Handball Champions


Carmondean Primary School’s handball team were crowned Champions today after completing the last leg of the West Lothian Schools Handball League and finishing as league-leaders (after a very close run thing with Livingston Village P.S.).  Our team of P6 boys played magnificently and, to many compliments and much cheering, lifted the trophy. Congratulations to all team members and to Mrs Ferguson, who trained the team in an after school club. Well done, boys – we’re proud of you!

Update 21 March

Last week Primary 2 had some very special visitors. A meerkat, a racoon, a hedgehog and an enormous snake helped us learn about animals in hot and cold countries.

Indoor gym will now be on Thursday until the summer. Outdoor gym will be on Tuesday. Please could children bring appropriate kit on these days.

Both classes are now having art with Mrs Fox, the art specialist. They have begun to work on some very detailed drawings.

There will be no homework this week as it is almost the Easter holidays.

Have a great week and a relaxing Easter holiday, when it comes.

Ms Matheson and Miss Clark


Primary 3 21.3.16

Primary 3 had lots of fun at the Sports Festival on Friday at Deans Community High School. The children were working in teams playing games, practising football skills, playing dodgeball and throwing javelins. All the children showed great sportsmanship and gave 100% effort!

Tomorrow we have our Easter Egg Hunt which we are looking forward to. Children will be on the hunt for a golden egg!

We are wanting to decorate eggs and roll them down the hill on Wednesday afternoon, so could you please bring in a hard boiled egg? Thank you!


There will be no homework this week. We are attending Church on Thursday for our Easter Service.

Miss Rafferty and Miss Christy

Primary Five 18th March 2016

This week has been assessment week in Primary Five.  All work has been done in an assessment jotter. This will give a snapshot of the children’s work and the intention is that this will be repeated every term.

In Science we have been continuing work on Solids Liquids and Gases.  We have investigated the changes in solids when they are put in water and looked at which solids dissolve and which do not.  We have also done an experiment with oil and water to make our own lava lamps.

This week we started work on the P4/5 school show ‘Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies’.  The main parts have now been given out but there are still other parts to assign.  We are looking forward to starting rehearsals with Mr Platt next week.

Next week we will be doing some work on Easter along with finishing off note taking in Reading and doing some Problem Solving.

We hope you have a good weekend

Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Steel

Primary 4 18.3.16

We have started a challenge to round off our learning about Scotland and its main cities. We have been put into groups and provided with a big map to fill with information about 4 of the main cities. This  should be information for tourists and demonstrate the knowledge we have gained. I will post pictures of the finished products next week!

This week Primary six did a super job of organising Sport Relief bake sale. It ran smoothly and we all enjoyed a little sweet treat in preparation of our sporty Friday!

Primary 4 , 4/3 and 5 have also started casting for the school show. We are excited about it and are learning of the cast list today. Thank you to everyone who auditioned.

In other news, look out in Morrisons for Carmondean Primary School’s entries to the Easter competition. They are being displayed in the window of Morrisons at Carmondean and the winners will be chosen next Tuesday.


Monday: Indoor PE kit

Tuesday: outdoor PE kit

Thursday: Last day before Easter break

Homework for next week:

Due Monday 21st: Miss Smith’s Maths class – Multiplication homework

No Spelling this week.

P4/3 update

Only one more week until our well deserved Easter holiday. The boys and girls have worked so hard this term and I’m sure they’re looking forward to the break. Remember we finish up on Thursday of next week.
We will be finishing our Mary Queen of Scots topic next week and after the holidays we will be introducing our new topic of the Rainforest with a very exciting visitor. A company called Cool Creatures will be coming along to class with a variety of tropical animals, including this very large snake who also visited us last year in Primary 2.

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PE times have now altered slightly as we no longer have Mrs Ferguson. Indoor PE is now on a Monday and outdoor PE on a Wednesday.
We have started to look at our school show for this year with Mr Platt. We are all very excited about it and parts will be given out very soon.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Wallace

Primary 7 17.3.16

Hello everyone

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Primary 6 and 7 production of “Hosanna!” on Wednesday. We were so proud of all the children in P7 whose talent and commitment shone throughout both performances. We hope you all enjoyed the show 🙂

This week we have been rounding off our WW2 topic with another challenge! The children have been working in groups of 4 or 5 to create a large poster showing their knowledge of World War 2. All posters must include information on: How the war started; the political parties involved and each party’s views; the effects that the war had on people in Britain and how the war eventually ended. The children have half an hour left to complete their posters, create a presentation of their work and they then will present it to the rest of the class. We look forward to seeing the final products 🙂

As part of our WW2 topic we have also begun watching “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas”. Two of the reading groups in each class have been doing a novel study on the book this term. The children who are in these groups have been taking notes on the similarities and differences between the film and book throughout the viewing of the film. Next week the children will write up a comparison piece based on the film and the book. Next week we will also be watching “Goodnight Mr Tom” in class which the other reading group in each class has been reading this term in order to also complete a comparison piece of writing. We are looking forward to reading the children’s interesting comparisons 🙂

Some reminders –
Outdoor PE – Tuesday

Indoor PE – Wednesday (please note the new PE day)


STOP PRESS – The event described below has had to be re-scheduled and will now take place on 11th and 12 th April.

