Category Archives: information

Senior Pupil Retreats

The second week in December saw two retreat days for our senior pupils here in Lourdes Secondary: S6 – Monday 10 December and S5 – Friday 14 December. School chaplain, Fr. John Carol planned and delivered two days of fun and reflection on the theme “You’ve Got Mail!” Pupils were given the opportunity to work together and reflect on the challenges of being a young adult in Scotland today and compare this to the challenges of living as a member of a faith community both in Lourdes Secondary and in their own neighbourhoods. One of the highlights of the retreats was the opportunity for pupils to write short notes of encouragement and support to one another which were used as part of short prayer service. As always, the pupils were creative and entertaining in their presentations and managed to re-enact the parables of Jesus with a modern, 21st century twist encouraging one another to be the “Good News” of God’s love today. Well done to all those who participated and shared in both retreat days and a huge thank you to Fr. John for all his work for both days and for all his support and help throughout the year.

Brigadoon Launch CD today!

Brigadoon are delighted to announce our first EP released today!!!!  The EP includes 3 original songs written by Findlay MacMillan (S5) one of which is his very own Christmas Song “That time of year”.

 After a lengthy recording process we are delighted with the final production on the EP.  We would love it if you were able to support the band as the costs of hiring a professional studio were large!!

We are selling the EP for only £4 the EP which contains 3 originals and the Christmas bonus track – what a bargain!

 If you would like a copy could you please contact Mrs MacVicar, Performing Arts Faculty directly or via the School Office – 0141 582 0180.

Eco-Code Competition

As part of our efforts to be awarded a third Green Flag from Eco Schools Scotland, we need to replace our present school Eco Code.

This encourages all in the school to adopt / continue a number of measures, covering the following Eco School topics:  

Litter, Biodiversity, Food & The Environment,  Recycling and Energy Conservation – e.g. reduce our litter, food waste and energy use, help to conserve animals and plants.

The new code could be an image, an acronym or just a short list of pledges – whatever form, whether paper or electronic, the Eco code should be snappy, catchy or memorable to catch peoples’ attention.

Pupils can enter as many efforts as they want and give their entries to Mr Raeburn, Ms Jamieson or Ms Gallagher by Friday 25 January 2013.

The winning entry, as chosen by the Eco Committee, will win a £25 iTunes voucher

Copies of the winning entry will be displayed on the Eco School notice board.

Other copies may appear through the school, but in an eco – friendly way, to reduce the amount of paper, the code will be displayed on the plasma screen.

Lourdes Wins Glasgow Cup

As part of “My Dying Wish” campaign the NHS teamed up with The Sunday Times and the Speakers Club, Glasgow, to run a Speechmaking Competition (Glasgow Cup) for Glasgow schools. Pupils were invited to write a speech based on a list of topics and present these speeches at Glasgow’s distinguished City Chambers. A host of dignitaries formed part of the audience as well as the panel of judges, including the Lord Provost of Glasgow, Sadie Docherty, who introduced the event.

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Partnership with Parents

Our new Christmas tree in the front hall has been donated to the school by the Parent Council. They have asked that, if possible, it is part of our Advent and Christmas preparations for the last two weeks of term.

I am grateful to the Parent Council for their generous gift.

Mrs Lennon (Head Teacher)

Christmas Concert

Congratulations to all pupils and staff who performed and supported the success of the Christmas Concert last night.

It was a wonderful celebration however this is not possible without the hard work and dedication from pupils and staff. 

Sincest thanks is also extended to the parents, friends and supporters of the school for braving the winter elements to attend.

For more photographs from the evening click here.

Rich man poor man lunch

 On December 14th the higher health and food technology class are hosting a rich man poor man lunch for S6 pupils and Teachers. This is to raise money for SCIAF and to raise awareness of the poverty in the world today. 80% of the world live in poverty and don’t have enough food but 20% of the world has too much food. 

Tickets cost £2. A selection of tickets will say rich man and a selection will say poor man. It’s a lucky dip so why not take a chance. The lunch will take place at 12.30 – 1.15 in the SS Hall.

Student Council

There will be a meeting of the Student Council on Friday 7th December during Period 5. Representatives should register at the beginning of P5 and then make their way to the Conference Room. The Student Council suggestion box will be at the school office this week for any student who would like to suggest an item for the agenda. Suggestions should have pupil name and class attached.
Mrs Downie

Basketball Coaching Award

Would S4/S5/S6 Tutors please mention to pupils interested in gaining a basketball coaching award that a course will be running in Lourdes Secondary on Tuesday February 12 2013 (holiday weekend) from 10am till 4pm.

This course would be particularly useful to our current sports leadership group and those who have previously gained the leadership award.

Any pupil interested should give their names to Mr Walsh immediately as places are limited and are being allocated on first come first served basis.

Mr Walsh