Choir Performs @ St. John’s Hospital

Our choir performed at St. John’s Hospital again this year to raise money for charity. In one hour, they raised £124.85, a fantastic total. Well done everyone.  Listen for yourself to the quality of this choir – watch out Gareth Malone!

Primary 4 16.12.16

We hope you all enjoy the holidays as next Wednesday is our last day of school. We have been hard at work right up until the end of the term, working on our Erasmus project, learning about Scottish Folk Tales. We created water colour paintings of the setting, summarised the story and created collages of the characters. We also looked at Scottish words and wrote definitions for each.

We enjoyed the Panto yesterday, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The scenery and costumes were amazing, as well as the acting! It got us onto the festive spirit.

Next week we will continue our Health topics, road safety and alcohol awareness. We will do a few winter crafts and activities and have the church on Wednesday afternoon also, so if you wish to bring money for the collection, please do.

We will also be making sure we are ‘winter ready’. If you have not yet looked at the blog explaining how to access activities should there be a snow day, make sure you do. Children will be taught how to access this next week in class.

Thank you for all of your support in the last two terms.

Have a fantastic Christmas and see you all in the new year.

Happy Holidays!

Miss Smith and Miss Donaldson 🙂

Primary 7 @ DCHS

Our Primary 7 pupils put on a sparkling performance of ‘This Christmas Time’ at the Deans Community High School Christmas Concert last night. The audience gave our children an excellent reception and, as you will hear, provided rapturous applause at the end of the song. Well done everyone.

Primary 7 15.12.16

The last two weeks have been really busy in primary 7!

We have been busy rehearsing for the concert at Deans High School which is tonight. The children had a practice on the stage and they are sounding wonderful. A reminder that children should arrive before 6.45pm in the foyer at the front reception.

In PE we have been learning ceilidh dancing – Gay Gordon’s and Dashing White Sergeant in preparation for our disco on Monday 19th December. The disco finishes at 8pm and all children must be collected by an adult.

In outdoor PE primary 7 have been creating playground games. They taught these to primary 1 and a great time was had by all. We used the Ipads to film the playground games and these recordings will be sent to our ERASMUS partners and the children in those countries will play our games.

Miss Thomson from the maths department at DCHS has been working with P7W for the last two weeks focusing on mental strategies and decimals. She also showed us how to make a 3D snowflake and some children have been making these in their own time. It is looking very wintery in the classroom!

In school today the children will be watching the pantomime with their P1 buddy. I’m sure they will tell you all about it when they get home!

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Primary 1 and 1/2 Nativity


Primary 1 and P1/2 gave two blistering performances of their Nativity play, ‘Christmas Counts’, today. The audience were treated to two other performances before the main event: music played on tuned percussion by the after-school Music Club, and two excellent performances by our school choir. However, the real stars of the show were our P1 and P1/2 children who demonstrated their acting, singing and dancing abilities. Well done to everyone involved.

Primary 2 update 14.12.16

We hope you enjoyed the P2/3 show last week.  We certainly did and we are very proud of the children- they put such a lot of effort into preparing for the show which was fantastic.  Thank you for all your support with helping with lines and finding costumes.

Christmas Party – Friday 16th.

This Friday we have the P2 Christmas party at 10am.  Children should come dressed in their party clothes if they would like to wear them.

On the last day of term (Wednesday 21st) we will be going to the Church for our Christmas service.  There will be a collection so if you would like to contribute to the collection, please send some money in with your child.

Lastly, all homework has stopped now until after the holidays.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Mrs Muir and Ms Matheson.


Primary 6 13.12.16

Hello everyone

Primary 6 are enjoying getting into the festive spirit throughout the last week. As well as our Christmas Party the children enjoyed watching the P2/3 Nativity and the P1 Nativity. Well done to all of the Primary 6 children who took on narration roles at both the P2/3 Nativity and the Nursery Christmas Concert. They were a fantastic help to staff and pupils.

This week we will be working more on our “A Tale Unfolds” Topic, learning more about script writing and stage direction. We are looking forward to filming more soon! This topic will carry on into the New Year and we look forward to finishing our film.

