Primary 5 31.08.18

Welcome back to our new term.  Primary 5 have settled in well and are beginning to understand the routines of their new stage. Last week Miss Carrigan joined P5J and will be working with us until after Christmas.

This week we had a visit from an author called David MacPhail.  He was very inspiring and helped us with some tips for writing.

This week we have started our new Health topic called Bad Times Don’t Last.  We will be learning about resilience and how to cope when things go wrong.  We have also started our topic Great Britain and this week we have used an Atlas to look at a map and identified the countries of Great Britain.

This term in reading we are studying a whole class novel called the Spiderwick Chronicles.  We will also be given reading books for enjoyment which will be handed out at the end of next week for homework.

In Maths we have been learning to identify different angles.

Homework will begin next Friday.  The children will be given Reading, Spelling and Maths.  This should be completed and returned by the following Thursday.

Our PE days this term are Monday for outdoor PE and Thursday for indoor PE.  This term we are doing playground games outdoor therefore PE kit is optional on this day, however we would be grateful if children were equipped with appropriate shoes and jackets for that day.  The children are also taking part in the weekly mile on Friday mornings so appropriate footwear is needed for then too.

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies


Primary 4 30.8.18

Hello everyone

It was lovely to meet so many of you last night at our Meet the Teacher event. Thank you for coming 🙂

Your child should now have been given a newsletter which contains all of the important dates and information for this term. Our PE days will be Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor with Mrs Ferguson). Please ensure your child is prepared appropriately for PE on both these days especially Tuesday when we will be outside as the weather begins to get colder.

Your child will shortly come home with a letter in their bags containing their class charter. The children have agreed that they will respect their rights and the rights of others this year and we would appreciate if you could read this over with your child, sign the tear off slip and return to the school. Thank you for your support with this.

This week we have started looking at our new reading books “Ottoline and the Yellow Cat” (P4C) and “The Legend of Spud Murphy” (P4D). These books will not come home and instead the children will read them as a class and complete activities on their book in school. Please continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home. Anytime they finish reading a book please let us know by writing in their homework diary. This book will then be added to our class reading tree. More information about this can be found in the P4 newsletter.

Next week we will hand out spelling and maths homework on Monday. Both pieces of homework will be due in on Friday. Please do not hesitate to speak to us if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 1 29.8.18

Primary 1 are settling in well to school. They are becoming more familiar with school routines are are enjoying exploring our classrooms and playing with the resources.
In phonics the children have been learning the sounds a and t. We have learnt songs to help us remember each sound and are practising forming each letter correctly. Please continue to practise these sounds at home and encourage your child to identify words with each sound at the beginning. We will also be learning some common words later this week. More details will follow in the homework tasks next week.
In maths we are having a focus on number formations. We have taught correct formation of 0,1 and 2 so far this week. We are also looking at ordering numbers and counting out amounts up to 10.
P.E. is going to be on Mondays. For the first few weeks we will not be changing the children for these lessons to maximise the amount of time we can spend in the hall. We hope to begin changing for P.E. after the September break and will let you know on this blog if that changes.
Homework will be issued from next week. Homework will go out on Mondays, with children being given 2 weeks to complete the tasks. Reading books will be given out on Mondays but will be changed every week. Please ensure your child brings their reading book to school every day so that we can read in class. To begin with reading books will be wordless. This is to familiarise the children with the reading process and to teach comprehension skills (e.g. prediction, empathising with the character and summarising).
Please ensure that your child comes to school with a named water bottle each day. These bottles should only contain water.
Please name all clothes worn in school.

Thank you for all your support
The primary 1 teachers

Primary 2/3

We had a fantastic trip to North Berwick to take part in Plundering Pirates and Seashore Explorer. The children learned about local pirates and made real life treasure maps. We got to explore the Old Kirk and had lunch outside. We finished off on the beach exploring the sand and making sandcastles. We all had lots of fun and learned lots!

Today we are walking up Dechmont Law. Children have been learning that pirates always had to be on the look out for other pirates or dangers. We decided to go to the highest point in our local area to see how far we can actually see!! We might even see the sea!!

