P2 – 20.04.20

Hi Primary 2,
We hope you all had a lovely holiday. The weather was nice most of the time and meant that we could get out and about. Miss Rafferty did lots of walking and running with her mum’s dog Storm, Miss Pringle took her dog Dave on some long walks and Mrs Oliver spent time outdoors with Aaron and celebrated her special birthday! All 3 of us ate lots of Easter eggs too! We would love to hear what you have been doing. Please put photos on your Learning Journal or comment below to let us know what you did over the fortnight.
If you click on your groups link below you will see learning grids for the next fortnight. Please do one literacy, one numeracy and one learning across the curriculum activity each day. You may choose to adapt these and we love to see your creative activity ideas!
Joe Wicks is still doing his 9am workout on YouTube. You can find his channel on YouTube – The Body Coach TV.
We are planning to learn about animals in hot and cold countries this term. Edinburgh Zoo have live cameras in with the pandas, penguins, tigers and koalas. You can watch them at https://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/webcams – let us know what you see!
We hope you are all keeping well and are remembering to continue to wash your hands regularly. We look forward to seeing your photos on your Learning Journals.
Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

Primary 5

A short but busy week in P5.

The children have been writing rules to keep themselves safe when using the internet and websites. They were very knowledgeable about the dangers and what to do if they experience any difficulty. We would appreciate it if you could please keep speaking to your child/children about internet safety and what they should do if there is a problem. In P5G the children also got to design a phone/computer of the future. They came up with some very interesting designs. In P5M the children created posters to demonstrate their understanding of Internet safety rules.

In Topic the displays the children are creating about Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales are taking shape. They have been busy finding out facts about each country and trying to present them as imaginatively as possible. We were also able to incorporate ICT into this and many children now know how to copy a picture, paste it on a word document and then edit it. Each group will present their display to the class next week as they are now the experts on their chosen country.

Next Wednesday all of P5 are taking part in a Multi-sport Festival at DCHS. This is an outdoor event so please ensure the children are dressed for the weather. They will need trainers, joggers/trackies, sweatshirt, t-shirt and a waterproof jacket. You may also want to give them extra water to bring on that day. Please return the EE2 as soon as possible. Thank you.

You should have received the letter about the P5 open morning which will take place on Friday 25th October where the children will showcase their landmarks and you can taste a selection of food from Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales. Hopefully we will have lots of visitors for what promises to be an exciting morning.



Outdoor PE- Monday.

Indoor PE-Thursday.

Starting Monday 30th September Mrs Gilmour’s class will have a block of Futsal. This will take place indoors and will replace outdoor PE. Miss Morris’ class will continue working outdoors on a Monday.


Landmark challenge- due Friday 27th September

Numeracy (For Mrs Gilmour) –due Thursday 26th September

Spelling- due every Friday. Please remember to do Look, Cover, Write, check and a sentence for each word.

Thank you for your continued support.

Have a good weekend

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

Primary 5

Hello to all,

Another busy week in P5 where the children are becoming more knowledgeable about Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The children cut up maps and made jigsaws with them. They then located major cities using clues in a treasure hunt format. On Wednesday each group chose a country to research and they are creating a display with all the key facts about that country. They will become experts on their specific country and teach the rest of the class all about it!

We are continuing to read the Spiderwick Chronicles and the children particularly enjoyed acting out various parts of the story. Please continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

In outdoor PE the children are creating playground games. They taught another group their game and after improvement comments were given they made the necessary changes. All the children had fun learning these new games. We hope to teach these games to an infant class at a later date.


Outdoor PE- Monday. Kit-trackies/leggings, t-shirt, sweatshirt, trainers

Indoor PE-Thursday. Shorts, t-shirt, indoor shoes


Landmark challenge- due Friday 27th September

Numeracy (For Mrs Gilmour) –due Thursday 19th September

Spelling- due every Friday. Please remember to do Look, Cover, Write, check and a sentence for each word.


Thank you for your continued support.

Have a good weekend

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks and Mrs Muir

Primary 5

Hello to all,

The children have been working hard on a variety of activities this week.

All children were given their BIG Homework task on Wednesday which is to be completed by Friday 27th September. The children can choose any landmark they wish and use a variety of materials to build their model. If you encounter any difficulties with this task please contact us at school. Good Luck and have fun building!

