Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

In class, p7 have been learning to convert fractions, decimals and percentages, we have been focusing mainly on fractions and decimals.         Fun Fact: If in a decimal, a number is repeated lots of times, like 1/3 is 0.33333333 etc. you would write 0.3 with a º above the 3.

We have learned lots more, like :

1/4 is 0.25 so 2/4 would be 0.5 you would keep doubling until you got to 4/4 which is 1.00

1/2 is 0.5 which is equivalent to 2/4

1/5 is 0.2 so 2/5 would be 0.4                     .

1/6  would be 0.166

1/10 would be 0.1 because there is 10 10ths in 1

We have also been learning to convert percentages to decimals for example:

20% as a decimal is 0.2 as a fraction is 1/4

25% as a decimal is 0.25 as a fraction is 1/5

50% as a decimal is 0.5 as a fraction is 1/2

75% as a decimal is 0.75 as a fraction is 3/4

80% as a decimal is 0.8 as a fraction is 4/5

100% as a decimal is 1.0 as a fraction is 1/1

These are just some of the vast array of fractions, decimals and percentages in the known world. Hope you found this intreaging and interesting. hopefully you have learned something new.

By Anwen and Izzy 🙂



P7 Science

P1000587P7 have been doing a lot of science lately for there topic about water.  They have been learning some very good scientific words.  They have been doing experiments using evaporation. Evaporation means a change from liquid to steam or vapour.  They recently did an experiment to make clean water when they put vinegar, flour, sugar, baking soda and water in a cup and mixed it. Then we cut a big bottle in half and placing the cup in the bottom half and placed the top half on and the water in it would turn to steam and go to the side of the bottle and run down to the bottle and sit at the bottom as pure water. They also did another experiment when you put sand, water, bicarbonate of soda and vinegar in a tub and put a cup that is lower than the rim.  Then you cover it in cling film tightly and tape it, then put a small rock above the cup and it will evaporate.  They are all enjoying this topic so far and love the experiments they did.

By Annie & Beth

World Book Day

P1000610On Thursday 5th March it was world book day, everyone had to bring in their favourite book and dress up as their favourite character. We dressed up as Sarah Midnight from the book Dreams and Tilly from Magic Spirit.  The first thing did was reading one of our favourite sentences from our book.  In the morning some of the p7’s had to go and read to the nursery, we read them their favourite book.  While the rest of us played games answering questions about books.  We then read a short story in our reading groups called Examination Day as part of World Book Day.  It was a really great story.   Overall we had a great day and everyone looked great in their costumes. 

By Emily and Jodie 🙂

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