As part of our efforts to be awarded a third Green Flag from Eco Schools Scotland, we need to replace our present school Eco Code.
This encourages all in the school to adopt / continue a number of measures, covering the following Eco School topics:
Litter, Biodiversity, Food & The Environment, Recycling and Energy Conservation – e.g. reduce our litter, food waste and energy use, help to conserve animals and plants.
The new code could be an image, an acronym or just a short list of pledges – whatever form, whether paper or electronic, the Eco code should be snappy, catchy or memorable to catch peoples’ attention.
Pupils can enter as many efforts as they want and give their entries to Mr Raeburn, Ms Jamieson or Ms Gallagher by Friday 25 January 2013.
The winning entry, as chosen by the Eco Committee, will win a £25 iTunes voucher
Copies of the winning entry will be displayed on the Eco School notice board.
Other copies may appear through the school, but in an eco – friendly way, to reduce the amount of paper, the code will be displayed on the plasma screen.