Primary 4 5.10.18

Hello everyone
We have had a very busy week in Primary 4! We just performed our Harvest Assembly to Primaries 5, 6 and 7. The children sang beautifully and performed spectacularly! We were very proud teachers 🙂 Well done everyone!

Parents’ nights are next Wednesday from 5-7:30pm and Thursday from 4-6:30pm. We are looking forward to meeting with you then. If you haven’t booked an appointment yet please contact the school office.

In PE the children have been developing their skills in Handball. They have been working very well as part of small teams. On Wednesday 31st October we will all be attending a Handball Festival and playing games against other schools. Keep practising P4! 🙂

This week we have been learning about the science of floating and sinking. We discussed what items we thought might float or sink and there were a few surprises! We learned that the weight of the objects wasn’t always important but that the materials the objects were made out of and their DENSITY were very important. Today we are using Plasticine to make Viking long boats. We will then test them to see if they float!

Next week there will be no spelling homework. This will resume again after the October Holidays. Maths homework will be a task on the website “Studyladder”. Children have their username and password in their homework diaries.


Outdoor PE – Tuesday
Indoor PE – Thursday
Parents’ evenings – Wednesday and Thursday evening
No spelling homework next week.
Maths due Friday (StudyLadder)
Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 5 28.9.18

This week Primary 5 have been learning mapping skills.  We have been looking at keys and how to draw maps from a birds eye view.  We have started looking at maps of Great Britain to record key facts like mountains, rivers and captial cities.


In maths we have been looking at place value and numbers within 99 999.

In Language this week we have looked at character descriptions based on the Spiderwick Chronicles.  We have been looking at vocabulary, recording adjectives and have written our own character description of the Boggart for our writing display.

In PE we have started learning badminton skills.

Our homework this week is:

Spelling – Look,Cover, Write and Check and 2 other activities from the list.

Continue with Big Homework models.

Maths – Practise times tables.  You can  use

Continue reading novels.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies


Primary 4 13.9.18

Hello everyone

We hope you’re having a lovely week. We’ve had a busy week in Primary 4.

This week the children created their own Viking character. The children drew their Viking and used descriptive language to describe his/her physical appearance and personality. We then wrote about an adventure that our Viking went on focusing on a problem our Viking encounters and resolving the problem at the end of our story. Soon we will do some drama work related to our Viking characters, acting as if we actually are our character!

In Health we have been learning about the value of honesty. The children discussed why it is important to be honest and how not telling the truth can sometimes cause a lot more trouble. The children then displayed their knowledge which will now form part of a classroom display.

In maths the children have been learning about 2D shapes and patterns. The children are able to identify different 2D shapes and discuss their properties confidently. They will now use their knowledge of pattern and shape to create symmetrical Viking shields. We’re sure they will look fantastic!

There will be no homework next week due to the long September weekend. Spelling/maths homework will resume as normal on Monday 24th September.

PE days are Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor). Please ensure that your child has appropriate kit on these days.
Badgers spelling sound: -ture
Foxes spelling sound: -mb

We hope you have a lovely long weekend. We look forward to welcoming the children back to school next Wednesday 🙂

Miss Donaldson & Miss Clark

Primary 2 11.9.18

Primary 2 have been learning about what home life was like in the past. We have compared household items that were used many years ago and what we use now. The children decided that life is much easier! Keep speaking to your children about many significant changes in life style to help them have a better understanding.

In Numeracy we have been writing and recognising numbers up to 100. Children have been using 100 squares, SEAL games and teacher led activities to become more familiar with these numbers and where they fall in the number line. In Maths we were naming a number of 2D shapes and this week we are going to be learning all about their properties.

We did some fantastic pieces of character writing last week about a Teddy Bear. The children tried to use a variety of adjectives to describe their bear which was found in an old fashioned Toy Store. This week we are going to describe the setting for our story and continue our focus on sentence structure and the use of adjectives.

We hope you are enjoying our new ORT books and managing to do lots of reading at home. Our phonic sounds this week are: ph and wh.

