Primary 1 23.6.20

Good morning Primary 1
How are you all? Can you believe that it’s the last Tuesday you’ll ever have as a Primary 1? This week you will be getting a letter telling you who your new teacher will be and about what your school week should look like. Therefore, we thought this would be a good opportunity for you to talk to the adults at home about what you are looking forward to in Primary 2, what you are nervous about and how you think Primary 2 will be different from Primary 1.
Listen to the PowerPoint below which talks about how school will be different due to COVID19 and then talk through the discussion points below.

transition to p2

Questions to discuss:
– What differences do you expect to see in the Primary 2 classroom?
– Where do you think you will hang up your coat?
– Where will you come into school as a Primary 2?
– What would you like to learn in Primary 2?
– What are you most excited about in Primary 2?
– What are you most nervous about in Primary 2?
– Who are you excited to play and learn with again?

Have a lovely day.
Miss Christy, Miss Daun, Miss Cunningham and Mrs Steel

Primary 4 30.5.19

Hello everyone

We have had a very busy week in Primary 4 so far. In P4C our learning of minibeasts continued with the story of “The Cautious Caterpillar”. This caterpillar was afraid to change into a butterfly because he loved being a caterpillar so much. However he was brave, made the transformation and was so pleased that he did. We discussed how we could apply that to our own lives and discussed times that we had been brave and tried something new and how this was important. All of the children are about to “transform” into Primary 5 children and some decided to write down information about themselves to share with their future P5 teacher. We will continue to discuss this and learn more about the life cycles of minibeasts through our topic.

We have been working extremely hard on the “Rock Bottom” Primary 4/5 show this week. Our dress rehearsal in front of the whole school and staff is next Thursday 6th June. You should have received costume letters home detailing what your child needs to bring in to wear during the performances. Almost all children should provide a plain but brightly coloured t-shirt and leggings/trousers that we are allowed to cut into zig zags at the bottom for a prehistoric feel! Please let us know if there are any problems with providing parts of your child’s costume and we will work hard to solve any problems. Thank you for your support with this. The final show performances to friends and families are on Thursday 13th June 2019 with a performance at 1:30pm and another at 6:30pm. All children are expected to attend both performances. If your child cannot attend for any reason then please let us know as soon as possible. Tickets will go on sale for this event soon.

This week Primary 4 were involved in the whole school spring clean litter pick. Our area was the perfect playground area and the left hand side and back fence on the field. We found lots of litter and we were happy that we could help Mrs Muir and her Eco Warriors along with the rest of the school to help make our playground beautiful. Well done Primary 4! Even the rain didn’t dampen our spirits! See some photos of us working hard below! 🙂

We were visited today by Mr Canning, the chanter/pipes tutor that visits the school weekly. All children were treated to him playing the chanter and the pipes for us! Today children will receive letters home to ask whether they would be interested in chanter/brass tuition beginning in Primary 5. Please fill in these forms and return them to school if your child is interested in taking part in a trial lesson next week.

Reminders –
PE days – Tuesday and Thursday
Homework (reading, spelling activity and one other activity due on Fridays)

Thank you for your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend when it comes.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 7 13.6.18

Hello everyone

It was lovely to welcome everyone back after their week of transition at Deans Community High School last week. We were very pleased to hear that the children thoroughly enjoyed their transition activities and now feel more familiar with the high school environment.

The last 3 weeks of Primary 7 are going to our busiest yet! The children have been exploring the skills, qualities and qualifications that you need in order to succeed in a variety of different occupations. We have researched a huge amount of careers including video game testing, geology, plumbing and translation! Now the children are working in groups to display their findings in creative ways and will be creating advertisements to showcase their chosen career. All of this hard work will be on display at our Carmondean Open Morning on Friday morning.

Parents, families and friends of children in P7C can visit the school between 9:30-10:30am and parents, families and friends of children in P7M can visit the school between 11:00-12:00. We really look forward to seeing you & the children are looking forward to showing their learning.

Rehearsals for the Leavers Assembly are now well underway. The children now know their lines and are working on perfecting the show and practising the songs. We are looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 27th June at 1:30pm in the big hall.

Next Tuesday 19th June the children will be going to Aberdour Beach with their P1 buddies. Please ensure that the children return their EE2 forms and £4 for the bus as soon as possible. The children should come prepared for all weathers and bring a packed lunch with them or order one from the school in advance.