Recently we have been working hard learning how to tell the time. The boys and girls have been using clocks and digital clocks to tell the time. P2 have also been investigating number patterns and Primary 3 have been finding the fraction of a number.

Primary 2 have now learned all the phonic sounds so we are now revising all of the tricky ones. Primary 3 are still working their way through the Primary 3 programme with new sounds each week.

All children have had a letter inviting the parents to come to school next Friday for a Careers Day. At some point could you discuss with your children about what you do for a job/career? We have lots of activities planned next week and we can show you these on Friday when you visit.

We also have the Beach trip in 2 weeks time (Tuesday 19th June). Could you please fill out the EE2 forms and return to school?

P.E Monday and Thursday

Homework: Spelling, Maths and Reading

Miss Rafferty

Primary 1 30.5.18

Primary 1 are now well into our farming topic. This week the children have enjoyed learning about different animals which live on a farm and the products we get from each animal. Today we will be looking at the life cycle of a chicken and will think about the foods we eat which include chicken meat or eggs. On Monday each child was given some words to learn for our upcoming assembly. Please rehearse these words at home with your child regularly. The children will be encouraged to say these words with no prompting, speaking in a loud, clear and slow voice. The assembly will be performed to the infant children and parents on Tuesday 12th June at 9am. A letter went home with your child yesterday with more details and a tear off slip to be returned to school as soon as possible. There was also a letter sent home with information about our upcoming trip to Craigies farm on the 7th of June. Please return the letter as soon as possible with a £4 payment.
Our phonics sound this week is ‘ck’. We have been thinking about words which contain this sound in class and were able to come up with interesting sentences containing each word.
In maths we are continuing our work on money. The children are learning to make amounts up to 10p using 1p and 2p coins.
Thank you for your continued support.
Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 1 23.5.18

This week primary 1 have been learning the ‘oo’ sound. They are confidently able to think of and write words with the spelling rule. The children have also been able to spot words containing ‘oo’ in their reading books. Please continue to practise these words at home in the time your climb exercises.
In maths, the children have been learning to add coins together to make amounts up to 10p. If you can speak to your child about the coins 1p-£2 when you are out shopping it will greatly help this learning.
As part of our farming topic we have been learning about the different parts of a plant. The children were able to label a picture of a flower. We have also been using the beebots to travel in different directions across a farm map.  Tomorrow we will be welcoming a farmer from the Royal Highland Education Trust to school. She will be explaining about life on a farm and her experience as a farmer. The children have been thinking about questions to ask her.
Reminders: PE is on Thursday. Please come to school prepared with a named PE kit.
Homework folders should be in school every day since we read books in class throughout the week.
Thank you
P1 teachers

Primary 1 17.5.18


This week Primary 1 have enjoyed being able to get out into the sunshine for some of their lessons. The children were able to write their common words had, has and see in chalk on the playground. They impressed the teachers with their ambitious sentences using these words.
In our farming lessons we have been continuing our learning about arable, livestock and mixed farming. The children were able to sort some of the foods we eat into the farms they originate from. They have also been learning about plants and how to look after them. Yesterday each child planted a sunflower seed, they are all excited to watch them grow.

In maths, the children are beginning their learning about money. The children were able to identify the coins up to £2 and add small amounts using 1p coins. We will be moving onto making amounts up to 10p using 1p, 2p and 5p coins next week. Any support you can give your child recognising and counting money at home will be helpful.
Next Monday is a school holiday, hopefully the sun stays out and the children can all enjoy a fun day outside!
Thank you for your support
Primary 1 teachers

P2/1 10th May 2018

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and the lovely sunny weather!

We are all glad to be back together in class and are getting on with our new topic ‘The Seaside’.  We have been learning all about what the seaside was like a long time ago, what people wore and the entertainment they had.  We have learned about Punch and Judy shows and are starting to make our own puppets to play with in the classroom.