Homework is due on Thursday please (not reading books). We will allocate some time in class for the children to share their homework activities with a friend. New homework will be issued after the September break. We hope the new style of homework in P2 is working for you all.

Reminders: Water bottles, P.E kits and after school club letters.


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 3 Friday 7th September 2018

We are now almost three weeks into the new term and we have been busy bees in Primary Three.

Our Weather topic has started and we have received a letter from the Weather Station explaining they need our help. They have a weather fairy, SummerWinter, who is not learning enough about the weather and is causing mayhem for us all on Earth. She has been sending the wrong information and people are going out dressed inappropriately for the weather so we are helping her learn. Mrs Thunder, her boss has been sending us missions.

This week we were asked to create our own weather forecasts and to present them to make a training video for SummerWinter.

We have also created a cloud to make communication easier between us and the Weather Station.

Primary Three are also beginning to learn about Seasons and relating these to crops and activities on farms in preparation for Harvest. Words for our first school assembly will be sent home after the September break, so please look out for these. This assembly is not a parents’ assembly and is for the rest of the school.

We loved meeting so many of you at Meet the Teacher. Thank you for discussing the class charter with you child and completing the tear off slip and achievement letter and returning these to school.

Thank you for your continued support so far.


  • Please can you put names on jumpers. There are 3 jumpers in P3S unclaimed.
  • PE days are as follows:

P3S – Outdoor – Tuesdays, Indoor – Thursdays

P3M/S – Outdoor – Mondays , Indoor Wednesdays

Please can children bring appropriate kit on these days?


Miss Smith, Ms Matheson and Mrs Smith



Primary 5 2.9.18

Primary 5 have had another busy week.

We have been working on our Great Britain topic and have completed a challenge to research key facts about Great Britain in groups.  Each group have prepared a poster about 1 country and will be teaching these facts to their class next week.

In Maths we have continued to work on angles.  This week we have also started to look at compass points and calculate the distance between each point in degrees.  We have also been learning how to use the Probots to make pathways round the classroom.

In reading and writing we have been looking at the way an author uses description to create a setting and and we wrote a description of our own.

The children will bring their first homework home today.  Please check their diary for details and return all completed homework by Thursday 13th September.  Dates for PE are also in diaries.

Have a good week

Mrs Jamieson Mrs Davies

Primary 4 5.9.18

Hello everyone

Primary 4 have been working so hard this week. We have began our spelling and phonic work daily and homework was given out on Monday that is due in for Friday. The children should complete LCWC (Look, Cover, Write, Check) twice and then complete a spelling activity.

The children have also been given log in details for studyladder. The children should attempt to log in this week and complete at least 1 activity before Friday. If you have any trouble logging in then please let us know.

IMPORTANT – You should have received a letter this week explaining about a change of date to the Auchengillan Residential. The new dates of the trip are Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th April. If you have any queries then please speak to the school office.

In numeracy the children have been learning to round numbers to the nearest 10. We began by rounding tens and units and we are now beginning to round hundreds numbers to the nearest 10 too! Please ask your child about what they have been learning.

Our Viking Topic is now in full swing! The children have learned about the countries that Vikings came from (Denmark, Norway and Sweden) and found them in an Atlas. They have also drawn their own Vikings and painted them as part of a display for our wall. We are hoping to arrange for some visitors to come to school to tell us more about Vikings – watch this space for more details!

Important Information:
PE days: Tuesday (outdoor) Thursday (indoor)
Spelling & Maths homework due: Friday
Reading (book of your child’s choice): At least 10 pages by Friday

Sounds of the week:
Badgers group: gn
Foxes/Hedgehog group: kn

Thank you for all your support. Have a great week!

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 2 4.9.19

Welcome to Primary 2! We hope all the boys and girls are beginning to settle into their new classrooms. It was lovely to meet some of you at the meet the teacher last Wednesday.  We will update the blog weekly with information about P2.

Yesterday we sent home our first piece of homework. The children are being given two weeks to complete the activities in their Share It Jotter. Reading needs to be completed regularly and we will change these books on a Monday (children must bring in current reading book before they are issued with a new one). After two weeks the children will be encouraged to share their homework activities with the class.

