Funky 5 + 2

funky 5 logoThe Funky Five are the school health group who work in the canteen during lunchtime. We are always on the look out for people who have made healthy choices. They get a sticker for themselves and a point for their class. We all represent different characters such as Alana as Top Tomato, Ally as Rock’n’Broc, Freya as Boogie Banana, Hazel as Crazy cucumber, Heather as Shakin Strawberry, Rachael as Punk Pear and Anton as Ka’rock. We we have created a rota so everyone is on duty at least twice a week. As you may have noticed, that’s more than 5 different characters. The project has been so successful that we have had to add two more members!

The Funky 5 + 2!
The Funky 5 + 2!

On Thursdays we have to use our maths skills to help us total the points for the week, then at assembly every Friday, we have to get up and announce the winning class. The class who has the most points gets “the funky five trophy” which they can keep for a week. We also have another award called the healthy star. That is were we select one pupil out of the whole school who has stood out to us as being the most healthy pupil over the week and they are presented with a certificate at assembly. This encourages children of all ages to eat more healthy food.

When we are working in the canteen, another part of our job is to help younger pupils with their cutlery and their juice because sometimes they struggle. At our meetings, we feedback to each other about how our week has been and what we think we can do to improve for next week. I really like the fact that I have quite an important job in the school and we get the chance to get to know all the pupils in the school.

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