Wet and Muddy

After arriving safely at Benmore, we met our instructors and had a tour of the house. Next, it was time to get ‘suited and booted’ in the distinctive red waterproofs from the Benmore equipment store and, by this time it was pouring with rain, so we really needed them.

We are in three groups and each group went on a different forest walk before coming back to the centre to make our beds – oh, what sport !!! After a dinner of fish and chips and chocolate gateau we just had time to get ready or our Night Walk. Now, it’s time for bed. Thanks to everyone who has sent us messages. The children will get them in the morning. And so, to bed …

P5 @ Benmore


Primary 5 set out today on an exciting adventure at Benmore Adventure Centre. As you can see, the accommodation and surrounding grounds are quite spectacular and offer views of Benmore itself.  Provided we can get a reliable WiFi signal or mobile phone signal (a real problem last year), we’ll keep you in touch with events as and when they happen. If your child is going on the residential experience, why not send them a message through the BLOG by clicking the ‘Responses’ link. Bon vacances, Primary 5.

Primary 2 week beginning 6 February

On Friday last week we all had a wonderful surprise when some fire-fighters arrived in Primary 2. First the fire-fighters showed us their uniform, including their helmets and breathing apparatus. Then they were able to answer all our questions about what it is like to be a fire-fighter. Finally, and best of all, we all went outside to see a real fire-engine. We were all surprised by the number of hoses a fire-engine has and how big their special scissors are. We were even allowed to climb into the fire-engine. It really was a lot of fun.

Our work on hot and cold countries is going well. We have learned that Barney Bear is going to a very cold place, Norway. We spoke about the kind of clothes you would need in a very cold place and even designed our own suitcases. Barney Bear will be writing to us to tell us about his trip.

Parent’s Evening is on Tuesday 7 February at 5.00 pm and on Wednesday 8 February at 4.00 pm. We look forward to seeing you then.

As I am sure you remember, this coming weekend is a long holiday weekend. The children will not be at school on Friday 10 February,  Monday 13 February or Tuesday 14 February.

Have a fantastic long weekend.

Ms Matheson and Mrs Muir

Primary 1 w.b. 6/2/17

Primary 1 are now well into their dinosaur topic. Last week the children learnt about the triceratops. They researched information from a video, wrote a fact file and created a triceratops mask using a paper plate. We look forward to showing you all this work at parent’s night! This week we will be learning about the pterodactyl.
In maths, the children are continuing their work on subtraction. The children are using number lines, cubes and fingers to help understand the process of taking a number away and this week we will be learning the facts of 4 and 5. We have also been revising the numbers 0-20 during our maths lesson. The children have made huge progress reading these numbers and finding the number before and after.
* P.E. is on Thursday. Please make sure that your child comes prepared with a PE kit and indoor shoes.
* Parent’s consultations are this Tuesday and Wednesday.
* Please return your form for our trip to dynamic earth as soon as possible.
* Big homework went home last week. Please bring your finished dinosaur model to school on the 20th of February.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 7 – 03.02.17

Hello from Primary 7,

We started the week with a Scottish flavour with our Scots afternoon with invited guests. The children helped to serve the food and clear away the dishes. Some also had to chat to our guests which they were very good at! A good time was had by all our visitors and they left with a very good impression of Carmondean primary.

The children had another session with Mr Shanks investigating the programme Kudo. Please ask your child about what this entails as I am sure they will be very excited to tell you!

In writing the children were creating Propaganda posters. They were looking at different slogans and pictures that were used and have created their own. Look out for these on parents’night as they are fabulous!

We had our first official literacy circles session on Wednesday. Unfortunately some children had not completed their homework. For literacy circles to work properly all children need to complete their homework each week. They are given a week to complete their homework task which is plenty of time.

It has been assessment week in school and the children have completed assessments in a variety of curricular areas. You will have the opportunity to look over these to see your child’s progress from last time at parents evening.

