
Diary Time

The Transition boys were Successful Learners when they added new pages to their diaries. The boys wrote about activities they took part in over the Easter Holidays. Each boy had an interesting tale to tell!


Easter Activities

The Stars Class had a week full of Easter activities. We made, and ate!, Easter egg shaped pizza’s, decorated eggs for rolling, created an Easter card and Jelly Bean Bunnies and made chocolate nests to send home. We met spring lambs and explored the different ways people celebrate Easter.



“Reading is dreaming with open eyes”

All the boys were Successful Learners in Transition on  Tuesday.  Everyone got to choose a book that they will read and review. As you can see a pretty chilled out reading session was had and they all chose a book they thoroughly enjoyed.


Transition Literacy

Transition boys were Successful Learners writing what they enjoyed about science week last week. Patrick wrote a story about a dragon. Hayden told the class about his story he read with a  presentation about the Ben 10.  The class showed


World Book Week

The Stars class enjoyed various World Book Week activities. We created bunting, dressed up and had a parade, brought in our favourite books to share, had a book swap, treasure hunt, enjoyed an author visit and read books on video, e-book and at the Dick Institute. We all enjoyed the experiences very much. However, let’s not forget, we made pancakes on Shrove Tuesday too!



WBD – Author visit

We had a special visitor come into school today. Greta Yorke and her friend Moira came to Willowbank today to read Greta’s book “The Tartan Witch”. The whole school got to listen to Greta and Moira tell the story about the tartan witch. Greta had also organised some lovely activities related to the book for the children to do after listening to the story. The activities were : exploration of the characters from the book, creating our own tartan using special wooden blocks with different lines on them, a matching game and a potion station. Everyone really enjoyed listening to the story and were effective contributors when engaging with the activities.



World Book Day

Thursday was World Book Day. The ladies dressed up as pirates in pyjamas. The boys dressed up too, some also came in in their pyjamas.

We all got to go to the book swap table and choose a book home. We really enjoyed this. We read the stories in front of the board and enjoyed lying down with our cushions.


The Tartan Witch

The Transition boys had a treat on Friday when Greta Yorke, the author of ‘The Tartan Witch’ paid a visit to the school. The boys were Responsible Citizens when they sat quietly listening to the story. They then took part in activities that had been brought along. The wonderful activities included; potion making, printing tartan, matching pairs and character play. The boys had a lovely time!


Author Visit

We enjoyed our visit today from author Greta Yorke, who wrote ‘The Tartan Witch’. We listened to the story with all our friends. We were all very responsible citizens and sat and gave the author our full attention.

We then took part in four different stations which were related to the story. We made a magic potion, created our own tartan, played a pairs game and had fun playing with the puppets.


Transition Literacy

Transition boys were Successful Learners by sharing their stories from activities that they did at the weekend and a story was written about a battle.



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