Our new topic is Grandparents. We are going to be learning about all of the activities, toys, food, music, dance, dress and technology from the 1950s-70s. Please encourage your children to speak to elderly family members or friends to get an insight about what life was like and how it has changed.

We are learning forward and backward number sequences up to 100 in Numeracy. The children are using 100 squares to help them with this and we are using songs to help remember all of our numbers, especially before and after numbers. We are also going to be learning the proporties of 2D shapes.

During reading the children will be completing reading tasks linked to their ORT reading book and will be encouraged to read aloud in class and involve themselves in the group discussions. Our main focus in writing this term is visualisation and understanding how to construct a sentence correctly. We will also be looking into the importance of adjectives and simple connectives during writing lessons.

Specialists: Both classes are receiving Art from Mrs Fox and Music from Mr Shanks. P.E will be taught by class teachers this term.

Primary 2 are allowed to bring in one small toy to play with during Free Time Friday, however we must stress that the children are responsible for looking after their own toy. If your child does not have a toy with them then they may choose a toy/game from the classroom to play with.

Reminder: Could all children please bring in a water bottle to have in the class. This is often drank during milk and story time or after P.E, break and lunch.

If there are any more questions please feel free to get in touch,

Thanks, Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

P5 25.1.18

This week Primary 5 have been learning about life the the 17th century as part of our Scottish Wars of Independence topic.  We have started reading a non fiction book and have used the information we have read to write facts about Living in a castle and the country.  We made clay castles which will be decorated next week.


We have also learned about the life of King Alexander III and the problems with succession after his death.  We have started writing a news interview with Queen Yolande to record the main facts of the story so far.


In Science we have been studying the effects of climate change on the Polar ice caps as part of the Polar explorer project.  We have learned about the effects of gases on the ozone layer and investigated the change in the size of a glacier over several years.  We have also looked at the effects of carbon on our oceans.  We really enjoyed using PH paper to test liquids and learned about the effects carbon is having on our oceans.


This week we have been learning Scots poems to participate in the Burns competition.  The children have worked very hard to learn their poems and the standard when reciting them has been very impressive.


Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson and Miss Farren

Primary 6 12.1.18

A very happy new year to you all! 2018 has started with our usual hive of activity in primary six.

For reading this term we are returning to fiction and all pupils have now been given their new novel. Each week the pupils will be given a certain amount of their book to read and this may be accompanied by an activity for their literacy circle booklets. Each week the pupils will record the date in their booklets of when their homework is due, this will normally be a Tuesday. We will also be reading a class novel and in keeping with our topic this term , we have chosen Kasper, Prince of Cats as part of story is set on the Titanic.

Our topic this term will be the Titanic and once again we are delighted with the enthusiasm the pupils have shown for this subject already! When we are working on the topic the pupils will ‘become’ passengers on the ship. They have all been given the names of actual passengers and their first task is to find out about themselves. We will be doing this in class, however many pupils have taken it upon themselves to start their investigations at home, such keen learners!

Preparation has begun for our P6/7 show and soon pupils will be given the chance to audition for parts. More details about this to follow.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Reading homework due on Tuesday
Spelling words will be given on Mondays with homework due on Fridays.
Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERY WEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of a worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families, and Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils’ games and activities they can do to practise.

Thank for your continued support.
Mrs Wylie, Mr. Woodward and Mr Shanks

Primary 3 20.11.17

We have certainly been hustling and bustling with our nativity practice lately! Costumes have been fitted, lines being learned, dances being choreographed and positions being given and we can’t wait to show you what we have been working on! Thank you for going over children’s lines, the effort is really paying off.


Our Inclusion topic is well under way and we have been learning about the provisions in place to ensure people who have difficulties are included and provided for in and around our school and local area. We were interested to learn that some people’s difficulties cannot be seen, and rather, it is harder for them because of this.


St Andrew’s Day is not far away either and we have a new and interesting Scots song to learn. Here are the words, can you understand the story? Children have all been given a copy to learn over the next two weeks.