On Monday a visiting PE specialist will be working with the children. They will hopefully be using the large apparatus and gymnastics equipment. Please ensure your child has appropriate PE kit!


Spelling homework

Maths homework

Tempest Photography in on Tuesday 7th February

Parents night – Tuesday 8th Feb and Wednesday 9th Feb

Valentines dress down day – Thursday 9th February

Friday – Holiday!



Primary 4 3.2.17

This week we have been working hard in our assessment jotters to show our abilities across the curriculum.  These will be in pupil trays  this week at Parents’ Evening, and hopefully you will be able to see the progress your child has made between October and January.

We have started to look at electricity in Science. We are looking forward to building our own circuits and making different components work using batteries and wires. This week, we began by looking at electrical safety. The children’s knowledge on this was good and we had an excellent discussion. One thing we need to investigate is how birds can touch electricity wires without being electrocuted.

Next Monday, you will see your child’s spelling words and format changing. Children will still receive spelling words to be studied at home, however these will be based on a different sound each week.

This sound should be learned, and words should be written out across the page in look, cover, write and check format as normal. Activities will be expected to be completed alongside twice a week. This will show the children’s ability to transfer their understanding of the words, and knowledge of the spelling rule.

As of next Tuesday for four weeks, P4S will have another session of indoor PE on a Tuesday. Please ensure children have kit on this day. Reminders will  be written in homework jotters.


Parents’ Evenings take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. Both primary 4 classes currently have student teachers. The student teachers will be in the room during the parent consultations in order to learn from them. If this is an issue, please do not hesitate to make us aware beforehand by contacting the office.

Tuesday 7th – Indoor PE kit P4S

Wednesday 8th – Indoor PE kit both classes

Thursday 9th – Outdoor PE kit P4D

Dress Down Day run by P.S.A – Please come dressed in love hearts, pink or red, or even just your best                              outfit on Thursday and bring 50 pence as a donation. All money raised will go towards providing                                      resources for the school.

Friday 10th – Holiday


Homework due Thursday:

Children with their class talk information sheets due this day.

Spelling homework.

Reading homework plus one activity.

Primary 6 1.2.17

Hello everyone!

Primary 6 have enjoyed a very busy week so far. On Monday the children researched and created character profiles for their given passenger who was on board the maiden, and only, voyage of the Titanic. Today the children were able to develop their facts and created a biography of their Titanic passenger. The children worked extremely hard and we are very pleased with the results.

In Science, we have begun learning about The Human Body. Children learned about the main organs, their functions and locations inside our bodies. The children are looking forward to learning more about the different systems of the body including the respiratory, digestive and nervous systems.

On Monday and Tuesday we explored the celebration of Chinese New Year. Children explored the traditional story of Chinese New Year and some also created cards for family and friends in the lucky colour red. A big thanks to Cameron (P6C) who even taught some of us how to write and speak in mandarin!

On Monday, the school held its annual Burns Afternoon. As part of this we sang “You’re Welcome Willie Stewart” and Daisy and Aleigha recited their winning poems. A group of P6 and 7 pupils from the Senior Challenge Group organised and ran the whole afternoon. A huge well done to them for planning such an excellent and well received event!

This week is Assessment Week which means that children have been completing all of their work in a special assessment jotter. The children have been working extremely hard to complete their best work. Please look out for these jotters in your children’s jotters next week when you are in school for parent consultations. These will take place on Tuesday 7th February 5-7.30pm and on Wednesday 8th February 4-6.30pm. You can book your appointments online or through the school office.

This week, P6C have been given their new reading books. Each group should have read Chapter 1 by next Monday (Chapters 1-3 for the blue group) when we will start Literacy Circles. The children will be given a homework booklet on Monday with one piece of homework to complete each week for the following Monday. Please look out for these novels and booklets in your child’s homework folder beginning on Monday.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie

Primary 3 31.01.17

Primary 3 have been given a big piece of homework to completed by Thursday 16th February. Children are allowed to use a variety of materials but must clearly show the key features of a castle. (more detail on homework sheet)

This Friday we have been invited to a Sports festival! The children will be taking part in a number of sporting activities and it has been advised that they wear warm clothing (jogging bottoms, jumper and a coat) Children should come to school dressed in their kit as we will be out all morning.

