English Second Prelim Arrangements

Prior to any final decisions regarding level changes for pupils in S4/S5/S6, a second prelim has been arranged.  The prelim and the supported study sessions are for pupils who attained 45% or less in January’s exam.  (Supported Study for all pupils will be arranged in the lead up to the final exam in May)


National 5 Supported Study

Friday 12th Feb, G08 (Critical Essay)

Thursday 18th Feb, G02 (Scottish Text: MacCaig)

Thursday 18th Feb, G10 (Scottish Text: Duffy)

Friday 19th Feb G08 (Reading for U, A, E)


National 5 Prelim

N5 Critical Reading: Thursday 25th Feb, Periods 6 & 7

N5 Reading for U A E: Monday 29th Feb, Periods 1 & 2


Higher Supported Study

Thursday 18th Feb, G08 (Reading for U, A, E)

Wednesday 24th Feb, G06 (Scottish Text- Lochhead)

Thursday 25th Feb, G08 (Critical Essay)


Higher Prelim

Critical Reading: Friday 26th Feb, Periods 3 & 4

Reading for U A E: Friday 4th March, Periods 3 & 4

S2 Information Evening and Mass

The S2 Parents’ Information evening on Thursday 11th February is on from 6-30-7.30pm.

The evening will focus on:

  • The S2 profile
  • Electives for S3: Choices in Expressive Arts, Technologies and Social Subjects
  • Preparation for the Senior Phase

Mass will start at 7.30pm.

Tea/coffee will be available at the end of the evening to give parents the opportunity to talk to Mr Downes, PT Pastoral Care and Mr Kerr (Year Head)


S3 Information Evening

After a successful S3 Information Evening on Thursday 4 February the information that was distributed on the night is now available online.  Please find this attached here.

S3 Info Eve Feb 2016 – PowerPoint

Draft Options Nov 15 – Word Document

Any questions or queries please contact Mr Kerr (DHT) or Mrs Black (PT Pastoral Care) on 0141 582 0180.

Information Evenings – S2/S3

We would like to invite all Parents and Carers of S2 and S3 to Information Evenings.

The S3 Parents’ Information Evening on Thursday 4th February from 6-30-7.30pm.

The evening will focus on:

  • The S3 profile
  • Subject choice for the Senior Phase

The S2 Parents’ Information evening on Thursday 11th February from 6-30-7.30pm.

The evening will focus on:

  • The S2 profile
  • Electives for S3: Choices in Expressive Arts, Technologies and Social Subjects
  • Preparation for the Senior Phase

Tea/coffee will be available at the end of the evening to give parents the opportunity to talk to Mr Downes, PT Pastoral Care and Mr Kerr (Year Head)

Change to January Parents Evening

The S3 Parents’ Evening has been rescheduled to Tuesday 26th January from 4-6pm. Appointment sheets were issued to pupils yesterday.

This then means the S2 Parents’ Evening will be rescheduled to Tuesday 8 March from 4-6pm.  Appointment sheets will be issued to pupils in during the last week in February.

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Pastoral Care or Mr Kerr (Year Head) on 0141 582 0180.