We look forward to seeing many of you at our Look, Write, Count event on Wednesday 22nd November from 6.30. Here, you will receive a wonderful free story bag with games and two picture books included, and have the opportunity to play some of the games with your child and perhaps hear a story!


Nativity words and songs

St Andrew’s Day song




Book Day on Wednesday 29th November. Start planning fancy dress where children dress up as their favourite book character.

Primary 7 3.11.17

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Primary 7 blog.

We have had a fun filled week in P7 this week. On Monday Michelle came to visit us from WLDAS (West Lothian Drug & Alcohol Service). She spoke to both classes about smoking. The children learned how many chemicals are in cigarettes (over 4000!) and they also discussed the impact that smoking can have on our bodies and also on other areas of our lives. However, the children are aware that it is very difficult to stop smoking. In order to experience what it might be like to give up smoking the children have all been asked to give up something that they do frequently and replace it with a healthy alternative. Some of the habits that the children have given up include sweets, playing the Xbox, watching TV and drinking fizzy juice. The children have replaced these habits with a variety of alternatives this week including eating more fruit and vegetables, playing with their siblings and going outside to play. Miss Clark is even giving up chocolate for the week (which is proving very difficult!) Well done Primary 7 for all of your hard work and dedication! We are really impressed at your ability to resist even when it’s difficult.

This week we also handed out speaking parts for our P7 Remembrance Assembly. The children have also been given song lyrics to learn for next week. Any support you could give your child in learning these would be greatly appreciated. The children have taken control of the assembly and have created a PowerPoint, quiz and art work. The children are also selling poppies around the school for a donation of 50p-£1. Thank you for all your hard work. Please note – this is a school only assembly.

The children have now been allocated their Enterprise groups after applying for one of five different jobs (manager, materials manager, finance expert, quality control and human resources). They have been working really well in their groups to decide on which product or game they would like to create for others to buy/play at the Christmas Fair on Friday 1st December. Each group then created a purchase list and calculated their required spending and projected profit. The children had to shop around on different websites to find the best deals. They then wrote to Miss Millar to ask for the required funds in order to begin to buy, make and sell their products and games. Thankfully we received word this week through letters to each group that Miss Millar is funding each groups project! Soon the children will have all of the products and materials they need in order to create their products and games.

Some reminders
Outdoor PE – Monday (As we are going outside each week can you please ensure that your child comes prepared with appropriate outdoor shoes to take part in all activities. They will also need a warm, waterproof jacket).
Indoor PE – Wednesday (Mrs Ferguson is working on gymnastics with the children and it is therefore vitally important that all children wear PE kit in order to take part in all activities).

Beginning next week (Monday 13th November) the children in Miss Clark’s class will be taking part in swimming lessons at DCHS for 4 weeks. It is very important that the children come prepared with a swimming kit, towel and full change of clothing (school uniform) each Monday. A letter will be sent home to remind children of this. Mrs Macaulay’s class will take part in swimming lessons later on in the year.

Thank you, as always, for your help and support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 6 27.10.17

We hope everyone enjoyed their October holiday and the stormy weather did not disrupt too many plans.

The children have been working hard this week. In writing they wrote all about their October holiday and what they had been doing. The skills we focused on were correct spelling, starting each sentence with a different word and including adjectives. The children then peer assessed their partner’s story and provided feedback.

We have completed our Topic on the Industrial Revolution and have started Europe. The children will be creating non-fiction books on a European country in the coming weeks. We are excited to learn lots of new facts about our European neighbours.

In Reading we have finished our novel and the children shared a range of emotions about how the story ended. Lots of great discussion took place. Next week the children will be writing a book review about the novel.

After school clubs have started this week. Thank you to all children who have signed up already. There are still spaces in many of the clubs so please ask for an application form if your child is interested in joining a club.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERY WEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of a worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families and Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils’ games and activities they can do to practise.

Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Wylie, Mrs Tully and Mr Shanks

Primary 5. 15/09/17

Happy Friday Primary 5,

Throughout this week we have concentrated on ‘ae’ sounds in spelling. We looked at the 5 sounds and practiced using the words in various contexts. At home children should reinforce their learning through read, say, cover, write, check and then by selecting 1 activity from the ‘Pick ‘n’ Mix Homework’ sheet.  Pupils return this homework on Fridays.

It was numeracy week in Maths. We therefore explored big numbers, place value, dot patterns, mental strategies and data handling. The work is challenging learning and encourages pupils to be successful learners who are beginning to confidently explain their understanding.

Our Great Britain topic has centered on Geographical features. We have a very good understanding of Atlases and how to use them correctly. We identified major cities, landmass, airports and rivers then marked them on our own maps. Our next steps is major landmarks. We are also learning to work collaboratively with others.

Reminder: Thursday is indoor P.E day. We have been very pleased that mostly all the children are remembering to bring appropriate kit and footwear. Well done.

Finally, we hope you have an enjoyable long weekend and maybe the weather will be kind to us. Pupils resume on Wednesday 20th September.

Thank you,

Miss. Farren and Mrs. Jamieson

Primary 3 15.9.17

This week we have been busy plotting different weather on our map of Scotland. We have been identifying weather symbols, watching forecasts and creating forecasts of our own. Hopefully today we will get a few of our forecasts filmed and be able to send these to Mrs Thunder for SummerWinter’s training. Feel free to ask us about this!

We made seasons pictures where we used a variety of media to create the colours of the seasons. We experienced the use of oil pastels, paint, tissue paper and chalks to create different effects.

In Literacy this week, we looked at ways to make the ‘f’ sound. We focused on the phoneme ‘ph’ and discussed lots of words containing this sound. We hope the practice of common words is going well at home.


Thank you to everyone who has covered their jotters so far. Should anyone need paper for this, please do not hesitate to ask.

Reading is going well so thank you for practising this each night. Reading aloud and questioning the children helps them to use their reading strategies and helps you to see what they understand.

Can we remind everyone about the layout of spelling homework. Words given each week should be written out along one line using the Look, Cover, Write and Check format. Please encourage the children to show you the way they have been forming their new sounds for handwriting, where the letters are positioned on the line and where in the letter you start to write them.

Just a reminder, the children are off school on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th.

Thank you for your continued support.

Primary 5 Week beginning 4.9.17

This week Primary 5 have been working hard.  We have started our new timetable and have learned lots already.

In Maths we have been learning about estimating and rounding.  We have also been learning about angles.

In Reading we have started a whole class novel study.  P5F are reading Spiderwick Chronicles and P5J are reading Invasion.

We have started our Topic which is Great Britain.  This week we have started using an atlas and have been learning about the different information contained in them.

Our gym days are Tuesday and Thursday.  Please bring outdoor PE kit on Tuesday and indoor on Thursday.

Homework for next week will include maths, spelling and reading. Please check your child’s diary for further details.

Next week the school photographer will be in school on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Have a lovely week

Miss Farren and Mrs Jamieson

Primary 3 Wk beginning 4th September

We are now into the full swing of Primary three and just yesterday we received a mysterious letter from Mrs Thunder wanting Primary Three’s help to learn more about the weather. This is great news as we have been discussing what we already know and what we would like to learn about our topic. We are going to practice our best handwriting and sentences when we write our own letters in response.
Weekly spelling
This week has also seen the start of homework. In their homework jotters, children have stuck in a small word list focusing on one sound a week. With this list, children should use a line per word to write each word as many times along the line as they can fit in, using the Look, Cover, Write, Check format.
A common words sheet has also been stuck in and although this does not need written evidence, it would be good if you could practice these with your child whenever you have time.
A handwriting sheet has been stuck in the front of jotters for children to practice at home. It would be good for the children to familiarise themselves with the correct letter formation.
We have been learning strategies for our Maths to make us more confident and speedier in our calculations. We recognised that it is much easier to add to a ‘friendly number’ (one with a 0 at the end) and because of this, we can shuffle numbers in our addition sums to make a ten first, then add the rest on.
We also have started reading. Please practice the pages given, stuck in the front of the homework diaries, out loud, checking for understanding and recognition of punctuation whilst we read.
With homework, we have set the days for handing out on a Monday, and return day a Friday as we would prefer to leave your weekends free. We welcome your comments on this. Perhaps some people prefer a weekend to be able to spend time doing it?
It was lovely to meet so many of you at meet the teacher. Thank you for coming to say hello.
Thank you for your continued support,
From ‘the Smiths’.

