The Transition boys were Successful Learners when working on their numeracy skills. They had to divide items up among different numbers of recipients. They all focused and work very well.
The Transition boys were Successful Learners when working on their numeracy skills. They had to divide items up among different numbers of recipients. They all focused and work very well.
In our music class this week the boys looked at changing tempo. The were Effective Contributors when they all worked together, tapping out the beat of Nellie the Elephant. The boys used their numeracy skills to recognise and say when the song was fast or slow. We also compared different songs and discussed which was faster or slower. The boys were so good that they didn’t fall for the trick where two different songs of the same tempo were played with paced dancers. The class tapped out the same tempo each time.
The Stars class enjoyed a fantastic Hallowe’en week. We did Hallowe’en hard work, iced biscuits and did art and craft. On Friday we dressed up and enjoyed party activities, a sociable snack and a virtual parade. We had a blast!
Oh it is Hallowe’en in the Pine Room.
This successful learner started her week off by working on her writing skills
Using the Feelings Bar to convey how you feel.
Numeracy, MOVE and AAC Devices for these successful learners.
Spooky Counting Songs and Halloween Matching Games – using our Makaton as we go!
Sustainable Development Goal 12(SDG) – We are Responsible Citizens – Recycling, Reusing and Reducing where we can – using the milk carton lids to create art!!
Sensory Flour Play – looking for spiders and other bugs!!!
Working on our Fine Motor Skills – finding tiny Hallowe’en shapes.
Reading ‘Room on the Broom’ a class favourite.
This ECO-Captain says save your paint – wrap it up in a designated zip lock bag for another day.
With our Rainbow Theme we decided to be Rainbow Superheroes – can you guess who is behind each mask?????
The very reluctant Green Superhero!!
Hallowe’en Art with the paint saved from last week – such responsible citizens – SDG 12
Using the different textured brushes was great fun and created lots of different effects.
Hello there!!
Working on our SQA Unit – Recognising a Fictional Character. We have chosen the Colour Monster we like best from the story ‘The Color Monster’ now we are identifying characteristics or features and expressing our opinions about them.
SDG 12 – Recycling the used Batteries and Reusing the Milk Cartons for Halloween.
Our finished textured Art – spooky bats!!
Mr Carl Fredricksen from UP!!
Getting Spooky in the Pine Room!!!!
“Off with your Head!!”
How much fun can we have with a Pumpkin??
Guess Who???
Ready to make some mask???
MOVE – this skeleton is dancing to some spooky music.
Let us in on the joke!!
Have a spooky weekend everyone!!!
The Transition numeracy time took a spooky turn this week when the boys played a dice game against the staff. The boys had to roll the dice and see who could complete the most numbered characters. The boys were Successful Learners by counting the dots on the dice and matching it to the number on their characters. The boys beat the staff with ease!
‘If music be the food of love’………the Transition boys certainly played on! The boys worked together as Effective Contributors using musical and numeracy skills to keep in time and change notes when prompted. It came together very well and we had a very harmonious afternoon. We ended with a group conductor session to Hallowe’en classics!
The Transition boys showed that they are Confident Individuals when preparing for personal care. Each boy identified the personal care item and made a collection of items that were the same. They all indicated their preference of scent. The boys came up smelling of roses!
During numeracy this week we have lots of fun exploring little jumping frogs. We had to focus and develop fine motor skills to push down using our finger to make the frog jump forward. We then used bricks to measure how many bricks the frog could jump over. There were lots of smiles at the frog jumper across the table. All pupils were supported to push down on the frog to make it jump. Some were able to do this independently. Some pupils were able to count the bricks that the frog hand jumped over. We were all successful learners joining in and taking turns.
We were all glad to see each other back at school after the holidays.
We were all successful learners and have been using the large building blocks and other items from around the classroom to help us with our numeracy skills.
Let’s build a really high tower!!
Counting is FUN!!
Meet our new Teacher – a very confident individual at this numeracy task.
We love songs about counting.
Multi-tasking – counting and doing my exercises!
Our lovely conker Art.
We love Working Together in the Pine Class . Golden Rule Number 6 – Helping each other and creating something special.
A work of art.
Lets Dance – Music and MOVE!
“Do you want to share?”
Purple Play Dough Fun!
Great exercises for our hands – flattening and grasping.
Rolling and squeezing.
Literacy online – listening to our story ‘The World needs more Purple People’.
Enjoying Boyle’s singing!!!!
This is our story.
Step 2 – to becoming a Purple Person ‘Laugh’ we do lots of that in the Pine Room!!!
Getting the menu photos ready for Monday “What do you fancy, Links or a Baked Potato?”
Embracing your inner Aladdin during Music and MOVE.
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!!!
The oak class have been working hard on their numeracy ILP targets. We have been improving our confidence and understanding of using money to pay for items.
Everyone were successful learners and were all actively engaged with focused attention.