There are some exciting plans afoot so please look out for more details in August!

If you have not had a chance already to view the final report for the year, please see below.



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