In Maths we have started work on time.  The P1 children are looking at o’clock and half past and the P2 children will be doing work on quarter past and quarter to.  This is something that you can be discussing lots at home to see how well the children are remembering what they have learned.

In Language this week we have been looking at alphabetical order and dictionary work.  The P1 children have been sorting words into alphabetical order and the P2 children have been finding words in a simple dictionary.

Homework will resume next week as normal.

Quick reminder that PE is on Thursday with Mrs Ferguson and PE kit is required then.  We will also be doing outdoor PE on Monday.

Thank you for your support

Mrs Steel

Primary 1 3/5/18

This week Primary 1 have joined our school wide ‘Eco Week’. As a school we are working towards renewing our Eco Schools recognition. Primary 1 took part in the school wide litter pick up in the playground on Tuesday. We were able to talk about the danger litter causes to animals which might use our playground. We have also planted lettuce seed in our plant box outside the office. We will continue to look after these plants and hope to be able to taste some of this lettuce by the end of term. We have been learning about biodiversity in class and the ways we can protect endangered species.
Yesterday Brambleberry left us to travel back to his Enchanted Forest. So we have now started our new topic: ‘Farming’. In the coming week we will be learning about arable and livestock farms and the differences between them. We will be thinking about where the food we eat comes from.
In maths we are learning to double numbers and share amounts between 2 or 3 (e.g. finding a half or third of a number). We are continuing to practise addition and subtraction throughout the week and appreciate any help you are giving your child with this.
Homework is due on Fridays. This week there was reading and maths. Please also continue practising sounds and common words.
PE is on a Thursday, please remember to bring a named PE kit and water bottle.
Next week the children are off school on Monday and Tuesday, we look forward to welcoming them back on Wednesday 9th May.
Thank you for your continued support
Primary 1 teachers

Primary 2/3 1.5.18

It’s the 1st May! We can’t believe how quick the year is going!

We have been working very hard in Primary 2/3. We have drawn ourselves with pencil and then added the features of a pirate: eye patches, Jolly Roger, hats, earings and black and gold teeth. We cut up coloured paper to make it more like a collage. They are now on display in our classroom with our own “Pirate name”.

We have been singing lots of pirate songs using a variety of instruments and incorporating dance moves. Encourage the boys and girls to perform one of the songs for you!

Today we are going to be writing a Pirate acrostic poem. We will use our writing skills and pirate knowledge to write some really interesting Pirate poems.

In Maths we have been learning about arrays. Both Primary 2 and Primary 3 have been using arrays to help solve multiplication questions and Primary 3 have been using them to help answer division questions too! We are so shocked at how easy times tables are becoming!

Its a big Eco-week this week and we will be learning about keeping our local environment clean and tidy, planting in our allocated planters and learning about the biodiversity of the coral reef. This should link nicely with our topic of Treasure Islands.

P.E- Outdoor on Monday, Indoor on Thursday


Miss Rafferty


Primary 2/3 24.4.18

Primary 2/3 did a fantastic job in their class assembly last week. We have received so many positive comments about our assembly from lots of teachers and children. Well done boys and girls!

We have now started our new and final topic for Primary 2/3 which is Treasure Island and Pirates! We received a message in a bottle from Pete the Pirate tell us that he was on a desert island hunting for treasure. He asked Primary 2/3 for their help to teach him all about Pirates, Desert islands and finally help him find the hidden treasure. All the boys and girls are very excited! We have also been learning some songs linked to pirates!

We will be linking lots of our numeracy and literacy to our new topic as well as IDL.

Primary 3 are off to Lowport this week! The remaining Primary 3’s will join Mrs Smith and the other Primary 3 children to complete some science investigations and take part in lots of arts and crafts.

P.E is outdoor on a Monday (Supported by our P.E students) and on Thursday with Mrs Ferguson our P.E specialist.

Mrs Fox is working with our class this term too. She is going to be crafting with the children to make treasure and jewellery.

Can all children please make sure that they have indoor shoes and water bottles.