We have been using our imagination when writing. Our story is set in the woods and the children have been working hard on thinking of imaginative words to describe the setting. Some of these were our Word Boost words as well.

Another key focus this week has been internet safety. We have been looking at how to stay safe online when on different websites and games. We would appreciate it if you could also discuss this with your child.

A gentle reminder about PE kit. It is important that the children have a PE kit they can change in to for indoor and outdoor PE. Unfortunately quite a few children are coming to school with no kit. Please can you ensure that your child has outdoor kit on a Monday and indoor kit on a Thursday. Thank you for your help and support with this.

In maths we are investigating symmetry. We have been discussing what makes a shape symmetrical and drawing symmetrical patterns. As homework please could you support your child to  look for real life examples of symmetry at home and in the community. Thank you.


PE- Outdoor on a Monday. Indoor on a Thursday


Spelling given out on a Monday due in on a Friday. The children have to do Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check and a sentence for each word.

Maths – Time homework given out on Tuesday 3rd due in Tuesday 10th.

Landmark homework- due Friday 27th September

Thank you for your continued support. Have a great weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Morris, Mr Shanks, Mrs Muir

Primary 5 8.10.18

Primary 5 have started a new Health topic this week.  We have been looking at healthy eating and what a balanced diet looks like using the healthy food plate.  We have recorded some examples and have worked in pairs to make our own healthy food collage.

In reading we have been looking at how an author creates settings and comparing the work of 2 different authors.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone’s models on Thursday and hope to invite parents to see them after the holidays.  A letter with more details will be handed out this week.

In maths we have been working on adding and subtracting large numbers mentally.  We have also been working on 2D shape and have learned the names and properties of different quadrilaterals and triangles.

We are looking forward to our parents visiting this week to see all of the work we have completed so far.

Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Davies



Primary 4 week Beginning 16.4.18

Welcome back to the Primary 4 Blog,

We hope you had a lovely Easter holiday and are getting settled back into the school routine.

This week we have been learning the songs and some dances to our school show. Our school show is called Pirates of the Curry Bean. Please look out for any information about the show that is sent home. Some children may receive words home to learn.

This term Primary 4 will also be taking part in futsal sessions. Primary 4M will begin with 4 weeks of futsal on Tuesday afternoons, then it will be Primary 4D’s turn. Indoor P.E for 4D will take place on Monday afternoons  and 4M on Tuesday. Outdoor P.E for both classes will be on Wednesday.

We have also started learning about time in Primary 4. The children have been using the class clocks to revise half past, quarter past and quarter to. Primary 4D have also been learning about fractions and made their own pizza fractions in groups. Here are some Pictures:


Children will continue to have spelling and reading homework every week they will also receive maths to support learning in class. P4D have big homework which is due on Monday.


P.E is on Monday and Wednesday for P4D.

P.E is on Tuesday and Wednesday for P4M.

Please bring a water bottle to school, especially as the weather is getting warmer.

Label all items of clothing clearly.


Thank you,

The Primary 4 teachers

P5 Friday 9th February 2018

Hi everyone!

This week we have continued with our Scottish Wars topic and we began a group challenge. Within this task we had research for information on castles and burghs. We are learning how to read for information and write up what we learn in our own words. It’s not an easy thing to do!

In Science we are learning about Solids. Liquids and Gases. There is a lot to learn as our initial “What do we know?” quiz revealed that we do not know much at this point. I am confident by the end our knowledge will have developed a good amount!

Basketball is our unit of work in P.E. We are now playing small team games and having a lot of fun doing so. It is not easy to remember all of the rules and score goals too!

Please remember that next week we are on holiday Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th. All return on Wednesday 14th February. Additionally, our BIG homework presentations are to be returned on Thursday 15th February. Presentations will take place over 2 days.


Enjoy your long weekend and we look forward to seeing you all after the small break.


Miss Farren and Mrs Jamieson

Primary 3 News

This week we are looking at multiplication and we are focusing on the 2x table. Your child has been asked to design a poster at home showing groups of 2 in different ways. They can either take photos or draw the different groups and use language such as:

3 groups of 2=6

3 lots of 2 = 6


3 multiplied by 2=6

They can use items from their bedroom such as lego, puzzle pieces, figures etc.

