In Primary 7 we have been learning all about Scots Language. We have learned the meaning of words like ‘stramash’ and ‘bairn’ and it has been really interesting! It’s sad to think that Scots might not be remembered as a language in the future because not everyone knows about it. It’s a really important language and it is our Scottish culture and heritage. Some people think it is slang but it is actually a language just like French or Italian.
We have made a Scots ABC Picture Dictionary with words that we have enjoyed learning about to help teach others about Scots words. Everyone was allocated a letter from the alphabet and then made a little poster with their chosen Scots word and a picture of something that represents it.

We were inspired by a really informative and fun website called Scots Hoose. It has loads of great ideas for learning about Scots Language. It helps you get better at writing and reading Scots because it’s not really that hard, you just think about the words you use everyday!

We also have tried one of the activities which is writing poems in Scots. We chose an object to write about like an ipad, dog or even a football team!

Everyone has had great fun learning all about Scots, and we hope it will be a known language for years to come 🙂 Look at our Discussion Directors ‘Responsible Scots’ page by clicking here to see more about our thoughts on Scots Language.
By Dionne 🙂