France Trip


After a good nights sleep we have eaten crepes for breakfast so we are ready for our next adventure!

Suncream has been applied but jumpers are on too .

We will update you tonight.

P7 – We saw many different types of sharks and we THE MEG !!!
The teeth … we think they belonged to one of the teachers but we don’t know which one 😃

Primary 7 3.5.18

Hello everyone

We have had a busy week in Primary 7. We had a visit from teachers and students from Deans Community High School today. They told us what it was like to move from Carmondean Primary to Deans High. They also answered any questions the children had about High School. It was a very informative session and very helpful for the children.

Some of the Primary 7 children will be leaving on our France Residential a week on Sunday (13th May). Please ensure that all letters are signed and returned and EHIC Health cards are returned to the school as soon as possible. If you require your child to take any medication on the trip then the appropriate form should be filled in and returned to the school before next Friday. For forms and any extra information please contact the school office as soon as possible.

The children created fantastic pieces of art work this week based on interesting skylines from around the world. They used photographs of famous skylines to help plan out their own. They then transferred their work onto black card and then painted beautiful skies with water colour paints which will frame their skyline. These are looking fantastic and will be on display until the end of term.

The children have also worked on creating informative posters for the Primary 6 children this week. Soon, the Primary 7’s will leave Carmondean Primary behind and the P6s will replace them as buddies to our new Primary 1 children in August. The children worked with a partner to create a poster that tells the Primary 6 children about their experiences of being a buddy and how to overcome any challenges. We will present these to the Primary 6 classes next week.

We are on holiday on Monday and Tuesday next week. Have a lovely long weekend and we will see the children on Wednesday.
Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

PE days
Monday – Outdoor PE
Wednesday – Indoor PE

Homework – Spelling and Maths due Friday

Primary 7 in France! Monday 15th May

Today we arrived in Rotterdam and travelled to Fort des Dunes. It was built in just two years by the French troops. It was built In 1878. Inside there were bunkers and we saw where the cannon supplies were kept.  We also had an audio guide to tell us all about the place and what happened during World War 2. As well as that we went through tunnels that were built there and had lots of fun. We arrived at our hotel and unpacked. After dinner we went to the park and had lots of fun playing with all of the equipment.

Written by Rebekah, Louisa, Cari & Jessica

Primary 7 – 11.05.17

Hello from Primary 7

It has been a very hectic week in Primary 7. Most of the work the children have done this week is in their assessment jotter. You will have the opportunity to look back at all of their assessments when the children bring their jotters back at the end of term.

The Prom committee had another meeting this week. They have decided on the colour scheme and food. The venue will be decorated using the colours red, light blue and purple.

They have requested a chocolate fountain – if anyone has access to one of these please let us know.

Well done to our two teams who took part in the maths challenge at DCHS. Congratulations to Carmondean B who came first (Emma, Jessica, Helena & Chanel) and Carmondean A who came third (Sarah, Niamh, Ben & Ciaran). They all got a certificate and a sweet for taking part and the school are the proud owners of a large shield for the next year. Well done to everyone for their hard work.

The children presented their buddy posters to primary 6 who asked lots of questions about being a buddy. Primary 7 are looking forward to the beach trip with their buddies on 20th June.

The children are very excited about the upcoming France residential. Please ensure all medication has been handed into school by Friday. The children who are staying in school will be working with Miss Farren on a variety of activities.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 7 – 05.05.17


A short but productive week in Primary 7.

In writing the children planned and created a leaflet/poster explaining what it is like to be a buddy. These are very informative and the children will present them to P6 soon.

The children evaluated making their fairy house with their P1 buddy. Everyone was able to come up with 2 stars and a wish for their fairy house.

The Prom Committee had their first meeting on Wednesday where they have started to organise the Prom. They will be speaking to their class next week to make decisions about the theme, food, music and any extras they want at the prom.

The children are continuing to work on Didbook. They finished their personal statement and have started writing about ‘Me’. Remember the children can access this at home so you can see what they have written.

The children going to France organised their groups for the theme park. We will be having a further discussion with them next week giving reminders about what to pack and do for their residential experience. Remember no electronic devices that are Wifi enabled are to be brought.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Macaulay & Mrs Gilmour

See you soon!

This post was written last night at around 5pm (12.5.16). However due to terrible wifi we were unable to post. We have just docked at Hull and will see you all this afternoon 🙂


Bonjour! Thank you once again for all of your lovely comments. The children enjoy hearing them all at breakfast.

Today we left the hotel for the final time. Craig really enjoyed the food at the hotel while Erin thought that her bed was very comfortable.

