All posts by Mrs Johnston

Intergenerational Project (ECC)


Dear ECC Parents / Carers

It has now come the time for us to ask you all for permission for all of our ante pre school children to take part in our care home visits. Care home visits take place twice a week on a Tuesday and Friday throughout the session with children going along to Springhill Care Home in the mornings and Howard House Care Home in the afternoons. An information session for parents will be provided on Friday 18th January at 2.45 and on Friday 25th January at 11 am, all parents/carers are invited to come along to find out what this project is and the benefits of it. If you have any questions or queries regarding these visits or would like to volunteer as a helper please speak to your child’s keyworker or Mrs Hendrie regarding these.

Please give permission below for your child/children to attend these visits below.


Thank you

ECC Trip to Culzean (morning)


Here are a few photos from our trip…

more to follow.

ECC Sponsored Event

Our sponsored event will take place tomorrow during the normal session.  Please make sure children have appropriate footwear (trainers) to take part.

Sponsor forms and money can be handed to Mrs Johnston or your child’s key worker.

Thank you

Nursery Sports Day

The ECC sports day will take place on Wednesday 23rd May on the grass area of the school playground.

Children can wear sports clothes and trainers.

Parents and carers are invited to come and support the children.

AM – will start just after 11am. 

( Please do not arrive until 11am as this is  play time )

PM – will start at 2.30pm

Thank you

Springhill Care Home

Some of the residents from Springhill came to visit us today. The children liked showing them what they like to play with at nursery.   They seemed to really enjoy themselves and were interested in the changes in the nursery environment since their day.  They are looking forward to coming back to see us.


Yellow Group Donations

In the ECC we go through lots of hankies and kitchen roll.  We would greatly appreciate it if parents/carers could donate a couple of these items please.

We ask that only yellow group parents donate now as we have asked the other groups to donate over the year.

Thank you

E-portfolios (ECC)

Please let us know how you are getting on with your child’s e-portfolio.

Parents Group

Liz Baird, community practitioner, is hoping to run a parents group within Gargieston.  The group will focus on behaviour management strategies and she is able to work with parents of children up to 8 years.

Please complete the form below if you are interested in attending.

Care Home Visits

The purple morning group had a great first visit to Springhill Care Home today.

Our original pilot group also had a lovely time back at Howard House…

Intergenerational Visits (ECC)

Please click on the link to access the timetable and find out the dates that your child will be visiting the care homes.

Care home visits


Thank you