Category Archives: Parents

Eco-School Adopt an Animal

Thanks to all who voted in the WWF’s Endangered Animal Scheme recently in Tutor time and thank you to Staff Tutors for their support.

The results are :

We will now fund the conservation of these animals for one year.

Regular updates will be given on their progress.

Celebrating Wider Achievement – Edinburgh Book Festival

Some of our S2 pupils had the opportunity to interview author Matt Dickinson at the Edinburgh International Book Festival in August. They did really well. So well in fact the Matt Dickincon has offered to come to our school on Tuesday 5th November to give two explosive workshops to more of our young people. A creative wrinting workshop to help some of our older pupils with their imaginative wrinting skills and another talk to our first year pupils about his experiences climbing Mount Everest and his “Mortal Chaos” series.

Listen to the interview here.

S5 Mentoring Programme

S5 pupils undertaking 3+ Highers who signed up to the Mentoring Programme should check the UCAS notice board outside the Head Teacher’s for information regarding their Mentor. Pupils should approach their Mentors before the end of the week to arrange the first Mentoring session. Pupils are reminded that they must give sufficient notice to their Mentor if they are unable to attend a pre-arranged meeting.

Mr Urquhart

Hint of Pink

Today Lourdes Secondary School turned pink in support of breast cancer research. Pupils were invited to wear something pink and volunteers from the Higher Leadership class teamed up with members of staff to raise awareness.

Amongst the festivities, there was a Teacher’s Blind Date, nail bar, bake sale and pink lemonade stall! 

Overall, the day was a huge success and a great time was had by all.  Thanks to the tremendous effort and hard work of staff and pupils, a total of £1,137.11 was raised.

For photographs from the day click here

Year of Faith

The Year of Faith for the Catholic Church throughout the world opens on Thursday of this week. The year is intended to be, “a special time of grace in which we discover or rediscover the life-changing experience of encountering Jesus Christ.” Philip Tartaglia, Archbishop of Glasgow.

A number of events are planned across the world to mark this year and an official website has been established in Scotland. Assemblies will focus on this throughout the week and prayer cards will also be distributed. In Lourdes Secondary we will also note the opening of the Year of Faith in other ways, details of which will follow.

“What the world is in particular need of today is the credible witness of people enlightened in minds and heart by the word of the Lord, and capable of opening the hearts and minds of many to the desire for God and for true life, life without end.” Pope Benedict XVI


S1 Welcome & Commitment Mass

The S1 Welcome and Commitment Mass was held in the school’s Concert hall on Wednesday 3 October 2012.  S1 pupils were joined in the celebration of the Mass by staff, parents and a number of Headteachers from our partner primary schools including St Constantine’s’ Primary, St Saviour’s Primary and St Marnock’s Primary.

In the course of the Mass S1 pupils committed themselves to the following:

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Let’s Grow 2012!

Once again, Lourdes Secondary is collecting Let’s Grow gardening vouchers from Morrison’s Supermarkets. These have been used to buy a wide range of gardening equipment along with some packs of flower and vegetable seeds.

We plan to use the Quadrangle to plant more and are looking for staff, pupils, family and friends to collect and hand in as many vouchers as possible.

Please hand in any vouchers to Mr Raeburn or Miss Jamieson before the 28th of October.

Thank you from the Eco Committee