Next Monday/Tuesday (21st/22nd March) – “Home Front Histories” are coming into school to deliver an interactive workshop to the children. This cost of this will be £2 per child. Please bring this money into school for Monday. P7F may dress in period outfit/costumes/uniform for this event on Monday, whilst P7C can dress up on Tuesday.

Reading homework – No written reading homework this week. Children have instead been asked to read to the end of their reading book before next Wednesday 23rd.

Other homework – All other homework is suspended until after the Easter Holidays.

Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely Easter break when it arrives!

Miss Clark & Miss Farren

Sport Relief

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Sport Relief!

Please come dressed in sports gear and pay 50p for charity. If you want to take part in challenging a teacher during break please bring an extra 50p too!

Many thanks for all your donations for our bake sale today and for all the wrist bands your children have been buying, it’s great to see so many helping people all over the world!

Keep up the good work!

Hosanna, Hosanna!

I have just returned from the afternoon performance of our Primary 6 and 7 school show, ‘Hosanna’. Never before have I seen such professionalism and commitment to a project from staff and pupils alike. If you were there, you will, like me, undoubtedly feel really privileged to have been part of it – it was an outstanding and magical experience!  Words cannot express how proud we are of everyone who had anything to do with ‘Hosanna!’ The quality of the acting, speaking and singing was way beyond what most people think primary school children are capable of – they now stand corrected!  A huge well-done to everyone involved in something that they will remember for the rest of their lives.

Primary 3 w.b. 14.3.16

Primary 3 have had a busy few weeks! Last Monday was our Knights and Castles Assembly. Thank you to all the parents who came to support the children. I’m sure you’ll agree that the children did a great job. The children with lines spoke loudly and clearly and all remembered their lines, and the actors and actresses did a great job representing life in different rooms in a castle.
The medieval banquet on Friday was a huge success. The children looked great in their costumes and behaved beautifully! Thank you to everyone who was able to come and support the children.
This week is assessment week in Primary 3. All work will be done in a special ‘assessment jotter’. The work done this week should provide a ‘snapshot’ of where your children are in their learning.
PE times have changed as of this week. Miss Rafferty’s class will have indoor PE on a Monday and outdoor on a Tuesday. Miss Christy’s class will have outdoor PE on a Tuesday and indoor PE on a Wednesday.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy and Miss Rafferty100_2953100_2949

Update 14 March

Next week Primary 2 will be very busy.

On Wednesday afternoon we will be having a visit from an animal handler.  He will be bringing in animals that are adapted to live in either very hot or cold countries. Last year a snake, a lizard and a meerkat were seen by the children. This will be great fun.

On Thursday at break primary 6 will be holding a bake sale. Primary 2 should bring in money if they want to buy a cake. The money made from this will go to the Sports Relief charity.

On Friday everyone will be raising money for Sports Relief. The children are asked to dress up in something sporty and to bring a contribution of 50p to school with them. All proceeds will be donated to this worthwhile charity.

Have a great week.

Ms Matheson and Miss Clark


Primary 4, 11.3.15

This week we went to see the dress rehearsal of the P7 show Hosanna. Those of you who are going to see it will love the songs and the acting! Well done P7! We will be beginning our show practice next week ready for our production of ‘Robin Hood and the Sherwood Hoodies’.

We had Mrs Henry in from Morrisons yesterday giving us a taster of some Scottish foods. We tried things like potato scones, oatcakes, tablet, Ayrshire ham, scotch pies, and cheddar cheese among lots of others!  We were very adventurous with our choices and most people in the class tried everything. We then found out where each piece of food was from in Scotland.

We are looking forward to hearing the class talks over the next couple of weeks we have had power points, drawings, photographs, books and tickets as some of the materials brought in to accompany our talks. They look very interesting so far!

As of Monday our timetable will be changing slightly. We have  indoor PE on a Monday now instead of a Wednesday. Could you ensure appropriate kit be brought on this day. Outdoor PE remains a Tuesday.

Next week, we will be supporting Sport Relief. In order to do this, the P6’s who are organising will be holding a bake sale on Thursday 17th. The cakes will range between 20 and 50p. If you wish to contribute, they will be collecting baking donations next week.