Primary 6 9.6.17

Hello everyone

We have had an interesting and busy week in Primary 6. Early in the week we focused on the work of Henri Matisse: the French abstract artist. We looked at two of his most famous pieces “The Snail” and “Icarus”. P6KW made life size images of “Icarus” in a variety of different colours, using different materials to decorate each part of the body. In P6C the children looked at “The Snail” and decided to make abstract images of natural and inanimate objects out of cut out pieces of paper – just like Matisse did! The results look fantastic!

As part of our Inclusion topic the children brought in their own devices and used school laptops to research famous paralympians. The children then chose an interesting and creative way to share their knowledge. Children in P6C created audio recordings, powerpoints, posters and video recordings in order to share their knowledge. We look forward to viewing all of the final products next week.

Mrs Ferguson, our PE specialist, returned from maternity leave this week. The children were pleased to welcome her back and took part in some of the activities that will be stations during our Sports Day. This will take place on Wednesday 21st June. P4-7 will take part in the morning session. We will provide you with more details of this in due course.

Next week we will be learning all about Slovakia as part of our work on the ERASMUS+ Project. The children will be learning about the famous landmarks, traditional food and language of Slovakia. There will be an Open Morning on Friday 23rd June where the children can share their learning with you. We hope you can come.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

Primary 6 31.05.17

Hello everyone, we can’t believe that it’s almost June already!

Everyone has been working very hard in Primary 6 this past week. In writing, we have been working on persuasive writing. Last week the children created advertisements for their favourite place to visit. The children thought about adjectives to describe the place, a catchphrase that would stick in people’s minds and learned how to use rhetorical questions to convince people that their destination was the best. This week the children will try to persuade the reader of their text of their opinion of school uniform. We are sure this will be a fun and interesting debate!

As part of our inclusion topic we took advantage of the lovely weather last week and went outside to try and experience what it might be like to be physically disabled. The children were able to experience walking blindfolded, using noise cancelling headphones, using a wheelchair unaided and using crutches. The children were able to discuss some of the difficulties that they were presented with when trying to negotiate the playground. This week we will be learning about how society and the local community support those with physical and mental disabilities.

Three children in P6 (Daisy, Luci and Rhianna) made us all very proud this week. They made a group decision that they wanted to raise money for school funds in order to buy equipment for the playground. So on Sunday the girls ran from Dechmont Law to Dobbies and back in order to raise the money. They went around the classes last week asking for any donations and ended up raising a massive £125.10!! We are so proud of the girls for making the decision to do this and organising the entire event themselves. Well done girls! We will let you know what Luci, Daisy and Rhianna choose to spend the money on 🙂

Reminders –
Futsal – Tuesday
Outdoor PE – Wednesday
Spelling homework – Due on Friday

Thank you! Enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie.


Well done Daisy, Luci and Rhianna!

Primary 1/2 Week beginning 29.5.17

Primary 1/2 had a very exciting week last week.  We went on a trip to the Seabird Centre at North Berwick.  In the morning we visited the rockpools where we were able to find lots of sea creatures, including sea snails and crabs.  We also learned about lots of other animals found in the sea in Scotland.  In the afternoon we went on a scavenger hunt on the seashore and found lots of interesting objects.  We used these objects to decorate sandcastles at the end of the day.  It was a super sunny day; we had lots of fun and learned lots.

In Maths we have been learning about solid shapes and Primary 2 have been working on the properties of these.  We have  a homework activity this week in which we have to look for these shapes at home.

We have been continuing with our topic this week and have learned a little more about the seaside in the past.  We have been looking at the clothes people would have worn and designed our own swimming costumes for the past and present.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson and Primary 1/2

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