
Weekly Oak Activities

Hi everyone, we hope you are all well! Let’s find out what activities we have for this week.


What do I need? Partner, paper and pencil.

Choose someone in the house to play a game of ‘I Spy’ with you. Write down the letter of the item you are trying to guess.  Once you have guessed it correctly, ask an adult to spell it out for you and practice your handwriting.


What do I need? Paper and pens

Ask an adult to help you with this task, the adult needs to hide one of your favourite toys.  The adult needs to make a directional map using arrows for you to follow to find your toy. (for example: start forward 10 steps, turn right, forward 2 steps, turn left, forward 3 steps, etc until you reach the finish position).

Cooking –   Lunchtime meals 

This week try and be a confident individual and try and make your own lunch.

Mr Robertson enjoyed a sandwich and Miss Miller had some soup for her lunch.  What will you have?


Below are some links to our YouTube channel for a video on how to make a sandwich or a toastie for lunch.

Gammon Sandwich

Click Here


Ham & Cheese Toastie

Click Here

Class Pet:  

Our caterpillars are safely within their cocoons now, Mrs Murray transferred them into their butterfly house.  This was a lot of responsibility and Mrs Murray was nervous as she didn’t want to harm any of them. Hopefully by next week we may have some butterflies.

Watch the video on youtube – Insect Lore Butterfly Garden Instructions. Click here



This week can you all sing and sign the song ‘Better Place’ by singing hands.  You will find this video on YouTube, click here

Life Skills: 

This week can you look out your clean clothes for each day. Have a chat with an adult about what clothes you need to put on.  Make sure you put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket before going to bed at night.


Keeping with our Rainbow theme for this Lockdown, make another Lockdown keepsake for you and your family. Click here to watch a video

Make a rainbow handprint of all your family and paint it once it is dry.  Here is what you need for your salt dough recipe;

250g plain flour (if you are lucky enough to have flour)

125g table salt

125ml water

Once you have created your salt dough handprint before baking in the oven, put a BBQ skewer into the bottom of the hand as this will help you to display your family handprints in an upright position. Also cut out the handprint before putting in the oven.

Have fun this week and remember stay home and stay safe.  We are all missing you! Glad to hear you are all doing great at home, proud of you and keep it up!



Sungazers Minibeast Hunt

Monday 4th May

Good morning! Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend and is doing well!

This week we have a super minibeast hunt for you to try.  You can download and print the sheet here if you have a printer at home. If not, have a look and see what minibeasts you can find in your garden or when you are out for your daily exercise.

minibeast hunt            

See the source image

We have also recorded a minibeast song for you to listen to and enjoy.  This will be sent to your email address.

See the source image

Lots of Minibeasts Song (It’s to the tune Head Shoulders Knees and Toes) Give it a try and let us know how you get on in the comments section of this post.  We would love to hear from you!

Stay safe and take care everyone!

Sungazers Team 🙂




Bubble Snake Blower!

As part of our Jungle Book theme, this week I thought you could have fun with a home science experiment where you recreate Kaa from the film 🐍

All you need is a plastic bottle, a sock, water and fairy liquid, which I’m sure you all have in the house.

1. Cut the bottom off of your plastic bottle with some scissors ✂

2. Pull a sock over the bottom of the bottle and secure it with an elastic band or bobble 🧦

3. Mix water and fairy liquid to create a bubble mixture 💧

4. Dip your sock covered bottle into the bubble mixture.

5. Blow through the top of the bottle.

Have lots of fun making bubble snakes! How long a snake can you make? If you wish, make a few bubble snake blowers and have a race with your family.

Just a reminder that these activities are just ideas but if you wish to take part and send a photograph or a comment along then I’d love to see it.

PS. I will be back in touch with families this week for a quick phone call so I look forward to having a catch up with you all 🙂


Get Creative

Good Morning Oak Team! I hope you are all well and below is the details of activity 1 for this week! Remember to leave comments on this post on how you are finding the tasks that are being set.