Thank you for all your support.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 7 31.5.18

Hello everyone

We are approaching a very busy and exciting time in Primary 7! Next week the majority of children will take part in a full week of transition activities up at Deans Community High School. Children should come to Carmondean on Monday morning (4th June) at the regular time of 8:50am. Mrs Macaulay & I will then walk the children up to the high school for around 9:20am where they will meet their tutor group and begin to follow their timetable as they will in August. On Wednesday, the children will take part in an activity called the “Hurricane Challenge” instead of following their timetable. Most of this activity will take place outdoors so the children should attend the High School on that day dressed appropriately for the weather.

IMPORTANT: The children should make their own way up to DCHS for the normal time of 8:30am on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. They will return to Carmondean on Monday 11th June.

Rehearsals for our Leavers Assembly are in full swing and the children are working hard to make props and gifts for the ceremony. Please encourage your child to work on learning any words they need to memorise and also learning the words to the 3 songs that we will be performing at the Leavers Assembly on Wednesday 27th June.

The children have been working very hard both in school and at home to finish and perfect their “My Life so Far” projects that they have been working on since August. The final copies are due in tomorrow and Mrs Macaulay and I are so impressed with the quality of these projects. We can’t wait to see the final projects tomorrow. The children will present them at the upper school assembly later on in June.

Important days/dates:

Outdoor PE: Monday
Outdoor/Indoor PE with Mrs Ferguson: Wednesday

Leavers Assembly: Wednesday 27th June @ 1:30pm
Prom: Deer Park Golf & Country Club on Thursday 28th June 6-6:30pm arrival until 9:00pm *Please note* Prom letters have been handed out and should be returned by Monday 11th June.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 7 3.5.18

Hello everyone

We have had a busy week in Primary 7. We had a visit from teachers and students from Deans Community High School today. They told us what it was like to move from Carmondean Primary to Deans High. They also answered any questions the children had about High School. It was a very informative session and very helpful for the children.

Some of the Primary 7 children will be leaving on our France Residential a week on Sunday (13th May). Please ensure that all letters are signed and returned and EHIC Health cards are returned to the school as soon as possible. If you require your child to take any medication on the trip then the appropriate form should be filled in and returned to the school before next Friday. For forms and any extra information please contact the school office as soon as possible.

The children created fantastic pieces of art work this week based on interesting skylines from around the world. They used photographs of famous skylines to help plan out their own. They then transferred their work onto black card and then painted beautiful skies with water colour paints which will frame their skyline. These are looking fantastic and will be on display until the end of term.

The children have also worked on creating informative posters for the Primary 6 children this week. Soon, the Primary 7’s will leave Carmondean Primary behind and the P6s will replace them as buddies to our new Primary 1 children in August. The children worked with a partner to create a poster that tells the Primary 6 children about their experiences of being a buddy and how to overcome any challenges. We will present these to the Primary 6 classes next week.

We are on holiday on Monday and Tuesday next week. Have a lovely long weekend and we will see the children on Wednesday.
Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

PE days
Monday – Outdoor PE
Wednesday – Indoor PE

Homework – Spelling and Maths due Friday

Primary 7 20.4.18

Hello everyone!

In P7 this week we have been very busy organising our last term in Primary School.
Our Leavers hoodies have arrived and they look great! We also have started planning our Leavers Assembly and we have been allocated parts. We can’t wait to perform it.

In indoor PE we are learning how to play badminton, it is really fun! Mrs Ferguson teaches us on a Wednesday every week.

In writing we are focused on mystery and suspense paragraphs. This week we wrote a paragraph about a haunted house and now they are on the wall with a matching picture.

In Science we have a DCHS transition passport and we have activities to complete to get us ready for high school science.

We have self, peer and the teacher has assessed our WWII projects and they are fantastic! Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay are really happy with our work! 🙂

Have a great weekend everyone!

By Luci, Daisy, Imane and Ellie

P7M – Swimming on Monday
P7C – PE on Monday

Both classes – Indoor PE on Wednesday

Primary 7 – Friday 2nd June


It has been another busy week in Primary 7 with many activities connected to transition to High School. In writing the children were writing an overview of their time in primary school. This brought back a lot of memories and many of these may be shared in the leavers assembly. 

We have started planning for the leavers assembly and the children have come up with ideas and songs that they would like to perform. We will be busy with this for the next few weeks. 

