P5 Trip to Bannockburn

P5 had am amazing day yesterday at the Battle of Bannockburn visitors centre.  We learned all about the armour and weapons that would have been used in battle in the 13th Century and we loved trying them on and pretending we were fighting in Robert the Bruce’s army! The guides were excellent at sharing tactics the armies used for battle-which prepared us for when we entered the We were also treated to a fabulous (and slightly scary) 3D experience where we felt what it would have been like to be fighting in the battle of Bannockburn.  Then we were taken to the battle room where we used everything we had learned to recreate the battle of Bannockburn.  Finally we got the chance to go outside to the real battle site and feel what it was like to be part of a schiltron.  We had a great day and it was a great way to learn about part of the Scottish Wars of Independence.     

Primary 4 10.3.17

In P4S last week we used our knowledge of fractions to play fun games online. We have enjoyed learning about fractions and in our number talks, we are becoming more confident in explaining our strategies.

We have been busy practising for our Scotland assembly. We have songs, acting, poems, power points, dancing and history included.  Our assembly is on Friday 17th at 11.30 in our brand new hall. We hope to see you there.

It was our last week with the students from West Lothian College teaching us a variety of skills in P.E. We want to say a big thank you for their time and input.

We learned about Burke and Hare in our topic time. We learned about medical instruments used by  people during this time. We also learned a poem:

Burke and Hare they were a pair

Killed a wife and didnae care

Then they put her in a box

and sent her off to Dr. Knox

Burke’s the butcher, Hare’s the thief

Knox the boy who buys the beef.



Outdoor PE – Tuesday

Red noses on sale all week £1

Remember to learn song words and script words

Friday – Assembly at 11.30 for parents

Thursday 23rd – Earth hour – come to school in bright clothes, glow sticks on sale.

Friday 24th – Comic relief – dress up as a red nose or wear red, black and white. (more info to follow)




Reading plus a task

Learning words for class assembly

Primary 3 News 13.3.17

First of all, a massive thank you to those of you who were able to come and watch our assembly this morning! We think you’ll agree that the boys and girls were absolute stars! If you weren’t able to make it, don’t worry as we will be hosting a Medieval Banquet in the school lunch hall on Friday 24th March at 11am. The children have been busy planning their invites and they will be handing them to you this week. They will only be able to invite one person and don’t forget to send in a costume for your child to wear.

We will be setting a ‘Drawbridge Challenge’ this week for small groups to carry out in class. To do this we need some junk sent in from home: cereal boxes, toilet/kitchen rolls, small empty packets, empty water/juice bottles etc. We are looking to start this on Wednesday.

Next Tuesday 21st March we will all be heading to Edinburgh Castle, most of this takes place outside whatever the weather so please send your children in to school with waterproof jackets, sensible shoes, hat, scarf and gloves as well as a packed lunch, snack and water bottle. Please send in the orange form we handed out last week with your child’s medical information attached.

Futsal will be taking place tomorrow for all of P3 but from next week PE times will change:

P3S: Kit required on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

P3R: Kit required on Monday and Tuesdays

Maths Homework focus this week is on time: Half past the hour and O’clock

Spelling Homework: ‘aw’ words Please can children write a detailed sentence each night to help them with their writing

If you have any questions about any of the above, you know where we are!

Have a good week!

Mrs Smith & Miss Rafferty

w.b. 13.3.17 Primary 1

This week we have started our new ‘Enchanted Forest’ topic. The children have already created a fantastic display in our classroom and are looking forward to learning about woodland creatures and forest life.
As part of our ERASMUS project we will be learning about Italy this week. We will be sharing our learning with our partner schools across Europe.
Last week in maths the children learnt about fractions. They were able to talk about sharing equally and could find a half and quarter. This week we will be looking at numbers to 20, comparing size and finding odd and even numbers. Please continue to practise counting forwards and backwards to 20 at home.
We will be continuing our new homework format which was started last week. If you have any questions about this please don’t hesitate to ask.
On Wednesday we will be taking the children to the local woods to look at trees and woodland animals. Please ensure that your child comes to school with a waterproof coat and appropriate footwear.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver



We are more than happy to report that our Carmondean PS team were the Runners Up in the West Lothian Euro Quiz, and offer our congratulations to Lowport Primary School who were the eventual winners. All teams worked particularly hard for this event and success is not easy to come by.


Sample questions:

When did the European Economic Community legislate for equal pay between men and women?

Which country celebrates ‘Queen’s Day’?

