
National Maths Week

*Successful Learners

This week we have been doing loads of numeracy activities. As well as our ILP work we have had an outdoor maths trail, learnt about clothes needed for different seasons, measured and counted ingredients needed for Empire Biscuits and made a rain gauge. We did size ordering, explored a sock box, played snakes and ladders  where we used a dice and measured using large bricks. We had a great time learning.


Successful Learners – Numeracy

The Transition class were Successful Learners when working on their numeracy outcomes. The class had completed a traffic survey and used their results to make a pictogram showing the number and type of vehicles passing the school in ten minutes.

The class also worked on their own targets of number identification, diary making and positional language.


National Maths Week Dance

It was National Maths Week this week. The Transition class were Confident Individuals and had a good old boogie. When the  music stopped the class had to strike a pose from the list of shapes. Everyone copied them expertly!


National Maths week

This week has been National Maths Week. We have been doing lots of fun maths activities .

Today we were confident individuals choosing numbers to create an abstract face.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

We also did some role play. We love number songs and do them during our morning group – counting to 5. Today we  were effective contributors and were the monkeys on the bed jumping up and down with monkey masks. We took it in turns to fall off and pretend to bump our head. It was great fun.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

We were also confident individuals using the SMARTboard this week. We played a teddy game giving the teddy a specific number of cakes. He said “YUMMY!!” when got it right. It was lots of fun.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Certificates are in school bags today.


Pine Class – Successful Learners in Art


This week we were successful learners learning a new paint technique in Art – pulling the paint across the paper using a ruler, very effective BUT we cannot tell you what we are doing with it – it is a Christmas secret!!!



I am a happy happy boy!!!

Ready for some Animal Boogie??

Making masks for next weeks’ MacMillan – responsible citizens.

Great friends in the Pine Room.

Sensory Cookery involves lots of skills numeracy – counting the cases, identifying the different objects and colours, working on our motor skills  and our MOVE  when we exercising our hands.

Oh no – they just jumped out of the tray!!!!

Literacy and Art – working on the letter ‘A’ – all will be revealed next week!!!

This successful learner working on her I-gaze skills!!

Confident individuals working on their matching skills.

Our fantastic 50 Things Art from last week.

More Literacy work – matching the ‘A’ pictures and  we love the Alphabet songs…

…..successful story sequencing.

Sun is out – so lets go bowling – STRIKE!!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!



Welcome to the Bluebells

We have settled well into school and are enjoying lots of different activities.

Digital Camera

We have made name rockets and put them above our SMARTboard. We made lots of “s”crafts and this week have been doing “a” crafts – we made alligators, apples and ants on an ant hill.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

We made a collage of different numbers with lots of different coloured squares.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Welcome to the new Pine Class

It has been great to be back in School!

We thought we would just show you some of the things we had been getting up to since the beginning of term.

Selecting the Golden Rule we are focusing on – Number 2 – Working Together.

MOVE and working on Days of the Week.

Successful Learners in Numeracy

Knock it down!!!!

Right Respecting School – what is Right thing and what is Wrong thing to do?? These responsible citizens knew the answers.

Stretching out in MOVE

Ready for Parachute Fun!!!

Sensory Play – great fun!!!

Making Choices. – planning our MacMillan Event.

Colour Sorting in Numeracy

Confident Individuals in Art

We are Artists – ROAR!!!

We love The Wonky Donkey Story – using a single message device for the ‘Hee-Haw’ sounds.

Sensory Fun with Shaving Foam!

Band Practice!!

UNCRC Article 24 – making a poster with all the appropriate information.

Health and Well-being – Outdoor Learning.

A great afternoon Bowling. – STRIKE!!

Making Choices and place mats.

Numeracy with Spinderella, . story about a spider that wants to learn to count!

Stretching for MOVE

Autumn Art

Using Technology during Morning Group

Exploring Ingredients – Flour Sensory Play

Oh dear!!!!

Where is the hoover?

Literacy and Art

Outside in the Sunshine.

Our new Food Theme is based on the book ‘Don’t waste your Food’

We are looking at food spoilage.

Won’t look like this next week!!!!

50 Things making Art with things we have collected outside.

Smelly the lavender.

Have a great weekend everyone,



Welcome to a new School Year Pine Class

Well – Welcome Pinettes!!

It is lovely to see you all back at school.  Everyone has settled in really well and working very hard.

We have all been actively participating in all the Moring Group Activities, using the different AAC Devices, making choices, studying the weather and seasons, learning the days of the week, and practising our Makaton.

Enjoying the different stories we have been reading during Literacy, there are links below to a few favourites .

Oi Frog!

The Squirrels Who Squabbled

We have been successful learners in  Numeracy, we have practised our numbers skills in a variety of different ways, listening to counting songs, playing BINGO, pinning clothes peg legs on spiders (not real ones!) and counting bricks, building towers…then knocking them down!!!  We also enjoy watching Counting with Rodd.

Counting with Rodd

In Enterprise and Expressive Art we have taken impressions of our hands for our ‘Evidence Tree’, and made some cool Splash Art Monsters!!!

During our Health and Well-Being sessions, we have worked hard on our MOVE programme, enjoyed sensory play and relaxation, and had fun being outside bowling when the sun was shining.

We choose Golden Rule Number 2 – A chance to be involved, and we are planning the MacMillian Coffee Morning Event for the School.

This is only some of what we have been up to …so we have been pretty busy!!!

So have I great weekend everyone.

Take care

The Pine Ladies




Sungazers POLO Day – outdoor learning

We have been completing lots of great outdoor learning activities for POLO day.  We enjoyed exploring the water wheel for science and playing games with water balloons.  We also had our snack outside and had fun with the parachute and making dens.


POLO Day Activities

*Confident Individuals    *Effective Contributors

We did some activities this week ahead of POLO Day. We painted patterns with water and watered our planter where we are growing onions, potatoes, carrots, strawberries, nasturtiums and sweet peas. Our gladioli bulbs are starting to grow too. We made symmetrical butterfly pictures in anticipation of making a large symmetrical floor pattern today. Today we also made a water wheel (which worked really well!) and created nature’s crowns.

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