Primary 4 28.10.16

We hope you all had a fantastic holiday!

We have been busily finishing off our Viking topic this week, presenting our fantastic Big Homework pieces! I have never seen such super work, the effort with these is tremendous and we thank you so much for the time you spent with your child doing this. They have been so enthusiastic about it all and were so excited to share their work.


100_9124  100_9123


We also learned about the game the Vikings played in their spare time. Some of us even managed to make our own creative versions of Hnefatafl:




Primary 7 were also finishing their topic this week and came to read us their Japan books. We thought these were brilliant and gave them our feedback on an assessment sheet.

Next week we will be beginning guided reading whereby the children will be given a novel to read pages of at home. Please keep a look out on the blog for accurate homework updates weekly.



2 weeks until Erasmus visitors come to see our school from Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, France and Italy.

Outdoor PE kit needed on Tuesday.

Indoor PE kit – Thursday



Due Friday 4th November: Maths Homework

Spelling homework as normal

Due Monday 7th November: Reading

Miss Smith’s Class

Red group – Ch 1 and 2

Blue group – Ch1

Green group – Ch 1, 2, 3

Miss Donaldson’s Class

Red – The Karate Princess in Monsta Trouble Ch 1 and 2

Blue – Chapter 1

Green – Chapter 1, 2, 3


Primary 4 week beg 13.10.16

Welcome to the primary 4 blog,

we have had an exciting week in Primary 4. We began our week with a visit from the Vikings! We have learned lots of interesting facts about the lifestyles of Vikings. The children got to hold real artifacts, see weapons and listen to old tales about the Viking gods.





We have also had our Viking Bake Off this week. The children worked in teams to measure ingredients and follow the recipe to make Viking bread. We are grateful to Mr Shanks and Mr Grieg who came in to be our guest judging panel! They gave the children full reviews on their baking and chose a winning team from each class. All the children enjoyed this and loved taking part in this activity.



We want to thank you for attending this weeks Parent’s evenings. We hope you enjoyed looking at the children’s work and our Viking breads.
We hope you enjoy the holidays and we will see you back at school on Tuesday 25th October. We would also like to apologise for the confusion about when big homework is due. We would appreciate it if you could hand in big homework when you return on Tuesday the 25th, not the 21st as we wrote on the letter.
When we return we will be continuing library books but also introducing our guided reading novels. You should expect assigned reading each week. We would be grateful if you could support and listen to your child reading this.

Have a wonderful holiday, stay safe!

Thank you, the P4 teachers.

Primary 7 – 14.10.16

A big thank you to parents/carers who came to parents’ night on Wednesday and Thursday. We really appreciate your support to ensure the children are meeting their full potential.

On Monday we went to watch ‘The Wiz’ at Deans Community High School. The children really enjoyed it and we could see how much time and effort the high school pupils had put into the production.

We have had a week of witnessing a variety of natural disasters. The children had worked very hard to create their 3D models and many worked very successfully. We had volcanoes erupting, tsunamis flooding, earthquakes shaking and tornadoes/cyclones twisting. We were all weathered out by the end!

The children wrote fabulous newspaper reports about various natural disasters. Hopefully you had a chance to read some of these on parents’ night.

The children are working on their non-fiction book about Japan. They will be reading these books to P4 after the holiday. Some children have chosen to work on these over the holiday. We will have one session once we are back from the holidays to complete these.

After the holiday, our RME topic will be Remembrance.  If you have any photos, memorabilia or experience of attending Remembrance ceremonies and would be happy to share these with the children then please let us know.


Week beginning 24.10.16 spelling homework will be given on Tuesday but children must complete the whole week.

Wednesday 26.10 – P7W swimming and PE

Wednesday 26.10 – P7G – Maths with Miss Thomson DCHS

Thursday 27.10 – PSA Halloween disco


P1/2 week beginning 10.10.16

Primary 1/2 have had another busy week.

In maths we have been working on measure.  Primary 1 have been working on the language of measure including taller, shorter, wide and narrow.  Primary 2 have been working on measuring objects in the classroom using non-standard units.