Miss Rafferty

Primary 1 17.4.18

Last week primary 1 welcomed a visitor into their classrooms. Brambleberry, a forest elf from Perthshire, came to our school to escape his enchanted forest which is being spoiled by littering. The children have enjoyed showing him their work and listening to him talk about his enchanted forest. This afternoon the children enjoyed creating fairy houses for Brambleberry and his friends to live in. The children worked very hard with their buddies to create these houses and the finished products look great! Thank you so much for providing boxes and materials for this project.
In maths we have been learning about data handling. The children have learnt to count using tally marks and this week have interpreted and created their own pictograms. Please continue to practise counting forwards and backwards to 30 and adding and subtracting within 10 at home.
In phonics we are learning the ‘wh’ sound this week. please continue to practise at home and to learn the common words in the blue jotter.
Reminders: PE is on a Thursday for both classes. Please remember to bring a named PE kit to school.
Water bottles should contain only water and should be named.
This week the children have maths homework as well as ‘time your climb’, common words and a reading book.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

P2/1 17.4.18

This week we have been continuing to work on our assembly.  We have been trying really hard to learn our words-  please keep continuing to learn lines at home and encourage loud clear voices! If possible could children come to school with something tartan on Tuesday 24th as the theme of our assembly is Katie Morag and Scotland?

In Language this week the P1s are looking at wh words and the P2s are doing e_e words.  The children are enjoying looking out for these words in their books and in text they see around the classroom.

In Maths the P1s are beginning to add 3 numbers together and will be building on this to make numbers over the 10 boundary. The P2s are beginning to look at groups of numbers using arrays and numbers line.

Reminders for the coming week

Wednesday- Art with Ms Fox

Thursday- Gym with Mrs Ferguson

Tuesday 24th- Parent assembly, wear something tartan.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Steel

Primary 5 13.4.18

Primary 5 have had a busy first week.  We have started Literacy Circles for reading.  This will require the children to complete a weekly homework task to share with their group.  More details have been given out about this in homework jotters.

This term we will be performing our school show The Pirates of the Curry Bean on the 13th June.  Speaking parts have been given out and children should begin learning these at home.  We still have a lot of work to do on assigning other parts, learning songs and dances which will be happening over the next few weeks.

In Maths we have been working on measure.  Miss Farren’s group have been measuring large objects outdoors in metres while Mrs Jamieson’s group have been working on cm and mm.

Our new PE times are Tuesday for indoor PE and Thursday for outdoor PE.  This term we will be working on Golf and Athletics.


Mrs Jamieson Miss Farren

Primary 2/3 10.4.18

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday!

Primary 2/3 have their parent assembly next week (Tuesday 17th April) You are all welcome to come along to find out what we have learned about the Romans. It should be very exciting!

Could all children please continue to practise their lines and songs for our assembly. We will be allocating time in class this week to also practise and put our costumes on.

Our new topic will start next week- Pirates and Treasure Island! It is a very exciting topic and I am sure the children are going to love it and learn lots.

Our specialist timetable has changed so our indoor P.E slot has now moved to a Thursday morning. We will continue to do our Outdoor P.E lessons on a Monday. Please remember P.E kits on both of these days. The children will also be receiving Art from Ms Fox on a Wednesday.

In Maths- P3 are continuing work on their 3 times table and next week we hope to learn our 4 times table. P2 are learning how to half numbers which links nicely to doubling numbers which is what we were learning before the holidays.

Reading- Children have been given fiction texts to start the term. Please read regularly at home and encourage discussion about the text/story.


Assembly lines and songs, Reading, Spelling (Time your climb) and Maths.

P.E: Monday and Thursday

Thanks, Miss Rafferty

Primary 2/3 7.3.18

Welcome back Primary 2/3! Thank you to all the boys and girls who completed snow day activities, read and posted on the blog. The work some of the boys and girls brought in was fabulous! Brilliant effort.

This week in maths we are continuing with division by 2 and 10 with Primary 3 and Primary 2 are finding doubles and near doubles using rekenreks and number lines. Some of of children are even managing to answer some of our questions mentally which is fantastic.