On Friday the 18th to mark the event we will be having a dress down day where children should come to school dressed in sporty clothes. A 50p donation is required for dress down and all proceeds go to Sport Relief. On Friday break time, there will be a beat the teacher challenge which children can pay 50p to take part in also.


Monday 14th – Indoor PE kit

Thursday 15th – Outdoor PE Kit

Thursday 17th – Bake Sale for Sport Relief

Friday 18th – Dress down, 50p Sporty clothes

Please remember to sign homework diaries


Miss Smith’s Maths Class – multiplication homework due Monday 21st.

Reading – Please continue to read a library book or books from home to keep practising reading skills, continuing through the holidays.

Spelling as normal.

Sport Relief

Hi everyone!

Just a reminder that wristbands will continue to go on sale next week for £1, we have sold a great number this week so if you haven’t got yourself one yet you need to get in there quick!

Primary 6 will be hosting a bake sale on Thursday during break and lunch so if you are able to donate anything we would really appreciate this. Please hand in any donations to the office.

On Friday the whole school will be involved in a sporty dress down for 50p and we will be getting involved in some sporty activities also.

Don’t forget to have a look at the sport relief website to see where the money goes and who the charity helps in both the UK and around the world.

Many thanks for your support!

Primary 6 🙂

Primary 7 11.03.16

Hello everyone!

Primary 7 have had a very busy week. On Wednesday the Primary 6 and 7 children performed “Hosanna!” in front of the whole school and staff. The children performed excellently with fantastic singing, beautiful dancing and superb acting! Miss Farren and I were so proud of all of the children. Please remember that you can come to watch “Hosanna!” next Wednesday 16th March at 1:30pm or 6:30pm at the Pentecostal Church in Fells Rigg. Tickets are available from the office.

Change of timetable

As of next week our timetable will change somewhat. Outdoor PE will still be on a Tuesday afternoon for both classes. However, indoor PE times are changing to a Wednesday afternoon until the end of the summer term. Next week is an exception as due to our show performances Indoor PE will be on a Thursday (17.3) for one week only. We will remind the children of this in class. The children will also no longer have art with Ms Fox but will continue working with Mr Platt in music on a Wednesday.

Our WW2 topic is nearing its end. The children have worked very hard throughout this topic and have been enthusiastic about their learning. In order to celebrate what we have learned we have invited “Home Front Histories” into school on the last week of term for a full day interactive workshop. Miss Farren’s class will attend the workshop in school on Monday 21st March and Miss Clark’s class will go on Tuesday 22nd March. On these days children are encouraged to come into school dressed as a child in the 1940s. We are sure it will be a fun and informative day for all! 🙂

Thank you. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Farren

Children Sharing Images via Social Networking and the Internet

Parents who are concerned about their children sharing images of themselves and others online may be interested in this news item from Child Protection:

Selfie Cop is an app that can be installed on the phones/tablets of children (targeted at 8-13 year olds) and their parents to help children learn to think more about images they share.  Every time the camera is activated on the phone/tablet, SelfieCop pops up and asks the child if they are sure about sharing this image – the image will also be available for the parent carer to view.  The app is installed with the child’s awareness and permission – it’s not about spying on their activity, it’s about trying to instill good habits around thinking twice before sharing images.

Selfie Cop Website

Primary 3 7.3.16

Primary 3 had a very exciting week last week. All of the children loved their visit to Edinburgh Castle. We were greeted by Hannah who took us on a quick tour to see Mons Meg and the Great Hall. She ran a workshop with the children which was fantastic. The children got to make their own crowns, learn about the people who lived and worked in the castle and dress up in some of their clothing. We then went to the Great Hall in our costumes to get a photograph. We will showcase these at our banquet on Friday. After the workshop we were able to tour the castle- we visited the Crown Jewels and watched the One Clock Gun! It was so loud!

On Thursday the children celebrated World Book Day! We dressed up as some of our favourite characters, read books, designed new front covers, wrote our very own stories and watched a classic movie from a popular novel. Thank you for helping us celebrate World Book Day.

We have our Class Assembly today about Knights and Castles, we hope you enjoy listening to the children telling you all about what they have learned so far.

We want to welcome you to our Medieval Banquet on Friday to experience some medieval food, dance and games. Invitations will be coming home soon. We hope you can all make it!


Homework: Maths, Spelling and Reading.

Miss Rafferty and Miss Christie

Dalguise photos


I hope you have been enjoying hearing all about our exciting adventures while we were away at Dalguise.  Thank you for all the messages that were posted while we were away.  Sorry we couldn’t reply to the messages or post photos from Dalguise but the internet connection was very poor.  Here are some photos to show you what we got up to.

I hope everyone has a restful weekend after a very active week!

Mrs Muir


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