A letter should have been sent home with your child on Friday detailing costume requirements for the P6 Assembly which is this Friday. If your child has no clothing suitable for their role please ask them to let their teacher know and we will try to accommodate them in school. On Thursday the children are looking forward to watching a pantomime that is visiting the school. The children also have the opportunity to attend the local church next Tuesday to partake in a variety of activities related to the Christmas story. The session is entitled: “Bubblegum and Fluff!”

This will be the last blog post of the year. School will resume again on Wednesday 4th January for another busy and exciting term. Next term we will finish our “A Tale Unfolds” topic, start to learn about the Titanic and take part in the P6/7 School Show.

We hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you again in 2017!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie and Mrs Kelly

Pupil Winter Ready Survey


If our school is closed due to extreme weather conditions, learning and teaching will still carry on through our School BLOG.

To find instructions for using the BLOG for this purpose, click the link below:


Please fill in the online form by clicking the link below to let us know if you are ‘Winter Ready’:


Primary 3 News!

Morning all!

What a lot of fantastic superstars we have! The boys and girls did an amazing job with the Nativity and thank you for all of your support with line learning and costumes etc. We are really looking forward to our Christmas Party tomorrow afternoon. Children are allowed to bring in their party outfits to change into after lunch. We will also be watching a pantomime on Thursday morning to get us into the spirit of things.

Homework is still as normal for this week. Spelling is a mix of all patterns learnt so far and maths is a mix of addition and subtraction. Reading will also continue as normal but next week there will be no homework.

Have a good week!

Mrs Smith & Miss Rafferty

Lights, Camel, Action!

Today, our Primary 2 and Primary 3 children put on two very professional performances of their Nativity Musical, ‘Lights, Camel, Action!’. Both performances were greeted with astonishment that children so young could actually produce this kind of quality on stage – but they did!  TWICE!  Both audiences were treated to a festival of recitation, song and dance which not only re-told the Christmas Story in a fun and inventive way, but also entertained hugely. A big ‘thank you’ to all staff, teaching and non-teaching, who played a part in the success of the venture. An even bigger ‘thank you’ to the children who entertained us so well by their total commitment to the project – they were truly sensational. Thanks are also due to Mr Platt and Mrs Scobie for their musical contributions at both performances. ‘Lights, Camel, Action!’ is yet another in the long list of musical triumphs for Carmondean PS, brought about by our superb children.

Primary 6 7.12.16

Hello everyone!

We hope you’re all having a good week. Primary 6 have had a fantastic week so far. On Monday we gathered together for our Primary 6 Christmas Party. We listened to lots of Christmas music, played some festive games, danced the Dashing White Sergeant and ate some delicious party food. We hope everyone had fun 🙂

We have been continuing to practise our P6 Assembly which is next Friday. A letter will be sent out shortly about clothing the children may need to bring in to wear for the assembly. You will receive a paper copy of this letter later on in the week and it will also be posted on the blog. We appreciate your support.

In RME we have begun learning about the Christmas story and the symbols associated with the Nativity story and the Christian religion in general. The children are beginning to understand the importance of symbols in our everyday life and are about to embark on the challenge of creating a symbol that represents our class – stay tuned for more! 🙂

A quick reminder of our new PE days:
Monday – Indoor PE
Thursday – Outdoor PE
Children should come prepared appropriately for both PE sessions.

Have a great week!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

Primary 1/2 week beginning 5.12.16

Primary 1/2 have been working hard on our Nativity play this week and its starting to look really good.  We are looking forward to performing for our parents next week.

Last week we were learning about houses round the world.  We learned how Innuit people build an igloo from snow and also learned how houses stay cool in hot countries.

In Maths we were learning about 2D shapes.  Primary 2 are very good at recording how may edges and corners each shape has.

Last week we made our snowman soup for our Christmas Enterprise and were very pleased to have sold all of it.  It was lovely to see so many of you at the Christmas Fair.

This week we will be writing letters to Santa and also beginning our Christmas RME project.

There will be no new homework this week but Primary 1 should continue to practise their key words and sounds.  Primary 2 should practise number bonds to 14 and continue to play spelling games.


Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson


Primary 1 w.b. 5/12/16

It was great to see so many of you at the Christmas Fair last Friday. Thank you for coming along to support the school.
This week Primary 7 children will be teaching their buddies traditional playground games as part of our ERASMUS+ project. The Primary 7s will be recording the games to send to our partner schools across Europe.
In maths this week we will be focusing on recognising and continuing patterns using 2D shapes, symbols and colours.
There will be no formal homework given out in the run up to Christmas, however, we will still be sending homework folders home. Please continue to practise key words and sounds with your child.
If your child has been asked to bring in any clothing to supplement their nativity costume please bring this in as soon as possible.
Thank you
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver, Mrs Muir

Primary 3 News

Morning all!

The festivities at Carmondean have officially started with the children enjoying their Christmas dinner last week followed by the Christmas Fair. Although times have been allocated for certain festive activities our timetable is pretty much still in place! Our focus in Maths this week will be an end of topic assessment looking at subtraction and we will also be looking at various patterns in our 2,5 and 10X tables so that they can easily be remembered. Our spelling focus is still the ‘ay’ pattern but words are slightly trickier this week so make sure the children are using ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check’ when writing them out each night. Our big news this week will be Wednesday where you will get to see all of your little stars in the P2/3 Nativity, ‘Lights, Camel, Action!’ Performances will be held at the church at 9:30am and 1:30pm. Looking forward to seeing you all there!


Maths: Timestable focus

Spelling: ‘ay’ words

Reading: As indicated in their diaries

We will also be practising our Christmas dancing for our party which takes place next Tuesday afternoon, 13th December.

Have a good week!

Mrs Smith & Miss Rafferty

2nd December 2016

This week we have been busy completing the Christmas Fair Enterprise products for the Christmas Fair tonight.  There will be a variety of things on sale at the Enterprise Zone including tea lights, bracelets, keyrings, baubles and much more.  Come and have a look at all the things we have made at our stall in the P6 classroom tonight.

Thank you to the children who have volunteered to help at the stall tonight-check homework diaries for the time they have been given.

Next week the Christmas fun will continue with our Christmas Party on Friday morning! Children can come to school dressed in their party clothes as the party will run from 10am onwards.

Our block of FUTSAL has now ended.  The children really enjoyed learning new skills through this and outdoor gym will resume W/B 12th December after the Christmas Party.

Reminders this week

Monday- Spelling and Reading homework

Thursday- PE kit (Miss Inglis)

Friday- Christmas Party 10am

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr Greig and Mrs Steel

Primary 7 02.12.16

Another busy week in Primary 7!

The children have been working hard on their Enterprise activities for the Christmas Fair. Hopefully you can come along to the Christmas fair tonight and see them in action!

In PE the children have been creating playground games for their buddies. Next week they will be teaching their buddies how to play these games.

Mr Anderson from DCHS had another practice with all the children and they are sounding fantastic! The children are getting excited about singing at the high school on Thursday 15th December.

P7 assisted in the smooth running of the Christmas lunch. They served the children from P1 to P6. Then the adults in the dining room served the P7s with their lunch.


Christmas Fair – Friday 2nd December at 6pm

PE days have changed to a Monday and Tuesday – please ensure that your child has kit on these days

Children should continue to bring in their My Life So Far folder on a Thursday


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour



Primary 4 1.12.16

Welcome back to the primary 4 blog,

This week we have been continuing to learn through our Enterprise Topic. We have created persuasive pieces of writing to sell our products. We focused on language used to persuade buyers and thought of creative slogans and phrases.

We have also been filming our adverts for our product. We worked in groups to create a script and used the iPads to film the final adverts.

We have also worked hard to make our enterprise sweet bottles. We began by decorating them, then we filled them before finally quality checking them in our job roles. We are selling these at the fair for £2.00. A big thanks to everyone who has supported our class enterprise by allowing the children to buy their products. The children were very excited at the prospect of buying what they had made.

This week we are going to the Handball Festival. We are excited to play with other school teams and we have been practising hard and are keen to show what we have learned. (Please ensure that your child has indoor P.E kit with them for this.)

We will post photos of this on next week’s blog.

Finally Christmas Fair day has arrived!!! We are excited to hear that so many of you are planning on attending and we hope to see you there. Please come and join the fun as there will be plenty to see and buy.


Outdoor PE Kit – Tuesdays

P.E is changing – P.E will now be on Wednesday afternoons (please bring indoor kit)

We will also be getting art on Wednesdays with Miss Fox


Reading homework (please see attached timetable on previous blog)

Spelling as normal


We hope to see you on Friday between 6-8pm,

The Primary 4 teachers

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