20/06/24 Primary 6 Outdoor Learning in Dalbeattie Forest
Primary 6 had a great day in Dalbeattie forest doing lots of fun outdoor learning. Activities included leaf sketching, creating sculptures, group nature pictures, making stick photo frames and den building with forest ranger, Elizabeth Tindal. Well done everyone for managing lots of walking and doing so well in all activities!
Week ending 23rd February 2024
After another busy week in class, I was delighted and very proud of all the P7s that were involved in the art competition and the final judging of the Tam O Shanter poetry. Having to stand up and recite the poem in front of the judges and other pupils was by no means easy, and everyone did brilliantly. Well done to all.
Well done to our winners in the art competition, and the poetry – fantastic effort!
This week we also had the opportunity to share our learning about ‘Our Healthy Body’ with P4/5 – this was a great opportunity to share information, skills and knowledge, and build confidence in presenting. We had a great time, and the P4/5 learnt many new facts about keeping healthy.
In maths we have continued with fractions work, and in writing our focus has been writing a narrative story. We have learnt all about the battle of Culloden this week, and how the Jacobites were defeated, as well as reading our class novel The Reluctant Rebel based around the battle.
PE will be on tomorrow and Wednesday this week. Thank you Mrs Campbell.
P7s remember that the judging for the Tam O Shanter poetry and the art competition will be this week. Have a look at your poems over the weekend.
Well done to our P6 poetry winners!
Week ending 9th February 2024
The P7s had a great few days at Lockerbie Manor last week, and I am sure that you have seen all the photos that have been posted on the school blog page about this. It was so much fun, and a great opportunity for everyone to try lots of different activities.
Tomorrow is the P6s turn to shine with the poetry judging. Mrs Fitzsimmons from P1 will come to my class to complete the judging. We will have time to go over poems today, but have a listen tonight to your child if you have time.
The P7 art and poetry judging will take place over the next two weeks, so we will also have time to learn Tam O Shanter in class too.
I am posting some photos from Mrs Gray PE, the children did brilliantly completing the gymnastics block.
Thank you, Mrs Campbell.
Week ending 2nd February 2024
This week we were all so excited to welcome Olympic Gold medallist Logan Carson into the class. We asked him lots of questions about his experiences, and he signed autographs and showed us his gold medal.
On Tuesday we had a visit from Morna from My World of Work Live, and we had great fun programming Lego cars. Everyone picked up programming really quickly and we were able to construct tracks with tape to run the cars along, and change direction.
The class have been also working very hard at learning their Scots poems, and the P7 Tam O Shanter artwork is coming along very well. I am very proud of the work being put into this.
Fun 31 rounded off the week, with lots of different play activities to take part in.
This week the P7s are away to Lockerbie Manor, and everyone is very excited. Please do get in touch with any questions that you may have.
Thank you, Mrs Campbell
Week ending 26th January 2024
It has been a week full of lots of Scottish themed activities. We were very lucky to have Miles Lindsay-Smith in the primary playing his pipes on Thursday, and the activity in our classroom involved thinking about the thistle, as the national emblem of Scotland. Everyone has also been working so hard trying to learn their Scots poetry, as well as completing Tam O Shanter art, and the P6 Scottish themed art.
In maths we have been continuing on with fractions work, and we have enjoyed measuring, and drawing angles, and learning about complementary and supplementary angles.
In writing we now have all finished the entries for the writing competition, as well as completing research for Our Healthy Body information report which we will be sharing with P4/5.
In the Jacobites topic we have learnt all about the battle of Culloden, and Bonnie Prince Charlie. We have also listened to the Skye Boat Song. We have also created time lines using our knowledge of what happened to accurately place events in time order.
In PE gymnastics has been enjoyed, and the P7 had a brilliant time with the Sports Leaders completing the cross country event. P6 had a really fun, active time at the Day of Dance event too.
As part of our learning this week we have introduced play STEM and construction activities, the children worked hard to build and create.
PE as usual this week on Monday and Wednesday.
Thanks, Mrs Campbell.
Week ending 19th January 2024
We have had a fun and busy time in class this week, spending time outside as the weather was so lovely and bright. In class we have been focussing on Scots language, learning our poems, and also reading and understanding the story ‘Neeps and Tatties’. In maths we have been revising drawing, labelling and measuring angles, as well as starting fractions work. It was also great to see everyone working so hard at gymnastics, some really wonderful balancing skills. The P7s also led the learning on Friday, going around all the classes and helping children across the school come up with characters for the SHANARRI indicators. They all did a fantastic job.
This week, we are having a ‘Touch of Tartan’ day, and the children can come to school wearing tartan, and we will be working with other classes doing some Scottish themed activities. The P6s also have their Day of Dance with other schools from across the Stewartry on Friday. They have been working so hard learning their dance steps and creating an eye-catching banner for the event! Have a great week everyone, and please get in touch if you have any questions.