In Maths this week we are introducing the 4x table. Could you please encourage your child to practise thier times tables at home as they will be required to know their 2,3,4,5 and 10 times table to help them solve fractions and  solve division questions.

We have recently set up a shop at the back of our class to help the children put their money skills that they have been learning to the test. We have also set up a role play corner based on knights and castles. We have recently purchased a castle tent and dressing up costumes. These were funded by the PSA. Primary 3 would like to say a big thank you!!

P.E is as normal

Spelling and Maths homework is due Friday

Big Homework is due 16th February

Thank you, Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 1 w.b. 30.1.17

Primary 1 had a very busy week last week.
In maths, the children have started learning about subtraction. We have been looking at the concept of taking objects away and this week will begin to complete written sums. As part of this learning, we are revising numbers 1-20. The children are putting the numbers in order on a number line and are finding the number before and after. Any work you can do at home to practise numbers 1-20 will be helpful for your child.
In science we have begun learning about electricity. The children were very interested to learn and talk about the dangers associated with electricity in the house. We all created safety posters which you will be able to see at parent consultations.
This week we will be continuing our work on dinosaurs. We will be researching and writing about the triceratops. We will also begin our next topic in health, looking at medicine and how to keep our bodies safe.
P.E. – outdoor PE is on a Monday and indoor PE is on a Thursday.
Homework – today a ‘big homework’ task will be going home in your child’s homework diary. Please check your child’s diary for more information.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 2 30 January 2017

We had an exciting week last week as we went to the official opening of the new school hall.  It is so big and we can’t wait to have our PE lessons in it!

This week we will be starting our new topic – ‘Hot and Cold Countries’.  We are sure that the children will love all the learning in this exciting topic.

We’ve enjoyed learning about the emergency services and to finish our topic we will be having a visit from the fire brigade on Friday.  We will post some pictures next week!

Next Tuesday and Wednesday are our parents evenings and we are looking forward to seeing you then. Appointments will be released soon.

Thank you for your continued support,

Ms Matheson and Mrs Muir.

Primary 1/2 week beginning 30.1.17

Primary 1/2 have had another busy week.


We have been learning about Scottish traditions.  We have learned how to make porridge and enjoyed tasting it.  On Wednesday we had our own Burns Supper where we ate haggis, tatties and neeps and sang Auld Lang Syne.  We also designed our own tartan and drew thistles using pastels.  On Friday we wrote super descriptions about Nessie.  We are looking forward to taking part in the Burns concert for our visitors this afternoon.

Our new gym day this term is Thursday please remember to bring gym kit and a water bottle that day.

We are hoping to make some small model houses for our Island of Struay wall frieze this week.  Some children have already brought in some small boxes.  It would be appreciated if we could have some more by Wednesday.


Have a lovely week Mrs Jamieson

Primary 7 27.01.17

The children have been working very hard in Primary 7 this week.

Congratulations to our group of P7s who attended the Sportshall Athletics and the results mean we are through to the next round. They are now training to attend the Regional Final for Sportshall Athletics on Wednesday 22nd February at Meadowbank Stadium. They will have training on a Monday and a Thursday after school. Good luck, you will do us proud!

The groups are continuing to work on their dance routines. They will also have to think about the audience, costume and lighting. Be prepared for any unusual requests from the children around what they may need.

On Wednesday the school attended the opening ceremony of our new hall. The choir sang beautifully and DCHS mini pipe band played everyone in.

We are continuing to learn the songs for our show Alice the Musical. please help the children learn these words at home. Those with a script should continue to learn their words. We will start practicing the play after the February holiday.

Both classes will be working with Mr Shanks for the next few weeks on Kudo. This will involve designing their own computer game. How exciting!