We have been working on a class story about the Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark.  We have written our own imaginative stories and have painted pictures of him and will be learning some facts about real owls this week.

Primary 1 are continuing to work on initial sounds and are beginning to try blending these sounds together to spell 3 letter words.  Primary 2 are working on words with 4 sounds.  We have been working hard to read and spell words with some tricky sounds in the middle with real success.

We are looking forward to our parents visiting this week to see all the work we have been doing.


Have a lovely week.

Mrs Jamieson

Primary 1 w.b. 10.10.16

In language we are continuing to introduce new sounds and blending these together to make short words. This week we will be writing an imaginative story about the Gruffalo as part of our book of the week project. We will be encouraging the children to use descriptive words in their verbal description of their monster.
Today we will be taking the children on an Autumn walk around the playground and field. We will be observing the changes of the seasons and collecting signs of Autumn. Look out for some Autumn art work when you come for parents night.
This week we look forward to seeing you all at parent’s night on either Wednesday or Thursday. You will have the opportunity to view your child’s work and discuss their progress.
Please remember that next week is half term. We hope you have a lovely break.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Muir

Primary 4 10.10.16

Primary 3 are performing their Harvest Assembly today! We want to wish them the best of luck. They have been working very hard to remember lines, words to the songs and timings of when to come in. Primary 1 and Primary 2 are excited to watch or assembly!

Last week we all wrote Harvest acrostic poems. The children worked had to think of good words that linked to Harvest and matched with the letters of Harvest. We are going to share a few of them at our assembly.

The children have been learning how to add two digit numbers using the 100 square. We have been partitioning numbers and bridging. The children have also been using tens frames and tens and ones to help add large numbers.

Children are looking forward to sharing their work with you on Parents Evening.

Homework: Reading, Maths and Spelling

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 4 7.10.16

This week ended with a bang! Our Harvest Assembly and all of our hard work was a huge success.


We forgot to also show you photos of us measuring the length of a Viking long boat and pretending we were on a voyage. We couldn’t believe the length of it!!


We are looking forward to meeting parents next week for our first parent’s night of the year! If you have not yet made an appointment, you can book online.

This Monday we are going to be transported back in time with our Viking visitors. They will be showing us battles, ways of life, dress, food and treasures of the times of the Vikings. We will post photos next week to show you the types of things we got up to.


Tuesday – outdoor PE Kit

Wednesday Indoor PE Kit


Due Friday 14th: Spelling and Reading as normal (New sheets will be issued.)

Due 21st October: Viking Big Homework, see last week’s blog post for instructions.

Primary 7 – 7.10.16

Thank you to all children (and parents!) who have completed and brought in their 3D working model of a natural disaster. All models and presentations should be in school for Monday. The children will be presenting these on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week. We are looking forward to lots of explosions!

The children have been working hard in art with Ms Fox making fabric Scotty dogs and these are beginning to come to life! Some of these will be presented to our ERASMUS visitors in November.

Well done to Rebekah D in P7W for coming second in the P7 girls race at the cross country.

Next week, the book fair is in school. The children will have an opportunity to browse the books on Wednesday next week. The book fair is open at the end of each day and on parents’ night. If your child would like to buy a book, please send in the money and they will be able to buy it on any day that it is open.

We are looking forward to meeting you next week at parents’ night to discuss your child’s progress.


Spelling homework each day

Maths homework – due Thursday

P7W swimming on Wednesday

p7G working with Miss Thompson from DCHS on Wednesday


Primary 6 07.10.16


Thank you to all the children who handed in very creative and well thought out inventions to school today.  We can’t wait to look at them in closer detail! Our Inventions Showcase will be on Wednesday 12th October.  Parents and families are able to visit the P6 classrooms to view the inventions from 9:45-10:45am and 2:15-3:15pm.  Please enter and exit the school through the P4/5 entrance.

Parents’ nights are on Wednesday 12th (5-7:30pm) and Thursday 13th (4-6:30pm).  We look forward to seeing you all to discuss your child’s progress.

