In the Literacy group we write newspapers for the different classes in the school. We give th em out every term to tell the parents what their children have been doing that term. Another thing the literacy group are in charge of is the P7 newsletter. In the newsletter there is a section about the stuff we have been learning in all the subjects and on the other side there is a bit saying about all the other groups. We need to speak to other members in the different groups to update the newsletter. We have also been in charge of organising and thinking of ideas for whole school literacy events such as World Book Day, Book Week Scotland and National Storytelling week. For WBD we decided that everyone would dress up as their favourite book character and pay a £1. All the money will go to Book Aid International to make sure that children in other countries have books to read too!

Being in the Literacy group and writing the newspaper helps us all become better writers as we have to make sure our spelling is correct as well as our punctuation. It also helps our creativity because we have to think of catchy headlines. Working in this group has really developed our confidence when speaking in front of an audience. We have to prepare suitable questions for each of the classes we interview to get the information we need and then include their quotes in the text.
School Newspaper Roles
P1a – Alana and Grace
P1b – Martin and Andrew
P2 – William and Kerr
P3/2 – Jack K and Sebastian
P4/3 – Jamie and Jack M
P4 – Abbi and Ally
P5 – Dionne and Leah
P6 – Abbie and Rebecca
P7 – Aidan and Ahil
I like the literacy group because im good at literacy and I enjoy going to the class with seb and getting ideas from P3/2.
I enjoy the literacy group because we get to interview the other classes in the school, me and Ryli used to interview primary 2 before he left.
The literacy group is really good because we get to know what is happening around the school and what the younger pupils have to say about their learning.