The children are continuing to add entries into Didbook. Please feel free to read these at home and help the children add to them if you wish. 

On Thursday Ms Mordaunt visited and the children were given their new first year timetables for high school. These indicate the children’s house, tutor group and practical group. The children will follow this on their transition week. When the children visit High School, the children should come to Carmondean on Monday 12th June and we will walk them up to the High School, but for the rest of the week the children will make their own way

My Life So Far was due to be handed in on Friday 2nd June. If your child is still to hand this in please ensure it is handed in on Monday 5th June. 

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 6 18.5.17

Hello everyone

It has been (yet another!) extremely busy week in Primary 6 this week.

On Tuesday we visited Deans Community High School for the children’s first visit as they begin the transition from Primary School to High School. The children were met in the hall by Mrs Mordaunt (The head of S1 and S2) who introduced the children to the school, told them about their day and answered a few questions. The children then followed a short timetable attending a variety of different subjects such as PSE, English, Maths, Science, PE and Music. The children met new teachers, had experiences of High School classrooms and were allowed to discuss worries about going to High School but also what they were looking forward to. Every single child that attended behaved excellently and many of the teachers from Deans commented on how polite, well behaved and enthusiastic the children were. They were a credit to the school, their teachers and themselves. Well done everyone! The children’s next visit to Deans will be in November when they are in P7.

This week the children have also been working on booklets for their future P1 buddy. These booklets have been started by the school office staff and are created for P1 children and their parents. Primary 6 have the job of filling in important information and then decorating their future buddy’s booklet. The children are really taking their time to make these booklets fantastic. We can’t wait to see the finished products. The children will meet their buddies in June.

In PE the children have been continuing with the Futsal programme with their instructor Neil. They have also been taking part in different activities related to Athletics in Outdoor PE. So far the children have looked at sprinting, endurance running and hurdling. Please remember that children should have their PE kit with them on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Homework reminder –
Spelling – Due on a Friday
Reading (P6C only) – Due on a Monday
Maths – Teacher dependent, but usually a Friday

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

Primary 7 – 03.03.17


We are pleased to report our Inspectors were very impressed with our school and children, you should be very proud of your children!

The children have been practising hard this week for the school show – Alice the Musical. Please can you help them to learn words and songs as from next week the children will not be using their scripts.

Miss Wilson’s maths set had a visit from Miss Thomson from DCHS. She was very impressed with the children’s knowledge and understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages.

It was World Book day yesterday and P7 read books with their P1 buddies to celebrate. We are hoping that this will become a regular occurrence.

Next Friday the children will be going to DCHS for a transition activity – The Hurricane Challenge. More details to follow.



After school clubs have now finished

Spelling homework

Maths homework

Continue to learn songs and scripts for school show

Continue to work on My Life So Far

WW2 Personal Project

PSA Spring Disco – Thursday 9th March – please send money in an envelope


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 7 04.11.16

Hello to all,

We had a visit from West Lothian drug and Alcohol Services on Monday where the children learned about the dangers of smoking. The children were given a task to research some of the different chemicals found in cigarettes which will be used in their lesson next week.

The children have started a Remembrance challenge. They have been learning about how different countries commemorate Remembrance and the significance of poppies and war memorials. The children have put a lot of effort into their challenge and we look forward to seeing the completed displays!

On Tuesday Primary 7 went to DCHS for a transition morning where they got to experience a range of lessons including PE, Art, Maths and Science. The children had a great experience and are looking forward to their next transition visit.

On Wednesday afternoon Mr Anderson from the music department at DCHS visited primary 7 to practise the song we will be singing at the High School Christmas concert.

Today selected pupils will be attending the Sportshall Athletics event at Craigswood Sports centre. Check the blog next week to find out how they got on!


Spelling homework each night

Maths homework

Continue to learn song words

Both classes will need outdoor PE kit on Monday

PE with Miss Inglis on Wednesday


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 7 – 28/10/16

A spooky time as had by all at the Halloween party last night. A fantastic range of outfits were worn and well done to the winners!

This week has been another busy week in P7. The children finished their Japan books and read them to primary 4. Primary 4 then gave P7 feedback on what they liked about the books and what needed to be improved.

After school clubs started this week, please remind the children that it is important to attend every week. If they are unable to attend then please let the school know.