Children will be continuing to read their reading books from last week. The children have also been given a non-fiction text to read this week. Encourage your children using the contents page and discuss the facts from the book.

In our topic this week we are learning about Roman slaves. Boys and girls have been finding out that their lives were tough and being a slave meant you belonged to somebody. Some of our children couldn’t believe all the work they had to do. We are also going to begin looking at Roman Gladiators and how they battled in the Coliseum.

We will be doing our planned Health lesson with our comfort toys this Thursday. Could the children bring their toys to help aid our discussion and circle time.

We have Craig McLean coming into school today to talk to the boys and girls about becoming a commonwealth athlete. The children are very excited to meet him and ask him questions about his career.

P.E- Wednesday

Homework- Reading

Easter Egg hunt letters need to come back asap with a payment of £1 to take part in the hunt and receive a chocolate treat!

Thank you, Miss Rafferty


Primary 1 w.b. 5.3.18

Welcome back! It has been great seeing the children again after our few snow days last week.
This week there will be no homework folders going home. The children still have a reading book though and we appreciate all the work you are doing at home with it. If you are looking for anything else to do, please continue practising sounding out words and counting forwards and backwards to 30.
This week our maths focus will be numbers to 30. The children will be writing these numbers and counting out values up to 30. We are also working on telling the time to both o’clock and half past on analogue clocks.
In phonics we are learning some blended sounds (sh, ch and th). This week our focus is ch. The children have come up with lots of words containing ch and are making great progress reading and writing these words by themselves.
This week we are beginning our new interdisciplinary topic; ‘The enchanted forest’. We will be using different art techniques over the next few days to create our very own class forest in the classroom. We will be learning about woodland animals in our interdisciplinary lessons and this week will find out facts about badgers.
Reminders: PE is on Thursday mornings, please remember to bring a PE kit this day.
Children should have indoor shoes to wear around the classroom. This is especially important with the weather just now.
Your child has received home a letter for the PSA Easter Egg hunt. If you want your child to attend please bring in the return form and £1 as soon as possible.
Thank you
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

Primary 5 Snow Day 3

Good morning Primary 5

I hope you are all staying warm and having fun in the snow.

Here are some activites you can do today.

Mrs Jamieson’s maths set, make a poster to show your understanding of equivalent fractions.  Use pictures and numbers to show different fractions.

Miss Farren’s maths set can make a fraction wall and identify the equivalent fractions as we began in class.

Make a list of spelling words containing ch as in scheme and ache.  Make a wordsearch to hide the words in.

Go our and measure the largest snowdrift in your garden and the longest icicle.

Design a snow poster: Draw and label all the activities you have been doing during your days off. Bring your poster to share with us in school or post us a selfie picture!


Have a lovely day

Mrs Jamieson and Miss Farren

Snow day 3

Hi Everyone,

Well done to all the children who have sent in pictures of what they have been doing. It is good to see all the inventive ways you are completing work.

My reading groups keep practicing your reading. This can be your school reading book or something you are reading at home. Next week if would be good if you could bring in any comics, magazines or books you have been reading to share with the group.

My math group keep a list of the games you have been playing to share with the group next week. Which is your favourite?

P6 and P7 I hope you are finding time to practice your words for the show. You could ask other family members to play the other parts to help you.

Euro Quiz group it would be good if you could share any interesting facts with us. What is the most obscure fact you have found? What fact has surprised you?

Enjoy your snow day but keep safe and warm.

Mrs Gilmour


Primary 5 Snow day 2

Good morning Primary 5

I hope you have had lots of fun playing in the snow.  There are plenty of activities from yesterday’s blog that you can still do but if anyone wants more ideas watch the clip below and try to make your own snow sculpture.  I would love to see pictures of your creations.

You could also practise your tables using the link below.

Watch this video of teachers in Antartica, then make a list of equipment you would need to take with you for an expedition.


Have a lovely day and stay warm.


Mrs Jamieson and Miss Farren






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