Category Archives: Pre school

Primary 1 Registration

WC 13 January 2020

Appointments should be made with the Head Teacher , please contact the school office for an appointment time.

If you are currently at our ECC , please ask your child’s key worker for an enrolment form.

On the day , please bring your child’s birth certificate and 2 items of proof of address.


Friday 1st March 2019

 Afternoon Session

    Nursery Pre-schoolers and Primary 1 – 3 children.


Please visit the web site  below for more information.


Attainment Talks

Attainment Talks for Parents

Teaching and learning has totally transformed in recent years and we understand that the Scottish curriculum and how it is delivered in Gargieston PS & ECC can be baffling for parents. 

“Is my child achieving success in their learning?” 

“Are they achieving at the appropriate level?”  

“How is my child assessed?”

“What does Early, First and Second Level actually mean?”

Mrs McKee has organised Attainment Talks in order to answer these questions, inform parents about the Curriculum for Excellence and how this translates into the high quality learning experiences which your children enjoy in our school. 

In order to make these sessions accessible to as many parents as possible, Mrs McKee will offer the same session at 2 different times – Tuesday 20th November at 6pm and Thursday 22nd November at 2.15pm.  The session is appropriate for parents of all children from our ECC through to Primary 7. 

Please indicate below if to intend to attend one of the Attainment Talk Sessions.


Communication Board – new top tip!

This months top top is supporting speech sounds. When your child pronounces a sound incorrectly just repeat back what they have said in it’s true form without correcting them. This allows the child to hear language in its correct form without knocking their confidence and self esteem.  For example if a child was to say “it’s a at” instead of cat just repeat “yes it’s a cat”

ECC Communication Survey

Thank you to the 35 people who have taken the ECC Communication Board survey. This survey is still open and I would really appreciate if you could take 5minutes to provide your feedback. This feedback will be taken on board to influence the direction and progression of the communication board and what the communication champion displays in the future for parents. Thank you in advance.

ECC parents

Miss Clark is looking for as many ECC parents within the Early Childhood Centre to participate in this short survey in regards to the communication board. Your responses will be collated and taken on board for our centres progression.

Thank you to the 15 people who have already participated this is very much appreciated.

Miss Clark.

Communication top tip – June

Competition time with SALT

The Speech and Language East Ayrshire Facebook page are holding a competition with some fab prizes up for grabs. Please see the poster above on how to enter. Best of luck everyone.

ECC – communication difficulties….

Please click on the link below for some information on sense. They can assist if your child has communication or language difficulties or any ASN requirement. They offer free play sessions to extend and encourage your child’s communication or language development or day trips to various places.

Click to access sense-scotland-early-years-leaflet-web.pdf


Speech and language support

If you have any issues regarding your child’s speech please text or call the number on the poster above.


Please find attached a useful video on promoting your child’s language development and extending vocabulary.