Write a comment about what you thought ofย the Burns Supper.
What was your favourite part of the night and why?
Did you learn anything about yourself or others fromย taking part?
What new skills were you using from planning and organising to actually performing on the night?
Looking forward to reading your responses. Add a photo if you have any!
Mrs Hunter ๐
I really enjoyed the Burns Supper as it gave me confidence that I will need for the show. My favourite part of the night was when Luke and William performed ‘Toast to the Lassies’. It was very funny and thankfully, the girls took it in good humour. For my parts I had to say a bit in ‘To a Mouse’ and carry in the Haggis. It was a great and very enjoyable night!!!!
i think the burns supper was a great success! i learned that i am very good at public speaking and acting, which i will need for the show. my mum said,”far better than i could have imagined. i had a superb night,primary seven did themselves proud. table host martin was great, despite being a dolphins fan! haha!” i enjoyed chairing the burns supper as i have good skills for speaking in public!
I had great fun at the burns supper and I hope that we all did. I think we all had a epic night and I hope that it was the BEST Burns Supper EVER! I really liked the toast to the lassies and I really wish we could see it again. I would like to give a great thanks to all the staff Mrs Hunter and Jill and Hannah’s mum for making us that AMAZING MEAL and helping us set up. It really was the best way I could have spent my night, especially when I played on the drum for Auld Lang Sang Mrs Robertson thought I was really GOOD! I hope everyone had a great night like I did and I really wish I could do it again. Thanks!!
The burns supper was a great experience and I will definitely not forget it. It has built on my confidence and I cant wait for the show! I done “the reply from the lassies” with Lucy F thankfully all the boys took it in good humour, I also performed “to a louse” which was really fun with all our actions that we came up with ourselves!
I really enjoyed the Burns supper as I thought it was a great night and I’m sure a lot of people would agree with that. I think it helped us with confidence and we had to be committed as well because we had to learn our words and put actions in as well. My favourite part of the night was the food. I also really liked the “Toast to the lassies” and the “Reply from the lassies.” It was really funny and looked like they had put a lot of work into it. We all put a lot of work into organising it from table planners, baking, the list goes on so I’m really glad all our hard work had all paid off.
I thought the burns supper went really well and I enjoyed everything that went on that night. My favourite part of the evening was the Toast to the Lassies which I thought was really funny. My part was to recite “Scot’s Wha Hae ” a song that we turned into a poem. I also done the Royal Toast. The skills we learned from performing the burns supper was that we now know how it feels to stand up and speak to in front of a big crowd . This will be good for us as we will need this experience that we gained for our forthcoming P7 show. The planning skills that we learned are that we now know as a class that we can organise a big event just like our burns supper. I really enjoyed doing the burns supper.
The Burns Supper was a huge success, I really enjoyed it.But I honestly think that the Toast to the lassies from Luke and William was my favorite part. My part in it was the Immortal memory, it was me, David,Arran,Kerr,Anton,Dionne,Hannah,Leah, and Freya.
A lot of the class were singing poems like To a mouse,Willie Wastle and much more. At the end everyone got up and we all sang Robert Burns most famous poem Auld Lang Syne. I am sure everyone that went to it really enjoyed it.
The burns supper was a great night that I will never forget. My favourite part of the evening was performing to the parents and teachers as it was great to see them relaxing and enjoying the entertainment. During the topic I learned a-lot about myself and surprised myself by being able to speak in front of the parents, teachers and my classmates with confidence. We learned a lot of new skills like time keeping for learning our pieces as well as confidence that will help with new activities that will be coming in the next year. Overall the burns supper was a great experience and I would love to do it again! ๐
The Burns Supper it was a new experience which was Fun, Exciting and a positive learning opportunity. I enjoyed taking part in the tradition that celebrates the life of Robert Burns, learning and sharing his work with my friends. It was also a brilliant night especially having Haggis and irn bru !!!
I thought the bur s supper was extremely fun and I hope everyone else enjoyed it. I think my favourite part was the toast to the Lassies because Luke and William had amazing teamwork skills and they done really well. From watching the burns supper I realised just how much effort we actually put in to the and when I say this I think I’m speaking for a lot of people, I thought we worked extremely well together. Confidence was definitely important and to be able to have fun while talking or singing etc. in front of 90+ people is great! I really enjoyed the burns supper!