What is the group name for the meeting of all European Union heads of state?

… see, it’s not that easy!

Primary 7 – 10.03.17


This morning we are off to DCHS to take part in the Hurricane challenge. We will give you more details of how we got on next week.

We are continuing to practise for our school show, Alice the Musical. The children have been working very hard learning their lines and the songs. Please continue helping them with these and I’m sure we will have a fabulous show! Please can you send in all costumes as soon as possible. Thank you.

The children had their last dance rehearsal in PE and they will be performing their dance to P1s and the rest of primary 7 on Tuesday.

PSA Spring disco was a great success. The children had a great time dancing their socks off!




Spelling homework

Maths homework

Practise songs

WW2 Project due Friday 17th March


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour



Primary 2 Update 6 March

Well done to everyone who has brought in their animal model homework. The children have made models of ‘cold country’ animals including penguins, polar bears and seals. They are all fantastic and the children have enjoyed sharing the interesting facts they found out with the rest of the class. If your child has not brought their homework into school yet, please could they do so as soon as possible.

Last week, as part of world book day, we had a shared reading session with primary 4. Both primary 2 and primary 4 remarked on how enjoyable this was. We hope to do more linked activities with primary 4 at a later stage.

The children have all been given details of a class talk they will be giving in two weeks time. The talk will be about an animal, either a pet or a favourite animal. The talk should last about one minute and the children will be asked questions by their peers at the end. The children could write their talk down if they will find it easier. The children should practise their talk at home so they know what they are going to say. Your help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Please ensure indoor gym kit is brought to school on Wednesday and outdoor kit on Thursday.


Have a great week.

Ms Matheson and Mrs Muir

P1/2 Week beginning 6.3.17

Good morning from P1/2

Last week we started a Science project looking at energy.  So far we have learned about light energy and electricity.  We have also talked about keeping safe when using electricity.  We will continue working on energy this week.

We have our class assembly on the 20th of March and will be starting to practise this week.  Keep a look out for assembly words which we might need some help with at home.

A big homework task has also been given out this week.  It is about Scottish animals.  A leaflet explaining what to do will be in homework packs today.  Big homework is due in on Monday 20th March.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson



Primary 1 w.b. 6/3/17

This week our homework is changing. Your child will no longer have a key word box in their homework folder. Instead, your child will have a yellow ‘reading words’ jotter with a list of words they need to know for their reading books. Please encourage your child to learn these words over a number of weeks. We will test the children on these words regularly and highlight the words they know. Your child will also have a blue spelling homework jotter in their homework folder. This includes a ‘time you climb’ worksheet. Each child will have a number of words to learn using ‘look, say, cover, write and check’. We will be going over how to do this in class with the children, however, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
In maths this week the children will be learning about fractions. We will be finding half and a quarter of a shape. Please continue to practise counting to 20 at home as we will be continuing this after our fractions topic.
This week we will conclude our dinosaurs topic and begin learning on the ‘Enchanted Forest’. The children will be learning about forest creatures and will be taking a visit to the local woods.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 3 06.03.17

Primary 3 have their Parent Assembly next Monday so we have lots to do in preparation. Children will be learning their lines, singing their Three Brave Knights song and practising small drama pieces. There will be no spelling or maths homework this week. We look forward to showing you all our assembly on Monday.

In maths we are finishing up with money and moving onto time. Please encourage your children to read and tell the time with digital and analogue clocks. We have also been doing lots of work with fractions- finding a fraction of a shape and number.

In writing we are using our imaginations to write a short story about a dragon living in a castle. Children made their dragons out of clay and used them to help write their description of their dragon. This week we are creating a backdrop for our dragons to help us describe where our stories are going to be set.

Futsal will run as normal on Tuesday in the hall so indoor P.E kits are required.

P3R- P.E Wednesday

P3S- P.E Monday

Please continue reading as normal this week- page numbers and chapters will be written in diaries.


Miss Rafferty & Mrs Smith

Primary Five 3rd March 2017

This week we have been presenting class talks about life in the 13th Century- Well done to everyone who has done this so far.  Some of these may need to be carried over to next week but we hope to have them all completed by Monday.

We have been continuing our Topic of Scottish Wars of Independence and we are really enjoying learning about how the wars started-next week we will be looking at William Wallace and the role he played in the wars.  On March 14th we will be having a  class trip to the Bannockburn Visitors Centre.  This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn more about their topic in fun and interactive ways, including trying on some of the armour that soldiers may have used and taking part in a mock battle.  Letters should reach parents today- we are asking for two parent helpers for this trip so if you are available and have a disclosure please get in touch with the office.


