Times tables workbook click the link: 2 Times Tables Booklet 2-Times-Table-Activity
5 Times Tables Booklet 5-Times-Table-Activity-Sheet 10 Times Tables Booklet 10-Times-Table-Activity-Sheet
3 Times Tables Booklet 3-Times-Table-Activity-Sheet 4 Times Tables Booklet 4-Times-Table-Activity-Sheet
Primary 3 when you know the above: 6 Times Tables Booklet 6-Times-Table-Activity-Sheet
7 Times Tables Booklet 7-Times-Table-Activity-Sheet 8 Times Tables Booklet 8-Times-Table-Activity-Sheet
Spelling Full list of spelling below:
Stage 1 Early Level Spelling Common Words NLC Stage 2 First Level Spelling Common Words NLC
Stage 3 First Level Spelling Common Words NLC
Below are some websites that you may find useful over the next few weeks:
https://www.themathsfactor.com/ (free)
https://www.doorwayonline.org.uk (free)
https://www.starfall.com/h/ (free)
https://www.storylineonline.net/ (free)
https://pages.sumdog.com/ (You should have a login for this)
https://www.studyladder.co.uk/ (You should have a login for this)
www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/ (You should have a login for this)
Don’t forget twinkl is also free.
www.oxford Owl.co.uk password/username stpatsp3
Your first task is to go onto Microsoft Teams and drop us a little message.
I think it was 14 children on last week! Well done!
Maths Activities Mental: P1 Ability Oral Number Problems P2 Ability Oral Number Problems P3 Ability Oral Number Problems
au-n-436-safari-themed-addition-and-subtraction-word-problems-to-20-challenge-cards P2&3
Maths workbooks:Year 2&3 Maths Addition and Subtraction Year 2&3 Maths Addition and Subtraction – Answers
Addition and Subtraction Booklet P3 Addition and Subtraction Booklet P3 Answers
Addition of tens and units with carrying: 15.06.20 Editable addition 2 Editable addition 8.06.20
Addition of tens and units without carrying: 15.06.20Editable addition without carrying 2 Editable addition without carrying
Number Worksheets:t-n-45417-number-bond-challenge-activity-sheet P2 & 3 Domino-Addition
Active – get moving!
Click the link for your words in groups this week: 15.06.20-Red-Group-Spelling-Phonemes
15.06.20 Blue-Group-Spelling-and-Phonemes 15.06.20 Green-Group-Spelling-Phonemes
Spelling Activities – Use this to help you learn your words in different ways.
Language Workbooks:
Summer English Activity Booklet P3 Summer English Activity Booklet P2
Reading Oxford Owl:
Click this link: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk
A reminder the login is stpatsprimary2/3 this is for both username and password (click on My class login at top of screen, it’s in pink)
It is very important that you read a little every day and these books and activities help with this and your understanding of the text.
Red Group These are the books and activities you should have read so far: 15.06.20 Red Reading Group
This week Read Group please read : Level 11 Dick Whittington
Activities: Comic Book Dick Whit… Dick Whittington Headline (MTV) Dick Whittington Metalinguistics
Blue Group These are the books and activities you should have read so far 15.06.20 Blue Reading Group
This week Blue Group please read: Level 7 Animal Magic
Activities : Factfile Animal Magic Find it! Prove it! Talk about it! Animal Magic Animal Magic – Glossary Actvity
Green Group These are the books and activities you should have read so far: 15.06.20 Green Group Reading
This week Green Group please read – Level 5 The Noisy Day
Activities: Find it! Prove it! Talk about it! The Noisy day The Noisy Day – Beginning, Middle and End The Noisy Day Find the nouns-verbs-adjectives
Yellow Group These are the books and activities you should have read so far: 15.06.20 Yellow Group Reading
This week Yellow Group please read: Toads in the Road & Leek Hotpot Activities: online
Please read the books a few times, with an adult, then the audio will also read it to you then you can read it yourself. Try the online activities too!
Art lessons : Give them a go! Animal themed to go with Mrs Moore’s topic on Teams.
Topic: Animals – Birds in Your Garden Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity
-birds-scavenger-hunt-activity OR t-t-17664-garden-birds-sighting-checklist-
t-t-253355-birds-in-your-garden-fact-file-activity-sheet_ver_1 T-T-24078-British-Birds-Colouring-Sheets
I will post your R.E. lesson on the main site as always on Monday and Mrs Moore will be adding even more activities to Teams so please go on and have a look at what is on already.
I hope you have a good week boys and girls and please let Mrs Moore and I know how you are getting on we would love to hear from you!
pattern using a hundred square
First Level Mathematics and Numeracy Home Activities (1)