The Warehouse Fire Saftey System

It was a general, quite mid-week day at the Ardbeg distillery some workers were checking on warehouse number 3, as they closed the door they forgot about the self locking mechanism to stop robbers, so when the went in the were locked in but they were lucky that they did check on the warehouse because in the left corner the was a huge raging inferno. They banged at the door but there was no answer then the sprinklers came on blasting water onto them the temperature dropped suddenly and they all were chilled to the bone.

But Why Would They Do It To Me

It was a hot sunny day when I was at the beach playing with my friends.  We made a sand castle and went out in the water the water was cold and my toes were turning up under the cold water. We went back to make the the sand castle it was getting bigger every second I went for a lye on the beach and …  the temperature dropped suddenly and I shot up of the beach. My friends had poured buckets of water all over me.  I dived into the warm sand under the sun then In shouted at my friends and shot of home.


On the 1st October Port Ellen were learning with the Scottish Ballet.  They where really good and they were fantastic ballet teachers, if only they could come all the time. We were making up our own  dance and we did it in a pair after we did warm ups.   We acted the mice from the Nutcracker ballet and the mice had umbrellas.  Robert taught us how to do cool moves and it was fun to make moves like we were fighting, we had to use all different techniques.  There was also a really good musician.  It was hard work and lots of fun, and Calum said he thought it was much better than expected!

By Helen and Alicia

Car Wash!!!

On the 29th of September Port Ellen Primary School had a car wash and table top sale to raise funds for the new shed.  There were also some stalls inside where people sold things. As well as all this there was some baking that was homemade and very tasty. At another stall the teenagers that were going to Venezuela were there raising money.  We washed lots of cars and some of us got very wet.  We made £266, so thanks to all who came.

by Ewan and Asher

Games Design Topic

In p6/7 we have been doing a game design topic and Manga drawing which is very hard to do. We have been doing Manga eyes and Manga faces. We had to make our own games and a group game. We used Kodu and Scratch and at the start 2simple2DIY.  We had to pitch our games to the other groups.  The Meteor Storm group won, with the Pea’s Great Adventure.

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