This is due on Friday for display.

Phonics and reading have also been set as normal.

Congratulations to Joshua, Katie, Arthur and Eva who got through to our Scottish Poetry Assembly on Friday. All performed their poems brilliantly and our overall winners were Joshua and Arthur.

Don’t forget about the Big Homework! We can’t wait to see the castle designs after half term on the 14th February.

Next week is our Parent Consultations and you can book these online. We look forward to seeing you all and discussing your child’s progress.

We will also be looking at safety on the internet next Tuesday, talking about the right ways to use the internet and to be aware of any warning signs when using it.

Have a good week!

Mrs Smith & Mr Gordon

Primary 3

What an exciting week its been with all this snow! However we are all braving the weather to get to school still however do keep an eye on the blog for any news of school closures if the weather gets any worse.

So we have kicked off the New Year with a Big Homework! The children have been asked to use a variety of junk materials to build a castle and label it with the key features listed on the sheet. This is not due until after the half term on Wednesday 14th February. Children will also have to present their models and talk about how they constructed them and what each feature represents.

Phonics and reading will carry on as normal and maths will be given fortnightly. You will receive a newsletter this week outlining the homework and topics we will study this term.

PE kit is required on the following days:

3G: Monday/Thursday

3S: Wednesday/Thursday

Please ensure your child is suitably dressed for outdoor PE: joggers and long sleeved tops and trainers.

Miss Smith set off to pastures new this term and we all miss her terribly however we welcome Mr Gordon to Primary 3 and look forward to getting to know him as the year goes on.

Hope your week is going well!

Mrs Smith and Mr Gordon

Primary 7 12.10.17

Hello everyone

We have had a very busy couple of weeks in Primary 7! The children handed in excellent Natural Disaster homework. Mrs Macaulay and I were very impressed with the high standard of the projects and the varied nature of them too! We saw fantastic landscapes, well resourced emergency boxes, descriptive imaginative stories and explosive volcanoes! Thank you for all your hard work 🙂

This week P7 have been completing our Japan Challenges on an area of Japanese culture that they find interesting. The children are completing well researched posters on martial arts, origami, computer games, traditional houses, clothing and even Pokemon! The children will present their poster to a group of their peers after the October break.

The children have also been creating short books for their buddies this week. We have been blown away by how thoughtful, interesting and fun filled these short stories are. Some titles of the stories include: “Jessica the Unicorn Fairy Queen”, “DJ’s Adventure” and “Super Mia to the Rescue!” These have been written and illustrated by the pupils and we can’t wait for them to read them to their buddies after the October break.

Thank you to all who attended our parent consultations last night. We look forward to welcoming more parents into Primary 7 tonight.

Please remember that we are on holiday next week for the October break. School will resume on Tuesday 24th October when Primary 7 will begin another busy term full of exciting learning, challenges and our Enterprise topic!

Have a lovely October week.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

P5 update 29.09.17

This week in Miss Farren’s maths set they have been learning to create maps using the 8 compass points. They were using Probots to demonstrate their understandings of maps and compass points.   Miss Jamison’s maths set were learning about place value up to 100 000 and coordinates.

In P.E on Tuesday we have hand ball and on Thursday we have badminton with Miss Ferguson. We enjoy the lessons for lots of reasons!

Miss Jamison’s class in writing were creating newspaper reports about invasion and the Battle of Hastings.

In Miss Farren’s class for reading they were focusing on adverbs and verbs which are techniques used by the authors to make exciting writing. In Miss Jamison’s class for reading they were doing invasion about King William.

The big homework for all of P5 is making landmarks from Great Britain. The work is due on Friday 13th of October

Both classes were focusing on “ee” sounds in spelling. The children recorded dictations to help them understand how to write the “ee” words.

Both classes were doing a display challenge in groups about Great Britain. Each group was given a country from Great Britain to describe in groups of 4.

By: Julia, Iona, Michal and Lana (P5F and P5J)

Primary 7 28.9.17

Hello everyone

In Art we have been making Japanese cups. They are looking good so far. Next week we are going to paint them.