Mrs Campbell.
Term 3:
Welcome back to Primary 6/7 for term 3! We have a very busy term ahead, with lots of exciting things happening for both P6s and P7s. We are all very excited for the Lockerbie Manor trip coming up in February. Here are some photos from last week, and some photos from Fun 31. We also have a lovely new book for the class all about inspiring Scottish women.
As always please do get in touch with any questions you may have. I will be posting weekly on the blog so do remember to take a look.. Mrs Campbell.
Week ending Friday 8th December:
Thank you to all the class for working so hard with our wee stall for the Christmas Fayre, we had a very successful evening, and made quite a bit of money for the class! Well done to Doris Thomson who won the lucky square draw.
This week we are heading to Alma House tomorrow afternoon, and look forward to welcoming all families to our Cuppa and Carols evening.
It will be Sports Leaders as usual on Wednesday, and Christmas Jumper day on Friday.
Thankyou, Mrs Campbell.
Week ending Friday 1st December:
Over the last week we have been covering lots of different curricular areas in class. In writing we have been completing planning for our second Information report all about Diwali. We also worked on our reading skills looking at inference, and looking for clues in the text.
We worked hard in our health topic understanding food labelling and where our food comes from. This week we will look at food poverty across the world.
We had a great time doing our third Games Design lesson, and the children loved using some quite difficult coding to create a Space Junk game.
Maths has also been a hit this week, with so many enjoying the challenges of algebra and solving equations.
This week we will work on the Christmas Fayre sales items. Please do come along if you can.
Remember PE tomorrow, and Wednesday this week, as well as Bikeability too. Wrap up warm!
I have uploaded some photos from the class helping the P1s on a Friday. This has been a super opportunity for all involved!
Thank you, Mrs Campbell.
Mrs Campbell P6/7 gw15campbelldawn@ea.dumgal.sch.uk
Welcome to the Primary 6/7 blog – we have covered so much in our learning since the start of this term – I have included some recent photos from the past two weeks, including outdoor maths and active spelling. I am very proud of how hard the children have been working in class, and all that they have achieved.
In the future I will be posting a link that will take you to the class SWAY that will document what has been happening in class,
photographs and news. Please do e-mail me with any wider achievements that your child may have outside school, as I love to hear all about these too and please do get in touch with any questions.
Thank you Mrs Campbell.
Don’t forget PE will continue on a Monday and Wednesday this term.
Homework is published on Teams on a Monday (paper copies are all available if needed), and reading books given out on Tuesday to return on Friday.
Week ending Friday 22nd September:
Over the last week in class we have been keeping very busy. The highlights were the Yeast Races, where we learnt all about microbes, in particular yeast, and that it needs energy to produce CO2 that helps bread rise. We enjoyed our art lesson, creating continuous line drawings, by drawing each other’s faces. We are beginning to write a short playscript, and we have been writing letters to talk about how discrimination can affect us and what we can do about it.
I think our Aspiration Tree is brilliant, bright and colourful. We have been sharing our goals, and aspirations for the year ahead.
This coming week is Maths Week Scotland, and there is a Sumdog competition that the class are signed up to. Hopefully some children in the class can participate in this at home – come on P6/7!!
Don’t forget PE tomorrow! Please can everyone also bring in anything that they need for the Dance Competition tomorrow, in case we are videoing the entries. Thank you Mrs Campbell.
TUESDAY 26th, WEDNESDAY 27th, THURSDAY 28th September 2023
Good morning! I hope that everyone is well?
I have been busy putting together some activities to complete at home, if possible.
If you look at the Grid below you will see that for each day there are activities for Maths, Literacy and HWB. Your child will have copies of the Maths worksheets to help, and some lined paper, squared paper and their reading book. I have also added the worksheets here so that you can access them online too.
Please do get in touch with any questions that you may have via e-mail, and also send in some photos either via e-mail or on Teams so that I can see what you have all been up to!
I look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Friday.
Thank you so much for all your help, Mrs Campbell.
Complete the 10x and then 100x questions first, for challenge complete the 1000x questions.
Subtraction 3 digits without regrouping
Also for Maths, everyone has a copy of the Mental Maths sheet that we usually complete on a Wednesday – if you find a question difficult move on, and we will go over it on Friday.
Group reading books have also been sent home, reading a few pages each day would be ideal. Thank you.
Wednesday 27th September
Good morning! I hope that everyone is well today. Don’t forget to look at the Home Learning Grid (already posted) for some ideas for today.
It is also the SUMDOG competition – it would be great to see Primary6/7 on the leader board! Thank you, Mrs Campbell.
Thursday 28th September
Good morning! I hope that everyone is well. All activities for today are on the Home Learning Grid.
