First Day Almost at an End

After arriving safely at Dalguise, the children are now safely ensconced in their rooms.

Our Groupie’s name is Meg and she’s teaching the children lots of fun songs and games as well as leading them in the various activities. We began with a tour around the site and were shown many of the locations for the week’s activities. We are in 4 groups called, The Champions, Savage, the Pink Fluffy Unicorns and the some other kind of Unicorns that I can’t remember. Dinner was a great success followed by a trip to the tuck shop. Rightwill  now, the children are playing a hide’n’seek game in the pitch dark called ambush. If we ever find them, they will be due to go to bed after hot chocolate around 9.30. Here are some photos of the day’s activities.

Primary 2 update 27 February

Primary 2 had a very busy week last week and our visitors were really impressed by the hard work and good behaviour.

In maths we were using grid references to position items from cold counrtries. We also made posters with a partner to teach primary 1 about 2D shapes. In writing we all wrote imaginative stories about a snow monster. They were fantastic stories with describing words in them. In art we made cold collage pictures in the style of French artist Matisse. The children worked very hard to cut all the squares the correct size to make the pattern.

On Thursday it is World Book Day. It would be great if the children could bring in their favourite book to share with the class. We will also be doing shared reading with primary 4.

Have a great week.

Ms Matheson and Mrs Muir

P1/2 Week beginning 27.2.17

Good morning from P1/2

Last week was the busiest week ever.  We had our HMI inspection and our children were very excited to welcome the inspectors to our class.  The children were very well behaved and worked hard throughout the week as always creating a very good impression so well done to you all.

Last week Miss Miller joined our class.  She is a student from Edinburgh university and will be working with us till the summer.

In topic last week we were learning about the effects of the weather.  We talked about how different types of weather affect us.  We also learned about different weather symbols and produced our own weather forecasts.

In Maths primary 1 were learning to order, count and recognise numbers to 20.  Primary 2 were learning to measure the area of objects.  they enjoyed completing a challenge to see who could make a kite closest in area to 20 counters.

In writing we learned about the legend of the Kelpie and have started writing our own stories.  We also made Kelpie stones out of clay.

On Thursday it will be world book day.  The children have been asked to bring their favourite book to school that day to share with the class.

Remember to bring gym kit on Thursday.


Have a lovely week.

Mrs Jamieson

w.b. 27.2.17

Last week Primary 1 had a great week consolidating their learning on dinosaurs. The children created a dinosaur land map in groups of 2 and 3, they then learnt how to program bee bots to travel over their land. The children also completed a critical skills challenge creating an information poster about a dinosaur in pairs.
In maths the children have been learning about numbers to 20. Last week they practised ordering numbers and finding the number before, after and between. This week they focus on counting out sets. Thank you for your help at home with this.
This Thursday is World Book Day. Please can your child bring in a book from home on Thursday for a primary 7 to read to them.
PE is on a Thursday, please remember to bring a PE kit to school.
Some children don’t have indoor shoes to wear in class, please ensure that your child has shoes which fit.
Library books will be given out on a Monday. This only needs to be returned on the Friday. Class reading books should be brought to school everyday.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 3 News 27.2.17

We had a great week, last week, showcasing Primary 3’s learning to our visitors. The children were fantastic and we could not have been prouder of our school!

This week we will be organising World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March. We will not be dressing up but we will be sharing our favourite books with other classes so if children can remember to do that on Thursday and bring in a favourite story to share that would be great!

Homework this week will be spelling and maths as usual and although our reading focus has changed in class, children will still be bringing home a group book to read with you.

P3S need PE kit on a Monday and Tuesday

P3R need PE kit on a Tuesday and Wednesday

Next week we will be preparing for our P3 Assembly on Monday 13th March at 9am so please pencil the date in you diary as we would love to see you there!

Have a gook week!

Mrs Smith & Miss Rafferty



Primary Five 24.2.17

This week has been a busy one as usual, especially with our visitors being in and around the classes.  They were very impressed with all the boys and girls and the learning that was taking place- well done to the children for being so confident.

We have been continuing work on non-fiction texts this week and researching our topic through reading.

In Maths both groups have moved on from fractions and are now looking at decimal fractions.

Next week we will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday.  Please could everyone bring in a favourite book on that day.  We will be taking part in some shared reading with P3….pictures to follow!



Tuesday/Wednesday- Maths

Thursday- bring a book for World Book Day, Gym Kit

Friday- Outdoor Gym Kit

We will also be presenting our class talks next week- we are looking forward to seeing these as we know the children have been putting lots of work into them- thank you to the children who have already brought theirs in.

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig

Primary 4 week beg 27.2.17

Welcome back to the Primary 4 blog!

We have had a very busy week with lots of visitors to the classrooms. The children were super at sharing their learning, giving tours and taking part in discussion groups.

We have been continuing with our Scotland topic. Using our topic mind maps the children chose questions to research in more depth. They have been working in groups to become experts and will teach the other children about what they have learned.