Please note that next week our Indoor PE day has changed for one week only. This week PE with Miss Inglis will be on Thursday.  Miss Clark’s class should not come to school dressed in their PE kit as they do on Wednesdays as our time for PE on Thursday is later in the day. Outdoor PE will be on Monday as normal.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

Primary 1/2

Primary 1/2 have had a busy week.  Last week was assessment week and we have completed lots of work to put in our new assessment jotters.  In science we have been learning about food chains and worked with a partner to make our own food chain for the wall.

We have been visiting the library and are enjoying reading our chosen books at home.  Please remember to return these on Friday so that we can choose our new book.

In maths P2 have been working on numbers to 100 and this week we will be looking at place value.  P1 have finished learning to write numbers to 10 and have been working on adding 1 more on a numberline.  We also worked on capacity using the sand and water tray.

Please remember that our indoor gym day is Monday although there will be on gym next week as the hall is being used.  Hopefully the weather will be good and we can go outside instead.

This week we will begin looking at birth customs in RME.  The children have been asked to bring in an item they received as a baby to talk about.

Have a lovely week.

Mrs Jamieson

Primary 1 w.b. 3.10.16

Last week was very busy for Primary 1! Throughout the week the children’s work was put into their learner’s journey to show their learning so far in the year. The children made a great effort in all their work and should be very proud of themselves. You will be able to see this jotter at the upcoming parent’s evening.
In Science Primary 1 have been focusing on their senses. They are aware that they have 5 senses and have enjoyed learning about the sense of smell and touch in class. We will continue looking at the remaining senses this week.
Thank you for all your support at home learning sounds and practicing number formations. Please continue to practise all sounds and numbers at home. During this week we will also be issuing word boxes with common words along with a list of suggested activities to practise at home. Children have been taking home a school library book on a Monday to read at home with an adult. Please make sure that this book is returned on a Friday, there is no need to bring it every day.
P.E. is on Monday – please remember to bring named shorts and T-shirt.
Please can you bring clean junk (yoghurt pots, plastic bottles etc) in on Tuesday to make musical instruments in class.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Muir

Primary 3 3.10.16

Primary 3 had a fantastic time at Dynamic Earth last Thursday. We went on a tour around Dynamic Earth, enjoyed our lunch and completed a Weather workshop. The children learned about extreme weather, water cycle and why water is so important to us and animals. We watched videos, completed interactive activities and conducted mini experiments.

We have started practising for our Harvest Assembly. A number of children have been given words, which they need to practise. We also have a song that needs to be practised at home too please.

Please click on the link above.

A huge thank you and a big well done to all the boys and girls who handed in the weather mobiles. They were all fantastic! All the children were able to showcase their weather mobiles to the class. A number of them are now being displayed in our classrooms.


Harvest Assembly words, Reading, Maths and Spelling

P.E for P3R- Tuesday and Thursday

P.E for P3S- Tuesday and Wednesday


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 4 30.9.16

This week, we have completed our Assessment week. Children have tired their hardest to show their capabilities across the curriculum and for this week we have worked in one jotter, to give a snapshot of what they are capable of. We stressed the importance of neatness and best work and these jotters will be available to look at during Parent’s evening.

We also discussed and have been planning our ‘big homework’ for this term. Please see attached if your child has lost their sheet.

Our assembly is next Friday, please continue to practise words at home. Just a reminder, that this assembly is for the rest of the school, and is not a parent assembly.


Tuesday – No PE due to a hall slot for practising a run through of assembly.

Thursday – Indoor PE kit.


Due: Friday 7th October – Spelling and Reading as normal

Maths homework for both classes. Please see diary or sheet for more information.

Due 21st October – Big homework homework-big-menu

Primary 7 30.09.16

Lots happening in P7 this week! Natural disaster models are beginning to be created and children are working hard on this. There is a variety of profiles being written – some on PowerPoint and some on displays. Well done for all of the hard work at home and in class! A reminder that this is to be completed by Friday 7th October.