I am looking forward to seeing the children back in class tomorrow. We have a session of outdoor learning from 11.15am . Can all the children come to school in suitable warm clothing, bring a waterproof jacket, and wellies or a change of shoes.
The dance competition entries will be filmed on Monday afternoon, so can everyone bring in anything that they need for this, we will have a chance to practise tomorrow, and Monday.
Thank you, have a great day. Mrs Campbell.
Outdoor Learning Friday 29th September:
We had lots of fun with Lucy today completing outdoor maths activities – the children loved it, and we were able to test our knowledge of measure, shape and our times tables – well done everyone.
Well done to our Head Teacher’s award winner this week;
Please remember PE kit for Monday morning, and a waterproof jacket.
It is also important that you remember anything that is needed for the dance competition, as videoing will take place on Monday afternoon. We will also try and fit in some time to practise on Monday too.
The Birchvale Theatre are also looking for interest in their P5 -7 club – details are available in the poster below.
Have a great week everyone, thank you, Mrs Campbell.
Welcome Back to Term 2:
I hope that everyone has had a super holiday. I am looking forward to welcoming the children back tomorrow for a busy term ahead.
Please do remember that we will be having PE sessions on a Monday morning, so children must come in PE kit, and bring a full change of school uniform. If the weather is dry we will still be outside, so a warm, waterproof jacket is also recommended. This term the P7s will also start Sports Leaders in the High School on Wednesday, and again warm PE kit, and a jacket is required. The P6s will have PE at the same time.
Please do get in touch with any questions that you may have. Mrs Campbell.
Week ending 3rd November:
We have had a very busy first week back, with lots of fun learning happening in class. In literacy we completed Halloween acrostic poems, as well as creating Firework poetry thinking all about our senses, and using ‘sound’ words in our poems. In art we loved creating spooky Halloween pumpkins, and also began creating Power Points about people that we consider as ‘My Hero’. In our STEM topic we are looking at forces, and were able to test our paper aeroplanes, and think carefully about what forces are working as our planes were flying. The whole class were also given the Head Teachers award for making a great start to Term 2, and being really motivated and engaged with all their learning this week. Also well done to our individual award winners, and to the ‘Seven Stars’ for being voted overall winners of the Stewartry Dance competition – great news!
Please remember PE kit for tomorrow, and those that are doing bike ability should come to school prepared for this – details have already been sent home. Have a great week, thank you, Mrs Campbell.W
Week ending 10th November
We have had a super week in class this week, and have been enjoying all our learning.
This week we have been talked about Remembrance and what that means, and completed some excellent black out poetry based on an extract from War Horse that was set in WW1 – the children also created lovely artwork to complement their poetry.
Last week we created fireworks poetry focused on our senses, and the children wrote some lovely pieces.
We had two live lessons delivered by Skills Development Scotland, and the class had so much fun creating games online.
It was lovely to be outside this week for an outdoor maths session, and the feedback was very positive, everyone having enjoyed it.
Thank you to the S2 HWB class that invited us across to play and evaluate the games that they had created. It was a great opportunity to work with the high school, as well as have fum playing lots of brilliant games.
I have also included a photo of our excellent Halloween pumpkins, I think you will agree that they are very bright and colourful.
Don’t forget to come in PE kit on Monday, reading books will be sent home as usual on Tuesday.
Have a lovely weekend.
Thank you, Mrs Campbell.
Week ending November 24th
Over the last two weeks we have been very busy in class, and the children have been fantastic with all their learning:
In Maths we have been learning all about BODMAS ( the Order of Operations) and this week will be starting to complete some algebra work. We have also been covetring angles in topic maths, which has meant that we were able to go outside, and
Week ending the 24th November:
Over the last two week we have been very busy in class, and the children have been fantastic with all aspects of their learning:
In Maths we have been covering BODMAS (the Order of Operations) and this week will be starting to do more algebra. In topic maths we have been covering angles that has meant we have been outside finding lots of different angles in the environment.
In Literacy we have been researching and note taking for our Elephant information report, and this week we will be writing a report on Diwali that we have been working on in RME.
The children enjoyed the practical investigations looking at shape, stream-lining and water resistance with some unexpected results!
Our Healthy Eating posters have been packed with facts, and we hope to share these with another class, and tell them all about how to keep healthy.
The P7s have enjoyed all aspects of Sports Leaders and have been getting ready for the P7 Curling competition on Monday 27th. P6 have also loved trying out floor curling too.
Well done to everyone that has been completing their reading homework, as this helps with our reading group work that we complete in class.
Don’t forget PE on Monday. The Christmas Fair is also not far away, so we will be working on some products to sell for that.
Please do get in touch with any questions that you may have, and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting all parents last Wednesday evening at Parents Night, thank you for coming along.
Mrs Campbell.