We have also been looking at the famous Japanese painting “The Great Wave” and we have been painting with watercolour paint. They are looking great so far.
In writing we have been writing Haiku poems. A Haiku poem has 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second line and in the third line there are 5 syllables. A Haiku poem only has 3 lines. We also drew pictures to go with our poem.

We have been learning about Japanese music and seeing the differences between traditional Japanese music and Scottish music. The Japanese music sounds unusual to us but it is good.

Did you know that in Japan when a shop is closing they play Auld Lang Syne to tell everyone to leave at the end of the day? 🙂

In RME we have been making power points and posters about different religions like Christianity and Sikhism. Today we presented them to a small group of our friends.


Big Homework is due in next Friday 6th October. If your child requires a new homework sheet or any materials to complete their project then they should speak to their class teacher as soon as possible. Remember they only need to pick one of the eight tasks on the sheet to complete.

Maths and Spelling homework is due in on a Friday every week.

Hope you have a good weekend
Kaydi, Nathan, Alistair and Murray

P1/2 Week beginning 6.3.17

Good morning from P1/2

Last week we started a Science project looking at energy.  So far we have learned about light energy and electricity.  We have also talked about keeping safe when using electricity.  We will continue working on energy this week.

We have our class assembly on the 20th of March and will be starting to practise this week.  Keep a look out for assembly words which we might need some help with at home.

A big homework task has also been given out this week.  It is about Scottish animals.  A leaflet explaining what to do will be in homework packs today.  Big homework is due in on Monday 20th March.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson



Primary Five 24.2.17

This week has been a busy one as usual, especially with our visitors being in and around the classes.  They were very impressed with all the boys and girls and the learning that was taking place- well done to the children for being so confident.

We have been continuing work on non-fiction texts this week and researching our topic through reading.

In Maths both groups have moved on from fractions and are now looking at decimal fractions.

Next week we will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday.  Please could everyone bring in a favourite book on that day.  We will be taking part in some shared reading with P3….pictures to follow!



Tuesday/Wednesday- Maths

Thursday- bring a book for World Book Day, Gym Kit

Friday- Outdoor Gym Kit

We will also be presenting our class talks next week- we are looking forward to seeing these as we know the children have been putting lots of work into them- thank you to the children who have already brought theirs in.

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig

Primary 1 w.b.20.2.17

Thank you to everyone who brought in their ‘Big Homework’ task this morning. The model dinosaurs look amazing! We look forward to hearing how they were made later in the week.
Our trip to ‘Our Dynamic Earth’ last week was very successful. The children took part in an excellent workshop learning about different dinosaurs and looking at models of fossils. We also had a chance to look around the exhibition, the children loved touching the iceberg.
This week we will be continuing our dinosaur topic. The children will be completing a poster challenge to show their learning over the term so far.
In maths we will be focusing on numbers to 20. The children will be ordering numbers forwards and backwards and finding the missing numbers in a sequence. Thank you for your help at home with this.
-Indoor PE will be on Thursday.
-Please make sure your child comes to school with a named water bottle each day.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

P5 17th February 2017

We have had a great week this week in P5 despite not being at Benmore! We have loved hearing the updates from Mr Shanks and seeing the pictures but we have also been very busy working on some special additions to our classroom.  This week we have worked on a challenge to design and create life sized soldiers complete with armour and weapons that a 13th Century soldier would have had.  We first researched the weapons that they used and made leaflets on Publisher, then we got to work creating our soldier.  We have had great fun drawing round each other and then adding on swords, axes, shields and other weapons we found out about through our research.  These have now been displayed around the classroom and some are looking particularly fierce! Next week will be back to normal timetable with reminders as follows-

Monday- spelling/ reading homework

Wednesday- Maths homework

Thursday- Indoor gym kit

Friday- Outdoor gym kit.

Remember that big homework is due week beginning 27th February.

We hope you all have a restful weekend and manage to recharge your batteries after your exciting time at Benmore!

Mrs Steel

Primary 6 22.11.16

Hello everyone

Here are some quick reminders about upcoming events in Primary 6.

