Tag Archives: ECC Afternoon Session

ECC Summer Trip – Afternoon Session

The children from the AFTERNOON  SESSION

will attend their summer trip

on Monday 4th June 2018.

There will be NO SESSION for morning  children on this day.


They are visiting Culzean Castle & Country Park.

Taking part in a ranger led activity.

This is a full day trip – leaving at 9.00am and returning at approx 3.00pm.


Trip will be subsidised from nursery funds this year and will cost £4.

Please give money to child’s key worker or Mrs Johnston  in sealed envelope with name clearly marked.

Packed lunches should be taken in disposable carrier bag labelled with  child’s name.


Nursery sweatshirts on the day please – ECC have spares if required. Suitable footwear and waterproof jacket / sun cream and hat – depending on weather!

If you are able to help on the day, please complete form below and Mrs Johnston will speak to you if you are required.

Thanks .


Communication Board – Top Tip update

05 mayTop Tip Bubbles


The children here at the ECC have been eagerly participating in bubble play within our outdoor environment. This is a fun physical activity that you can do at home with your child to stimulate interactions. Please click on the link above for more information!


Our Nursery Rhyme of the week is still Incy Wincy Spider this is to allow staff time to track the children’s knowledge of the rhyme which will be collated by Miss Clark and the data will be shared with you here on the blog over the next few weeks.

Communication board top tip

04 April give your child a reason to talk 

(Please click on the link above)

Our top tip focuses on providing a variety of opportunities to encourage interaction with your child whether it’s through gesture or speech. This will heavily aid your child’s overall communication tips and can be incorporated into your everyday routine.

Nursery Rhyme of the week is back :)

Our Nursery Rhyme of the week is Incy Wincy spider. Please try this at home pointing out the rhyming words to your child. Miss Clark is tracking the children’s knowledge of each rhyme before we focus on it in partnership with parents/carers and afterwards and I will share this data with you in the next few weeks.

ECC Nursery Rhyme Data…

We have been focusing on developing the children’s awareness of Nursery Rhymes by focusing on one rhyme each week within the ECC and sharing this on the blog and communication board for you to do at home with your child. Nursery Rhymes aid your child’s phonological awareness and assists with reading and spelling at a later stage. Please have a look below at the statistics gathered from before we focused on the rhyme in partnership with yourselves at home and after regularly singing the rhyme in the ECC and at home. The data shows a 23% increase in the amount of children who were able to recite Hickory, Dickory Dock in the morning session and a 13% increase in the PM session. Please continue to focus on our rhyme of the week at home as this has a positive impact on your child’s development. Our Rhyme of the week is Twinkle, Twinkle little star.

Nursery Rhyme of the week…. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

twinkle twinkle nursery rhyme           

Please sing our Nursery Rhyme of the week with your child at home. Singing regular nursery rhymes with your child aids their phonological awareness which aids your child’s reading and spelling skills when they go to School.

Please click on the link above for Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star words. Please highlight to your child the words within Twinkle, Twinkle that rhyme.

Communication Board Update….

Our NHS communication poster has changed and an updated poster has now been attached to our communication board for your reference.  Our top tip is still about asking questions and following this with adding two comments. The yellow button envelope contains leaflets regarding age appropriate speech sounds. I noticed these leaflets were running very low this week so they have been replenished please feel free to take one and should you have any concerns about your child’s speech please speak to their keyworker or our communication champion.

Here are some tips to improve your child’s language:

  • Talk to your child face to face as often as possible
  • Read to your child daily
  • Listen to music together
  • Tell stories real or made up to encourage their imagination
  • Follow your child’s lead within play
  • Never criticize your child’s speech or articulation
  • Use computers and tv sparingly.

Nursery Rhyme of the week……

This weeks Nursery Rhyme follows the tune of “5 little monkeys jumping on the bed.” As your child becomes familiar  with the rhyme encourage your child to say parts of the rhyme themselves.  Nursery Rhymes are portable and can be sung anywhere in the car, in the bath, before bed, while making dinner, within story time or within any routine of your day. Nursery Rhymes assist with the development of social skills as well as an opportunity to hear sounds and syllables within words. Implementing Makaton with your child has many benefits including supporting your child’s emotional wellbeing, extending language and communication skills  and it also promotes  fine motor skills as your child uses their hands to sign this aids pre- writing skills.

Communication Board update…..

Our top tip has changed and is about questioning. Children benefit from early opportunities to promote language skills this aids a child’s ability to exchange information with others in a meaningful way. A delay in language can cause some children to show signs of frustration and can fill them with a sense of miscommunication about what he or she is trying to convey.  Please feel free to look at our board for more information about supporting your child’s communication and language development and please take a leaflet from the yellow button envelope which focuses on information regarding speech sounds.

Nursery Rhyme of the week…..

Please sing this nursery rhyme with your child at home and try out the Makaton. Singing nursery rhymes with your child will help them learn about rhyme and rhythm of language and assist your child to hear syllables within words this also aids your child’s ability to learn to read.