Monday- Spelling Homework

Tues/Wed- Maths

Thurs- indoor PE

Fri- Outdoor PE

Thank you for your support

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig

Primary 4 week beginning 6.3.17

This week we enjoyed World Book Day. We were excited to share our favourite stories and pair read with the Primary 2’s.

This week we are beginning to practise our assembly for parents and carers. We are going to have lots of different roles in the assembly and we hope to see you there. Please keep a look out for any lines your child may have and help them to learn them. The parent assembly is on the 17th March. More information to follow nearer the time.

We are also beginning to focus our learning on Edinburgh in our Scotland topic and will be learning about some of Edinburgh’s most infamous characters. In reading we will be continuing to learn about the features of non-fiction texts and using the information to answer questions.

In ICT we will be continuing to create our own comics using the Comic Life software. This will involve a variety of ICT skills including use of the web cam to capture images of ourselves acting, following our story lines. We will include some of these in the blog in a few weeks when these are finished.

A date for your diaries is Fri 24th March, where we will be dressing in bright coloured clothes for Earth Hour.


Spring Disco – Thursday 9th March

Earth hour 24th March – bright clothes

PE Kit – Tuesday and Wednesday indoor for P4S

Tuesday indoor and Wednesday Outdoor for P4D



Due Friday 10th:

Maths homework

Reading – one chapter and an activity

Spelling as normal

Learn assembly songs and words

Class talk if it is your turn

Primary 7 – 03.03.17


We are pleased to report our Inspectors were very impressed with our school and children, you should be very proud of your children!

The children have been practising hard this week for the school show – Alice the Musical. Please can you help them to learn words and songs as from next week the children will not be using their scripts.

Miss Wilson’s maths set had a visit from Miss Thomson from DCHS. She was very impressed with the children’s knowledge and understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages.

It was World Book day yesterday and P7 read books with their P1 buddies to celebrate. We are hoping that this will become a regular occurrence.

Next Friday the children will be going to DCHS for a transition activity – The Hurricane Challenge. More details to follow.



After school clubs have now finished

Spelling homework

Maths homework

Continue to learn songs and scripts for school show

Continue to work on My Life So Far

WW2 Personal Project

PSA Spring Disco – Thursday 9th March – please send money in an envelope


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Early Start @ Dalguise

We’re all up and raring to go already. We have to be packed up, beds stripped and dressed for activities before Breakfast at 8.00, so it’s all hands on deck – some more willing and awake than others! Two more activities for each group, then it’s lunch and the journey home. See everyone later.

Parents/carers please note. Children will be released from the new Main Entrance to the school, not from the staff car park. Parking by parents/visitors in the staff car park is not allowed by West Lothian Council.

Last Full Day @ Dalguise

Our last full day at Dalguise has been like all the others – full on, full of energy and full of exciting activities! Today we have been tree climbing, zip-wiring, fencing and Sensory trailing. The children are, at this very minute, getting dolled up for the disco which is due to start in 45 minutes. Oh the hyperness that is abounding! Anyway, here is a selection of pictures from today’s activities to whet your appetites until your loved ones can come home tomorrow and tell you the whole grizzly tale.

Wednesday @ Dalguise

Another great day at Dalguise with all groups involved in a whole variety of different activities. The weather has been fabulous, if a little chilly, but it has allowed us to do so much. The Giant Swing was very popular, while the trapeze was quite challenging but very enjoyable. Some groups had a Sensory Trail and others a Nature Trail. Most got absolutely manky doing the challenge course, so I hope there’s a goodly supply of Persil available when we eventually get home. Tomorrow promises another exciting day when some of us will try Fencing and the

Zip Wire. Everyone is behaving well and sleeping well – thank goodness. More tomorrow.

First Full Day @ Dalguise

We have had a very full day here at Dalguise with 4 full-length sessions having been completed by everyone. From Quad-biking to Abseiling, Vertical Challenge to Archery, we have certainly had our ups and downs. The children are getting ready for a game of Live Cluedo right now and Ms Clark, Mrs Spence and Mrs McLean have all been roped in to play characters. Bed will be at 9.30 and we expect to hear lots of snoring by 9.35 – or else! More tomorrow when we have Giant Swing, Trapeze, Problem Solving, Challenge Course and a Sensory Trail to look forward to. Thank you everyone for all your great comments – the children love to hear them in the morning before breakfast.

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