Tag Archives: shareourlearning

Felt Making Tutorial

During Science Week we were learning about friction. We found out that friction is a force between two surfaces that are sliding, or trying to slide, across each other. The wool fibres are felted or fused together using moisture, friction and heat. As the wool shrinks the fibres interlock and mat together. You may have noticed that if a wool jumper is washed too hot in a washing machine it will shrink and felt! The wool fibres are layered out horizontally and vertically then soap and warm water are applied and the felt is massaged and rolled. It was challenging and very time consuming but we all enjoyed learning how to felt. We are really proud of our felt pieces but had sore and tired arms at the end! Watch Alana’s felt tutorial below for step by step instructions.

Here are some photos of the felting process:

Felting (10) Felting (12) Felting (17) Felting (3) Felting (6) Felting (8)

Some photos of our felted pieces:

DSCF3852 DSCF3854 DSCF3835 DSCF3849 DSCF3851DSCF3860