On Wednesday we had a visit from two high school teachers – Miss Thomson worked with Mrs Gilmour’s class in maths and Mr Anderson worked with both classes to start preparing them for the song that they will sing at the High School Christmas concert.

Next week we will begin work on our Remembrance topic – if you have any photographs or memories to share about relatives who died during a war and you are happy to share these, please could you contact the school. The children will be creating a display/wreath to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of why Remembrance is important. We will be learning the song ‘It’s a Long Way to Tipperary’ to sing at assembly.

We have also started preparing for our ERASMUS visitors coming on the week beginning 14 November. The children are creating a display for the classroom. They will also be making boxes on the theme of Scotty dogs which we will fill with homemade tablet to give to our visitors. We will be learning the song ‘Scotland’s Story’ by the Proclaimers to sing for our visitors.

Next Monday we have a visit from West Lothian Drug and Alcohol service who will be working with the children on he dangers of substance misuse.

Next Friday 4th selected children will be attending the rearranged Sportshall Athletics event at Craigswood Sports Centre. Please remember to wear your PE kit and bring a water bottle. The rest of the children will e having outdoor PE on this day so they will also need PE kit and water bottle.


Spelling homework each night

Maths homework

Remembrance homework

Learn lyrics to songs – Scotland’s Story and It’s a Long Way to Tipperary

PE kit on Wednesday and Friday

P7W swimming kit on Wednesday (last session)


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Important information for Primary 7!

We hope Primary 7 have had a great transition week up at Deans Community High School. We can’t believe how quickly this term has gone and that our time with you is almost at an end. Although we only have a week and a half left at school we still have so much to do P7! So we look forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday with a hard-working and motivated attitude.

Some important points to remember:
– Please continue to practise our Leavers assembly songs over the weekend. You should know all of the words by Monday.
– If you have any lines to learn for the assembly please also continue to practise them.
– If you are part of the drama section of the assembly – please begin to think about your costumes! Please don’t feel the need to buy anything new but feel free have a rummage in your cupboards over the weekend.
– Our dress rehearsal is on Thursday afternoon when we are performing in front of the Primary 2 and 3 classes.
– Our Leavers Assembly is on Monday 27th June beginning at 1:30pm. Parents &  other adults – please let the office know if you are planning on attending.
– P7 Prom is next Tuesday (28th June!) All of the teacher invites you created have been distributed. If you still need to buy a ticket or would like professional photos taken at the event please let the office know next week.

Have a lovely weekend Primary 7! We are looking forward to seeing you on Monday and hearing all your exciting news 🙂

Miss Clark & Miss Farren

Primary 7 10.6.16

Hello everyone

We have been very busy this week getting organised for our Leavers Assembly. The children have been practising hard and can’t wait for their parents and the rest of the school to see the final performance. The Leavers Assembly will be on Monday 27th June beginning at 1:30pm. If you have not requested tickets yet you can do so at the office next week. We hope to see you all there!
Children should ensure that they spend next week memorising any lines that they have and also learning the words to the three songs that we will be performing. It is vitally important that the children practise next week as we will have our first performance in front of an audience (the Primary 2s and 3s) on Thursday 23rd June.

Next week the majority of the children will take part in a transition week at Deans Community High School. The children should come to Carmondean in the morning for a normal 8:50am start. Miss Farren & I will then walk the children up to DCHS for a 9:30am start. Children should wear their Carmondean uniforms. On Monday however the children will be taking part in the “Hurricane Challenge” and should wear trainers and bring a waterproof jacket in case of bad weather. The children should go straight to Deans on Tuesday-Friday mornings for a 8:35am start. We are sure that the children will represent the school and themselves very well and that they will enjoy getting to meet their new classmates. We look forward to hearing how they get on.

On Friday 24th June the school is hosting a Technologies Open Morning. You will have the opportunity to come into the school to look at your children’s best work that they have chosen to put in their learning journals. You will then also have the opportunity to go to the school hall and look at the new technology equipment that the school has invested in. Parents of children in P7F can visit the school between 9:30-10:30am. Parents of children in P7C can visit the school between 11:15am-12:15pm. We would love to see as many of you there as possible.

Children who are attending other High Schools and are not going to the DCHS transition week will be able to complete a variety of work related to our Leavers Assembly. They will also have the opportunity to work with other teachers and younger classes in the school, assisting with their learning.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Clark & Miss Farren

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