Category Archives: Parents

P4B – Day of Dance

P4B did an amazing job dancing their little feet off in the Grand Hall at the ‘Day of Dance’ hosted by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. We would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Neilson from RSCDS and also a Gran at our school,  who came in to school every week to help us learn the dances. 

★ ECC Star of the Week ★

Well done to this weeks Star of the Week for always following the nursery routine 😀

STEM – P5a Origami Homework Challenge

 Origami is the art of paper folding, which is often associated with Japanese culture. This week P5a were set a homework task to create some origami art of their choosing.

Together in class we looked at making a swan and searched online for great instructive videos and guides.

I am blown away with the amount of effort put in by the children! Check out our Origami art below!


P7 Maths Transition

P7 will be visiting the

Maths  Department


Grange Academy


Wednesday 29th November  2017

as part of their transition programme.

Leaving school at 9.00am and returning at 1.00pm.

(no home lunches on the day please )

School uniform and morning snack.


Please give permission below for your child to attend

and if you are able

to help out on the day.

Thanks .


Our Rhyme of the week is….

Please find on our communication board the nursery rhyme of the week which is one, two, three, four, five and the Makaton signs to go along. Please feel free to go over the signs and songs at home with your child. Please have a look at our communication board and feel free to take a speech sound development leaflet which are very useful and located on the communication board in the yellow button folder pictured above. Thank you. Miss Clark.

Parent council meeting


Next Mondays parent council meeting

has been postponed until

Tuesday 21st November.



P7 Pupils to Woodward Aircraft

P7A STEM trip to Woodward Aircraft in Prestwick.

Wednesday 15th November 2017

Leaving school at 9.05 am and returning for lunch time.


School Uniform.

Please visit ParentPay to pay for trip and give permission for your child to attend.

If you are available to help on the day ,

please send a note into Mrs Lawson.

*Many thanks *



★ Star of the Week ★

Well done to this weeks winners for doing the best job at tidy up time! 😀

Children In Need ECC

Children In Need will take place on

Friday 17th November.


Children are invited to wear something spotty

to nursery that day and donate £1.


If children have an old t-shirt that they could  decorate

in nursery,  please bring in  wc 13th November

and they can make it spotty to wear on the 17th !


We will be selling Pudsey ears at £2.50 from Monday 13th .

Thank you.

Intergenerational Project

Unfortunately our visit to Howard House Care Home had to be cancelled the last two weeks.  However we hope to be back again next Thursday.

Here are some photos from our last visit when Centrestage also attended, we had lots of fun.   We have also made the front cover of the CAPA newsletter, please click on the link below.

CAPA improvement programme update OCT 2017