I think that the burns supper was amazing. it had entertainment, food and music from the bagpipes. I was on the “to a mouse” table next to the piano with Heather, Mr Campbell , Mrs Robertson, Andy from the co-op and many more. I think that I will remember the burns supper forever since it was the best one i’ve ever had by far. The skills I had to use were, acting and speaking in public. My favourite part of the night was my poetry group”to a mouse”, toast to the lassies and the reply. well done ever one!! ๐
I think the Burns Super was very entertaining, everybody was really good and the parents were are great audience. My favourite part of the night was the reply to the boys. Lucy D and Lucy F were doing it and they where fabulous at it. On the night I was a bit scared but I was okay in the end. Everybody else in my group was really good.
I really enjoyed the burns supper, my favourite bit about the night was the toast to the lassies. Luke and William worked well together to slag off the lassies. I was reciting “To a mouse” with Martin, Rachael and Rebecca. The food was delicious. I feel that everyone performed great and it was a great success.
I think the burns supper was a smashing success! the Burns supper really gave me a boost to my confidence as I had to speak in front of loads of people, I was reciting the poem “To A Louse” which made people scratch their heads after! I also did the vote of thanks to thank everyone for a fab night. My mum quoted “the night was fab, everybody done so well!” I had to work with others in my poem “To a Louse” because if someone was off then I had to fill in for them, luckily on the night nobody was off and it all went smoothly. We also had to communicate with others so that we knew when to come in with our verse of the poem! Now on to the dinner well…I tried haggis for the very first time and didn’t like it at all where as Andrew, who had 3 plates loved it! My favourite part of the night was when the haggis was piped in, the piper was fab considering he was only called in last minute! When we started practising I had determination and courage. thanks you to everybody who made the night one to remember in the future ! ๐
The Burns Supper was an amazing experience for every one. Everyone was great when they had to say their lines . We all showed great teamwork when decorating the gym hall, learning lines and most importantly on the night. It was good fun and I really enjoyed it. I tried the haggis… turns out I don’t like it! The part I enjoyed the most was the toast and the reply. Well done everyone! ๐
The burns super was really good. I had good fun it was brilliant and the food was really nice. I was doing Willie Wassle it was quite fun to learn and it gave me confidence for the school show. I think I would be good at the show ๐
The burn’s supper was a big success . I and the class enjoyed it and wish it was on a weekly basic. I was one of the immortal memory people, the immortal memory people where one of the most important people in the show. The food was really nice so overall I think the whole class had fun. ๐
I t was much better than I thought it would be and I really enjoyed it! I really liked the toast to the Lassies and the reply from the Lassies it was very funny! I am proud of myself for not forgetting my words and I got them all word perfect! I am really sad that it is all over now but it will be a night I will never forget! Hazel
I really enjoyed the burns supper and it was a big success. I had two parts the Selkirk Grace with Dionne and the Vote of Thanks with Heather and Abbi. It was fun decorating the hall and practising. I’m a very proud of myself for speaking in front of that amount of people as im quite a shy person.
I really enjoyed the burns supper and I think it was a big success. I also enjoyed the toast and the reply everyone took it really well. My part was a really important part off the burns supper it was immortal memory’s with arran, David, Hannah, Dionne, Anton, Freya, Kerr, Ahil if you don’t know what immortal memories is it is when you research all about Robert burns life and his family. I think I have gain lots off confidence for the school show ๐
it was really good I really liked getting piped in although my crutches got caught in the microphone wire and the toasts were good I think most people enjoyed it I know I did. The whole class did very well and all the parent helpers.
I enjoyed the Burns Supper but it was hard to prepare for. At the burns supper I was the only child at my table but half way through Jack came over. All the adults thought it was really good and so did most people in my class.
I really loved the burns supper, it turned out really well and everyone turned up. we would never achieved this without the help of the best teacher in the world Mrs Hunter! I learned from the burns supper that you need to project your voice to the back of the hall or nobody can hear you, we will need that for the show. My favourite part of the show was the reply. I liked the toast to the lassies but I think the girls won with the reply. ๐
I am really impressed with your comments P7. It’s great to see that you all enjoyed planning and organising our Burns Supper. Confidence is definitely an area that I think you have all grown in. I was so proud to see you all performing like stars in front of a large audience! Having the ability to entertain around 90 guests and keep them laughing is not easy! Your hard work and determination resulted in one of the best Burns Suppers I have been involved in – congratulations to you all!