Silly Sock Day – Friday 9th November

This year, the S6 Higher Leadership class is raising money to buy Christmas presents for the children at CHAS’ Robin House hospice, which is having families staying there on Christmas Day for the first time. By paying 50p to wear the most ridiculous socks you own to school on Friday 9th November, you can help us kickstart our fundraising and allow CHAS to give the families of terminally ill children the best Christmas possible. We’re looking forward to seeing your silly socks!

National Mass to Launch Year of Faith Mass

Lourdes Secondary was represented by all members of the SLT and 4 S6 pupils at the National Mass to Launch the Year of Faith in Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral in Motherwell yesterday afternoon (3 – 6pm). The Mass was attended by well over 1200 people and schools from all over Scotland were represented. In attendance were the Papal Nuncio, Cardinal Keith O’Brien and Archbishop Tartaglia, who gave the Homily. Mass was concelebrated and led by Bishop of Motherwell, Joseph Devine. S6 representatives, Paul McCambridge, Head Boy, Sean Fraser, Deputy Head Boy, Megan Green, Deputy Head Girl and Megan Shiels along with Mandie Running, Chair of the Parent Council.

A significant number of S6 are participating in the Caritas Award scheme and this will provide a real context for their faith witness. Megan Shiels has also volunteered to work with the HCPT in Lourdes at Easter.

Careers Appointments

The Careers Advisor, Mrs Dunlop will be in school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Careers appointments will now be displayed on the UCAS notice board outside the Head Teacher’s office and on the notice board outside the Careers Library. Pupils should check these noticeboards on Monday for appointments. Please note Mrs Dunlop may have arranged an appointment for you even if you have not requested one so it is essential you consult these noticeboards regularly.
Mr Urquhart

Eco-School Adopt an Animal

Thanks to all who voted in the WWF’s Endangered Animal Scheme recently in Tutor time and thank you to Staff Tutors for their support.

The results are :

We will now fund the conservation of these animals for one year.

Regular updates will be given on their progress.

Calling all S1 & S2 Gamers and future Games Designers

If you are interested in finding out more about Games Design or maybe just playing computer games come along to a meeting in Room 225 on Thursday 1st November at 1pm to find out more.

Places limited so be early.

If any S5/6 pupils are interested in helping out, please contact Mrs Connelly in Room 231.

UCAS – Presentation by Glasgow Caledonian University on Tuesday 30 October

On Tuesday, 30 October, a visiting speaker from Glasgow Caledonian University will visit Lourdes to deliver a presentation to UCAS applicants. The presentation will concentrate on various aspects of the University experience, with a particular focus on studying at Glasgow Caledonian. All UCAS candidates should report promptly to the Concert Hall at the beginning of Period 2.

Mr Urquhart

Power Rap Competition

Pupils from Lourdes Secondary School in Glasgow were treated to a masterclass from professional rap artist, Darren McGarvey, aka Rapper MC Loki.

The children were the winners of ScottishPower’s Power Rap competition, which aimed to encourage a greater use of music and language to explore important themes and aspects of today’s society.

It was launched by the energy provider in association with the National Theatre of Scotland to support their latest production, Glasgow Girls, which is running at the Citizen’s Theatre from 31 October – 17 November.
To enter the competition, schools and community groups were asked to compose a poem or a rap on a topic which they were passionate about, such as friendship or multiculturalism.

The winning school, Lourdes Secondary School composed raps on a variety of subjects inlcuding violence, love, music, sport, life and death. Continue reading

Celebrating Wider Achievement – Edinburgh Book Festival

Some of our S2 pupils had the opportunity to interview author Matt Dickinson at the Edinburgh International Book Festival in August. They did really well. So well in fact the Matt Dickincon has offered to come to our school on Tuesday 5th November to give two explosive workshops to more of our young people. A creative wrinting workshop to help some of our older pupils with their imaginative wrinting skills and another talk to our first year pupils about his experiences climbing Mount Everest and his “Mortal Chaos” series.

Listen to the interview here.