 Activity 1 

What do I need? – A bag, blank piece of paper, pencil and a creative mine

On your daily walk or in your garden can you have a look around and find anything interesting that could create a lovely picture.



Empty all your findings onto the ground and sort them into piles of the same items, like below;

Ask an adult to draw a circle at the top of the blank paper, like below;

1) Can you use your material to make a person?

2) Can you make a picture of everyone in your family?

3) How many differerent ways can you a picture of a person using what you have found?

Here are some examples below;



Caterpillar / Butterfly progress

We are on Day 9 of our tranformation cycle of caterpillar into butterfly. They are getting a lot bigger and growing lots of little hairs all over their body.







Science Week

Last Friday was Adam’s 15th Birthday – we all sang him Happy Birthday and enjoyed some yummy Chocolate Birthday Cake!!

We carried out a few different Science Experiments this week. We were successful individuals and made Cornflour Slime – it was great fun to play with watching it go from a solid to a liquid then back.

Adam successfully made the light bulb light up!!!

And so did Jacob!

We loved the Planetarium – watching the stars.

We continued to work on our SQA Unit and made paper plates of our Inside Out Characters!!!

We have had a camera problem – so not as may photos as we would like!!

We have also seen Jessica’s Sea Monkeys – WOW!!! Made a dancing man on a plate, launched paper rockets and decorated biscuits – hope you enjoyed them!!!

And had fun at with the rest of the Secondary for Sports Relief.


Science Week – Colour Mixing Liquids!


The Bluebells class have enjoyed actively participating in all of this week’s Science activities. Today’s final experiment was colour mixing with food colouring. We predicted what some of the colours would make when mixed, then tried it out in our practical experiment.

We had great fun!


Effective Learners during Science Week

Fun with Science continued throughout the week. One experiment that the class all enjoyed was making a Non-Newtonian fluid (cornflour and water!) and discovering its properties. Numeracy skills were put to good use checking the mass and volume of each item. Each boy experienced the fluid and we had a range of way to interact. Some used spoons to stir fast and slow and some put their hands straight in!

The next experiment was making rainbow paper. The boys all interacted well and were patient when they poured clear nail varnish into water. They carefully placed black card on top and removed it to show shimmering rainbow paper.

The class them observed the reaction between a powder and a liquid to form a gas. The boys were amazed when the balloon started to inflate.

Our last task in class was to apply our literacy and numeracy skills to try and replicate the success of Patrick last year at the Engineering Challenge. The boys reflected on the webcast from Monday and came up with some new designs to help solve problems. The challenge included a short letter to explain the design and what influenced each idea. Watch this space to see how well we get on!


Science Week


This week, we have been confident individuals by exploring lots of different areas of science.

On Tuesday, we welcomed visitors to our school and took part in lots of activities. we particularly enjoyed exploring stars and planets in the planetarium, and creating out own stomp rockets before competing to see who’s would travel the furthest.

We have also been taking part in experiments within the class and created our own hypothesis by discussing what we thought might happen after each experiment. We were responsible citizens by taking turns with peers.


Science Week – Fireworks in a Glass


The Bluebells class enjoyed today’s science experiment where we created fireworks in a jar. We added food colouring to some oil, gave it a really good stir and added the mixture to a glass of hot water.

We waited and watched and noticed some fireworks appearing in our jar!


Successful learners during Science week

This week has been full of lots of different science activities and experiments. On Tuesday we had a day of science. The people from the dark sky observatory came with an inflatable planetarium. We all went inside to view the stars and the planets. We experience some science activities with students from Grange. We got to explore robots and made our own circuits with the ladies from Dumfries House. We also enjoyed exploring the stomp rockets.

We also conducted some science experiments in the classroom. We all really enjoy water play to we investigated floating and sinking. The children were confident individuals in placing the items in the water and then had some capacity fun filling and emptying different containers.

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