We were also very lucky to have a visitor from Morrison’s, she brought in traditional foods from Scotland for us to taste and find out where they were produced.


In P.E this week our children took part in a Wimbeldon Tennis tournament. The children all had different roles and jobs to take on during the tournament.The children really enjoyed showing off their tennis skills!

Next week is world book day! This is on Thursday. The children will be taking part in a variety of reading tasks then. They will also be pairing up with the Primary 2’s to do some shared reading.


Please bring in your favourite book and a cushion on Thursday for world book day!
Spring disco letters

Class talks

P.E kits:
Tuesday and Wednesday

Primary 7 – 24.02.17

It it the end of a very busy week with our visitors.

Throughout the week the children in Primary 7 spoke to our visitors on all aspects of school life. The visitors were very impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and knowledge of their learning.

On Monday and Tuesday the children participated in a World War Two day organised by the Military Museum Scotland. The children took part in quizzes, they got to dress up in military uniform, try on gas masks and look at a variety of memorabilia from WW1 and WW2. The children thoroughly enjoyed the day and increased their knowledge and understanding of aspects of WW2. Well done to all the children who made the effort to dress up in a range of outfits from the 1940s. They looked fantastic!

Well done to the Sportshall Athletics group – they have been training hard the last few weeks and finally participated in the competition. Carmondean were the winning school from West Lothian and they came 9th overall. A commendable effort by all.

Miss Thomson from DCHS came to work with Mrs Gilmour’s maths set on Wednesday. They investigated fractions, decimals and percentages, and worked through a range of tasks. Miss Thomson will be visiting Miss Wilson’s maths set next Wednesday.

The children are continuing to work on programming using KODU. They have made a racing game and they will get to evaluate a class mate’s game next week.


Next week is the last week for after school clubs

Spelling homework

WW2 Personal project

My Life So Far


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Primary 1 w.b.20.2.17

Thank you to everyone who brought in their ‘Big Homework’ task this morning. The model dinosaurs look amazing! We look forward to hearing how they were made later in the week.
Our trip to ‘Our Dynamic Earth’ last week was very successful. The children took part in an excellent workshop learning about different dinosaurs and looking at models of fossils. We also had a chance to look around the exhibition, the children loved touching the iceberg.
This week we will be continuing our dinosaur topic. The children will be completing a poster challenge to show their learning over the term so far.
In maths we will be focusing on numbers to 20. The children will be ordering numbers forwards and backwards and finding the missing numbers in a sequence. Thank you for your help at home with this.
-Indoor PE will be on Thursday.
-Please make sure your child comes to school with a named water bottle each day.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 3 20.2.17

Primary 3 have been very busy at home completing the Big Homework piece. We are both so pleased with everyone’s efforts, use of resources and imagination when building and constructing their castles. We had castles in all shapes and sizes. We had castles made from cardboard, plastic, play dough, lego and even chocolate! All children were able to present their castles to the class and they are now on display in our classrooms. Well done Primary 3!

In maths we are beginning to investigate fractions. We have been learning about a half and a quarter of a shape but this week we are going to be learning about a half and quarter of a number. We will be using lots of concrete materials to help support the children’s learning.

In writing we are making our very own fact files about knights and castles. The children have been learning note taking skills and have been putting these to the test by taking notes from topic books, websites and videos. Children are then going to use these notes to create a mini fact file with headings, pictures and sentences. We will display them once they are complete.

Futsal this week will be taking place outside. So could all children bring an OUTDOOR P.E kit on Tuesday.

Reading will continue as normal this week and the children will have spelling and maths homework to complete for Friday.

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

This week in P6

Hello everyone

We hope you had a lovely week.

This week Primary 6 have been continuing to rehearse for the P6/7 show “Alice in Wonderland”. Rehearsals are going very well so far and we are pleased that children have been practising their lines. We are now practising on the stage in the new hall and look forward to you seeing the performance in March. Please remember that it is expected that all children attend both the afternoon and evening performances. If there is a problem with this can you please let the school know as soon as possible, thank you.

The children have been continuing to work on their Titanic Fact Files in class. Children may also choose to bring these home to complete. You will find the criteria sheet inside their poly pocket. Please note this project is due in on the last week of term before the Easter Holidays.

In Health, the children have been learning about how to keep safe in different situations. Next week we will discuss peer pressure, the impact it can have on people’s lives and different strategies that we can use to avoid risky situations.

The P6 residential Dalguise is only 2 weeks away! Can all children who are attending this residential please make sure they hand back residential rules form and EE2 form (blue letters) to the school as soon as possible. If your child needs to take any medication to Dalguise a separate form will need to be filled out. Please contact the office for more details.

In PE we will be focussing on the skills of touch rugby whilst in the school hall. Outside, we will be creating new playground games for younger children in the school. Please remember that our PE days are Monday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor) and that children should come properly prepared for both sessions.
Indoor PE Kit – shorts/trousers, t-shirt, indoor shoes
Outdoor PE Kit – old trousers, t-shirt, warm jumper/hoodie, trainers (no school shoes please).