P7G have their final week of swimming today. This has been a very successful transition block for both classes. Next week all children will need outdoor PE kit on the Friday.

In class the children have been working on their personal project about WW2. They will have to work on this at home. Please continue to send in any artifacts or memories that you may have around this time.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Spelling homework

Continue to work on My Life So Far



Primary 4 27.1.17

Well done to all children who made a great effort with learning their Burn’s poem. The poems this year were very difficult as we are now competing in a Burn’s competition.  We had two overall winners from P4, well done to Ryan McKie and Joe Johnstone. A super effort, however, was shown by all participants. Thank you for your hard work!

We have been looking at the work of Glaswegian artist, Charles Rennie MacIntosh, and the children have impressively recreated his famous rose smbol.


We have started our Health topic on how to look after our body through sensible food choices, and drawing attention to the energy we receive from the foods we eat. The pupils have found this extremely interesting and prepared a healthy snack using their knowledge.


Next week is Assessment Week, whereby all of our work will be completed in one jotter to give a snapshot of our capabilities across the curriculum. This will be in the trays for you to have a look at during Parent’s night.

Please remember to book appointments for Parent’s night via the online system.

We have had instances lately whereby pupils have taken home clothing in error. Please ensure children’s names are on clothing for PE and for school in general.

Could you look at home for a pair of blue joggers which have the child’s name on them. Also a pair of black 9-10 or 11-12 joggers from George and Age 9 white T-shirt from Tu at Sainsbury’s. 


Wednesday: Indoor PE kit.

Thursday: Outdoor PE kit.

Friday: Class talks for those who have been given the guidance sheet.

Spelling as normal.

Reading – 1 chapter plus chosen activity.

Maths – Activity for both classes.

Primary 6 26.01.17

Happy Thursday!

P6 have had a very enjoyable week this week. In maths we have all begun to learn about fractions. The children have been working hard to share their prior knowledge with others. We are now beginning to find fractions of both shapes and numbers. Soon we will be working on equivalent fractions too. Please ask your child about their learning.

This week we had our very own Burns Supper! We had the chance to try haggis, vegetarian haggis, cheese, oatcakes and shortbread. Our haggis was piped into the classroom and Mr Woodward recited “Tae a Haggis”. Mrs Wylie also gave the “Immortal Memory”. Max read out the Selkirk Grace before we ate and we sang “You’re Welcome Willie Stuart” and the traditional version of “Auld Lang Syne” Our favourite part of the supper though was when Logan, Gregor and Tyler read out the boys “Toast to the Lasssies” and Luci replied by reading the girls “Toast to the Laddies”. The boys and girls split up into different classrooms to write a collective speech to the lads and the lassies. The aim of the speech was to compliment each other but was also meant to be a bit cheeky! Mrs Wylie & I thought the final results were marvellous!

We are continuing to work hard on our Titanic topic. We will begin work on our classroom wall display on Tuesday, painting the characters we have been given thinking carefully about the types of clothing first, second and third class passengers would have worn.

Mr Woodward has begun working with Miss Clark’s class. He will be teaching P6C about The Bible in RME, Human Body in Science, more information about The Titanic and much more.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

Primary 3 Sports Festival

Just to let you know that there is an error on the school letter regarding the Sports Festival for P3. It is NOT taking place tomorrow (27.1.17) it is actually taking place next Friday 3rd February.

Children can come to school in their PE kit, we would advise they wear tracksuit bottoms, a t shirt and a fleece or jumper and suitable trainers. They do not need to bring their school uniform.

If you have any queries please do get in touch with us or the school office.

Many thanks,

Mrs Smith & Miss Rafferty

Vision, Values and Aims Consultation

Paper copies of our newly re-vamped Vision, Values and Aims document will be arriving by pupil post any day now. We would be indebted if you could read the document and give us feedback on it. You can do this on the paper copy itself, or by clicking the link below to complete the form online. Thank you for your help – it will help us to improve our school.

Vision, Values and Aims Consultation

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