Our first stop was Nausicaa, the sea life centre. Nathan enjoyed looking at lots of seahorses and sharks while Jay liked watching the Penguins swimming underneath the water. We watched a film in 4D where our faces were splashed and our hair was blown around furiously! The gift shop in Nausicaa was fantastic! Many presents were purchased. Jay has now acquired a soft toy great white shark called Stephen who will be a great addition to the family I am sure!

Next we drove out of France and into Belgium where we stopped in town of Ypres. We visited a glorious chocolate shop where everyone purchased some delicious treats! The chocolate shop owner was even able to give us some special money off deals!

We then went to see the Menin Gate. It is a memorial to soldiers who died in the First World War who have no known graves. We each got a poppy to stick next to one of the names on the Menin Gate. This was a touching moment for us all.

We are now sitting in the ferry terminal as we write this waiting to go into our rooms for our final night before home. We are looking forward to dinner and disco before bed.

The children have had an amazing week but are very excited to see you all again!

See you soon everyone!

Written by: Miss Clark, Erin, Nathan, Craig and Jay (and Stephen the shark!)

Bonjour tout le monde!

Thank you for reading our last update. We all loved reading the many comments you left us yesterday and today. Please keep commenting on our daily updates!

Thank you for your questions Primary 7! After dinner we have been enjoying doing different things. On Sunday night we went to the disco on the ferry. Yesterday, we went to the local park. Today, we are relaxing in our rooms after a very busy day. We are normally in our bedrooms for 9:30pm and lights out are at 9:45pm. This morning we woke up at 7:30 but tomorrow we have a long lie until 8am!! We are glad you are having a good week. We can’t wait to see you all next Monday and hear all your stories!

Today we have had a very busy, but interesting day. We started off by visiting L’Etaple cemetery. We were surprised as to how vast it was. Keston found the visit very educational as we were able to find out lots from the gravestones about the soldiers and civilians who had died. We found it interesting that the graves of the German soldiers weren’t so well kept.

We then travelled for about 2 hours on the bus to reach the Somme area. Our first stop was La Grande Mine. The crater was huge. It was caused by 27 tons of explosives set off by British soldiers who wanted to defeat Germans. The children all thought that the names on the walkway around the crater were very interesting as they told more information about soldiers who fought at that time.

Next we visited the nearby village of Contalmaison where we visited the McCrae Battalion Memorial (commonly known as the Hearts Memorial). Sam Tischler and Molly felt very honoured to be given the opportunity to place the school wreath on the memorial. Both Sam and Molly describe the experience as very memorable and touching.

Then we had our lunch at Thiepval. Sandy thought the memorial, for those who were never found during the Battle of the Somme, very beautiful as poppies regularly rained down from the top of the memorial. Sandy & Keston were convinced that they had found some long lost relatives on the memorial.

On our way to Ulster Tower we stopped off at Beaumont Hamel where we saw a memorial to Canadian and Scottish fallen soldiers among many others. We were surprised to find a Caribou atop of the Canadian Memorial!

Our last stop of the day was Ulster Tower. We were given a tour around the Thiepval Wood Trenches by a very knowledgable tour guide called Teddy. He showed us various trenches that were built by Scottish soldiers. We loved that the trenches were named after famous Scottish streets and cities (e.g. Inverness Avenue, George Street and Union Street). It was a truly emotional and humbling experience.

We are now back at our hotel after enjoying a lovely 3 course dinner. Please keep leaving comments, we love reading them.

Bon nuit!

Written by: Miss Clark, Mrs Harding, Sandy, Molly, Sam Tischler & Keston

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Primary 7 6.5.16

Hello everyone!

We have had a short but very busy week since the children returned to school.

The children are continuing to work on their High School Profiles in class. Children write about how they feel they have developed throughout Primary School in these areas: leadership, team skills, research and planning, problem solving and communication. These profiles will be passed on to each child’s high school before the end of the session. We are pleased with how they look so far. Keep up the good work P7!

We have been continuing with our new topic of Economically Less Developed Countries (ELDC) this week. We have been exploring the importance of access to clean drinking water and how this one factor can have a profound effect on whole countries. We explored the rights that we have in Scotland and compared our lives to those who live in ELDC. The children made impressive rights posters to show their knowledge.

Soon, as part of the ERASMUS+ Project, Primary 7 will be exploring the country of Bulgaria in more detail. Miss Clark will be sharing her experiences of the country and the children will be researching the country’s culture and traditions as part of a mini project. We will keep you posted on our progress!

This weekend some of the children will depart on our France Residential. The children are very excited and I am sure the trip will be a success. Miss Walker has an exciting week planned for all of the children staying at Carmondean, including lots of PE, trips down to P1 and an exciting mini topic. Miss Farren & I can’t wait to hear what they have been doing whilst we are away!

We will keep you posted of our movements in France by writing on the blog on some nights during the week. Feel free to leave comments as we know the children will love reading them 🙂

Au revoir!

Miss Clark & Miss Farren

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