Please also remember that indoor shoes must be worn by all children during time in the classroom/PE halls.
Thank you for your support with this.

Reminders for next week:
P6C – reading homework due Monday 20/2
Maths – Class dependent
All – spelling homework due Friday 24/2
All – outdoor PE will take place on Friday for one week only.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

Primary 4 week beginning 20.2.17

Welcome back after our short February break. We hope you a had a lovely time.

We would like to thank all the parents and carers who attended parents evening. We would like to remind anyone who could not make it to feel free to make an appointment at another time that is more convenient.

This week we have started to look more closely at the features of non-fiction texts. We will be continuing to learn about them and use them in various lessons across the curriculum. If you have access to any books at home, please ask your child to teach you about their features.

We have continued to learn about electricity in science and have been experimenting with conductors and insulators this week. Next week we will be planning to build our own homes with working circuits in them.

Next week we will also be learning about comic life in I.C.T. We are hoping eventually, to create our own comics we made when we were learning about D.C Thompson and Dundee using the Comic Life software.

We are looking forward to having lots of visitors in our school next week and showing them all of our hard work.

Reminders for 20.2.17

Homework –
Maths sheet
class talks (if applicable)

P.E Kit
P4S – Tuesday and Wednesday
P4D – Wednesday and Friday this week

please ensure your child has a label on all items of clothing.

Thank you for your continued support, Miss Donaldson and Miss Smith.

Primary 7 – 17.02.17


We hope you all had a lovely long weekend!

This week primary 7 have been practising their show using the stage in the new hall. The children have been working really hard to learn their lines and song words. It is all sounding wonderful!

In French the children have been looking at greetings and conversational language. They have been asked to practise these with their friends and share their learning at home.

Next week primary 7 are having a WWII day in school where a mobile museum will come and set up in the hall. The children will get to see memorabilia and learn a lot more information! Primary 7W will enjoy this experience on Monday and Primary 7G on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, the children selected to attend the Sportshall Athletics will go and represent Carmondean Primary School. We know they will do their best and make us proud. A letter will be coming home with times of buses today.


Spelling homework

Literacy circles

WWII day P7W – Monday 20th

WWII day P7G – Tuesday 21st

Sportshall Athletics – Wednesday 22nd

PE – Monday and Friday for P7G

PE – Tuesday and Friday for P7W


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

P1/2 week beginning 13.2.17

Primary 1/2 have been busy again this week.


We have been learning about positional language and using the Beebots to make journeys round the classroom.  We have made a large map of Struay and next week we will be using the beebots to make journeys round the island.

In Health we have been talking about how we feel when we are ill and how medicine helps us.

For topic we have started looking at the weather.  We have talked about different types of weather and have begun to talk about how the weather affects us.

We have been learning to tell the time using an analogue and digital clock.  Primary 1 have been learning o’clock times and Primary 2 have been learning half past.

Please remember to bring gym kit for Thursday.

Have a lovely week


Mrs Jamieson

P5 17th February 2017

We have had a great week this week in P5 despite not being at Benmore! We have loved hearing the updates from Mr Shanks and seeing the pictures but we have also been very busy working on some special additions to our classroom.  This week we have worked on a challenge to design and create life sized soldiers complete with armour and weapons that a 13th Century soldier would have had.  We first researched the weapons that they used and made leaflets on Publisher, then we got to work creating our soldier.  We have had great fun drawing round each other and then adding on swords, axes, shields and other weapons we found out about through our research.  These have now been displayed around the classroom and some are looking particularly fierce! Next week will be back to normal timetable with reminders as follows-

Monday- spelling/ reading homework

Wednesday- Maths homework

Thursday- Indoor gym kit

Friday- Outdoor gym kit.

Remember that big homework is due week beginning 27th February.

We hope you all have a restful weekend and manage to recharge your batteries after your exciting time at Benmore!

Mrs Steel

Primary 2 17.2.17

We hope you all had a great long weekend.  It’s been a short week in school but we’ve still managed to fit lots of learning in!

We’ve started our new topic – Hot and Cold Countries.  We’ve been learning all about animals in cold countries, how they keep warm and how they use camouflage to help them.

We really enjoyed our last topic on the Emergency Services and the highlight was probably our visit from the fire brigade (see photos below).

On Monday P2Mu have our assembly.  We’re really looking forward to seeing you then.

Yesterday we visited the library and everyone has chosen a book to take home.  The books should be return on Monday 27 February.

Please remember PE kit for Wednesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor).  Also, please could you make sure your child has indoor gym shoes for class and takes a bottle of water in every day.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Muir and Ms Matheson.


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Wet and windy



It was a really wet and windy morning here at Benmore. Those groups who were cycling were advised not to take cameras in the morning, but the afternoon group had much better weather.


Thankfully, the climbing and abseiling were indoors. Disco to look forward to this evening and they’ll all be home before you know it tomorrow. The young man at the top of the page would like some feedback on his ‘helmet hair’! It’s usually perfectly coiffed. All embarrassing comments welcomed.

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