On Friday it was snowing so we decided to go outside and do some art. We split into groups and designed either a snow portrait or snow sculpture. We created Gilbertt (with two ‘t’s) the snowman and his son Gilbertt jr. Some people went and got snow by using the cones to collect snow and used it as a shovel, we all worked together to make him. He was protected by some snow walls with twigs on them that we found in the playground, it looked good. Dionne built a snow dog because that’s her favourite animal. Andrew and Martin made a puny imposter Gilbertt that was found melted and never to be seen again. Hazel and Rebecca also created a snowman called Henry and hid him in petal gardens to keep him safe! Rachael managed to draw a portrait of Robert Burns with a pencil, it looked just like him! Gilbertt made it until the end of the day and then sadly someone decapitated him, we were all sad and wrote some speeches. It was fun trying to play sports in the snow. It was difficult trying to hit a snowball with a racquet! We all really enjoyed being outside, it was a bit cold but fun to do something different. Written by Aidan and David P7.

I really enjoyed this activity. I thought we improved our teamwork skills because we were all collecting snow or sculpting Gilbert. I was really proud of the end product though sadly Gilbert die. R.I.P
I really enjoyed making Gilbertt as we worked as a team. After we made Gilbert his son Gilbert Jr. was made. People like Aidan assigned roles for us like making snowballs or building the wall around him. At lunch time he sadly passed away. We all made speeches for him. It was a great laugh! #RIPGILBERTT16/1/15
I loved making our snowman harry but he lasted about 5 minutes of lunch time then someone destroyed him 🙁 my favourite snow sculpture was the snow dog. It was an amazing experience for every one.
# snow day
I am glad you all enjoyed yourself! Poor Gilbertt (double t)! It was great that you all worked together to create your sculpture 🙂 Well done Aidan and David for writing a great post.
I really miss Gilbert the snowman⛄️ but i had fun making him and making my snowman Henry but some p6s came along and destroyed him
I loved making a snowman and getting to go outside and play! I’m really happy that we were allowed to and I’m sad that gilbert was killed at the end of the day. although at least we had time to play with him at lunch time and we had a battle against p6 and p5.I hope we get to do it again next time it snows!!
I really enjoyed making our P7 class snowman(Gilbert) who we made in our free time when it was snowing in the playground. My friends and I all had roles in making him. My job was to make a wall for Gilbert the snowman. I really enjoyed making Gilbert as part of a team because teamwork is a great skill to have. 🙂
I really enjoyed going outside when it was snowy because we were allowed to built snow sculptures and draw in the snow with the back of our pencil. I was very sad when Gilbertt was brutally decapitated by someone. although he is dead he will always be with us.
I really enjoyed this task. It requires such skills Like teamwork,listening skills etc. sadly Gilbertt died age 45 minutes
Why did it need to be Gilbert so sad RIP Gilbert!
I really enjoyed that we all worked together making Gilbert. I really enjoyed this task it was great. R.I.P Gilbert 21/01/15
I think making Gilbert was fun because all of us were working together to build him and protect him, and although he was defeated we had a moments silence to pay our respects #soooo sad #RIP Gilbert
It sounds like you all enjoyed being outside and working together. I had a great time too! I was really impressed with Rachael’s snow portrait – very creative. I loved Dionne’s snowdog because it reminded me of my Husky, Storm! It looks just like him. Well done all, I hope it snows again soon so we can have more fun!
This was fun.