In reading the children are creating a non fiction book about Japanese life. If you have any information, pictures or items they could include then please send them in so that they can be part of their book.

Unfortunately due to circumstances outwith our control, the Sportshall Athletics has had to be postponed. The children who were chosen to attend this will do so at a later date. Information about this new date will be sent home once it has been confirmed.


School photos – individuals only on Tuesday 4th




Natural disasters profile and 3D working model


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 6 – 29.9.16

Hello everyone

We have just arrived home from a fantastic trip to New Lanark today. The children all represented Carmondean extremely well and thoroughly enjoyed the day’s activities. Please keep an eye on the School Ethos (posted to this blog weekly) to see some photographs from our trip. The children were treated to a guided tour of New Lanark, visited the historic school house and went on a ride exploring New Lanark’s past. We will explore what the children learned further next week through creating “Trip Advisor” style reviews of their experience!

This week both classes have been furthering their knowledge in maths. The children have been learning about 2D shape and place value in number lessons. Please ask your child about their knowledge at home. Homework is handed out weekly so please look out for this also.

Please remember that this term’s Big Homework is due in next Friday (7th October). The children are to design and create their own inventions that can assist, develop or aid people in the 21st century. The children will display their inventions at an “Inventions Showcase” the following week. Parents will also be invited and you will receive letters about this event shortly.

Dates for the diary

Wednesday 5th October – P6 Cross Country Event. All to attend. Children to bring packed lunch and warm comfortable clothing suitable for running outdoors in any weather.

Friday 7th October – Invention Homework due in.

Wednesday 12th October – Invention Showcase: Parents will be invited to one morning session or one afternoon session. A letter will follow with full details.

Parents night 1: 5:00-7:30pm

Thursday 13th October – Parents night 2: 4:00-6:30pm

Friday 14th October – October Holidays begin.

Thank you for all of your support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie

Primary 2

We have had a really busy start to the year and everyone has settled in well.  A few weeks ago, Granny Peggy joined our class to help us learn about when she was a little girl.  We have learned about the games she played and what her house was like.  We have been surprised at how different things are now and can’t believe that she wouldn’t have known about Pokemon!

This week we will be learning about transport in the 1950s and continuing to make our own teacups in art.  They will be wonderful!

At the moment indoor gym is on Tuesday and outdoor gym (weather permitting) is on Thursday. Please bring appropriate kit on these days.

Mrs Muir and Ms Matheson



Primary 1 w.b. 26/9/16

We hope that you enjoyed your September break last week. Last week we focused on revision of all sounds learnt so far. The children are working hard at both saying and writing these letters. We hope you can continue to support your children to recognise these sounds in everyday words.
The children have been practising their number formations up to 10 and will be continuing to focus on the language of number (e.g. more than, less than).
A photographer from the Courier was at school on Wednesday morning, so look out for our primary 1 stars in the newspaper!
Thank you for your continuing support.
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Muir

Primary 3 26.9.16

Primary 3 are looking forward to their first trip this week. We are off to Dynamic Earth on Thursday to learn more about the Weather and explore different types of weather around the world. Can we please remind everyone to have their forms and money handed in asap.

In maths we have been doing lots of addition using the 100 square. We have been using different strategies to add numbers, such as 10, 9 & 11 and 19&21. We would recommend the children to continue using this skill at home, with a 100 square. We have also been doing lots of work on Data Handling and are hoping to use these skills to create graphs to explain data gathered from rain fall and temperature.

BIG HW is due tomorrow and we are looking forward to seeing and hearing all about the children’s weather mobiles. We are sure they will make an attractive addition to our class displays.

Guided reading will continue as normal this week. The children are becoming more familiar with the guided reading set up and beginning to work a little more independently on written tasks.

Primary 3 have their Harvest Assembly coming up in a couple of weeks, so we will be asking a number of children to learn some lines and songs for the assembly. These will be handed out shortly.





BIG HW– due Tuesday 27th September

P.E– P3R Tuesday

P3S Tuesday and Wednesday


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

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