Big Homework
The children have all been given a piece of big homework to complete for Friday 9th December. They are to present information about a current news story that has taken place in a European country in the form of a class talk. The children can use powerpoint, cue cards or a poster to help them to communicate their information. If your child needs any materials or support from school then they should please let their teacher know as soon as possible.

P6 Assembly
Primary 6 have begun practising for their assembly which will take place on Friday 9th December. Please note that this assembly is NOT open to parents/carers and is a school only assembly. Your child should have received song words home with them today. Please encourage them to learn the words to the song. Also, every child will have a speaking part for the assembly and this will be given home with them by the end of this week. These should be memorised by Monday 5th December at the latest. We are sure our assembly will be a great success! Thank you for your support with this.

Christmas Fair
The school Christmas Fair takes place on Friday 2nd December from 6pm-8pm. Tickets are available from the office or upon entry on the night. We would love to see as many children and parents there as possible. Please note: If your child is in the choir you do not need to pay for a ticket for them as they will be singing on the night.

P6 Christmas Party
Yes, it really is that time of year already! The Primary 6 Christmas Party will take place on the afternoon of Monday 5th December. Your child can bring party clothes to school in the morning to get changed into or can be collected at lunchtime and come back in their party clothes at 1:10pm. We are all looking forward to it 🙂

We hope this blog post was helpful at keeping you informed of what’s coming up in Primary 6. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

Primary 6 11.11.16

Hello everyone

Primary 6 have had an excellent week this week.

On Tuesday we went outdoors to do some art work. We used natural materials from the playground like different coloured leaves, berries, twigs and stones to create symmetrical pieces of art. The children worked very well together in groups and we think the finished products are fantastic! You’ll see some examples of the children’s work below.

In Outdoor PE we have began to learn the skills of hockey. This week we learned how to control and pass the ball and in the coming weeks we will be playing small team games together.

Next week we will begin work on our new topic of “A Tale Unfolds”. The children will be working in small groups to create a story that they will eventually write a script for and then perform. We can’t wait to start this project and we are sure that the finished results will be fantastic.

Your child should have brought home a copy of their latest big homework challenge. It is due in on Friday 9th December. Children should plan a short class talk about a current European news story. They can do a powerpoint or poster to accompany their talk. If your child needs any resources from the school (paper, pens, colouring pencils, use of laptop etc.) then they should let their class teacher know as soon as possible.

A quick reminder that PE days are Monday (outdoor PE) and Wednesday (indoor PE but children should also come prepared for being outdoors). Please ensure that your child brings appropriate clothing and footwear to school on these days.

Maths and Spelling homework is handed out weekly. Please look out for them on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Thank you for your continued support. Have a great weekend!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie and Mrs Kelly

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Primary 4 23.9.16

We hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. This has been a short week for us and we have begun practising for our school Harvest Assembly. This assembly is not a parent one but one for the children. Please look out for any speaking parts and help your child practise at home.

It was great to see some of you at our Residential information evening. Please if you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask us.

Next week is our assessment week, whereby children will be working in one jotter to give us a snapshot view of their abilities in all areas of the curriculum. These will be on display at Parent’s night for your perusal.

We have completed our Vikings for the frieze also. see below for the pictures as promised.





Practise assembly words

Due Friday the 30th – Spelling and reading as normal
Due Friday 21st October – We will be handing out a big homework menu sheet. We know life is busy so please choose an activity according the time you have available to facilitate your child to complete this.

P4/3 Update 13.5.16

Well done to all the boys and girls who completed their big homework task. We have displayed all our posters in the classroom and they look fantastic!

Remember that sports day is scheduled for next Thursday. P4-7 will be in the morning (this includes the P3s in our class) and we are due to start around 9.30. If possible, please send your child wearing something with their house colour along with appropriate outdoor PE kit.
Deer Park: blue
Raeburn: green
Sutherland: yellow
Waverley: red
Keep your fingers crossed for good weather (or at least no rain).

We have all been working very hard on the P4/5 show and are looking forward to performing it.

Next week homework will be spelling and reading pages. Please remember indoor PE kit on Monday.

Next week is my last week in school before I go off on maternity leave and as of Tuesday 24th Mrs Gilmour and Mrs Harris will be taking over the class for the remainder of the term.

Have a great weekend
Mrs Wallace

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